![]() Chapter 6A Chapter by Shawn RileyI cannot believe what I am seeing. Who is this person? How many more people could possible have super powers? Before I could think about what to do a vine comes flying towards me. I duck as it flies threw the window and climbs up the wall. I watch is crawl across the ceiling until it is standing above me. I head for the window and jump, finding the air current and riding it towards the person. I fly close enough to the person that the vine wraps around them and misses me. A muffled scream escapes the mouth of the black figure and I see a little bit of blond hair as they get pulled up by the vine. I fly over to Chloee and break the vine in half, killing the half holding Chloee and causing the other half to shrink back to the branch. I fly to the ground and head back for my room. Eric has already broken free. I see the vine shriveled up and smoldering in the corner of my room. I hover in the air in front of the window, but away from his grasp. He holds his hands out like he did when he threw the boulder at me, but this time the ground cracks and I see a circular platform start to form out of the ground and it shoots up to the window. Eric steps on, glances at me, and rides the platform down to the ground where he meets up with Chloee and within seconds they disappear with the sound of a clap. I turn around and look for the black person, but I do not see anyone out there. I look around for the vine that grabbed them, but I see the tree and nothing else. I hear the gate slam shut and someone running. I run to Kaitlyn’s room and look out her window and see the person rounding the corner of the street. I hear a door shut and see a black I go into my room and lay on my bed. There is something going on lately, and it’s not just my mind. I don’t care what everyone is saying, there is something very strange going on. I will get this out of my mom. I will not stop asking her until I get the truth. There is no way my mind is making all this up. I lay on my bed thinking some more and wait for the garage door to open. I can feel tiredness coming on, but I fight it to stay awake. I need to go see if Chloee is alright but I need to talk to my mom first. I let out a yawn as the tiredness finally starts to take over. Why would my parents hide things from me? How people actually have… I fly into a world that is different from anywhere I’ve seen. It looks like something straight out of a horror movie. I look around and notice I am in a sort of dungeon, with stone cold floors and stone walls. It is a circular room with the walls standing at least 30 feet high and what looks like a drain cover on top. That explains the water dripping into a puddle in the middle of the room. I stand up and jump in the air hoping I can fly out of here, but as soon as I feel myself take off I feel pain in my ankles and get pulled back down the ground. I slam into the ground and let out a grunt. I hear a door close shut in the distance and hear footsteps coming towards me. I look down the hall to my left and see the shadow person again. She is wearing the same thing and never comes into the light so no one can see her face. She holds out her hand and a bolt of lightning comes down the storm drain and lands in the puddle of water, evaporating it instantly. I look across the room to see Chloee also chained up. She is on the verge of passing out and she looks like she’s been here a while. The shadow person raises her arms up again and hail come through the storm drain and fly towards Chloee, where they hit her. She lets out a scream and tries to curl into a ball. When the hail stops she starts crying. The door slams shut again and another person appears, holding Eric. The person is also dressed in black, but this time, he comes into the open. I see short brown hair and a pair of piercing yellow eyes. He throws Eric to the ground and puts a hand in the air. A pair of chains, just like the ones restraining Chloee and me, come flying from a room and wrap around Eric. He gets thrown against the wall and falls to the ground. He looks just as bad as Chloee does. The shadow person then turns around and faces me. He says some sort of incantation and holds up his hand. An electric looking streak of red hits me. I start convulsing and feel like I am on fire. I feel as though I am burning from the inside out. I keep whacking my head on the ground due to the convulsions. I try to scream, but nothing comes out. As soon as it started it ends. I lay on the ground, out of breath and in pain. I look over to where both shadow people are standing. They are talking in a foreign tongue that I do not recognize. They both turn around to look at all of us. The girl holds her hand up again and we feel wind pick up. Rain starts pouring down the storm drain followed by a lot of water from the city. They another lightning bolt charges down here and crashed into the wall by Chloee. She screams because of the heat. Eric looks ready to beat them up and I want to break free. I use all my strength, but I do not succeed in breaking the chains. More and more water start pouring down the drain. I look over to the shadow figures to find that the water does not hit them. It is only hitting us. We are getting soaked by water and frozen by the wind. More lightning comes charging into the room and hit various places around the room. As more and more water piles in, the water level gets higher and higher. Finally when the water is up to our necks the rain stops. The girl is still holding her hands up, and the water starts spinning, pulling us with it, but we can only go so far, so as the water spins faster and faster, the handcuffs dig deeper and deeper into our skin. An opening