James War Book Beginning

James War Book Beginning

A Chapter by Shawn Nealy

Takes place during WWII. A young man, James, joins the war efforts following his father's example, and his best friend.


James War Book

In the height of war, your reaction time increases exponentially. Adrenaline pumps through your veins, causing seconds, to feel like minutes; making everything around you slow down, as you speed up. You become aware of everything happening around you. From your fellow soldiers being shot down, to an ant crawling across your boot. Though you are obviously trying to protect yourself, when you are in war with a friend, an instinct takes over, and you begin to value his life more than your own.

"James!" I heard the voice of my First Sergeant calling my name from across the field. "James, get your a*s over here!"

As his voice registered, I grabbed my rifle, secured my helmet, and rushed across the field; I was praying with every step that I wouldn't get shot. Bullets were flying past me, striking nearby sandbags, the dirt beneath my feet, they were hitting everywhere but my body. The pulsing of my nerves was indescribable. You never know truly how many things your brain can focus on. All at once, I was aware of the enemy, my rifle in my hand, where every single bullet was hitting... It was as if I could feel the wind from the bullets flying past me. With each step, I exhaled, concentrating on breathing properly. The last thing I needed was to get winded running to my Sergeants aid. I was finally able to make it across the feild, just in time to see a bullet blast through his chest...

"Sergeant!" I wailed as I dropped to my knees, landing by his side; I was barely able to catch his crumbling body. As I held my Sergeant in my arms, I began looking around, trying to see if anyone else had seen the horror that just unfolded. "MEDIC!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping someone could hear me over the cascading barrage of weapon fire. I never knew my voice could reach such levels. "Medic! Sergeant Miller's been shot! I need a goddamn medic here now!" The more I yelled, the more I lost control... Tears began rushing down my face, dropping onto the now barely moving chest of my sergeant... Of my best friend...

*Three years earlier*

"Baby, you awake?" The sweet, delicate voice of my wife awoke me.

"Mhm... couple more minutes." I groaned through closed lips.

"James, you have got to get up," Although I could tell she was agitated, she still had the sweetest voice. "We have to meet Sam and Bethany for lunch in an hour."

"Give me a couple minutes and I'll be ready, okay?"

"Okay, babe, I'll see you downstairs."

As Rachel walked out of the room, I got lost in thought. It's been a long time since I last saw Sam. I wonder how much he has changed... He's been away from home around a year now. Either way, his still my friend, and its gonna be great to see him again. As I began to roll out of bed, I saw my fathers knife on my bedside table. Grabbing the Ivory handle brought back so many memories. I remember when he first gave this to me. My dad had been home from war for 14 years...

“I want you to have this,” He spoke these words as he pressed the handle into my palm. “It kept me safe when I was in war, and now I want to pass it on to you, so it can always keep you safe, even when I can't.”

I was only 13, I didn't understand the significance of the knife at the time. It was just a cool knife, I used to play with it, toss it around, I never took it seriously. It took a couple years before I did. I wasn't until I was 19, and standing over my father's casket, did I truly begin to value his gift. It became my most cherished possession.

“James! Are you ready yet?” Rachel's voice sounded up from the staircase.

“Yah,” I lied. “One minute!” I jumped of the bed, and ran into the bathroom, quickly ruffling my hair, putting on some deodorant, and throwing some clothes on. I tried to walk calmly downstairs as to not show Rachel how unready I really was.

“Come on, we are already late.”

“Alright, alright, lets go.” I grabbed my keys hanging on the wall by the door, and we exited the house. The morning sunlight wasn't bright, but it still seemed blinding to my unadapted eyes. We walked to the car, pulled out of the driveway, and headed down the street...

