Friends till the End

Friends till the End

A Chapter by Kat

"Alice! Alice" her words spoke softly "Alice where'd you go?!"
"I'm right here Amanay" I said laughing
"OHHH you scared me!" her eyes were wide and she was smiling. 
"Haha you're okay right?"
"Yeah! But I came to ask you if you wanted to go to the tree house?"
"I was coming to ask you that!" I said.
"sweet! Lets go then!!!" we bolted off into its direction.
"RACE YA!!!" I screamed.
"ITS ON!" she yelled back. The tree branches scrapped my legs, but i could care less. For a seven year old girl that always got hurt i NEVER cry. Even as a baby. 1/2 the time my mom told me she thought I was dead. 
"Beat ya!" Amanay said smiling.
 "Not fair you had a head start!" I said laughing "Oh well its not that big of a deal but climb up there!" Amanay climbed up.
"I'm up!" She yelled from above.
"Alright!" Then I climbed up. It was our secret tree house no one knew about. It was abandoned when we found it 2 years ago on a walk. Eventually we snuck some paint up and painted the walls purple. Then over them with white we wrote:
Amanay and Alice
       Friends till the end
"Hey its starting to look better in here" I said looking around.
"Yeah I've working on it"
"Well thats good......" I said trailing off. My head went down and my vision started blurring. 
"AH whats wrong?!?!?" She asked.
"I'm moving....." I felt a tear roll down my cheek "And most likely i'm never gonna see you again" I burst into tears. 
"WHAT!!! WHY!!!" her face went red
"Mommy has a secret and she said she has to leave Daddy. She also said that i'm probably never gonna see you again" I took off my locket. " I want you to have this open it 10 years from now and you'll know. Mommy also said i'm probably never gonna see Daddy again" She burst into tears.
"Well i made us friendship necklaces." She handed me over 1/2 a heart mine said friends on it "They're one of a kind we are the only ones who have them. Wear it every day so if we ever see each other again we will know! She spoke softly. 
"Okay" I smiled a little "But another thing i'm leaving tomorrow" My smile faded. I looked around. "Remember 10 years from now don't forget about it.. The dates written on it so you don't forget it." She looked at it
September 14th 2011
"By then we will both be 17 and in our 2nd to last year of high school!" She said happily. I knew she was trying to lighten the mood. I smiled.
"Yeah we will won't we?" I rubbed the necklace she gave me. "Its getting dark I'll have to go soon" she looked outside. 
"Yeah i will too"
"Promise me something?"
"Yeah?" she asked
"Don't ever change.....
She shook her head "I never will"
"I'll love you forever" a tear dripped from my bright blue eyes.
"I'll love you forever too"
"Friends forever?"
"Friends forever!" She gave me a huge hug "I'll miss you....."
"You're the greatest friend i have ever head and will probably will ever have" I pulled away from the hug "I don't wanna leave" 
"I don't want you to ether but you have no choice"
"I promised never to leave you only to protect you"
"You won't leave me you're in my heart and you will protect me someway somehow" She jumped down from the tree house I followed her and we started walking towards my house.
"I'm leaving tomorrow at 10 A.M." I said with my head down.
"I'll be there i promise" we started walking onto my porch. I felt her hands wrap around me "I'll love you forever don't you forget that" She pulled away "I'll see you tomorrow okay?"
"Okay..." I waved goodbye to her as she walked around the corner. I entered the house and saw Dad lying on the couch.
"Good you're home now help me carry this thing out into the forest" Mom said holding a knife in her hand. Blood was dripping down from it.
"Yes Ma'am" My voice was shaky. Never disobey her otherwise you're next she said so herself I thought. Mom put a cloth on dad and we went into the forest. She carried a shovel with her. Soon we came to a spot that me or anyone else has ever seen before. She dropped dad onto the cold, hard, forest floor and threw the shovel at me almost hitting my head.
"NOW DIG!" She demanded
"Yes Ma'am" About 1/2 an hour later there was a huge hole in the floor big enough to fit Dad in it. Mom kicked him into it and i started putting dirt back into it.
"Good job you little rat now when we go home go straight to your room I don't wanna see you out for the rest of the night." she kicked me.
"Ah yes Ma'am" 
"Good..." She said with a smirk. I can't live in fear like this for the rest of my life I thought. When I got home boxes were everywhere and i head straight to my room like Mom insisted. I don't wanna be next I thought.

© 2011 Kat

My Review

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How sad. It sounds like a good idea though, and I'm liking the plot. But I think it went a little too fast. Maybe add some more details? I'm not sure if that would be the problem...I just felt like it was fast paced haha

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow that was unexpected. I am liking it so far.

Posted 13 Years Ago

aww. this is so sad. when i started reading it i thought that her father was abusing her and her mother and that they were leaving but as i read on i realized that i was wrong. very good story. cant wait to read more.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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A very compelling and haunting story. The friendship and bond in the first part of the chapter was adorable and sweet, and what she face at home is scary, and unbearable. Great chapter.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on June 5, 2011
Last Updated on June 5, 2011



no, United Kingdom

I can't say much I only live for my friends I love Bring Me The Horizon Anything else? Just ask me... I'm not that interesting I honestly want to die more..

Tears? Tears?

A Poem by Kat

Abandonment Abandonment

A Poem by Kat