![]() Chapter 3-1A Chapter by ShepChapter 3-1
Martha and Wayne
locked eyes, unfazed by Anna’s confrontation with Jim Sturt and Linda, secretly
admiring her for doing what they had always wanted to do but never had the
nerve. Her gaze turned back to the two girls, their scowls filled with pure
hatred, and in that moment, she finally understood the depth of their disdain.
As her daughters had pointed out, it was well past the time for them to go
home. They were unwelcome in this place, as their constant arguing and
bickering only fueled conflict and animosity. So far now, she let conflict, and
their hateful discontent go. She had grown tired of dealing with it and their
dismissive attitudes. They tried to show them love, understanding, and
guidance, hoping to steer them towards a different path. However, their anger
towards everyone in the vicinity intensified with each passing moment. She couldn’t help but notice the gentle, warm glow of the morning light
streaming through the curtains as she turned back towards the window. Where
things were more important, which was family and the love for each other.
Surrounded by love, she left Peggy and Donna to their own devices, allowing
them to stew in their situation. She had reached her limit and had no intention
of stepping any further. It was time for them to leave and go back to the hell
they and their parents created. A pang of sympathy washed over her as she thought about their
grandmother, wondering if any progress had been made. However, when she spoke
to her on the phone earlier that morning, the heaviness in her words revealed
nothing had changed, and she had also reached the point of surrender. Yes, it
would take some kind of miracle to happen in that home, especially for EJ’s and
Danny’s father Jim Stuart. She couldn’t help but doubt that even the Gods above
could wield such extraordinary power. Jim Stuart and his wife Linda were showing no willingness to consider
peace or give up. It was abundantly clear from their letter that EJ and Danny’s
adoption would not proceed without the involvement of a court of law. In
addition, they had sued us, accusing our family of causing the troubles they
had experienced and requesting financial compensation. The amount was staggering but knowing they would not get one red cent made it laughable to
them all. They had the nerve to point fingers at us, but it was him and his wife
who were to blame. When each person read the letter, they couldn’t help but
burst into laughter, finding it quite comical. Jim and Linda showed little
concern for their son EJ, even though they came dangerously close to causing
his death. And this wasn’t the first time, not by a long shot; they had
meticulously made copies of all EJ’s records. If they want war, then by golly,
they will get one. These boys were hers and her family’s, and they would never
give them back. Martha sighed, feeling the warmth of her husband Wayne’s hands in hers as
she turned her focus back to what truly mattered - their family and the
boundless love they shared. Jim Stuart’s two daughters will never be welcome in
this home. It was long overdue to send them packing, to rid oneself of their
poisonous words and spiteful deeds. Martha her husband Wayne was relieved to see that the boys were
completely oblivious to their sister’s nudity. Seeing the sisters being
welcomed with open arms in the group of boys as they all strolled towards the
pond, their arms intertwined, feeling the warmth of the sun on their bare skin.
Martha couldn’t help but chuckle to herself, her laughter echoing through the
room. The notion that the family would come to a consensus on whether their
sisters should join in the fun quickly faded away. There was a collective
desire from everyone else to join them, their eyes filled with anticipation. As
Richard and Steve mulled over the idea, Richard, who had become bolder since
joining their family, suddenly yelled after them and swiftly discarded his
clothes while chasing them out the door, his exposed rear end following
closely. Steve’s laughter permeated
the surroundings, yet he stayed back and observe from a distance. Then toying
with the idea in his mind to join them, hearing the girls Peggy and Donna. He
wanted to be far away from that. “Why in the hell not?” he mumbled, his voice
laced with sarcasm and a touch of frustration, and a touch of anger having been
called lowlife hillbillies. The straps of his overalls fluttered behind him as
he ran to catch up. Martha and Wayne wondered, their anticipation growing, how
much longer it would be until he too embraced the freedom of nudity and joined
their ranks. Unfortunately,
circumstances beyond their control prevented anyone else from joining them,
leaving a sense of emptiness in the air. As they prepared dinner, their
disappointment grew, exacerbated by the absence of EJ, who couldn’t join because
of his recent injuries. Ma’s heart swelled with happiness as she marveled at
the incredible growth of her once small and intimate family, all thanks to EJ’s
and his little brother Danny’s addition during the summer. The family wholeheartedly
welcomed the two boys when they came to us, and they witnessed his initial
timidity fade away as he effortlessly became a cherished part of their loving
household. It was sad to discover that the environment at home, even with their
parents around, lacked love. When the boys were home, their parents and two
sisters treated them with constant insults and withheld any form of affection,
displaying only hate. Peggy and Donna were in
complete accord with their parents’ choice, and they likewise harbored the same
discontent towards the boys. Their priority was to safeguard the boys from
prying eyes, resorting to desperate measures like pulling their hats down low
to conceal their faces, although it did little to hide the multitude of bruises
that their parents had caused. Jim and Linda Stuart, the parents of EJ and
Danny, covered their malnourished bodies with ragged clothing, leaving no part
of their flesh exposed. Along with the holes in their ragged clothing, they
would keep their two boys’ hair closely cropped, not for any practical purpose,
but to add to their humiliation wherever they went. While their sisters enjoyed
love, attention, and stylish outfits, they were the complete opposite, lacking
any affection and dressed in plain, worn-out clothes. This would undoubtedly be
EJ’s and Danny’s last home, a place where her husband and family were
determined to make it so, regardless of the obstacles they faced.
