A Trip Down the Rabbits Hole

A Trip Down the Rabbits Hole

A Story by Pimby The Poet

My spin on Alice in Wonderland.


One day I was sitting in my room alone when my mind had slipped from me. It slowly drifted away into a state of reality that did not seem so real. I was sent down into a spiral of weird, fictional things. Everywhere I turned there was something looking at me with its' big, silver, piercing eyes. In one moment, it was grinning at me the next it was glaring at me. This reality was not a fun one at all. The things that jumped out at me where horrid and should go unmentioned, but I must tell you. There were dancing thumbs with fangs, which dripped with blood. They screeched a high-pitched tone that drowned out your sanity. Then little children with no faces who played in dark empty streets, humming a melancholy tone. The walls of the room bled with this thick, black ooze that smelled of rotten garbage. It was hard to stay in this reality, but I knew I must. I had to save myself from my own mind, it was slipping away from me.


I had finally stopped going down the spiral of insane things when I had hit the ground. I was knocked unconscious, laying there exposed to what could be lurking around any corner. Moments had passed by before I finally regained consciousness. My body jolted up, my eyes darting from side to side. "Where, where am I?" My voice echoed throughout the darkness. "Where am I?!" This time I had shouted it in hopes that I would find someone to tell me, with no luck I climbed to my feet. I stood there looking around in the darkness. I could not make anything out, I felt like I was blind with all the darkness that swarmed around me. "This is no good. I cannot see anything. I need som-" In mid-sentence something had tugged on my pant leg. I exhaled slowly and looked down; it was only a cute mouse. "Miss you mustn’t be here. This place tis be dangerous. Hurry, Hurry this way." "Sir, I can't see where I am going." "Oh, tis be my fault, I like to keep things quite dark around here. Keeps them away. Let me light my candle and we'll be about our way." "Thank you, Sir." He stroked a match against the floor and the light that shown from it nearly blinded me. I rose my arm to place it near my eyes as he lit the candle that was in his other hand. Leading the way, I took role as a follower. "Where are you taking me?"


"Shhh, you mustn’t speak right now." In hopes of having my questions answered was shot down. He had led me through a sequence of hallways. It felt as if we were never going to stop walking. My legs had started to hurt from all the walking. We would go left, right, left, left, then right. This same pattern occurred as if we were stuck in a time warp. "Are we ever going to get there?" "Yes, just a wee bit further. In no time we will be safe." Luckily, a few moments after we had reached a door about my height. I had thought "why would a tiny mouse need such a big door?". During this thought he had done a rhythmic knocking and a large man about my height had answered the door. "Hey Tippin, what have you brought here today?" "Sir, this miss was lost about a few ways back and they would have gotten her if I hadn't of saved her." "Oh well then let us not waste time. Come on girl get in." "Oh, okay then." I had stepped past him and entered a room that was a bit too small for me and him both. "Tippin come on in for a while." "I best not Sir, I must be on my way. Busy mouse ya know." "Oh, Alright Tippin, be sure to come back later." "Alright" The mouse had took his leave, leaving me with the big yet not so tall man. "How did you come about being here?"


"Well...I-I-I don't remember..." My face had a puzzled look on it. I was sure of how I got to this place but how I got into the spiral that had suddenly became a mystery. "I was sure I knew ...How ...Why ...Who am I?" I was now looking around a foreign place. I had no recollection of who I was. It was as if I got a sudden case of amnesia. "Good. Those were the answers I was looking for. Now we must get out of here before you regain your memory." He grabbed me by the arm and led through this doorway into a much bigger room than what we were in before. "Wow, such pretty hallways. Where am I?" "You'll know just in time." We walked down this long hallway until we reached a door that was too small for him but big enough for me to fit in. "Hurry up miss go in. Quickly now." "Oh, okay then. Will I remember who I am?" "Yes, now go." His eyes darted from side to side as I reached for the doorknob. I twisted the knob and opened the door. I felt his meaty hand push me through and I began to fall. All my memories flooding back to me but one, how did I get here? "Not another spiral."