opens in the middle of the floor and the water goes down into the well sitting below. The shadow people disappear back threw the door they came from. I look over at Chloee and Eric and see that they are close to passing out. They have been through a lot and cannot take anymore. I try to call out to them, but I am so tired that no words come out. We all sit in silence for what feels like hours before we hear the door open once again and the shadow girl comes out again. She holds her hand up and a lightning bolt comes down again, and it flies all around the room before it hits Chloee straight in the chest. “NO!!!” I scream and I sit straight up in bed. I am all sweaty and I am breathing deeply. I look around and notice that I am back in my room. I have been asleep for a while, because it is now dark outside. I sit on the side of the bed and catch my breath. I get up and go to the bathroom and splash water on my face. I grab the towel and wipe my face dry. I walk down the hall to my mom’s room. I hear the TV on, so I know she is there. I knock on the door and wait for the reply to come in. I open the door and walk in. My mom is sitting in the recliner watching TV. “I was wondering when you’d wake up,” she says as she looks over to me. She turns on the light and walks over to me, “there is something I need to tell you.” “And there is something I need to ask you,” I respond. “Let me go first. You’re father and I have decided to tell you something we’ve kept secret. After hearing about your fight at school and after our discussion about you having super powers I talked to your father. He didn’t like the idea at first, but we feel the need to tell you now. You’re father used to be a super hero. He was Xander, who our city is named after. My whole family has have evolved from weasels, thus our tall thin appearance and our speed and ability to jump. “When you were born, and you were the only one born, we knew you got all the powers. You’re father has super strength. Your father’s super power blood made my natural weasel powers become super powers. You got super speed from our running and flight from our jumping. Within the same year you were born, two more super heroes were born along with two super villains. We knew the time would come when you would have to save the town, and we didn’t want anyone knowing you were the son of a super hero,” she tells me. “Who are the other two super heroes?” I ask. “I only know of one. Chloee. That is why we have trusted her with your life when you got hurt. We knew she was the only person that could keep you safe while you were vulnerable.” “If dad is Xander, then why doesn’t he protect the people anymore? It seems like evil is doing something every day.” “He made a deal with evil that until the time came for you to fight, he wouldn’t use his powers. Of course, evil never kept their end of the deal, but your dad is an honest man and kept his end.” “So am I the only one in this family that has super powers?” “Yes, all your siblings were born in groups, and the super hero powers can’t spit off into three or four people. Instead, each one is good as just one thing. That is why our family has always been good at athletics. You, because of the super powers, had to develop powers and you have normal human abilities up until now, which is why you always felt left out at school.” “This all makes sense now. So if Chloee has super powers, than Eric must too. I used to think he was evil, but after what happened today and the dream I just had I am thinking differently. I see that evil is much stronger that I thought.” “What happened today?” my mom asked. I explained everything that has gone on this week and about the dream I had. When I finish telling her she sits back down in the chair. “I think evil is stronger that your father imagined. Maybe we should have told you sooner, so you could train and become strong.” “I wish I would have at least known I would have super powers.” “I’m sorry. I really am. We thought we would be protecting you, but we really haven’t. I’m going to call Jude, she was your dad’s trainer and she will be your trainer. We need to get your trained,” my mom says. She picks up the phone and is soon talking to Jude. I go into the other room and I leave and go back to my room. When I get back to my room I find Chloee sitting on my bed. She looks like she’s been crying and she looks like she is scared. “Chloee, are you okay?” I ask. “No, I fell asleep and had the worst dream. I was in a dungeon and you were there, and Eric too, and we kept getting tortured by shadow people. They kept making it rain and storm and lighting kept hitting all around the place. The last thing I remember before I woke up was a lightning bolt headed straight for me. “But that’s not the weirdest thing about today. When I got home from school a shadow figure was again at my house, they said to me to come with them and remain calm and not fight back. I remember being help upside down by my ankles, but other than that I don’t remember much,” she explains. “Oh my God. Chloee, we just had the same exact dream. And I came into my room earlier and Eric was hanging in my room and you were outside hanging. I was wondering why you weren’t fighting back. My mom just told me I have super powers and she’s called Jude, my trainer and I’m going to start training soon. I hope were not too late.” “I fear we may be too late.” © 2011 Shawn Riley |
Added on May 15, 2011 Last Updated on May 15, 2011 AuthorShawn RileyGreeley, COAboutHello! My name is Shawn Riley Stoddart. I have written poetry and short stories in the past, but now is the time for novels. After being a CNA for 12 years I found myself as an Admissions Director and.. more..Writing