Your Lost Song

Your Lost Song

A Poem by Shay33

Symbolic poem written from the point of view of a guitar.


I sit here, waiting

In the cold

Aged and broken,

Stained and old.

Longing for

Your eager embrace,

A moment that I

Am anxious to face.

As I rest, dust gathers

In an even coat,

And I dream of the songs

That, upon me, you wrote.

My neck still feels pinches

From once-present fingers,

And, although it hurts,

Your presence still lingers.

So I'll dream of the chords

That you used to strum,

And the softest of melodies

You'd playfully hum,

And I'll wait in this closet

For however long,

Until you feel the temptation

To play your lost song.

© 2010 Shay33

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Wow i like it! A wonderful poem u have here! Great rhyme scheme and I feel the longing of the guitar wanted to be taken out and played again! keep up the good work! :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

it's very emotional and touches the reader's heart. it's one of the perfect mixes of music, poetry, and love that I have read. love it!

Posted 14 Years Ago

That's really good :) I love the imagery and emotion. Great write :)


Posted 14 Years Ago

I really like the rhyme and how it's told from a guitar's point of view.
It's interesting and makes for a unique read.
Thanks for sharing.

Posted 14 Years Ago

i like this alot. it flows so easily it makes it very enjoyable to read.


Posted 14 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on March 28, 2010
Last Updated on March 28, 2010




Just love to write... and don't like sharing my writing with anyone I know in real life. Haha. I'm pretty open, accepting, opinionated yet open-minded, and pretty easy to get along with, if I say so m.. more..

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