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A Story by SheActsLikeSummer

Die writers block, die!!!!

It stares at me, it's blank essence having competing in a stare off with me. I try not to blink, try to force myself to overpower the urge to scrunch up my eyes and never open them again. They begin to water, a tear gliding softly down my cheek and then I close them. I've lost.
I reach up to rub my eyes with the palms of my hands. The sheet of paper stuffed carelessly in my notebook chuckling mischievously at my failure. It beckons me to try one more time but I decline it's offer. And that's when it hits me, the tiniest thing sparking an idea in my head. It expands, becoming not just a spark but a blazing fire speaking to me, "Write, write, write."

© 2012 SheActsLikeSummer

Author's Note

I think my English teacher would be proud. There are quite a few personifications wrapped into this piece. I hope you enjoyed it. Ps. the genre is adventure because I had no idea what it would fall under.

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nice. :) i've got something like that too, if you'd like to check it out

Posted 12 Years Ago

i enjoyed this very much however when iopened the poem, i was full of hope i would find an instruction on how to be free of the block, alas i am still mired in it! well done all the same :P

Posted 12 Years Ago

Ha! This is brilliant, and wonderfully captures the essence of the dreaded writers' block. The entire symptom is just evil. Writer's block, I mean. :P

Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on April 14, 2012
Last Updated on April 14, 2012
Tags: writers block, write, paper, personification, notebook




I wish there was a single moment in my life that summed up who I am. Just a short snippet of time that I could copy and paste here so I didn't have to rack my mind for something to say. But I kind of .. more..


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