I'll Sing

I'll Sing

A Poem by Shay33

I'll sing because nobody knows

That I have mint between my toes,

Goosebumps underneath my clothes,

The scent of roses in my nose.


I'll laugh because nobody sees

The stings of two real angry bees,

The smiling faces above the trees,

The green of grass rubbed on my knees.


I'll dream of something, and you won't care:

A place where blue in the sky is rare,

Whistles dance through sunlit air,

If you knew, I'd take you there.


So sing because there's a song to be sung,

Laugh because you have the lungs

To chuckle when your mouth is stung,

And dream of where your hat is hung.

© 2010 Shay33

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I love this. It's so true and relateable and I love the imagery. Excellent write :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

This sounds almost musical! I really like how it flows and the rhythm is flawless. I've read it multiple times to try and offer some kind of constructive feedback but there is nothing to change! Great write

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on February 23, 2010
Last Updated on February 23, 2010




Just love to write... and don't like sharing my writing with anyone I know in real life. Haha. I'm pretty open, accepting, opinionated yet open-minded, and pretty easy to get along with, if I say so m.. more..

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