Chapter 3-2

Chapter 3-2

A Chapter by Shep

Chapter 3-2

It wasn’t long before they all arrived at the pond, considering it was only half a mile from the farm. They didn’t own the property, but Mrs. Collins was the one who held the deed in her possession and others around the area. They would know, considering they had tried to purchase it frequently, but she had refused to sell it to them. In fact, she tried to buy their farm many times, but like her they had refused to sell and the same went for many of the farmers and their farmers. If she could, she would have liked to buy the whole Santaquin county and evicted every hillbilly farmer that she considered nothing more than a lowlife with infectious disease.

When they arrived, they felt welcomed as their rest of the family and friends greeted them. The fact like them, they were all naked didn’t seem to register in their minds. Well, except for Steve, He was still wearing his overalls, other than that, he had nothing else on. Other than maybe a pair of boxers, that EJ could see poking out long the side, but no one excluded him from the group.

Instead, they extended a warm welcome, embracing him with open arms. To Steve’s surprise, not only his wife Loraine but also her two aunts Mary and Lizzy, and Wayne’s wife Martha and Kollie’s wife Renee, had left their clothes behind. Making him the odd duck among them all. He decided right then and there to take a risk. Watching him going behind the bushes and came out wearing nothing but a smile other than a red, embarrassed face, but that seemed to fade. Noticing that no one cared.

After unloading everything from the wagon and a quick dip into the pond. The women quickly went about setting dinner on the quilts. EJ took the time to reflect on his life as the memories of this place reformed in his mind. Thinking of all the things that had happened to him over the last summer. He realized that some parts of his memory were missing. He could remember everything as if had happened yesterday, but the moment he tried to go back further there was a block placed somewhere in his mind. It bothered him more and more than he kept trying to push the block away. He could remember the Steeds and things after that. Some pleasant memories, but soon things spiraled out of control. Things looked very grim soon after he came home. That’s when things went wrong more than wrong, deadly wrong. Yet soon after, in fact, right at this very spot, it was when he met the Downings, and that moment changed his life forever. Including his little brother Danny’s.

In an instant, something shattered within him, and a long-forgotten memory resurfaced. Danny lost his life, and the weight of not being able to save him burdened his conscience heavily. If no intervention occurred, he would endure his parents’ abuse for nearly twenty years, which caused his death. Gasping for air, the weight of the words like a punch to the gut hit him. The weight of his guilt would ultimately consume him as EJ whispers, “No, why didn’t I save him?” It was then that he realized that not only had his brother passed away, but he had also met the same fate yet would be years later. His mind still held the intertwined specifics of how and when, like a web waiting to be unraveled.

Despite the difficulties, he pressed on in his search for answers, compelled by the faint crack of light that beckoned from within his mind. It was as if a dam had burst, and all the emotions and thoughts came flooding back in an instant. The thought of the Five keys of Destiny lingered in his mind as he continued his search, each key representing a different aspect of his true goal and why he was here. The name of someone called The Dark Prince sent shivers down his spine, evoking an air of secrecy and dread.

A sudden arrival disrupted the stillness, as another figure and another name emerged, carrying the potential to restore balance and ignite a flicker of hope. The resonance of the name filled the surroundings as it was spoken, creating a powerful and enduring presence. The White Solon: EJ knew without a doubt someone needed to become the White Solon to set things right, but the answer to whom this person was not clear to him, and he was out of time, and he knew it.

EJ barely had time to turn around before his parents stormed in, their eyes filled with anger. As his two sisters glared at him and his brother Danny, their pointed fingers revealed their obvious intentions to everyone. In his parents’ hands, the black knives with golden serpent handles served as a visual warning of the danger they all faced. The world around him fell into a hushed silence as his father’s voice erupted with fury. Yet strangely, he didn’t hear it, as the world around him fell into a hushed stillness, as if time itself had come to a stop.

He let out a piercing scream, his hands tightly gripping his head as the pain grew stronger. Helplessly, he could only watch as his plate of food slipped from his grasp, the sound of the contents splattering onto the ground echoing in his ears. The deafening roar of gunfire echoed in his ears, throwing him off balance as the stench of gunpowder invaded his nostrils. As he tumbled through space, he could feel his consciousness slipping away, like a fading light before everything turned black.