As Rachel and I pulled up, parked and got out of the car, I instantly noticed Sam. It would take a blind man not so see him. His Army Green jacket easily stood out in the crowd, with the gold buttons down the front and on the collar. The insignia for Sergeant was sowed onto his sleeve, his ribbons were centered on the left side of his chest. Its not that these colors where bright and outstanding colors causing him to stand out, he stood out cause we were at war, and not many soldiers got to come back. Those who did, were definitely made note of. It was as if it was a boost for the public, to know we still have some soldiers alive and well. Unfortunately, I had some other things to take care of, so I couldn't enlist when he did; though I found the time since the war started to go through the process; I go off to basic in about a month.

"Sam!" As I called his name, he turned toward me.

“James!” As he spoke my name, our arms flew around each other. Trying to put almost a year of lost time a worry into one long embrace.

"My god, its great to see you bro.” I spoke just as we began too break apart.

“You too man, its been to long. How you been J?”

“Been okay, hanging in there, waiting around til I go off to basic.”I pulled out a chair for Rachel and sat down next to her. Sam and Bethany followed by example. "So how's the Army treating you, bro?"

"It's treating me; I'm only on leave for the weekend. I meet up with my unit and get deployed back out Sunday morning." As he spoke, I caught a glimpse of Bethany's eyes. I saw the despair and sadness I see every time he deploys. You see, that is what I fear the most about my deployment, seeing that same look in Rachel's eyes. I don't want to hurt her, but I have to follow in my family's example. I need to do this, not just for me and and my country, but for Sam and my father.

"Well, at least you got to come down for a while, get to see everybody."

"Yah, they are pretty good about letting people visit family anytime there is a break in the battle's, 'specially with the death rates." He spoke these words so calmly. Like talking about soldiers dieing was common talk for him. Although it probably was, considering he was on the front line, it still sends chills through me when he speaks of the deaths over seas.

“Well lets not worry about all that.” I wanted to change the subject. “Lets focus on whats happening now. Which is food. I don’t know about you, but I am starving.”

“If you would of gotten ready in time, you could of had the breakfast I prepared for you.” Rachel spoke as if she was mad at me, though I knew she was just messing,

“I said I was sorry.” I looked to Sam in a pleaded way, he just threw his hands up.

“I am staying out of this one, you are on your own.” Sam chuckled a bit as he spoke to me.

“I'm just saying, don't complain about being hungry when you are the one who was lazy and passes up the opportunity to eat.” Rachel knew she was right, it was just a matter of me admitting to it.

“Alright alright, my bad, I'm sorry”

“Haha, you didn't really need to apologize, I just like teasing you!” Rachel and Bethany simultaneously broke out in laughter. Leaving me and Sam just blankly looking at each other.

“Hi, My name is Sarah and I will be taking care of you all today. Could I start you off with some drinks?” Oddly, our waitress has yet to look up from her note book. She seemed to be roughly in her late teens, 18, maybe 19.

“Coke please.” Rachel was the first to speak.

“I'll have a coke as well.” Bethany followed.

“Same.” Me and Sam spoke at the same time, then broke out in laughter. It was then that Sarah finally looked up to see who she was serving.

“Oh my...” He eyes darted to and froze on Sam. He returned her gaze with a curious look and a sly half smile.

“May I help you?” He asked politely.

“Yes, no. Its just, I have never seen a soldier before. I thought they were all out at war.”

“We are, but some get to come back. Not many, but some.”

“Well, I'm glad you get to come back. If there is anything you need, anything at all, don't hesitate to ask. I'll be right back with your Cokes.” She spun on one foot, and quickly walked away.

“Think someone just got a new admirer.” As I spoke Sam kicked me under the table. Although I knew, just as well as Bethany did, he would never cheat, or even look at a girl in that way. He hated when I mentioned how girls gawk over him. Especially in front of Bethany.

“Well then,” Bethany spoke immediately following my remark. “I'll be sure to make known who I am.”

“You just have to point out every girl who looks at me with the slightest form of affection don't you.” Sam was barely able to finish his sentence before Sarah returned.

“Here you all are.” She set a glass of Coke in front of each of us. “Now, what can I get you all to eat?”

“Hamburger Steak, medium, with some mashed potato’s please.” Sam was always conscious of what he ate, was trying to allow for more to be sent to soldiers overseas.