Determination, love, and anticipation filled the air, heightening the mix of
emotions. Though not bound by blood, her love for them knew no bounds. In this
home, they would find a sanctuary filled with boundless love, a perfect fit for
all. Despite being only, a year
younger than Sam, his little brother Danny seemed untouched by the situation.
Yet, she could sense that behind his smile, he was trying to hide the wounds
inflicted by his parents on him and his older brother EJ. He was more than just
an acquaintance to her and her family; he held a special place in their hearts
as a cherished part of their own kin. Now, he too lovingly
addressed them as Ma and Pa seamlessly joining the rest of their children.
Their parents forbade the boys from uttering that name in front of them. If
they ever did, they would face a violent slap across the face or an explosive
reaction from their fathers and his menacing belt. Whenever Danny and EJ
affectionately referred to them as Ma and Pa, they would often pull them into
tight hugs, enveloping them in a sense of joy and acceptance that extended to
the boys, their entire family, and her newly extended one. Like today as Wayne smiled
watching little Danny run behind Sam, he was without a doubt his brother and
Wayne was his true father as hugged Danny to his chest and padded him lovingly
on his bare bottom as he watched him go out the door following the rest of them
right where he belonged. EJ’s two sisters, Peggy,
and Donna, remained in the house along with Renee’s husband Kollie Doctor
Whitmore and Wayne Martha’s husband, and not forgetting the three aunts
Loraine. Lizzy and Mary. Sad to say three children left behind still required
someone to care for them. Martha Renee turned around and saw Peggy and Donna
standing with their aunts, Mary, and Lizzy, which surprised her. As she
witnessed the unexpected, her face instantly transformed, her eyebrows shooting
up and her mouth forming an “O” of astonishment. In a playful frenzy, the two
aunts joyfully threw their shoes and socks into the air, creating a whimsical
trail of discarded clothing amidst the other scattered children’s clothes on
the floor. Loraine, Steve’s wife, efficiently gathered two swimsuits and towels
for each of the girls, making sure everything was in order before she ushered
them out of the door. Their horrified and
embarrassed screams filled the house, the echoes intensifying the shivers that
ran down their spines. With a resounding slam and click, the door closed,
shattering the eerie atmosphere that had engulfed the room. Doc and Wayne were
the only ones left in their boxers. It was unexpected, but the three aunts
didn’t show any sign of concern. If it weren’t for the unfinished tasks that
demanded their attention, they would have eagerly joined them. Perhaps later.