As he traveled back through time to where his journey had begun, EJ felt disoriented when he found himself in a windowless and doorless hallway that defied logic. He wore worn-out rags, a torn striped, red-blue pullover t-shirt that had seen better days, faded jeans with large holes in the knees, and was barefoot. It was the same outfit had worn when he was in here last time.

With his heart racing, EJ’s eyes darted to the remaining door, its rapid closing speed causing a wave of alarm to wash over him. The door loomed in front of him, a tangible representation of the cherished memories and beloved family and friends patiently awaiting his entrance on the other side. With the rush of old memories, he realized the door slowly creaking shut; the sound sending a shiver down his spine. In the blink of an eye, the door vanished, as though it had never existed, and long with it everything and everyone he held dear was gone. He screamed, “No, Please I need to go back,” but his words went unheard.

The old man, with closed eyes and a heavy exhaustion, lay next to him. The weight of his life’s struggles was clearly on his shoulders. As he continued to gaze, a wave of remembrance washed over him, bringing back details of the old man and his own past. As he looked at the old man, a sense of certainty washed over him - this was his future self, a reminder of what he needed to avoid. Time would imprison them, trapping them in a never-ending loop where they could never move forward or backward, leaving them suspended, frozen in time forever. With each shallow breath the old man took, he soon grew stronger with each passing moment. He looked down towards the old man, seeing a set of keys in his right hand gripping them for dear life as if to prevent someone from stealing them.

EJ could vividly recall the weight of the keys in his hand, their cool metal pressing against his palm, each one whispering stories of the doors they had opened. The uncertainty gnawed at him as he remembered how he wandered aimlessly through these halls, desperately seeking the answer that lay just beyond his reach. The keys had a specific design for the door, which mirrored the one that had closed and vanished. As he struggled to stand, he realized his own helplessness, as though the weight of the old man’s presence had rendered him motionless. There was an anticipation in the air, as if something or someone was waiting for him to take action and ignite a chain of events.

He knew that going back was not an option. However, it didn’t mean another door would open for him, leaving him feeling trapped and unsure of what to do next. The questions were where. And when he would re-find himself, and most importantly what waited for him behind that door. Then there was the biggest question: what was it going to take for that to happen?

It seemed like a lifetime had passed. EJ still didn’t have the answers as he shifted through all his memories. The old memories only made things worse, which was not promising, considering the outcome he desired. He needed to prevent that from happening, so he and the man beside him wouldn’t remain trapped without hope. He had to change his destined path to avoid becoming that man. Yet what could he do? Not only had the door he had entered through closed, but it had also vanished, leaving no trace behind. And to his dismay, no other doors had revealed themselves. The man beside him with the keys seemed immovable, clinging onto them as if he had been in a prolonged state of sleep. He had tried shaking him awake, but it only resulted in further exhaustion.

Just as he was about to give up, he noticed a bright light emanating from down the hall, signaling a significant change. As EJ hesitated, his curiosity grew stronger, that it compelled him to separate from the old man on the floor. Despite his reluctance, he stood up, feeling a pang of attachment but acknowledging his limited range. Every previous attempt to wander off had encountered resistance, as an unseen leash held him back from straying too far. It didn’t mean he couldn’t check it out. With a sense of hope, he gathered himself and started towards the light that beckoned him, realizing that at this point he had nothing to lose. Being trapped with the old man was worse. So, EJ took the risk and walked towards to where he saw the strange light. The weight of the leash was burdensome the further he got, but he pushed on, knowing that he could go maybe ten, maybe twenty more feet before having to turn back.

Upon his arrival, the unexpected sight of someone greeted him patiently, waiting for him. Memories of the man from his past flooded back to him. It had been years since he had seen him, and the shock of discovering he was still alive was overwhelming. It was his great Uncle Mike, his oldest aunt Margaret’s husband. The question of consumed his mind how and why he ended up here, especially since he had only died a few weeks ago.