“I will have the same, but instead of potato's, a salad please.” Bethany was never fond of potato's.

Rachel followed after Bethany. “Hamburger Steak as well, medium-rare, and some chopped potato's, thank you.”

I ordered last, “Hamburger Steak for me too, though could I get half salad and chopped potato's?”

“Yes of course.”

“Thank you.”

“Will that be all then?” When we all nodded in agreement, she clicked her pen, “I will be right back will all you orders.” and turned away as she spoke.

“Wow, besides some minor differences, we all got the same thing.” Although it happens like this just about every time we all go out to eat, I still felt the need to point it out.

“Soon, people won't have much choice, all depends how long this war drags out for.” Sam sounded as though he knew it would last long. I wanted to question him, but I decided against it. For Bethany and Rachel's sake, I didn't wanna continue on an upsetting topic.

“Well lets not focus on that, we have the food now, lets enjoy it.” Bethany was obviously trying to drift away from that subject.

“So James, whats been going on at home while I've been gone?” Sam used this as a way to steer away from the talk of war.

“Ah, nothing really new happening around here. The rationing of products is picking up, and a lot of jobs are opening up, but other than those obvious things that follow war, nothing really special.”

“How is your mom doing?” Bethany asked.

“She's doing good, I saw her just last week. She actually asked about you Sam, wanted to know when you were coming back. I told her you were gonna be back this week, she's upset she can't make it down to see you.”

“Aw, well tell her it's fine. She doesn't need to fret about not seeing me.” Sam always loved seeing my mom, she treats him as if he were her own child.

“Here you are.” Our waitress had already returned with our food.

“Wow, that was fast.” Sam remarked.

“Only the best for our soldiers, enjoy your meal.” With a slight wink to Sam, she was gone as quick as she came.

I wasn't sure if it was because of Sam, but something about the meal seemed over the top. It was as if they made these meals special putting more effort and time into them then usual.

“Wow, all tastes delicious.” Sam was the first to speak up about the matter.

“Yes,” I concurred. “I really like it. We are definitely gonna have to come here again.”

“I wonder if the food always tastes this good, or if it is just because of you.” Rachel joked toward Sam.

“Haha, well it can't be all to much worse than this, even if the did spice it up a little for me.” Sam was used to getting special treatment, though he wasn't all to fond of it. He tried to avoid it if possible. Though he quickly realized when offered it, you couldn't turn it down without appearing rude. So in the end, he accepts most gestures.

“When we come here next time without you, we'll be sure to let you know how different it is.” Rachel and Sam always got along, which made it good for me. Back when I was dating Rachel, they never fought over who I would go hang out with, no matter who I chose, they were happy. After that, time flew by, before we knew it we were asking for the check.

"Sir," Our waitress should have returned with our check, but her hands were empty. "I hope you enjoyed your meal, I had a pleasure serving you. It was great to finally see one of the soldiers they talk about all over the news. I'm glad to see you are still alive and well, lets keep it that way.” Sarah gave a slight wink and she spoke. “I would also like to inform you that the couple sitting at the table three to my left, has picked up your tab. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, and thank you for your service to our country." As she left, she had this lingering look in her eyes. It was obvious to me and Sam immediately who she was longing after. Him. Though in fear of getting kicked in the shin again, I bit my tongue on the matter.

A couple seconds after she left, I spoke. "Well, I guess that's it then?" Although it was a general question, I had directed to Sam more than anyone else at the table.

"Yah, guess that is it. One moment though." Sam slowly got up, straightened his uniform, rested his cover atop his head, and walked over to the couple that covered our check. He thanked them, shook the mans hand, and lightly tipped his hat to the women. A routine I have seen him execute more times than I care to count.