This spiral had come to a quick stop, but she had landed softly on a bed of grass. She leaned up from the grass as she looked around the open field. It had appeared to be normal. "Well, this place isn't so bad." She stood up and looked around, seeing if there was any clear path to lead her somewhere, hopefully out of this place. Taking a few steps forward as the grass spread apart and made way for her to walk. "I sure do hope I find a way out of this place." Continuing walking down the path she entered a dark forest, which was not so scary as much as just gloomy and not often visited. She kept her eyes in front of her, watching her feet to make sure she did not step on any creatures. She had walked a long distance from the field until she had come upon a silver fence that was about ten times as big as she was. Looking around to see if anyone was there, no such luck so she called out for someone. "Hello, hello! Anyone there?" Suddenly she was startled by a little butterfly that had landed on her shoulder; that had spoken to her. "I wouldn't do that if I was you." "Ah!" She had screamed. "Oh, please don't yell my little ears are so sensitive." "Well, you don't just sneak up on a person like that." "Well as you can see since I am so tiny it is hard for me to my presence known without scaring someone." "Very well then, why should I not do this?" "Because the evil wizard lives in that place." "Oh, but it is such a lovely place. Why would an evil wizard live here?" "To trick you. Follow me, I lead you some place safe." "Oh alright." She had followed the little butterfly.


They butterfly floated along a path that seemed to open into a brighter part of the forest. Looking around as she followed closely behind. The trees were filled with beautiful flowers; there were pink, red, yellow, purple, and pink ones. This forest was such a beautiful place, she liked it very much. The path was a stoned white path. Her bare feet padded along the pathway. "We're almost there just a bit more." The butterfly fluttered its' little wings. She looked straight ahead and saw an adorable little cabin. In few steps more she arrived at the door. She was just barely small enough to fit inside the doorway as the butterfly lead her through. Inside was a homely place. Furniture all nice and tidy as well as set up against the wall. Pictures of people she did not know but they looked like a happy family. This place felt like a safe place to be. "Lady Quail will be with you soon." The butterfly floated off into down the hallway. She took a seat on the couch, waiting for this Lady Quail who she guessed was supposed to help her somehow.


I had sat there waiting for quite a while before I suddenly was startled by an old lady sitting next to me. "Uhm...How long have you been sitting there?" "Awhile," she said in a quirky little voice. She kept a smile on her face as she examined me. "So, you must be the little girl my cute little butterfly told me about. Well, you are beautiful that is obvious." "Why thank you...but umm I was wondering if you could help me find my way back home?" "I sure can but first my deary you must find yourself." "What-What do you mean find me?" "Well, deary that is why you are here. You had lost yourself and now you are off to find yourself again. Everyone is waiting for you, ya know." "Everyone?" "Yes, your family." I sat there with a blank stare on my face. I was so confused as to what she meant but at least someone had given me a clue, a hint as to how to get of this place. I sighed as I scratched my head. "How am I supposed to find myself?" "Well, it’s about time you asked. I thought you were just going to stare at the wall all day." I just blinked at her. "Come on, get up. Let’s go." "Al-Alright" I got up and followed her throughout her house. She led me down some stairs, into a nice furnished basement, all the way to the back. She opened a door and through the door was a dark pathway. "I'm supposed to go through there?" "Well yes if you want to find yourself and get out of here." I shrugged and took a deep breath as I walked through the doorway. She shut the door behind me. "Here goes nothing."


She continued down the hallway as the walls glowed a bright blue. "Why are they always so many doors and hallways in this place?" She sighed as she finally reached another door. She opened the door and looked out at the other side there was a large white castle with flags that had a cross with a circle around it, as its symbol. The girl had walked through the doorway and the door shut and immediately disappeared. "That's not creepy at all", she said in a sarcastic tone. She looked ahead and notice that a crystal path had appeared in front of her, so she began to walk along it. The pathway was short, so she reached the doors of the castle in no time. She looked around for someone outside the castle yet again no luck. It was like everyone was always in hiding. So, she took the knocker on one of the doors in her hand and began to knock against the door. She knocked twice before someone came to the door. "What is it tha- You are the girl" "What?" "It is her", he yelled behind him. He grabbed her arm and drug her inside. "Not so rough with her!" She heard someone yell at the man. "What do you want?" "We want to help you. If we help you our kingdom will be saved." "How am I supposed to save your kingdom?" She looked around for the person talking but saw no one. "Where are you?" "I am right here." A figure walked out from the light. It was a woman, a beautiful woman who was young. "Don't let my appearance fool you, I am older than I look. It is the kingdom that preserves my youthful face." I just looked at her confused. "How old are you?"


