I liked the photos and the thoughts. You left the reader with something to think about. Always a pleasure to read to read your powerful and worthwhile poetry and thoughts.
Oh! My! Gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!! A BIG WHEEL!!!!!!!!
I had three different ones, growing up.
Thanks for that picture, and an amazing piece of writing.
Provocative and truthful.
"primed for flight, a jacket of lead dares our right".
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Yes, a big wheel! My brother and I would roll out on big wheels Sunday morning still in pajama pants.. read moreYes, a big wheel! My brother and I would roll out on big wheels Sunday morning still in pajama pants , cowboy boots, guns blazing and a pocket full of cheerios. We were looking for trouble. Your review is outstanding I thank you very much..
i guess without thinking we have started to teach our children about killing,maybe it stuck with some of them
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Wordman, and then we repeat with our grandchildren
letting them play violent computer games... read moreWordman, and then we repeat with our grandchildren
letting them play violent computer games. Thank you for the great review.
The pictures bring me back to the good ol' days when my friends and I would play SWAT vs. Terrorists, lol.
I love the descriptive words that you used in regards to what a firearm looks like and does, very satisfied after reading this. As kids we see the brilliantly glorified gun violence on television and some of us want to do that, to be the Hero Cop with the gun killing all the bad criminals.
All in all, a very good poem!
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
It is good to see you are back. I am glad that you enjoyed this I enjoyed writing it. If you look cl.. read moreIt is good to see you are back. I am glad that you enjoyed this I enjoyed writing it. If you look close in the pic you can see the kid on the big wheel is in pajama pants and cowboy boots that is how my brother and I would roll out on Sunday morning. Ready to play cops and robbers. Our conditioning as a child to a great degree helps determine if we are a good guy or a bad guy. We cant control everything nor can we change what is in another's heart, if they wish to kill they will kill. The symbolism here I am eager to state is that I am a bullet named Terror. I thank you for the outstanding review and it is good to see you again.
Sheer Terror
7 Years Ago
Thanks. I played with my friends where we would be a four man swat team invading a house with bad gu.. read moreThanks. I played with my friends where we would be a four man swat team invading a house with bad guys holding hostages. We were really into the video game Counter Strike at the time, lol.
quite the 'firearm', pun intended. this is one you don't want to play with. made my skin crawl. you sure are letting something out with this. hope that bullet doesn't have my name on it.
doesn't take long for innocence to be lost in this world. takes me back to childhood - interesting how we want toy guns when kids. we used to plays 'war' or 'guns' in the woods near my house. i remember yelling 'bang, bang' and 'pow, pow, pow'. the ammo imagery is quite strong & effective. lock, load and let 'er rip baby. "primed for flight, a jacket of lead dares our right". super writing & pics ...
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Pete, you know I love to tell a tale with images. This is different than I usually write but I am h.. read morePete, you know I love to tell a tale with images. This is different than I usually write but I am happy with the finished product. I enjoy the symbolism here and that the reader might draw a conclusion no where near my point which is good.
I am a bullet named Terror. Thank you for the great review.
interesting picture...and the poem is quite an allegory....we find many ways to shoot ourselves, even when it is not literally===
we can be most dangerous to ourselves...
and in the literal sense...people careless with guns...so many accidental students...and also so many innocents killed in drive-by shootings...
so many ways to kill...physically, emotionally, mentally.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
My pictures are about the heart of a child with a front row seat to a household and a television of .. read moreMy pictures are about the heart of a child with a front row seat to a household and a television of the outside world full of violence. That ever struggle, I find the pics represent my memory of a innocence and my words are a weapon. I relive a number of things through my writing and then I set them free. I am always hopeful what I write is relate able to the reader. Thank you for the great Review
When I was a young girl I was your average Tomboy. I lived to watch Star Trek the only thing that could take me away from the voyages of the Star Ship Enterprise was playing Baseball with the boys. .. more..