The Closet of Death

The Closet of Death

A Chapter by Kat

"Wha-what" I whispered. The body fell on the floor. I stepped back and turned it over. "Step father" My eyes grew wide. There was an ax in his head and blood all over the floor. It has to be true everything that happened back then I thought. I took a look of what was in the closet. Pictures of the latest murders from the news covered the door. Probably the pictures of her victims. Does that mean Moms a serial killer? I looked through it more only to find a list of names. A hit list? I looked through it more. Names were crossed off. The people she killed? Dates were next to them. The days they died! that means this was recent. I read off the names one by one "Dylan, Lucy, David, Rodney wha- WHAT" The list dropped on the floor "Al-Alice September 15th 2010"  Moms gonna kill me!
"Alice is everything okay down there!!?" Mom asked
"Yeah Mom" I yelled back. I gotta put everything back quick!
"Alright well hurry up I gotta pay bills!"
"Okay!" I picked up the list and hung it back up. Then picked up step father and shoved him back in. Blood covered my hands. What am i supposed to do?!
 "Alice i'm coming down!" Mom called from upstairs. My heart was racing. Oh No!

© 2011 Kat

Author's Note

Sorry it took so long to upload haha i lost my notebook it was written in

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Oh wow. I wish this would have been longer. i love the suspense you're adding, but I'd appreciate longer chapters with more detail haha

Posted 13 Years Ago

image filled and leaves the reader in suspense.

Posted 13 Years Ago

THIS HAS THE BEST CREATIVITY I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR IN A STORY! Although you're not that descriptive about the writing, I can still understand what you're trying to portray in the story. Great chapter. Can't wait for more!

Posted 13 Years Ago

OH MY GOSH. I wanna read more but you haven't written it yet... oh the suspense!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on July 3, 2011
Last Updated on July 3, 2011



no, United Kingdom

I can't say much I only live for my friends I love Bring Me The Horizon Anything else? Just ask me... I'm not that interesting I honestly want to die more..

Tears? Tears?

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