"If I told you my age would not believe me." She looked at the woman in disbelief. "Alright I warned you. I am two-thousand years old." "A talking mouse, A talking butterfly, Evil wizard and a two-thousand-year-old woman." She threw her free arm up in the air thinking that this was all crazy. "What next?" She sighed. "A lot, I sadly have to say. You have to destroy the wizard and return the Crystal of Light to me before the darkness overtakes my whole kingdom." "I have to do what?" She yelled in a furious tone. " No need to get aggressive. This is all for your sake. If you want to save yourself, you have to save my kingdom." "Save myself? Why does everyone keep on saying that?" "You are lost my dear." "Lost? How did I get lost?" "Simple, you lost yourself somewhere in your mind and I am what your mind sent to help you save yourself." "I sent you? To save me?" She was confused by now. "Yes, that is correct. Don't try to understand it just do what you were sent for, Save yourself." She just looked at the woman in defeat. If she were really to "save herself" she needed to do as this woman asked; hoping it would bring her back to the reality she knew. She looked over at the guard who still had her arm. "Could you let go?" He looked over at the woman and she nodded at the guard. His hand slipped from the girls' arm. "Thank you." "Follow me." The girl followed behind the woman who still had no name. "What is your name?" "What is your name?" The woman asked in return. "Well, my name is- What is my name?" "You remember where you were before this place, but your name evades you. Why you ask, simply because my name is your name and until you save my kingdom you will not remember it, nor will I remember it." "But why?" "Your name is what will save us all in the end. It is what lights the crystal after darkness has touched it, but you have to find out what it is." "What if I don't?" "You die and we do to."


"Die!" The girl yelled. "Yes, we will all die." "This is just a joke, right? No wait this is just a dream, yeah a dream." "No, it is not a dream this is real, very real." The woman had stopped in front of a window with curtains hiding what was on the other side. The girl was still trying to process all of what was happening. "This will show you how you are supposed to retrieve the Crystal of Light. Go ahead and open the curtain." The woman back away from the window as the girl, still processing her thoughts, stepped in front of the window. She pulled back the curtain as a scene began to play right in front of her eyes.


"I will get that Crystal from you!" "You must be confused with some other wizard. No one can get anything from me I don't want them to get." He had a smile of mockery on his face. "Oh yes I will get that from you because I have one thing no one else has!" The girl gritted her teeth as the wizard stood there with a grin of curiosity on his face. "Please go on." He encouraged her. She reached into her pocket and pulled out what looked like a pitch-black version of the Crystal of Light. His eyes widen with fear. "My-My Crystal! You foolish girl hand that over to me now before you really cause something to happen you do not want!" The girl now had the grin of glee upon her face. "Well if I break this then you will die, and I will have the Crystal of Light."

-End Scene-

"What! That is all? How am I supposed to get the Crystal of Darkness?" She was frustrated with this. "That you will find out on your journey." "How am I supposed to get back to the wizards' castle?" "Travel by horse. It will take you two days to get there but know he is now looking for you. He knows you are here and will do anything it takes to get you." "But how?" "The butterfly is a traitor."

© 2021 Pimby The Poet

Author's Note

Pimby The Poet
Never finished the story so be kind.

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Added on December 9, 2015
Last Updated on June 1, 2021
Tags: unfinished, alice, wonderland, trippy, fantasy, crazy, insane


Pimby The Poet
Pimby The Poet


You're life is what you make it but be passionate about it, remember you made the decisions. more..
