Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Shawn Riley

          I wake up to hear the house quiet. I look around. I'm back in my room. Was yesterday just a dream? I get up and go the the bathroom. I look in the mirror. There is no mark on my head from it being smashed. My arm doesn't hurt and my head is clear. I strip down and hop into the shower. I stand and let the water run over me. Something feels different. I look down at my body and notice that I have more muscle. My pecs are more toned and my abs are becoming more defined. I haven't worked out, so how could I have more muscle. My biceps look wider and more defined.
          I get out of the shower and dry off. I wrap the towel around my waist as I usually do. I look in the mirror once again. I do look muscular, I think to myself. This is all so weird. One day I have no muscle what so ever and the next day I start building muscle. I get ready for the day and go to get dressed. I pull on a pair of jeans and pull on a lime green Hollister shirt. I look at the time on my phone. It is 4:00 in the morning. I hear footsteps downstairs and rummaging.
          I head downstairs and find my family coming home from the night's activities. My mom rushes toward me and hugs me.
          "I'm so glad you're alright," she says, "Chloee said you looked pretty bad."
          "So this wasn't all a dream," I thought to myself.
          "Mom, how did I get back home? I could of felt it if Chloee picked my up and drove me home."
          "You heard that she has powers right? Well she has the power of healing and the power of transporting," she explained, "She can transport from one place to another. The arrived here with you in her arms. She transported right into your room and put you in bed. She really cares about you Dan. Why can't you ever like girls like that?"
          "Mom, I have a question. Today when Eric beat me up, I flew onto the roof. I also busted threw a wall and when fixed it up with my mind. Do I have super powers?"
          "Of course not Dan. You didn't fly onto the roof or break threw a wall. When you got thrown into the wall the first time, you passes out. They picked you up and threw you again. Tanner was there, and he put you into the garage to keep you safe. You didn't break threw the wall and you didn't fix it. You must of been imagining that."
          I thought this sounded fishy, but I believed her. I was unconscious, so I could of imagined things.
          "Okay, thanks mom. Goodnight. I love you."
          "I love you too Dan. Have a good day at school."
           I go to the kitchen to cook me breakfast. I cook sausage, bacon, and eggs.

          "Howard, I think Dan knows about his powers. He asked me if I knew if he had any powers. When Eric beat him up he said he flew onto the roof, broke threw a wall, and fixed it using his mind," Brooke said.
          "What did you tell him?" Howard asked.
          "I told him he imagined the whole thing. I told him Tanner put him in the garage to save him. He seemed to believe the whole thing."
           "Maybe it's time to tell him was is going on. I think he needs to know about his heritage. I think it's time to tell the kids what their father and mother really are."
          "We are trying to protect Dan from facing evil. If we tell him, the evil will only get stronger and will hurt him."
          Brooke was standing by the bed. They had a king size bed with white satin sheets. Their walls were a comforting maroon color. They had a fireplace by the foot of the bed and a dresser that was a big as the wall. Their bathroom had a walk in shower and two sinks with cupboards in the middle separating the two sinks. They had a walk in closet on the other side of the bedroom. Howard was putting clothes on when Brooke came in. He now sat on the bed tying a tie. He was wearing black slacks with a white shirt. He was putting on a red tie. He packed his bag and put his scrubs in. He was ready to go to work.
          "What are we going to do?" asked Brooke. She moved to the other side of the bed. She put her hand on Howard's shoulder. Howard put his hand on Brooke's hand.
          "I think we should keep think secret for a little while longer," Howard said as as he turned to face Brooke, "I love you. I have to go to work. I'll see you later."
          He gave her a kiss. He got up and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Brooke changed into her pajamas. She wore a silk yellow night gown that went to her knees. You could see that she still maintains her weight and stays in shape. Her calf muscles are defined. You can tell she has strong legs. She puts her redish-brown hair into a pony tail and crawls into bed.

