Paul, the way on moves through the stages of grief it is unique to the relationship. This poem howev.. read morePaul, the way on moves through the stages of grief it is unique to the relationship. This poem however is about survival guilt in the beginning
my son and myself were consumed by it. It's something I will always carry but this was my moment of clarity. Does one soul die or do you let it kill the whole tree. There is nothing that will hurt more in this life than to lose your child who is a mother. I know watch my grandchildren grow through the stages of life mirror the images of my daughter. She is lives in there every movement, smile and tear. Thank you for the review and the acknowledgement.
Sheer Terror
7 Years Ago
I think in death, you go through every emotion possible. Is there a healing time. I don't know. Mayb.. read moreI think in death, you go through every emotion possible. Is there a healing time. I don't know. Maybe the memory is the greatest healer. It brings Natalie home to you.
This poem pulls each and every string of my heart to make it sing.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
JIYA, this poem is very dear to me I wrote it for all my children to help them but I dedicated it To.. read moreJIYA, this poem is very dear to me I wrote it for all my children to help them but I dedicated it To Ryan he is the one in the pictures with Natalie. Thank you for taking the time to read and review
my writing.
Sheer Terror
7 Years Ago
The poem is beautiful!
Sounds like your family has dealt or is currently dealing with moreThe poem is beautiful!
Sounds like your family has dealt or is currently dealing with loss.
Thank you for sharing on such a personal level.
So sad. I'm having a hard time coming up with words because it's just so heavy and beautiful. I really like how you compared the death to the sparrow and the tree, because in the end, death is a huge part of nature. I must save this to my library, because I feel the need to keep rereading it.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
You and Me is very special for me it was written as a communication with My son he is on this web si.. read moreYou and Me is very special for me it was written as a communication with My son he is on this web site. Its the second poem I was finally able to write in regards to my Daughter's death. The Poems , Death, You and Me, The View, Grace and then Butterfly's are all about Natalie. I have used this Media as therapy once I was able to write about her. She remains with me. Thank you for reading and reviewing.
God Bless
This is heart wrenching, SK
I have no words to write after reading this..this is written from soul...A salute from me to you and your love for them.
Thanks for sharing.
When a sparrow dies the loss is felt by the whole community who will miss its song, but the tree lives on.
Just my thoughts... This poem touched something in me. It's a good poem.
When I was a young girl I was your average Tomboy. I lived to watch Star Trek the only thing that could take me away from the voyages of the Star Ship Enterprise was playing Baseball with the boys. .. more..