Just a dream or reality?

Just a dream or reality?

A Chapter by Kat

"AHHHHHH" I screamed my head flung up from my pillow. "Was it just a dream?" I rubbed my head. "But it seemed so real" Golden specks of sunlight came in through the window and danced on the floor. "And ever sense I've found that necklace that keeps appearing in my dreams I keep having that dream." I got out of bed. and it keeps taking place at age 7 I don't remember anything up until i moved here. Mom told me i fell down the stairs and i hit my head so hard that i forgot everything..... but the name Amanay sounds so familiar....
"Is everything okay?!" Mom disturbed my thoughts as she came in running. 
"Yeah just another bad dream"
"Oh.. Okay you scared me... Well remember your 11st day of high school is tomorrow so go to bed early tonight."
"Yeah" I smiled "I can't wait to see Lilly and tell her that i'm moving" I said sarcastically. Boxes covered my floor.
"Its not my fault that your step father got the house"
"But its your fault that you guys are getting a divorce I mean hes the only other father I know the other one died in a car crash and they never even found his body" I gave her a look What if all that's a lie and my dream is my past. 
"Well come down to breakfast alright?"
"Alright" Mom left my room and closed my door. I went to my closet pulled on blue jeans, A Wallee  T-Shirt, and a jacket to hide my scars. Did Mom ever know what step father was doing to me? I asked myself. Then i brushed my teeth and hair and went down to breakfast.
"I made your favorite pancakes!" Mom said happily.
"Hey did I ever have a friend named Amanay?"
"Umm yeah.... Shes the one that gave you that necklace you're wearing" I grabbed a hold onto it If that's true is the rest of the dream real to? "Hey sweety can you go downstairs and get my laptop?" 
"Um sure" I have to be careful encase she killed Step Father too! I got up from the table ant opened the door to the basement and started going down. When I reached the last step and flicked the light on. Now wheres that laptop? I asked myself Maybe in the closet? As soon as I touched the doorknob my body went cold from my head down. Something was telling me not to open it go back upstairs and tell her that I couldn't find it. I ignored the feeling and opened it anyways only to see the most horrifying thing of my life. 

© 2011 Kat

My Review

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Alright, I lied. The last chapter, since it was a dream, would fit onto the beginning of this chapter much better. So if you ever rewrite this, I suggest doing that. But I liked the anticipation at the end of this chapter~

Posted 13 Years Ago

little typo here and there, but the worst one was " Well remember your 11st day of high school is tomorrow "... it says 11st. Other than that it is very interesting.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I enjoyed this. Except for a few grammatical errors, I love the theme so far. The only things I noticed were a few misspelled words and run-on sentences. You should try revising it a little.

"Golden specks of sunlight came in through the window and danced on the floor."

I loved this sentence. I thought it was perfect. Overall, this is a great chapter and I can't wait to read more.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on June 10, 2011
Last Updated on June 10, 2011



no, United Kingdom

I can't say much I only live for my friends I love Bring Me The Horizon Anything else? Just ask me... I'm not that interesting I honestly want to die more..

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