Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Shep

Chapter 2

Glen waved his hand over the image watching it fade then smiles. Looks towards the farmhouse as his wife and Aunty M come over. “Well, folks. I think they are trying to tells that lunch is ready.” Seeing Aunty M and Melee put their hands on their hips.

“Glen I swear, they'll never get any work done sitting on the ground and jib jabbing with you all day,” Melee replied.

Glen laughed. “Yes dear.” Went over gives her a big kiss, “just giving a history lesson that's all.”

“It's all right Melee your husband just giving us the highlights. I must say for a history teacher I'll take a class from him any old day. Besides I did ask and wanted to know how this all started and why my son was so important to everyone that he couldn't be left alone,” Martha replied brushing the wrinkles from her woolen blue skirt.

Melee leaned down kisses EJ’s head. “You had to ask silly girl? Well, I can sum it up faster for you than my husband… the answer is because we love him.”

Ma, Pa laughed. “How true that is,” giving him a big squeeze while his sisters gave him another hug and kiss on the cheek.

“Now. I have set a nice picnic under the tree with fried chicken, mashers with gravy and corn cob and ice cold lemonade. Peach pie, ice whipped vanilla ice cream for dessert.” Melee replied as everyone's mouth watered seeing the spread on the table. Yes, sir when Melee cooks you better bring an appetite because your stomach growls before you even get to the table.

Glen passing down the corn to grandma and clears his throat. “I have some news for all of you and not good news.” He said turned his head towards Grandma then quickly glanced Jaydan next to him. “It seems our little lost friend is not lost anymore and has been found.” Grandma swallowed hard nearly dropping her fork.

“What friend is that?” Martha asked seeing the shock on Grandma's face.

Grandma whispered. “Gartooth.” Nearly choking on the words, everyone looks at Grandma including Richard with all eyes barring down on her.

Glen tried to lighten the subject. “The good news is he doesn't know who you are or where you are at... Yet, well at least your new selves,” raising an eyebrow..... “But I do know this, he had help and I have a feeling I know by whom. Which means folks.” Glen paused as he locked eyes with Jaydan as he gave an approving nod. “Your skills need to improve and soon because you are not leaving here until then? I just don't mean the skills that I gave you. That includes you Grandma and Margaret all of you are going to have to learn how too fight, school starts tomorrow folks.”

Melee cleared her throat. “Martha, Wayne this going to be the hardest thing you ever had to do and we realize that. For that's one reason why we brought you all here instead of leaving you all down there with the rest of the group. Not to mention EJ,” giving him a kiss on the cheek; “needed you more then they do, the hard part going to come when you go back down there; because all hell is unleashed in search for EJ.” She replied as she wiped an escaped tear running down her cheek and lets out a big sigh of relief taking EJ’s hand.

“Well, not EJ himself, Morgan thinks for now he’s got that one for the time being. What they are looking for is the White Solan. Hess, as you know now, has risen.” She said with a quick glance over at her husband. “He knew there were two; he believes he now knows who they both are, and has already removed as he believed the one that would be the White Solan our dear friend Jeff.

“Therefore EJ would be the Dark Prince, Which is only partially true, as you see EJ now as himself inside these walls, he is like you? No mask can hide him, but when he is the White Solan he is EJ in true form, not as a wood elf? Meaning, when other people see him in battle he will be exposed. For the shadow can not hide in the light, for the shadow is false light, so is the mask. Therefore all truth is shown in the light,” she replied as she lets go of his hand with a kiss on the cheek.

Jaydan nods. “This is one of the reasons I wanted you to build those wagons boy's so you can hide him and his brother. You will have to build more later on for the smaller boys as well. Kollie and I will teach you how to make cloaking rings to hide images of yourselves later on; because soon just being a wood elf won’t be enough when you need to be on the run.

