Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Shawn Riley

          I stood in front of Eric and the football team. Before I knew what happened I had been thrown against the wall as hard as Eric could. My head hit the wall with a loud crack and my vision went fuzzy. I fell down to the ground and everything went black.

          When I gained consciousness again, Eric and the team were still standing around me. I must of only been out for a few seconds. I got up, but something felt different. Sparks flew inside me. I felt like electricity was running threw me. Eric started approaching me again. I knew I could maybe jump over him, but that would put me in front of the football team. My family has won jumping championships everywhere they had one. I took the leap of faith. I flew threw the air with ease, and before I knew it, I was standing on the roof of the school. I looked down at Eric in amazement. His face showed pure shock. They had never seen anything like this happen. I didn't know what was happening to me, all I knew is I had to get off the roof. I stepped off the ledge and glided down. I stood up 15 feet from Eric and the football team.
          I turned around to walk away, but Eric must of known I would do that, because standing in front of me were the two biggest football players on the team. They both grabbed me and threw me to the garage where my car was parked. I braced myself for the hit, but instead I broke threw the wall with ease. I had no clue what was going on with me. All I could think about was that the wall needed to be fixed. I turn around to face them again and there was a brick wall there. The wall had been fixed. I wonder if I'm imagining things; if I'm dreaming this whole day up. I can't be dreaming this up, you can't get hurt in dreams, I think.
         I walk threw the doors into the school. Everyone stars at me; I must look like crap. I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. I have a black eye, two gashes in my head that is sending blood pulsing down my face. My arm feels like it has been snapped in half. I look at it, it looks like it's broken. I continue onto class.
          My teacher Mrs. Johnson is one of the sweetest teachers in the school. I had her for AP Literature and Composition last year. I am lucky enough to have her this year. She has medium curly blond hair. She has been around for a while, she used to be the cheer coach. She is one of the coolest teachers in the school. She does not let anyone's "popularity" get in the way of her teaching. She care so much for all her students.
          I walk into class and immediately all eyes turn to me. I just ignore them and continue onto my seat by Tarrah.
          "Are you alright?" she asked.
          " I don't want to talk about it," I whispered.
          "Dan, are you alright? What happened?" Mrs. Johnson asks.
          "I'm fine. I don't want to talk about it," I snapped back. What is wrong with me today, I usually don't talk like this to teachers.
          Mrs. Johnson jumped at the tone of my answer. She kept her eyes on me for a few more seconds before she continued with class. We are reading Shakespeare's Hamlet. No one in the class can pay attention. They all have their eyes on me. I just look down at my book and ignore them. I can feel the blood slowly running down my face. My arm is pulsing with pain. I cannot pay attention anymore. My mind is rushing, going through everything that happened this day. What happened? Did I really fly? Why did I break through the walls? I can feel myself getting weaker and weaker. My vision starts to go blurry again.
          As soon as the bell rings I pack up my things and walk outside the classroom. I head to my locker, but I'm moving very slow. Every person in the hall is staring at me. I could care less, I just want to go home. My vision is getting more and more blurry as I continue walking. By the time I reach my locker I am so weak I'm practically dragging my feet. I cannot stand up anymore. My mind goes black and I fall to the ground.

          When I finally woke up, I find myself laying in a strange room. I have a warm sensation running through me. My arm and head no longer hurt. I sit up to look around. It looks like I'm in someone's basement. There is a big screen TV with a bookshelf sitting next to that. I'm sitting on a couch that is in the middle of the room. Behind me is a treadmill and a window. The blinds are shut, making the room dark. Off to the right of me is more of the room. The stairs are diagonal to me and next to that is a desk with a computer. There is a pool table in the middle of the space. Behind that is another window.
          I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. For some reason, I am not scared. The warm feeling inside me keeps me comforted. I recognize the feeling from somewhere, but I cannot remember from where. I look at the stars and wait for the person to come downstairs. To my amazement it is Chloee. I must be in her house. Eric is usually with her, so that means Eric is here. I lay back down on the couch and close my eyes and act like I'm asleep. I can hear Chloee getting closer. She puts her hand on my arm and I can feel the warm sensation. That's where I've felt it, when she touched my thigh it was the same feeling. I automatically get chills.
          "Dan? Dan? Are you awake?" Chloee asks melodically.
          I shuffle a little before I open my eyes. I look up at her. She is sitting on the foot of the bed. I tend to curl up in a ball when I sleep - my whole family does that.
          "I'm so glad you're awake. You've been asleep for quite a while," she says.
          "What time is it?" I question.
          "1:00 in the morning," she answers. I have been asleep for 9 hours on her couch. I feel embarrassed that she's had to take care of me this whole time.
          “Have I been to the doctor’s? My head and arm doesn’t hurt anymore,” I exclaim.

