Failed  Part 2

Failed Part 2

A Chapter by Shep

Chapter 158-1


Part 2


Even though I felt like crap I got out of bed and practically wobbled to my feet feeling dizzy from the tranquilizer and pain that was still apart of me. Mom said. “Perhaps not getting out of bed is not such a great idea after all,” she said looking over at Dad in hopes he could change my mind. I gave them both a hard tiger stare and got up and stumbled out the door like a drunk making my way down to the bathroom and closed the door and locked it. I had to see for my self looking the mirror lifting my chin seeing nothing but a long red line where Gloria dragged the knife across my neck and couple places where she had nicked me on proving her point that she could kill me with the flick of her wrist.

I looked at my shoulders cringing seeing the open wounds where the whip had actually broken open the skin. I cringed as turned my back finding several more just like them. They were nowhere close compared to the cattail the Dad had used on me. Or my father's deadly belt buckle when nearly whipped me to death as escaped by jumping out the window. I cringed knowing I was going to have to come up with some lie once my mother sees me and the markings on me.

Yet what can I say it wasn’t the Rothwell fault this time. Which was true, it was Gloria’s fault a person they had trusted. It would be at least three weeks before I would see my mother again for UEA weekend and the deer hunt. In some ways, I was looking forward to it, seeing all my Santaquin friends, yet when it comes to my father and sisters not so much. Even then I would have to lie to them.

Jeff watched me and said. “Your mother and your friends will understand. It’s not like your mother is innocent after torturing you for weeks in the church basement.”

I said. “I know that, but still doesn’t make it right that I have to lie so I can stay were my father or she can’t kill me.”

He said. “Then don’t lie, it will just come back to haunt you later. Your Ma and Pa taught you that lie can do more harm than the truth.”

I said. “Jeff thanks for being here today, but please give me a little credit, I think I have earned that the hard way to make my own choices.”

Jeff nodded and said. "My little boy has grown up, I never thought for a second you would make the wrong choice, but just for tiny little seconded, I thought she had broken you and your spirit. Most people would have, I know I would have. But instead, you dug in deep and faced it knowing if you did so… you could never live with yourself.”

I asked. “So you didn’t come to save me?” Jeff turned his eyes away like he was hiding something watching him places his hand behind his neck like he was stalling again. I faced him and said. “Jeff please just spit it out. You didn’t come just too help me pass a test that could have ended in my death? You always knew beforehand if something bad was going to happen, not the very moment it would.”

Jeff said. “Yes, I did, because she would have killed you. Not today, but she had been given the order to do so if you chose to pick the option of going into total isolation. Or if you had chosen to violate Jared right away without going through with any kind of torture. She was told if you did it without any hesitation that she was to kill you and Jared then repeat the test on Jason and Jonathon as well as Shane in cases you all were violating each other. Both your adoptive parents would have had to watch as she slaughtered all of you and then them.”

I growled angrily. “And you didn’t think about telling me that before she gave me the last two tests?”

Jeff looked down at the floor as if he was ashamed of himself. “I am sorry, but if I had told you that. It would have changed the outcome, and you know it. How many times have I told you I can not make your decisions only give you advice that will help you? If I said pick the third choice then you wouldn’t have struggled, you wouldn’t have learned that you are stronger then you think you are. Knowledge is power isn’t that what your Ma and Pa told you?”

Jeff did have a point, but I still didn’t answer my main question. I waited until he was about to leave, and said. “So if you came to save me then why are you still here?”

Jeff said. “Because you are going to need me, and don’t ask me why because I can’t tell you, I can tell you this isn’t over, and you need someone to watch your back. In fact, if I was you I would yell for help right now because Crawford and his goon squad are on there way here to kidnap you and your brothers. Gloria is on the phone right now talking to Crawford as she packing to make her great escapes in the confusion of his arrival.”

I didn’t waste a single second, I knew Jeff and I knew if Jeff said I was in trouble I was in knee deep. I opened the bathroom door yelling like an insane person. I ran into Dad hearing me and Mom was right behind him. I said out of breath. “Dad we are in trouble, Crawford’s goons are on their way here to kidnap me and my brothers.”

Dad looked at me and he looked at Mom. Wondering if I was insane I cringed when I said. “Jeff told me.”

Dad's eyes widen and so did Mom’s and Jody’ causing Jody too asked. “What in the hell is going on?”