The mere thought brought a smile to all their faces. “Well, while I am here,
let’s go check on that boy of yours, shall we?” Doc replies. Doc, Wayne, and
Martha checked on EJ. The sight of Doc Whitmore and his Pa standing there in
just their boxers was enough to make EJ burst into uncontrollable laughter. As
he heard the faint sounds of laughter drifting into his room, he could only
guess what had happened. His heart filled with longing as he imagined himself
there, picturing the thrill and happiness that awaited him, surrounded by the
sounds of laughter and merriment emanating from the room. Most likely everyone
had gone to do just that, especially in this sweltering weather. However, he had no
intention of exposing his nakedness to his sisters Peggy and Donna, and he made
sure to avoid any situation where he might accidentally witness them in a
similar state. He wasn’t even sure he was ready to see his two sisters Julie
and Anna completely naked, their presence making him feel a mix of affection
and discomfort, as much as he loved them. Despite having seen every inch of him
and his little brother Danny countless times. The desire to escape the
stifling heat of the house and slide into the welcoming embrace of a cool pool
intensified as he lay in bed, craving relief. He pondered deeply, weighing the
pros and cons of each decision. Getting out of bed and avoiding my annoying
sisters, Peggie, and Donna, is the first hurdle. I can approach Pa after
finishing the task and ask if he’s willing to give me a piggyback ride. They
are ruining all our fun, and it’s frustrating. In fact, it was more than
frustrating to have them here, ruining everything with their constant fighting,
swearing, and hurling hateful words at everyone. It felt like being home with
my parents, especially my father, who had a habit of cursing frequently,
regardless of who was around. “Hello,
Doc, thanks for the gown,” he said. “Glad
you like it,” Doc said. He does now, thinking and knowing he won’t be the
only one wearing one around. With brothers and friends by his side, he might
handle a few gockers of his own. “Have
you been minding your Ma by staying in that bed?” Doc asked. “Yes,
sir I have.” ” Good. Do you mind if I have a peek at those
stitches?” Doctor Whitmore asked. EJ
swallowed. “Alright, sir,” as Ma closed the door behind them. “Yes,
very nice, Martha. That fever is doing better, too. In another couple of days,
I think it will be gone. EJ, I bet you are ready to get out of this bed.” “Yes,
sir. More than ever!” “Doc,
you said"” Martha replies. “Yes,
one or two days, and has already been that. It’s time to get him moving again,”
he replied. “I think he can come out for a while,” taking the Kitenge gown off
the back of the chair. “What do you think, son?” Doc asked. “Yes,
sir. Please, Ma?” EJ said as he pleaded desperately. “Alright,”
and sighs. “For dinner, then we’ll put you on the couch, then straight back to bed,” Ma said. Just
as Doc was about to speak, to offer a reply, EJ abruptly cut him off. “Yes Ma. But I rather go skinny dipping if you
wouldn’t mind Ma. A nice cold dip in the pond would feel so good about now. We
could have dinner at the pond, instead of eating in the house where it is too
hot to be inside.” “Martha?
With the heat being unbearable today, that idea doesn’t seem so terrible.
Besides, everyone else has already have gone down to the pond already. I say if
EJ wants to go let him it would do him good and bring the fever down even
quicker, and he promises to take it slow, then let’s go. I rather be nice and
cool than roasting in this house like a cooked bird. EJ’s face lit up with
excitement, his eyes sparkling mischievously as he saw his plan finally coming
to fruition. Now, he had the challenging task of outwitting his crafty and
deceitful sisters, Peggy, and Donna. “Yes, Ma. Please let’s go. This heat is
too much for me and the water would feel so good.” Pa’s laughter filled the
room, bouncing off the walls, as Ma carefully removed the gown from the bedpost
to put it on him. EJ’s desire to have nothing to do with it was clear as he
flung the sheet aside, yearning for an escape from the ordinary bed. His mind
was so focused on what he did he didn’t even notice he was still completely
naked. What concerned him the most were the other females, not the surroundings
or anything else. He rejected the gown, taking a chance and hoping for the
best. Seeing that Robert and Will can handle it, he feels encouraged to believe
in his own abilities and take on the risk, besides it wasn’t anything new. It’s
not like they haven’t seen him and his bother naked before. As she observed him
rejecting the gown, Ma couldn’t help but release a weary sigh, before informing
him that his two sisters, Peggy, and Donna, were still lingering in the area.