As we all gathered our things, and headed out of the restaurant, I noticed heads turning. Everyone was so trying to focus on Sam. Conversations came to a halt, people froze mid gulp of their drink, or still with a fork still in their mouth. No matter what was going on, everything switched to be about him. This is the pride, the pride and fame that comes with being a soldier in the military. Though we never ask for it, it still comes. Though we like the fame, at the same time, we don't. Its a conflicting feeling. We love the praise, the attention, all of it. Yet, none of us feel as if we deserve it. The ones who deserve such praise are the ones who don't get to walk through a restaurant with their loved ones; the ones who are still out there, still overseas. Whether fighting or sleeping for eternity. Those people deserve more praise and fame than ever. The are the true hero's of war, and of peace. They are hero's within themselves.

“So where to now?” Sam asked almost immediately after we walked out the front doors. “I was thinking we could catch up more at your house over some coffee?”

“Definitely, you know you are always welcome over.” I tried to speak normal, though some awkwardness still lingered. “So we will see you at my place then?”

“You will! See ya there.”

“Alright.” With those departing words, we split ways. The car-ride back to my house was a simple one. Rachel and I were mostly silent. Not because we were agitated or angry with each other, just because there wasn't much to say at the moment. It was all good as far as we were concerned.

“Baby, could you go put a pot of coffee on?.” I asked her as my key turned, unlocking the front door. “I gotta go get something for Sam before he gets here.”

“Sure, you go do what you have to.” Rachel was always so kind, not hesitating to humor me when I ask for a simple favor. I stepped up the stairs, walked into the bedroom, and sat on the edge of the bed. My fathers knife still sat on my bedside table. I picked it up, pulled it out of the sheath, and stared at the blade. The same blade that my father used to save his life when his gun failed him. The same blade I used to slash at a tree trunk when I was little. This blade, kept my grandfather alive, kept my father alive, and now, it will keep one more person alive. Though unlike my father intended, that person won't be me.

“Hey J, you up here?” I could here Sam's voice coming from the hallway.

“Yah in my room.” I sat there, waiting for him.

“Hey J what are you...” He faded off when he saw the knife. “Oh, yah. You alright man?”

“Yah, I just have to take some time now and again to look at it. I don't wanna forget why I have it.”

“You won't. It's not that easy to forget something like that.”

“Well, the only reason I might, is when I don't get to look at it everyday.”

“Why wouldn’t you?” Sam sounded as if h knew what was gonna happen next.

“Because I won't have it in my room anymore. It's not gonna stay here, instead, its gonna be attached to your belt. I want you to have it Sam.” As I spoke I looked Sam in the eyes, I could see the meaning that statement had.

“I, I couldn’t take it. It's your family possession. Your father gave that to you, what would he think if you passed it to me?”

“You need it more than I do. I know how close you came to dieing last month. You may not have told Bethany, but you told me. So I want you to take this with you when you go back. I want you to have the luck my father had. Let's hope it will keep you alive through the war.” As I spoke those words I pressed the knife into his hand, the same way my father pressed it to mine all those years ago. It was kind enough to not seem forceful, but at the same time, was obvious he had no choice but to accept it.

“Thank you. I promise to keep it close.”

“Good, now, we had our little emotional moment, lets go back down, the girls will be wondering where we are.” With that, I stood up, and headed downstairs, Sam trailing behind me.

“There you two are,” Rachel spoke as we came into view. “We were starting to think you guys jumped out the window and ran off without us.”

“We couldn't leave you, who else would make us coffee?” Rachel knew I was joking otherwise I probably would of gotten a cup of coffee thrown in my face.

© 2013 Shawn Nealy

Author's Note

Shawn Nealy
Let me know about grammar, and the overall flow of the work.

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Compartment 114
Compartment 114


Added on April 25, 2013
Last Updated on April 25, 2013
Tags: History, WWII, Fiction, Historical Fiction, Sad, Meaning, War, Friends


Shawn Nealy
Shawn Nealy

Geismar, LA

Hello, my name is Shawn Nealy. My writing muse is Historical Fiction. I am trying to build my own personal character in writing, you will notice my style if you read any of my works. Please let m.. more..
