Wonderfully worded and expressed, this points out the sheer extent and hassle one would go through to make themselves look or feel beautiful, all that work on an outward appearance, while leaving not much value on the inside. brilliant.
Hello my friend. I did enjoy the story in the poetry. I love your words. You must digest every sentence and you create vision and thoughts for the reader. A epic journey to a deadly ending.Thank you for sharing the outstanding poetry.
all is in the eye of the beholder. we tend to see what we want to see - perception vs. reality. things are more complicated and intricate below the surface if we dare go there and take the time. reminds me of what my muse thoreau wrote, "It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." very cool write. deep and a little disturbing but true - perhaps more true than most of us care to admit ... :)
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Beauty is beholden to smile , what a great review , thank you Pete.
sheerTerror .. read moreBeauty is beholden to smile , what a great review , thank you Pete.
When I was a young girl I was your average Tomboy. I lived to watch Star Trek the only thing that could take me away from the voyages of the Star Ship Enterprise was playing Baseball with the boys. .. more..