“No, you didn’t go to the doctor,” says Chloee as she lightly touches my cheek, “I don’t understand why Eric has to treat you like this. You don’t deserve to be treated like this Dan.”

I get chills again as she runs her hand down my cheek and onto my neck. The warming feeling from her fingers help my sore neck muscles to relax. As they relax, they start to twitch.

“You must be sore there,” Chloee examines as she keeps her hand on my neck.

“If I didn’t go to the doctor, then how do I feel better now?” I ask.

“Dan, I think it’s about time I told you. I have super powers if you want to call them that. I can heal wounds and mend bones. That’s why when I put my hand on your thigh your head stopped bleeding. I couldn’t heal it all the way, because I knew that Eric would be back in class now and I had to protect you. I knew he would be waiting for you after choir class, and I knew you would go to class after, so I waited at your locker to help you. When you collapsed, your brother Tanner carried you to my car. He then drove your car home. I called your mother and told her what happened. She said to just keep you here and let you sleep,” she explained, “I’ve been here by your side healing and mending your arm. I couldn’t stand to see you in the condition you were in.”

“You really didn’t have to do anything Chloee, I would have been fine,” I answered.

“You could not have made it without going to the doctor,” Chloee responded.

There was silence. I had a lot running through my head. How could Chloee have super powers? Did I have them too? Who else had them? Why didn’t my parents tell me about this? Chloee got up and went upstairs and came back down with some bacon to eat and some water to drink.

“Thanks,” I said as I took the food, “You really don’t have to do this.”

“I know,” she replied, “I wanted to.”

With that she reached forward and ran her hand down my face. I got chills again. How could she like me? I was not her type at all, I was unpopular and she, she was the head Cheerleader. How could someone like me ever get someone as amazing as her? As she removed her hand from my face the warmth stayed with me. That wonderful warming feeling I felt when I woke up, what an amazing feeling.

“I really must go,” I said, “My family will be waiting for me.”

I stood up and instantly fell back down. I may look like nothing had ever happened to me, but my head was still spinning and I was still dizzy.

“You may need to rest some more,” Chloee said, “Just stay here and rest, I already called your mother; she said you could stay as long as you needed.”

I now felt comfortable here, and with that I went back down onto the couch and fell asleep. Chloee slept the other couch. What a wonderful girl. I had a feeling that we were going to become good friends.


 “Eric,” Henry, Eric’s dad, said, “Your principal called me today. It seems you got in a fight.”

“Yes dad, I did,” Eric replied, “I was doing what you asked me to do, with Dan.”

“Yes, I know,” Henry replied, “Have his powers ignited?”

“Yes father, I believe they have. We cornered him today and he practically flew onto the roof. Then we threw him through a wall and he smashed right through it and fixed it up with his mind. What powers does he have?” Eric questioned.

They were standing in the front room of their house. Henry was sitting on their brown leather couch, and Eric was standing in the door way. He moves to the other couch and sits down. In between them is a coffee table. They have a maroon colored rug under that.

“He has super strength and mind powers from his father. The flying and super speed come from having a Super Hero as a dad. The Hymasens have always been fast and could always just high, but since his father is a Super, his powers are magnified.” Henry said, “How bad did you hurt him?”

“I think pretty badly. He had two gashes on his head that was pouring out blood and a broken arm.”

“You just left him to suffer?”

“I think Chloee took him home. I told her to just leave him, but she couldn’t resist.”

“We need to make sure his powers have ignited."

"What do you want me to do father?"

"Keep doing what you are doing. Make him think you are his enemy."

"Yes father," Eric replied. He walks out of the room to his bedroom where he pulls off his shirt and jeans and crawls into bed. Fighting Dan has never been this exhausting he thinks. He grabs his headphones and put them in. A few minutes later, he is asleep.

© 2011 Shawn Riley

Author's Note

Shawn Riley
This just keeps coming out. Please tell me what you think so far.

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Added on November 30, 2010
Last Updated on February 25, 2011
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Shawn Riley
Shawn Riley

Greeley, CO

Hello! My name is Shawn Riley Stoddart. I have written poetry and short stories in the past, but now is the time for novels. After being a CNA for 12 years I found myself as an Admissions Director and.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Shawn Riley

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Shawn Riley