I said. “Jeff said we are in trouble.”

I fell to the floor feeling very weak scaring the crap out Mom and Dad. If wasn’t for Jody catching me I would have fallen right on my face. I couldn’t understand why I was so weak; Jeff too was puzzled as I was we both figured it had to be the tranquilizer and a very long stressful. Which stated that could be it. I said as I linked with him, “Jeff are you sure you’re not causing this? I haven’t felt this weak since you left me and I met Bishop Earl.” 

Jeff shook his head and said. “No something’s wrong, Jared to is having the same effect.” The tranquilizer should have worn off by now with the anti-drug.”

I tried to get back up, but my legs and body wouldn’t support me. Dad hoisted me over his shoulder and Mom ran down the hall as Jody went to wake my brothers and the Vincent boys. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent was demanding answers as Dad put me on the coach issuing orders to Jarred to grab the pillows and blanks off the bed and bring Sparky in here and put him on his leash so we can get out before they arrive. He panicked as he watched Jared fall to the floor as I had just minutes before. Causing Mom to rush to him as Dad quickly rushed to his side telling Mr. Vincent. “Crawford and his boys are on their way here to kidnap my boys, Eric’s friend Jeff said we needed to get out before they get here.”

I looked up seeing Jeff pacing telling me if we didn’t leave in the next 15 or 20 minutes they would catch us with our pants down literally speaking. Considering I wasn’t wearing any and neither was Jared being that we were both naked. Gloria not only burned all my clothes she had burned Jared’s as well. Proving once more that Jeff was right that she intended to kill us and leave nothing behind that could trace her to us or the people that she represented. 

In fact, I was watching her head quickly to the door turning long enough to give me a silly grin telling me that Jeff is right she is responsible for Crawford finding me and the Rothwell’s. She quickly handed two large trunks to a man I have never seen before and looked like some of it was electronic gear that they had used to watch me and Jared as well as my adoptive parents, Jody and my two younger brothers.

I told Dad that we needed to be gone and that Jeff said we had 15 or 20 minutes before they would be here at the front gate. Dad yelled at Mr. Vincent that we need to leave right now and I also told Mr. Vincent not to let Gloria leave, Jeff said as he told me wishing someone else could see him beside me, I said “Dad. Jeff said” pointing to Gloria as she about to flee out the door to catch her and tie her up and blindfold her and do whatever it takes and bring her with us. He would explain once we get the hell out of here in t-minus 13 minutes.” Dad didn’t question me like I thought he would, but something said we were going to have a nice long chat.

I watched as Gloria ran towards the door the moment she saw me point to her and told them to catch her. As I watched Mr. Vincent tackled her like a football player telling him to unhand her, calling him every name in the book.

Mrs. Vincent quickly decked her said. “You f*****g b***h, all this time you were waiting for an opportunity to get even with us.” She decked her again and this time she blindfolded her took off her panties and pantyhose off. Tied Gloria hands behind her back and placed her panties inside her mouth. I cringed thinking that’s got to taste worst than a pair of old socks, as she tied her other pantyhose around her head to complete the gag.

Mr. Vincent picked her up and put her over his shoulder letting her kick and scream the best she could being gagged, as he growled holding her legs as his wife removed Gloria shoes and her pantyhose. Grabbed her feet and tide them up and hog-tied her with her own pantyhose to her hands to keep her from kicking her husband. I yelled to Dad telling him we were running out of time, which they would be here in a matter of minutes.

He quickly picked me up and followed Mr. Vincent out the door I watched him open the trunk of the car and put Gloria inside of it while Dad put me in the backseat with Jared and Sparky telling Mr. Vincent too meet him at some location they both knew only to them, as his wife quickly hurried her boys into back seat with me and my two younger brothers all naked as the day they were born tossing the blankets and pillows on top of us. Dad didn’t wave as he went back inside as I watched Mr. Vincent put his foot to the metal, telling us boys to hang on tight.

Jeff said for me to tell Mr. Vincent to turn right at the next block. I cringed hoping he would believe me. I said cringing. “Mr. Vincent, Jeff says to turn right at the next block.” I waited for him to question me, but instead, he nodded and did what I said. Jeff told him to turn right again then a quick left onto a dirt road then follow it.

Mr. Vincent asked. “Where are you and your friend taking us son?”

I asked Jeff he said. “Do It!”

I repeated it, Mr. Vincent said, “Only if you stop calling me Mr. Vincent.