          I was in the middle of cooking the eggs when I heard my dad come downstairs.
          "Good morning Dad," I said, "would you like some sausage and eggs?"
          "You're up awfully early Dan," Howard noticed, "I'd love some breakfast!"
          "I've slept pretty much all night Dad. I slept after school and woke up at 1, then I fell back asleep and woke up at 4," I said a I threw some more eggs into the pan and in the other pan put some more sausage in. I knew how my dad liked his eggs, over easy. I think I got that from my dad, because no one else in the family likes them that way. I have always had a lot in common with my dad. More so than anyone else did. We have always had a special connection.
          "I'm glad to see you're feeling better. Tanner said you didn't look good at all," Howard said. He sat down at the counter and watched me cook. I could feel his eyes watching me.
          "It looks like you have more muscle. Have you been working out?" he asked.
          "No, I haven't. I woke up this morning with more muscle then I've ever had."
          My dad stayed silent. I could tell he was thinking about something. Was there something he wasn't telling me? Was mom and dad keeping secrets from the kids? I took out some sausage and eggs and served them to dad. I plated my own food and took a seat next to him. We both ate in silence.
          "Thanks Dan, that was good. Have a good day at school son," he commented as he went out the door.
          "Thanks Dad. You have a good day too." I cleaned up our plates and put them in the dish washer. I had never been up this early before. I looked at the clock on the stove. It displayed in red numbers 6:30. I had two and a half hours before I had to go to school. I went to the family room and turned on the TV. I sat on the couch in front of the TV. We had white couches with white floors and white walls in this room. There were no lights in this room because the roof was made of glass. We had windows along the left side of the room. There was a coffee table in the middle of the room with a black rug under it. The room was somehow comforting to anyone who came in.
          After a half hour I get bored with watching TV, nothing good seems to be on. I go up to my room and change into running clothes. I missed cross country practice yesterday, I remember that now. I have a bunch on my mind and running seems to let me get it all out. I go out the front door and start running down my street. The sun has came up by now and I can see the beautiful green grass and my mother's beautiful garden. My front porch sits by the garage. Halfway down the walk is the door to the garage. We have a 12 car garage; we do have a lot of cars to house. The other side of the walkway has my mom's gardens. She has planted red, white, yellow, pink, and orange roses all along the walk way. She has many colors of flowers and shrubs and trees. We have a waterfall by the house up front. My mother gets the award every year for the best landscape in the city.
          I go running up the street towards the main street. I loved running here, it is so beautiful. My family really likes this city, because it is so beautiful. We are one of the prettiest cities in the US. I start thinking about the events that happened yesterday. I started thinking about how I flew onto the roof. What an amazing feeling it was to be on the roof, safe, away from danger. If I could fly every day I could. I start thinking about how I smashed threw the wall. No normal human being would smash threw walls like that. The more I thought about all the events, the faster I seemed to be running. I thought about Chloee and her kindness. I could not wipe the smile off my face. I could tell I was running fast, I just didn't know how fast. I looked to the road beside me; I was running as fast as most of the cars were running. The speed limit on the road was 40 MPH. I kept thinking how is all this possible? My mother says I don't have any powers; she said I did not have powers. Would my mother really lie to me? Why would they be hiding from me?
          I decided to try something. I started running as fast as I could. I was headed straight for an intersection, one of the busiest intersections in the whole city. We lived in the biggest city in Michigan, Xanderville. What a weird name for a city.
          I thought to myself I need to fly. I kept getting closer to the intersection. I shut my eyes and prepared myself for impact. Twenty feet away now, and I still kept wishing I could fly. Fifteen feet, ten feet, five feet. I finally felt myself shoot into the air. Was I really flying? I opened my eyes to find myself high above the city. Everyone below looked like ants. I have never been this high above ground before let alone never flown. I started freaking out. I thrashed my arms and legs, let out a screech, and shut my eyes again. I lost concentration. I could feel myself falling out of the sky. I felt like a bird that had been shot out of the air, free-falling with nothing to stop my but the cold, hard ground. I opened my eyes to find myself 500 hundred feet from the ground. The people started growing in size. They didn't look like ants anymore. I kept falling, trying to gain control and take off again. I fell farther and farther until I was 10 feet about the ground. I knew I was going to crash, so I closed my eyes and waited for me to turn cold. I kept thinking about Chloee and my family and how I couldn't leave them. I opened my eyes again and pulled my body to a standing position. I immediately shot into the air once again. This time I had control. I turned around and stopped to hover for a minute.
         I looked out towards the lakes; the city rested next to the shore of Lake Michigan. The sun was coming up. It looked stunning. The perfect orange and yellows mixed together. I looked like it came straight out of a painting. The forest on the other side of the lake looked almost as stunning. The brilliant emerald green of the trees mixed perfectly with the colors of the sunset. I wanted to stay up there forever.
         I started my decent toward my house. I gently glided downward when I realized I've never landed before. I went to stand up, thinking I could just step down. I shot up, but not before I turned myself downward again. I started flying toward the ground. I was very close to the ground. I turned on my back and tucked my head into my chest. I hit the ground with a loud thud and slid 10 feet down my mother's beautiful grass. I laid there breathless for a few minutes. The wind had been knocked out of me. I slowly sat up, groaning when I did. I saw the small trail of mud that I had created.
          "Oh great," I said to myself, "I'm so dead." I tried using my mind power again, but they just didn't work today. I tried to fix the grass, but it didn't work.
          Kaytlin came running out to me. She must of seen the whole thing. Kaytlin was always my favorite. She always cared so much about all of us. She was technically the oldest, she came out first, followed by Braedyn, then Chase, then Rachel. She acted like the older sister, taking control when mom or dad weren't there. She wasn't strict with us, but she did make sure everything stayed under control.
          "Dan! Are you alright?" she asked, "I saw you crash, it looked painful."
          "I'm alright, just a little soar," I answered.
          "What were you doing anyways?"
          "I was flying, I think."
          "That's ridiculous Dan. You know we don't have powers."
          "Then explain how I flew onto the roof, or busted threw a brick wall, or rebuilt it with my mind, or ran faster then any of the cars?"
          "You must of been imagining things Dan."
          "How did I crash then? You saw me fall from the sky! Do you think I jumped off the roof? Or did you think I jumped from a airplane? I haven't heard an airplane today. A normal person would of died on impact Kaytlin. How do you explain that?"
          "I don't know Dan. I really don't know," she responded.
          She helped me up and walked me inside. It was now 8:00. I went upstairs, took a quick shower to wash all the dirt off of me. On my way out of the bathroom, I looked in the mirror. My pecs were more defined than earlier today. My abs looked almost rock hard and my arm and leg muscles were more prominent. I was changing. I don't remember Braedyn or Chase growing muscle over-night. I was looking more and more like a football player by the minute. Maybe I really was a superhero. Maybe I really did have power. But would mom and dad really lie to me? These same thoughts plagued me all morning. As I drove to school I thought about them. I was silent the whole way there. When I pulled into the parking lot and parked in the garage, Kaela asked if I was alright. I told her I was and to not worry about me. I hugged her and we both walked into the school.

© 2010 Shawn Riley

Author's Note

Shawn Riley
What do you think? Is there anything I need to change? Any details I need to add?

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Added on December 1, 2010
Last Updated on December 1, 2010


Shawn Riley
Shawn Riley

Greeley, CO

Hello! My name is Shawn Riley Stoddart. I have written poetry and short stories in the past, but now is the time for novels. After being a CNA for 12 years I found myself as an Admissions Director and.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Shawn Riley

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Shawn Riley