It was nearing twilight, and the sky was turning purple as I left the house. A silver moon slowly rose to meet me. Only a sliver of its soft radiance shone above a chorus of dark clouds. Tonight, I knew, it would rain. My bare feet, prodded by the cobblestone path, carried me away from my porch to the edge of a field I once knew. The wooden fence, then standing tall uniformly guarding the field, now bends, meandering lazily across the grass. A swell of wind, cool and welcoming whispers, asking me to follow. Over the fence, the bristling of grass calls out my name. Guided by the moon, now carried high by a multitude of stars, I find my place atop a gentle hill to wait. The clouds roll closer, a rumble of thunder shakes my bones, a flash of lightning captures my heart, and I knew tonight, I too would know the rain.