Corvus, the Latin word with diverse meaning. Used in reference to a species of bird, Ravens, Crows and Rooks. This particular species has a diverse history with the spirit world. In the Norse mythology chief God Odin had two ravens they symbolized his mind and thoughts. He put the Raven symbol on the battlefield flags the dead were covered with their symbol for their welcoming in to VALHALLA. If your still reading Thank you and God Bless.
Sheer Terror
My Review
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This is really one of the unique pieces I have read so far which speaks to the reader in its own way.
A powerful write with some good imagery :-)
We all will die one day no matter how we live either sticking to good or bad or living with all might.Someone Supreme is watching everything and his call will be the final one..There are so many viewpoints to dig in this write. Some amazing and amusing phrases have been used here. I absolutely loved reading this whole write but especially the second stanza where you wrote about betrayal, power and mortality.
The wonder of this. It's certainly contemporary. Very violent. I'm stricken by the ease with which you use the most intelligent birds. This is something I love.
This is epic, black ravens always conjure up the image of death and destruction and mayhem. Brilliant poem. That paints that perfect image of all. Wonderfully.
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Dawn, the symbolism for the birds is endless when I wrote this I was reaching for a simple contrast... read moreDawn, the symbolism for the birds is endless when I wrote this I was reaching for a simple contrast. When you ref the tales of Corvus it is endless. Thank you for reading and leaving a review
This felt like an endless war over generations, and the thing is, this war is so symbolic that it can be viewed from so many different perspectives depending on what you feel. It's a very flexible poem. I originally thought of an actual war when I first read it but after going over it again I also realized it could relate to a number of things from every day life, to personal problems, even politics.
Now here are the line I really liked with my own interpretations; "innocence is reserved for devastation"
I saw it as a few things one of which was people being born into this world have no choice but to face some kind of trouble in life one way or another and so shall you live until death, another view to keep it short are child soldiers sent to die without choice or reason, and rape.
there are some other lines i also like "fear resides with a spectator vision" for example, i saw the big wigs so to speak who would never dare to go on a battle field but send soldiers to die while living comfortably, and literally what you would call casualties of war, those not involved but fear they will die, and then people in society who see bad things happen but out of fear turn a blind eye. so many things that can be commented but to wrap this up. again this is a very flexible and symbolic poem, I love it, brilliantly done. keep it up
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
I wrote this to cover man's destruction of himself. Corvus, and the spirit world go back as far as .. read moreI wrote this to cover man's destruction of himself. Corvus, and the spirit world go back as far as man so I put them together. Power is sometimes too great a thing for the men it is given with great power they still behave and trade everything petty. Thank you for the outstanding review
Wonderfully written, very different ;0} much connected to the spiritual world. Enjoyed this write ;-]
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Corvus, there are so many spiritual stories they belong to. I enjoyed writing this thank you .. read moreCorvus, there are so many spiritual stories they belong to. I enjoyed writing this thank you
Death, so final.
Do the Ravens appear because death is imminent.
Do they appear out of respect?
Your poem brings up different thoughts and feelings.
Great tribute to the fallen.
Posted 6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Corvus, the latin term for this species of bird. They are sent by the spirit world they are the har.. read moreCorvus, the latin term for this species of bird. They are sent by the spirit world they are the harbingers. Death is eminent no one gets out alive. One man's vicious game for power eventually will touch us all. Thank you for taking the time to read and leave an review
This was different for me because most of my poems are real life this came from my imagination and a.. read moreThis was different for me because most of my poems are real life this came from my imagination and an inner struggle. Thank you for taking the time to read and leave a review.
Listen to "the after" by Ihsahn whilst reading this poem, it will chill you to your bone. It's a strong, sad, yet beautiful combination. Loved it. Sincerely yours, Jules.
A amazing poem. Wonderfully told and you brought the tale to life for the reader. Black Ravens. Myth and tale to many beliefs. Thank you for sharing the outstanding poetry.
Very well could have gotten even better place if you had used the word blooms/ bloom. However, this was one unique as well as great write to read. Congrats. I enjoyed reading this.
I loved this poem. The theme of Ravens being Harbingers of Death and perhaps evil. The visuals of snow added a layer to this concept in an amazingly dark way. In my opinion, this poem is sublime perfection.
Also like the reference to the constellation of Corvus.
Mr. Lovecraft. I thank you for your very encouraging Review. Originally I wrote this for a contest... read moreMr. Lovecraft. I thank you for your very encouraging Review. Originally I wrote this for a contest. The phrase blooming flower threw the snow had to be used. I built everything around that phrase. The ravens were first. I remembered some of my History of the Vikings they believed that Ravens carried the souls of the dead to their next destination.
I enjoyed writing this it was all creation and imagination. Most my writing reflects my true life experiences. Again thank you and God Bless
Of course. I'm part Swedish and I am actually distantly related to Eric The Red. Odin himself has tw.. read moreOf course. I'm part Swedish and I am actually distantly related to Eric The Red. Odin himself has two ravens that serve him, Huginn and Muninn. :)
8 Years Ago
That's cool. What I liked about the Ravens is they are as I stated in the piece, indifferent. They.. read moreThat's cool. What I liked about the Ravens is they are as I stated in the piece, indifferent. They have this attitude about them as they were just answering the calling, it matters not which side wins. The Ravens black wings against bloody snow is a great contrast. I hope you could picture it.
8 Years Ago
I did. I used the contrast of Blood and Snow in my poem Bloody Snow, lol.
When I was a young girl I was your average Tomboy. I lived to watch Star Trek the only thing that could take me away from the voyages of the Star Ship Enterprise was playing Baseball with the boys. .. more..