While observing him intently, she caught the sight of EJ’s nervous gulp, hinting
at his apprehension before he opened his mouth. “Ma,” EJ said eagerly, his
voice filled with enthusiasm as he shrugged his shoulders, a smile spreading
across his face. With a resolute gaze, he declared, “I am open to taking a
risk. Even includes wearing that gown. But not right now. The intense heat
makes it impossible to wear anything, and as you can see, I am fully ready for
it. Pa and Doc shared a hearty
laugh, their boisterous voices filling the air. Pa said. “He’s right Ma they
have seen it all by this point. What’s one more naked boy going to matter? So,
if EJ’s game. I say let’s go.” EJ watched as Pa effortlessly discarded his
boxers. Unfazed, Doc followed suit and casually shrugged, as if it was of no
consequence. Taking a seat on the bed, Pa extended an invitation for EJ to hop
onto his bare back before they embarked outside. With a giggle, Ma hurried
down to the bathroom, eager to grab some towels and her bathing suit, but not
quite ready to reveal herself in front of her sons and Doctor Whitmore. The
question lingered in her mind - what would EJ’s aunts think when they saw the
only remaining boy in the house and two grown men, standing there completely
naked as jaybirds? They probably wouldn’t think much, as they likely had been
exposed to enough naked boys or men throughout their lives. However, her curiosity got
the best of her. As she swiftly changed into her bathing suit, she couldn’t
help but silently admire her daughters Julie and Anna for their boldness in
swimming without one. “Maybe next time?” she whispered softly to herself; her
hopeful tone was barely audible. Peeking around the corner, she strained her
ears, expecting to hear a scream of surprise, only to be met with silence.
There were no surprises or gasps, only the meticulous task of arranging the prepared
food into boxes and baskets. The sound of a tender, playful slap on Wayne’s
bare bottom resonated in the room. The aunts rushed down the hall, their
hurried footsteps creating a rhythmic sound, gathering their bathing suits,
additional towels, and a few quilts to sit on. Aunt Mary ordering the men to
hook up the wagon and bring it to the front of the house and start loading the
rest of the sleeping bags and the food they would need. The sight of two
completely naked men walking out of the house made EJ’s two sisters blush with
a mix of surprise and embarrassment. Their brother EJ rode leisurely on his
Pa’s back, as if they had all the time in the world, allowing them to observe
everything from the front to the back thoroughly. Witnessing EJ playfully
turning around and giving his bare butt a slap, they all felt a mix of surprise
and embarrassment. Pa, EJ, and Doctor Whitmore put on a brave face and
suppressed their discomfort. An invitation was once more extended to join them
down by the pond for the afternoon with the rest of the group. The sight that unfolded
before Martha’s eyes was so comical that she couldn’t contain her laughter,
nearly collapsing from amusement when Doctor Whitmore comically repeated the
hilarious act on his bare bottom. EJ’s words rang true. The presence of yet another
naked boy hardly made a difference, considering the many boys they had already
encountered today, all heading towards the pond to bask in the afternoon sun.
As they frolicked and swam, the sun’s warm rays caressed their skin, while a
refreshing breeze danced around them, adding to their joy. Soon Wayne and EJ came
back with the wagon beside him, sitting next to his Pa and Doctor Whitmore.
While the aunt’s load the rest of all the goodies in the back. With unwavering
determination, the two girls stayed firmly rooted on the porch swing, seeking
shelter from the relentless sun by huddling close and using towels to shield
their fair complexions. With a playful gesture, Loraine invited the two girls
to join them one last time once more to join the rest for an afternoon of fun
by the pond. Not willing to venture forth or partake in the festivities, the
two girls rejected the invitation yet again. Rudely Spitting at their feet and
swearing more hateful words, which she ignored. Instead, Loraine warmly
handed each of them a wholesome apple and a hearty sandwich, ensuring they
wouldn’t go hungry hoping that their parents would soon come and collect them.
“Girls, have a great time, but just so you know, we’ve locked the house tight.