“I am telling you this because there might and will be a time when you actually have to leave in order to save the camp for your very lives. All that you will have could be just the clothing on your back. That's how bad things could actually get. Safety is only what you know and who you can trust and that's each other.”

Glen walked around over to grandma gives her nod then watching him walk into the house for the ice cream. Grandma clears her throat. “I have something I need to show you all,” as she gets up goes out to the barn, brings out a large wrapped stick in cloth. She carefully lays it on the ground and unwraps it in front of them. “This is Gartooth staff.” With tears in her eyes, looking down at her dress still ripped around it.

Aunty M eyes nearly popped right out of her head as Grandma turned. “I hid it in the wagon wheel. Why I kept it? I don’t know. Foolishness I guess.” Grandma sits back down tells the story of her and Gartooth in the woods before the battle. Everyone eyes widen. Except for Jaydan smiling with a grin as big as a cat with cream.

Remembering the day grandma leaded whole group of soldiers after them. “She did it too,” as he nodded. “And man was she mad because I wouldn't let Captain Freeman shoot him. I guess I should have because now he's dead. Gartooth killed him that very night and almost your grandmother to.”

“Almost?” Everyone spun around looking straight at Jaydan.

Jaydan grins as they stare at him. As they wait for them to tell her near death experience story. Aunty M and her sisters giving Betty a very hard stare. EJ wrapped his arm around her gives her a kiss on the cheek. “You're the best Grandma and I love you, but don't ever do that again,” he replied.

Grandma smiles with a tear in her eye leaned down kisses his head. “It was necessary,” she replied looking at Jaydan. “But he knows now I am alive.” Grandma smirks, “and I bet he’s after his staff and me... ” She said with her face drawn down.

Glen put his hand on her shoulder. “Betty he’s hurt real bad, you did worse than kill him. If that makes you feel any better,” he replied.

Betty tries to smile as she looked down at the staff. “No, it makes me sick just thinking about it and that blasted staff.”

Glen nods. “I am glad because that means you won't feel too bad when you destroy it. But first I need to take you all somewhere and show you something,” he replied with Melee around his waist.

Martha laughed. “Don't you think we should do the dishes first?” She asked.

Melee laughs as she scolds her, “Martha if you lift one hand I’ll slap it. Now watch because you’re preparing dinner when we get back.” Melee took a little wand out of her apron and blows on the tip as if dusting it off watching the tip of the wand glow. Then with two whistles and waved it in the air and says the word. “Frakna les” watching the table clear itself and the food dissipate in the air. “Now then where were we? Oh yes, Betty dear you mind bring that with us?” She asked pointing to the staff.

Aunty M grabbing each of little boy's hands and Julie taking Sam, Ma grabbing the baby. Melee stopped her. “No dear. I have made arrangements for someone to watch the children. She'd be an old friend of mine and of yours, I believe.” Watching Mrs. Lenfind come into the farm with the Whitmore’s, Martha ran over to her, hearing her girls run down the road with their father right behind them.

“Captain Drealin,” Wayne laughs going over to him patting him on the back. “Well, how are things down there in camp my good Captain?”

Wayne you sure know how to cause a disturbance that's for sure,” he replied.

Jaydan nods to him. “Sorry didn't mean to leave you all in larch like that,” Jaydan said.

“No, no everything's fine sir. Captain Tomas and I, we got the word from Derrick a few days ago that you'd be here a while and also took care of the problem on Trillen for you as you asked us to.”

“A few days ago?” Wayne replied in shock. “But we have only been here a few hours if that.” Wayne glanced over at Glen sitting at the picnic table filling his long stem pipe...

Glen makes his way over. “I tried to tell you that things don't quite work the same as they do down there.” Puffing a row as blue rings of smoke blows into the air around him and noticing the look on everyone shocked faces on what they heard. That they have already been gone almost 3 days and longer in other parts of the world.

“Yes Derrick said something to us about that in Springfield,” Wayne replied.