I said. “Yes sir, “Do it!”

He growled taking the back road that I didn’t know existed I said. “Sir Jeff says turn right on the next turn instead of left. Turn off your lights right now or they will spot us.” He growled and did what I asked telling me not to call him sir, I said. “Yes, sir.”

He said. “My name is Lance, just plain old Lance to you boy.”

I said. “Ok Lance, Jeff says there is turn right by a big old tree take it and go half a mile and turn off the engine and will coast down the hill into a washout.”

He looked back at me and said, “What the…”

Being cut off by his wife as she said. “Lance, DO IT!” He did exactly what I told him to do.

The moment we reached the bottom, Jeff told me to tell him that we were going have to push the car further back. I said as I linked with Jeff. “Jeff you do realize that we are naked back here”.

He said. “DO IT!”

I cringed and told Lance, having him turn around and look at me.

His wife said. “Lance, Do it! For hell sakes:”

He growled and he got out of the car, I was about to get out Jeff said. “You drive; they can do it without you. Unless you like being in bed.”

I said. “That depends what I am doing in bed these days?” watching Jeff roll his eyes.”

I repeated the message this time Lance said. “I know Do it!”

Watching his wife pat his cheek. “That’s a good boy.”

Jared struggled to get out of the car as I watched him and Jason get out having Mrs. Vincent order them back into the car. They looked at me and waited for Jeff, and he said all them but me and Jonathan. I said. “Their naked, and Jared can barely walk.” He shrugged his shoulders. I shook my head. Jared didn’t hesitate having the rest of the boys follow him even though he walked like a drunken man, but at least he could make it. I made my way to the front seat having my legs buckle under me. Mr. Vincent caught me before I hit the ground. Put me in the driver seat. It took them all to push the car because of how wet the ground and muddy it was. But it went in smoothly until Jeff told me that was good. I put the breaks on and waited for my next orders.

Jeff said for Jason, Duke, and Ryan to roll in the mud until they are completely covered and climb the hill about three-quarters of the way and hide in the tall, tall grass and shake it every so often... All except me and Jonathon. That Mrs. Vincent was to take Sparky further up the drainage ditch. I relayed the order having her give me a strange look, but she obeyed and so did the boys as we nearly killed over laughing watching them plaster themselves with mud, but they did it on blind faith and so far I had been right.

I told Lance to climb the hill and hide up into the tree and hoot like an owl the moment he sees someone looking for us. He too looked like I was nuts, but he did what he was told even though he grumbled and growled under his breath said. “He probably wants me to flap my arms like a bird too.”

I said too Jared to roll in the mud as well then make his way up to Lance tell him that Jeff says not to flap too loudly but shake the branch now and gain. He wants him to climb the other tree and hoot as well, answering each other. Jared gave me a knuckle bump. I heard Lance say. “Man your brothers got good ears;”

Hearing Jared says “Jeff heard him not his brother.” It was a few minutes later when we saw cars coming down the road, and seeing them stop and get out with flashlights and started searching for us. I didn’t see any of them only heard and saw the lights as I lay across the front seat with Jonathon under the blankets. I wanted to laugh when I heard hooting and then it surprised me as Sparky growled like a big cougar in a cave.

I listened and waited hearing the men say. “I could have sworn they went this way,” Sparky growled even louder as the boys moved the weeds they were hidden in. Causing my two birds to hoot answering each other. The people that were looking for us said. “Let’s get hell out of here before that big cougar thinks we might be a nice snack. If Crawford wants them he can come out here and look for them. He doesn’t pay us enough to get ourselves killed by some animal that sounds…. What was that? I heard something, I don’t know about you, but I am getting the hell out of here.” I laughed hearing them scream as their cars peeled out on the gravel road. I waited for everyone to come back.

Sparky and Mrs. Vincent was first as Sparky was tugging her along as if he had turn tail and run. I looked over the seat seeing Jeff standing outside the car laughing his head off. I had to agree it was pretty funny. Even more so when Lance walked right through him said. “Burr that was cold.”

I smiled asking Jeff what we should do now he said "Mr. Vincent knows" and vanished, but I could still feel him, and it felt good to have my angel on my shoulder again. I heard Gloria kicking around in the trunk causing Mrs. Vincent to open it and say. “Shut the hell up you f*****g b***h, you got some serious explaining to do;” and watched her cut her legs free from that awkward position. I wish I could say I felt sorry for her but I didn’t. The boys made it back to the car having Mrs. Vincent laugh at them seeing them covered in mud and weeds from the top of their head all the way down to their toes.