Now is the perfect time for you girls to immerse yourselves in the enchanting
world of endless fun. While your two parents pamper you with fancy dresses and
expensive shoes, your brothers receive nothing but rags. By granting you the
freedom to let your creativity soar, they contrastingly denied your brothers
any such luxury. Not only did they withhold love and proper nourishment from
them, believing them unworthy, but you also found great pleasure in witnessing
their suffering, much like them. Despite having the chance to rescue them many
times from their cruelty, you followed in your parents’ footsteps and inflict
your own. “Now, time has run out for
them, and you may face a similar fate soon. I pray to God that is not too late
for you but knowing in my heart that you will continue on this path there is
nothing for me to do or anyone here can do to prevent it. I wish there was, but
I am just not seeing it. You made your bed, so you might as well lie in it,
until you girls come to your senses. “Steve and the boys have
already set up the tents, so unless you’re lucky, we won’t have the pleasure of
seeing you until morning.” In the back, you’ll find the sleeping bags for you,
neatly arranged and waiting, just in case your parents haven’t come to collect
you by then. Offering you the choice to sleep beneath the twinkling stars, or
join the other animal in the barn, a group that surprisingly includes your
family. “Perhaps you could sleep
next to a pig and experience its distinct aroma. Considering the way we all
feel about you and your attitude, it’s impossible to overlook the striking
resemblance between you and your parents - both spoiled, rude, and cruel. While
we hillbillies are delighting in the moment and cherishing one another, you sit
there, disconnected, and absorbed in your own selfishness. Regardless, not a
single boy or either of the two Downing sisters have a stitch of clothing on.
Unlike you two indulged little troublemakers, they value the cozy warmth and
affection of their family and friends. “Wayne, let’s go,” she said
impatiently, her urgent tone cutting through the air. Without hesitation,
Loraine lets her clothes fall to the ground in front of their feet before she
climbs into the back of the wagon. Shocked beyond words, the girls stood
frozen, their mouths gasping like fish, as they beheld the astonishing display
of nudity. Their astonishment only grew as they observed each aunt mirroring
the same actions. The sight before her made
Martha erupt into laughter, a mixture of relief and satisfaction that someone
had finally spoken her mind to the girls. The courage of EJ’s extended family
was clear as they wholeheartedly embraced the hillbilly farmers as part of
their own, defending them without hesitation. “Watch out, world,” she exclaimed
before jumping down from the wagon, fully embracing the “Hell with it”
mentality. With her head held high, she cast a mischievous grin at the girls
before playfully spanking her own bare bottom. Considering how your parents
both look and act like pigs, maybe you should add kissing one to your list of
activities. Considering who your parents are, I think a pig would take it as an
insult, but then again, that’s just my opinion. Unlike them, these pigs are
abusive malcontents who find solace in living in the mud. The stench of your
parents’ self-made swill permeates everything around them. Oh, feel free to
mention that I said that. So, when the next time you see them. Hopefully soon,
but knowing your grandmother, she most likely had slowed them down a bit. She
said something about their car having a flat tire and missing spark plugs. Last
I checked.” Martha climbed back into
the wagon and took in the sight of her extended family and new friends, Renee,
and Kollie Whitmore. Everyone’s face remained composed except for EJ, who
couldn’t hide his embarrassment as he blushed at the sight of a naked woman.
Taking his hand calmly, she leaned in and whispered, “Boys and girls, men, and
women, we are not so different, my son. You can see we all look alike. We are
just extra special in certain areas; it’s just the way god made us each special
in our own way.” He
nodded. “Yes Ma. I can see that, but did you have to do it in front of my two
sisters? They are not only going to tell my parents, but the entire world about
it.” Ma responded with a casual
shrug. “I never really cared what the neighbors think, son. They can think and
say what they like. It will not change a thing other than cause them to fuss
over nothing that isn’t important. Now stop worrying about the world and how it
will judge you. It’s what is inside you what counts. Not the clothing you wear
for that is the true mask. The world’s mask, and nobody else’s.” © 2024 Shep |
Added on December 2, 2024 Last Updated on December 2, 2024 Masks Behind the Shadows book 2 of the Looking Glass Series'
Opening Poem
By Shep
Chapter 1-1
By Shep
Chapter 1-2
By Shep
Chapter 1-3
By Shep
chapter 2-1
By Shep
Chapter 2-2
By Shep
Chapter 3-1
By Shep
Chapter 3-2
By Shep
Chapter 3-3
By Shep
chapter 3-1
By Shep
Chapter 3-5
By Shep
Chapter 4-1
By Shep
Chapter 4-2
By Shep
Chapter 4-3
By ShepAuthor![]() ShepSantaquin, UTAboutUpdated December 1, 2024 In short I was born and raised all over the State of Utah. I grew up in the State Foster Care System from the tender age of five due to very bad parents which you can re.. more..Writing