“Well, here we are in between time itself so reality is no longer a factor. For example, if we planted that crop today. By next week it will almost be ready to be harvested. If we plant a tree in another field depending on the kind and what we do to it. The next morning you would have fruit on a full-grown tree or even a few hours or minutes.

“This is why EJ could not come back when he wanted because it takes too much out of him. He needs nourishment and rest before he could come back like he is now getting. The food you ate for lunch is soul food for the spirit. You'll understand when we get back from our little trip because we have to make two stops, but one is more necessary,” Glen replied quickly glancing over at Betty.

“Alright everyone,” Melee said handing the little boys over to Mrs. Lenfind and the baby. “Don't worry Martha they'll be fine. Morgan or anyone like him cannot go through that gate,” watching Drealin closes it tight.

“It’s not them I worried about at the moment, suppose the boys themselves went outside the gate,” Martha asked thinking about the time in the barn.

Melee laughed taking her hand. “Just too set your mind at ease. Danny, Sam, Ted see those trees clear on the others side of that fence,” they nod. “Go pick your Ma some those pretty flowers before she goes.” Watching them run with their little bare feet in the dirt, Martha and Melee laugh. The boys reached the gate finding they cannot step through it rebounding back against the hard air, then watching the air gentle pick them up and set them right back down in the middle of the yard. Martha could hear a gentle voice in the wind, “sorry boys now go play,” the wind laughs in the air.

Melee laughed as she replied. “Ma nature is guarding our door, and not even EJ could leave if he wanted to without permission from her and us. She the one that gave them each a kiss to protect them if all else fells.”

Martha nods giving each of little ones kiss on the cheek. “Well I couldn't think of anyone better to guard them while we're gone,” she laughed.

Melee waited for Glen and Jaydan to bring the wagons to the front, watching everyone mouths drop. Melee just laughed. “Well are we going somewhere are not?”

Martha nods. “Yes, but I thought....?” Melee taking Glen hand closing her purse with the list of supplies and Glen making sure Betty has taken the staff with her.

Glen takes Martha hand, “Martha trust me.” Glen said helping her into the wagon, “they are needed.”

“Besides dear do you plan on carrying the grocery back yourself by hand,” Melee laughed.

Jaydan laughing with the boys and the aunt's with Grandma in the second wagon as Kollie and Richard brought the third for the supplies. “Alright everyone settled in.” Glen intoned looking back. Glen hands the reigns to EJ sitting in the middle with his Pa by his side and the Whitmore's and his aunts in the back.

Glen turned towards EJ. “Go ahead son, not too hard now.” Ma’s eyes popping out her head watching EJ flick the reigns and EJ’s pony in the lead jumps to a hard start as they all gallop out of the farm. Ma turned back hearing laughter in the wind. “That's my boy!” Ma nature giving them extra push down the road. Ma holding her hat giggling like schoolgirl held on to her seat.

Glen winks with a wave of his hand as a beam of light covers them all opening a small windowless gate. Glen's face gets real long and serious taking the reigns watching everyone adjust as the weakness settles in. EJ nearly falls back as Pa catches him lifting him into the back. “Pa I am so tired,” EJ said. Pa watching EJ nearly melt in his arms.

Glen looks back, “Wayne, Martha he'll be fine just open the compartment under the seat let him rest a bit. It has taken a lot out of him when he was up there and more because of the transfer of his rebirth of his new ability's. We'll reach are distention in a few minutes.” Glen said. Wayne lays EJ in the compartment with a gentle kiss on the cheek closing the sides up.

Betty cleared her throat. “So Glen where are we going?” She asked.

Glen frowned. “Someplace dark and known as the badlands of Kerkush the home of that staff we are carrying,” he replied. “Alright everyone, here we go, I am not sure what we're going to find so be prepared. Kollie you been practicing what I told you, son?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Alright, just be ready when I say to start, because like I said all hell has been unleashed now. This is good of place any to start pissing them off.” Glen waved his hand as the gate quickly opens and the horses and wagons gallop through.

