Playing my piano under the gnarled pomegranate tree, barefoot in a rose colored dress, I breathe. A sweet lullaby. Like an old film, the watermarks and fuzz don’t diminish my colours. The angels on the bows, sing with me and sway. There are blue moths and fireflies, confused by the storm clouds, they believe the morning to be twilight. The almond blossoms in my wet hair are wilted, waiting to sleep and the chains around my ankles chime with my swaying. The incense I burn smells like a sweet but well known memory. I enjoy the taste. Hear thunder in the distance, and miss the rain. I am in forever and never’s embrace, tasting from true love’s goblet. The crystal bulbs and berry tensile I hung from the branches glow with wind, creating my holiday. I look to the horizon, catching the golden glow peaking from behind the deep clouds, casting warmth on my bed of clovers. I will go to the brook to wash the mud from my legs.
I'm surprised this hasn't been reviewed yet! Maybe you just posted it quite recently? Well, I'm honored to be the first :) It's quite interesting. The title is what caught my attention, as I play the piano. It was less about a piano than I initially assumed it would be, but that's oK, it turned out nicely anyways. (You might think about changing the title though, unless of course you did that on purpose).
Anyways, I like how it's more poetic prose than straight poem. Very descriptive, some really original and evocative imagery! One little thing - your very last sentence contains "was", which I believe should be "wash".
Off to read more of yours! See if they're all this good :D
This was like reading a diary of somebody whose mind I would want to marry! If you can imagine! Sweet so sweet, lyrical and precious mix of words and sentiment.
I love this poem. The imagery it creates is reminiscent of the emotions and other such stuff that can be portrayed from one's beautiful piano playing. I like how the piano appears to swirl and encapsulate everything around it.
This is beautiful! As I read along I can picture what you wrote about as if I was watching a movie. If you have a chance read my, "I could play the piano".
I'm surprised this hasn't been reviewed yet! Maybe you just posted it quite recently? Well, I'm honored to be the first :) It's quite interesting. The title is what caught my attention, as I play the piano. It was less about a piano than I initially assumed it would be, but that's oK, it turned out nicely anyways. (You might think about changing the title though, unless of course you did that on purpose).
Anyways, I like how it's more poetic prose than straight poem. Very descriptive, some really original and evocative imagery! One little thing - your very last sentence contains "was", which I believe should be "wash".
Off to read more of yours! See if they're all this good :D
My pen name is Shelly Braen, I'm twenty five years old.
I love Books, Writing, Art, Music, Playing the Piano, and Photography.
Favorite Photographer: Robert Mapplethorpe
Favorite Painter: Gustave .. more..