Dust, chain link, and stars.
The painting of my dreams. Though I could never show you, never tell you what blue tastes like, how liquid silver feels on bare skin, or what the stars’ voices sound like, I can tell you this, I have been there. I have smelt the galaxies, and tasted the sunrise, listened to the wind speak in tongues and fallen into the night sky. For I have been led by an un-seeable hand and walked under the gaze of the watchers for all my days past and yet to come. I must ask, have you ever tasted love’s iris? Or walked on beads of dew? They are quite the same glowing fruit, from the palm of the same hand. Listen, I beg, to the music of the early dawn’s wind, and the symphony of a Sunday rain, you will hear it all. In the lonely corners of your mind, feel these, hear these, and see this. You may find me there, watching you as well. I would dance with you, and so would he. You have but to ask.