This was the first time Kollie and his family had to do magic while traveling as they each take hands Kollie shouts into the air, “(Trilenda say lay ta mesa)” a bright white light shot straight up from where they are sitting into the darkened sky. A loud thunderbolt shakes the sky and burst of colors stream down. The black hills of infested plant life withered to dry dust as the wind circles the land. Black lava shoots up from the mountain pouring down into the valley like a river.

Glen stops the wagon yelling to Betty, “Betty plant that staff into the ground and make one heck of a storm and get back inside the wagon.”

Betty laughed. “With pleasure.”  She raised her arms and screamed into the wind calling forth the rain, and the wind. Then dances kicking her heals laughing harder, waving her wrist high in the air. Calling for the lightning as she danced as it picks up speed and like a hurricane. “How's that Glen?” She asked.

“Just fine, but I think we're missing something don't ya think Richard?”

“Yes, sir.” Richard jumped out to stand next to his mother. Richard rubbed his hands really hard as his eyes turned to cold blue crystals.  He laughed pointing at the hills, the air got really cold and mean right down freezing as he watched his mothers rain turn to an ice storm then into the biggest blizzard they have ever seen in their entire life. Within minutes the mountains were covered to the point of avalanches.

His Ma slapped Richard on the back so hard laughing watching the wind howl all around them. Then laughed all the way back to the wagon.

“Alright Kollie finishes it nice an pretty like son,” Glen yelled back.

“Yes sir,” he replied as everyone watched fresh green trees growing from underneath the snow covered hills and new life sprouting everywhere.

“Alright my turn,” Melee said taking her husband hand with a shill whistle that could be heard for miles. Animal life came to life in the mountains and in the trees. Martha had tears in her eyes it was as pretty as a postcard.

Glen put his hand on Aunt Mary's shoulder. “You know what is missing dear that would really piss them off,” he asked.

Marry giggles with a soft twinkle, rubbing her hands then blows a soft kiss in four directions, “it just needed some love,” she said.

Glen walks over to the staff frowning. “Alright, Betty lets give it a new home shall we?” Kollie and Rena help her as they all walked over to the staff in the ground. Glen places Betty's hand on it. “I want you to think of all the hurt this staff has done to you, all pain he has caused everyone that he has touched. Then think of Gartooth himself and all the people and crimes he has done.”

Glen placing one hand on her’s and hand on the staff. She could see it all and his face as she wept, It hurt like it was going to tear her heart apart. “Now think of your family and all the love around you,” Glen said kissing her wet cheek. Then nodded to Kollie and Rena as they placed their hands on the staff. Betty could feel it come alive as it screams out in pain.

* * *


Gartooth standing in his Captains quarters on his ship falls to his knees screaming as the staff once more reclaims a new life.  His breathing staggered as he clinches his hands to his chest, screamed out. “NO!”  Watching images of all the crimes of torment he has caused. Feeling the pain and sorrow that each of his victims felt.  Screams out as his scales of skin burn cold against him. He curses as under his heated breath as he crawls with all his strength to the black chest. Opening the lid for the compass with his last breath before passing out, “find her....”

* * * *

© 2020 Shep

My Review

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Okay, so while there is still a lot of talking, as you commented on some of my previous reviews, I am jumping in a book later, so there are some stuff that's been built up that I'm missing out on. There are some good pieces in here, like the families interactions do feel genuine and nice. Along with that, the story does seem to be finally moving in an interesting direction. Looking forward to where we go from here!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

Thanks for the review

glad your sticking with it and will find some nice surprises in.. read more

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1 Review
Added on February 22, 2019
Last Updated on January 25, 2020



Santaquin, UT

Updated January 17, 2020 In short I am a Male 52 years of age and Permanently Disabled due to a car accident and suffer from seizures and Sever PTSD. So I have a lot of time on my hands. One of .. more..

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