Mr. Vincent had me slide over placing Jonathon on my lap. He looked at me and said; “where to son?”

I said. “You tell me, Jeff said you knew where to go.” He laughed and pulled me into a kiss and said. “You and I are going to have a serious conversation. Then I am going to lick every inch of you the moment I and I wife bathe you personally.”

I reached over and placed my hand on his crotch and said. “My butts off limits.”

He laughed, “But your penis isn’t, it’s all mine and Jezzy’s.”

Jared and the boys said. “We get first dib’s on the bath and my brother’s penis Mr. Vincent.”

Having him growl. “It’s Lance boy, just Lance, my friends call me Lance.”

I didn’t ask Jeff if Mom and Dad and Jody made out all right, but I figured if they didn’t Jeff would have told me. I could feel Jeff feeling that dark empty spot and it felt good. I linked to him asking him any way he said. “Get some rest Kido, if I was still alive I’d want to lick every inch of you too.” I soon fell asleep the moment he said that. I don’t know how long I had slept other than the fact I had been nudged by Lance as he carried me inside a hotel wrapped in a blanket somewhere off the highway.

I knew he paid extra for it seeing the room, with one bed and what looked like a large Jacuzzi tub in the bathroom. I said he could put me down only too have to pick me back up and lay me on the bed. He cursed loudly seeing how weak I was. He blamed Gloria; I wasn’t so sure if it was her fault, well most of her faults, because I knew was the price I had pay to have Jeff help me by drawing on his strength, even though Jeff said it wasn’t his doing, maybe it was considering I hadn’t felt this way until I had met Bishop Earl in person and shook his hand for the very first time. What I did know for certain that soon or later your body has to give it back or replenish were ever it took it from.

Dad and Mom soon came into the room seeing all the boys in their mud outfits. I had to admit they looked pretty cute. I wish I had a camera, but Mrs. Vincent did and told the boys not to touch anything standing them against the wall taking a picture. It wasn’t a fancy camera just a quick store bought one that people normally bought in the gift shop. They are called box cameras with only one roll of film. Once she had taken their picture she ordered them all into the tub. I knew they wanted to bathe me but I couldn’t but didn’t stop me from trying as I got off the bed only to fall on my knees. Causing Mom and Dad and Mrs. Mr. Vincent to run to my side demanding to know what I was trying to do kill my self. I calmly said. “My job Dad, it’s my job to bathe the boys.”

Dad growled fine,” picked me up and carried me and placed me into the tub next to them.

Jody said. “You know I could have easily done it?”

The boys growled. “No, Jody he’s our babysitter you’re not anymore.” I saw the hurt in her eyes, but she nodded handing me the soap and the sponge asked what flavor of bubble bath we wanted opening her backpack.

I said. “I am kind of in the mood for anything but peaches and cream and strawberry skin softener.” Jared agreed, knowing it would remind us of Gloria and our last bath together; almost in a literal sense, if only he knew how true that was?

I asked the boys if Jody could help me, considering it had been a long day for me and Jared and Mr. Mrs. Vincent wanted me all to themselves tonight. Providing Mom and Dad would let them. Jody smiled and said. “I’ll go get us some orange sodas and send Dad out to get something to eat, and I’ll be back into help.”

She handed me three horny pills and took two more and crushed them into a glass of water and hand it to me telling me down the hatch. Giving each of the boy’s two pills each placing two fingers to her mouth said. “Shhh, don’t tell our parents. I want to have a nice healthy dose of penis as I personally give you massage after our bath.” I watched the boys lick their lips knowing that included all the breasts and sweet spot they could handle.

I heard Dad say, “Good idea, I was going to go get something for Eric and Jared to wear for church tomorrow.

Mom said. “Dear they don’t have any shoes; it won’t be until Monday until I can get them some.”

Dad said. "So what, it’s not the first time the boys went barefoot too church, besides God doesn’t care.”

© 2020 Shep

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Added on May 23, 2019
Last Updated on February 10, 2020



Santaquin, UT

Updated January 17, 2020 In short I am a Male 52 years of age and Permanently Disabled due to a car accident and suffer from seizures and Sever PTSD. So I have a lot of time on my hands. One of .. more..

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