Unexpectedly, a man emerged beside him, prompting a rush of memories that confirmed their profound connection - his adored grandfather. The memory of his grandfather’s funeral haunted him, and he could still visualize the solemn procession and the sight of his lifeless body being committed to the earth. It served as a painful reminder of his parents’ neglect as they callously dumped him at his first foster home the very next day. All that remained were worn-out clothes, a stark reminder of his isolation and losing everything meaningful to him. As the sound of their car slowly faded away, it echoed in his mind, mingling with the haunting image of his parents’ expressions and the feeling of being left behind with no comforting gestures or tears of regret.

The way they treated him, with their disregard and apathy, left him with a profound sense of insignificance. That wasn’t the only instance they had shown him; however, it was in that moment that he truly grasped the significance. They were fearless, their confidence unbounded, knowing they had the freedom to do whatever they pleased. They wouldn’t hesitate to take his life and dispose of his body in a dumpster or ditch, secure in the belief that they could escape punishment now that his grandfather was no longer around to intervene.

Despite his happiness at seeing his grandfather again, a lingering question persisted in his mind: what was the purpose of his presence here? Why were they both here, in this perplexing and unknown place, to begin with? EJ couldn’t resist the pull of his grandfather’s open arms, which exuded a sense of comfort and love that he remembered. With tears streaming down his face, he leaned against him, allowing his grandfather to wipe them away, all the while listening attentively to the stories of what he had experienced since his absence.

Even though he knew that his grandfather and great uncle Mike had undoubtedly witnessed those experiences, neither of them ever confirmed it. Granting him the space to unburden himself and share what’s been weighing on his mind. As time passed, he found peace, and he could feel the heaviness in his heart gradually dissipating. The moment had arrived to confront the purpose of their presence, and a sense of urgency filled the room.

His grandfather calmly kneeled beside him, placing him on his knee like he used to do when he was a live and waited for him to ask the reasons, he and his uncle Mike were here. At first, he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear the answer, but what choice did he have, other than being stuck here forever? No, he needed answers. Regardless, if he didn’t like those answers.

As soon as EJ broached the subject of why they were here, he braced himself, expecting an uncomfortable discussion, only to discover it was surprisingly pleasant. The thought of death as a doorway sparked their excitement, fueling their dreams of endless possibilities and intellectual expansion. Acting with good intentions was the key to receiving the reward of great significance and finding love, happiness, and peace, while malicious intent would only lead to disappointment.

Regrettably, his parents held the position at the farthest extreme of the bad scale. A different reward awaited them, one that they wouldn’t find pleasant, but it was well-deserved. Instead, their actions would cause punishment, and they would have to endure endless torment until they paid their dues and sought forgiveness.

As soon as the words formed in his mind, his grandfather seemed to expect his question, his eyes twinkling with understanding. By stating that yes, he and his uncle Mike had died, but their souls had transcended into the Light. He had to elaborate on the concept of what the Light was and what it truly meant, and he finally understood that the meaning of the Light represented love and truth. Which also meant finding no lies or hidden faults hoods and most important that being full awakened. That meant their eyes were open to see the truth and not the world of lies and hidden shadows that people refuse to see or hear, and they will believe impossible could be possible. Finding out that was the gods themselves that have granted them a place among them. It was their job to watch over the worlds and realms. Intervene, when necessary, like now?

His grandfather got serious as he came to the part EJ knew he would not like, but he was on a rock in a hard place and had nothing to lose. He had already lost everything he cared about. Plus, he had no intention of becoming lost in Time nor worst become the old man that would be him if he didn’t intervene. He mustered up the courage and asked his question, taking a leap of faith. “What is it you want me to do, grandpa? Let’s lay all our cards on the table.”

His grandfather and uncle Mike laughed, although EJ was being serious. Yet he had to admit it was a little bit funny. But EJ wasn’t in the mood for jokes. He needed to move on instead of standing still. His little brother Danny and his Downing family needed him. Providing they are still alive, and he could get back to them. Yes, that was indeed the real question, the one that held the utmost importance. Also, one he was afraid to find out, considering that Danny had died by the time he was twenty-five and himself years later, he wasn’t even sure considering his old self was lying on the floor nearby. Yet if Danny was dead, then things were worse than he thought. Meaning Time had taken everyone he loved and there was no point in going back at all.

If it truly wasn’t worth it, his grandfather and uncle Mike wouldn’t have wasted their time. Instead, they would have abandoned him in this place, his old self suspended in a comatose slumber. The mere thought of his lifeless body lying in an unmarked grave sent shivers down his spine, haunting his every waking moment. Alternatively, he could be rotting somewhere, abandoned, and disregarded, with no one showing concern or bothering to assess if he was alive or harmed. No, either option was not looking good.

No matter how he looked at it, he was completely alone. No, it would be better to cease to exist completely. Nobody wanted him or bothered to show any care, confirming his parents’ beliefs. Their parents had taught both him and his brother that notion from the day they were born. So, the only thing he could do was find out what his grandfather and his Uncle Mike reason was to pay him a visit. To be honest, he had always been skeptical about the existence of God or gods, as well as the concept of magic or resurrection.

However, it was apparent that things had changed now, seeing his grandfather and his Uncle Mike standing in this strange place of hidden doorways of time that would defy logic. Everything else was merely a concoction of falsehoods and mythical anecdotes shared during campfire gatherings.

EJ paced, then stopped and turned. “Ok Grandpa. Let’s say if I was to believe that God or God’s of Light exist. What do they want? And the bigger question is. What is it they want from me? Not that I am not curious, but they haven’t helped me in the past and I have prayed countless times for help, yet their response remains elusive. They certainly didn’t intervene, leaving me and my brother Danny helpless as our parents inflicted pain upon us, the feeling of their fists landing on our bodies still fresh in our minds. I have the faded scars to prove it … or did.

“So, I am asking, what do they hope to achieve? And what will be my compensation for offering my help? Things are not looking good for me from where I stand. As you two are clearly aware,” he said, noticing their knowing glances.

With no chairs or tables in sight, EJ resorted to sitting on the floor, making the best of the situation. The hallways were a dreary maze of sameness, offering nothing but a dull and lifeless atmosphere. He had a hunch that he would be stuck here for quite some time. He sat on the floor, and as they joined him, he couldn’t help but take notice. No, for EJ, being a God of some kind held no significance for him.

Their intention was likely to put him at ease, rather than unsettling him with a bunch of strange hocus pocus, although he couldn’t help but admit that would have been pretty cool. Chuckling, his grandfather commented, “For a boy who’s been around the block, you certainly haven’t lost your charm or wit, my son. I can tell that your grandmother has been a big influence on your life. I would like to tell you that your parents raised you right, but we both know that would be a lie, considering they never raised you at all. If you want me to be honest, they never will ever get that chance. More so, your father, who I should take him to the woodshed and give him a good, hard spanking with his own belt.

“Yet I surely doubt it would do him any good. Nor your two sisters, Peggy, and Donna. No, my boy, they will most likely be seeing the devil real soon and spending an eternity in hell. Which I will see to it personally as I walk them down and throw them in and lock the door behind me. So, as you said before, let’s put all our cards on the table and get down to business. 

By now, you are aware of the existence of the Five Keys of Destiny. You are also aware that you need to discover the whereabouts of the Five Keys. You are familiar with a Dark Prince and his companion known as the White Solon, both of whom hold great significance. Our friends, the Gods of Light have scattered and cleverly concealed the Five Keys. However, the only one that can find them and use them is the White Solon with the help of his companion the Dark Prince.

“They must. And I stress this, my grandson. They must do it together. Or neither the Keys nor the sacred objects that are tied to them will work. The chambers will not open, everything and I mean everything will wink out of existence. Allowing the Shadow of Darkness to remake the worlds and cover everything in Darkness. Then rule over them. Trust me. You think your father was a dangerous man, and a terrible man and father?

“You would be mistaken, as the person who accomplishes it will make your father seem as gentle as a kitten. No, we don’t want that to happen, son. The fate of this situation rested solely in the hands of one individual�"the White Solon, known for his unwavering commitment to truth, justice, and his trusted ally, the Dark Prince. They work in perfect harmony, each member of the team complementing the others. The knowledge beyond these chambers remains a secret to anyone outside these walls. 

© 2024 Shep

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Added on December 2, 2024
Last Updated on December 2, 2024



Santaquin, UT

Updated December 1, 2024 In short I was born and raised all over the State of Utah. I grew up in the State Foster Care System from the tender age of five due to very bad parents which you can re.. more..

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A Chapter by Shep

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A Chapter by Shep