Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

A Chapter by Sarah


When we step into the arena, we’re handed no weapons. I’m not sure if we are supposed to get weapons, but according to Jared, we are. I growl to myself thinking about how unfair they’re being. Oh well, all the more to show them what all of us are made of. The arena itself is plain with a few trees and rocks on golden sand. It’s the way the landscape actually looks like, though the trees are bare and rotten. I vaguely wonder if there’s anything they even take care of.

                We all hear a horn go off. Sean and Ryan and I all jump and look around. Four trainers come out, each with a paintbrush. My mouth drops a little. They all look like they’re actually bent on killing us. I grab my handler and usher him to a tree. He looks frightened. Jared looks in awe as he watches Ryan go into battle mode. I turn my attention to the two trainers closing in around us. I glare at them. Stupid Federation puppets. They should know by now that the only thing the Federation tells them is lies and always will be.

                I bend down a little and evaluate them in my mind. The smaller one is on the left, but the bigger one who seems to be less agile is on the right. I’m sure even Jared could subdue the smaller one but wouldn’t be able to dodge the attacks very well, especially if the little one is quick. The bigger one, however, Jared will have trouble subduing but most likely won’t get any paint on him. I choose to go after the small one.

                The trainer seems surprised. She goes for a swipe with her brush. I dodge it easily and tackle her to the ground. I put my knees on her shoulders and punch her in the face. She screams in pain and I press down on her neck. I can see her start to fade into unconsciousness and decide to stop before she gets hurt.

                After what I count to be ten seconds, just to make sure that I’ve done what I needed to do, I turn around and look at my handler. Jared’s having trouble even dodging the slow one. I run over there and run my shoulder into his side. He stumbles a little. I grab Jared’s arm and we start running across the arena. I look around and see Ryan and Sean going to take care of the last one. I see the other two trainers, both bloody and purple from only punches, groaning loudly from the pain. I notice one of them has a broken nose and slashes on his face. No doubt about which one took on Ryan without backup. Bad choice.

                When we’re done, we all meet where I am. Ryan looks pleased with himself, as does Sean. They both wear smirks and admire their work from afar. I shake my head, a slight smile on my face. These two just don’t know how to behave themselves.

                “Leave the arena.”

                The angry voice startles me. Ryan and Sean seem to have predicted it and lead my handler and I away from the arena. We leave and I notice none of us have paint on ourselves. Not even a splatter of paint. Serves the president right, after all.

                Ryan slows down a little when we get back out we have to walk all the way around the outside perimeter. All kinds of things get thrown at us. Ryan shields me from most of it, but even he can’t protect me from all of it. We finally get back to our seats to watch the rest of the battles proceed.

                Most of the candidates don’t impress me. Some do, however. One girl and two boys so far. They seem like not so bad people anyhow. I’m not sure if they would do well fighting with a Drailer, but you never know. People here may surprise me yet.

                When the battles are over, my handler takes my collar and puts it on me. I am not very surprised that Sean and Ryan’s handler comes over to take them away. I am surprised, though, that I see Talon walking over. Once he is standing in front of me, Ryan kisses me on the forehead and walks away. He flashes a menacing smile at Talon and clips him on the shoulder. Sean follows Ryan and his handler and looks at me like he’s sorry I have to deal with Talon. I agree with him.

                Talon glares at me with a certain glint I’m not familiar with. After a few more seconds of it, I have a pretty good idea of what it is, but I still have no idea why he came over here or what he wants from me.

                I turn to my handler and say, “I think you should meet me at my prison cell.”

                My handler smiles with a warning and walks away. I turn back to Talon and wait for him to say something.

                “I want in your group.”

                My jaw drops, and not for the first time whilst here. He looks away and then back at me. “Even though I hate to admit it, you three rebels are the best fighters I’ve seen. Not one of the Federation’s instructors could touch you.” He looks up and sighs. “The Drailer most of all.”

                I can’t answer him. I’m still in shock. This is something Ryan would decide. But he’s not here. I am, so I must keep my cool and answer him. I shake my head, trying to clear it, but the shock still remains.

                “Come,” is all I can say. When I walk away and he doesn’t follow, I grab his wrist and say it again. “Come.”

                His feet move and I drag him with me. I go under the bleachers and drag him with me. Talon hesitates to get down on the floor. I push him down so the people don’t see us and squish him into the lowest one he can fit into. Neither of us enjoys having to breathe each other’s air, but I force him and myself to wait until I’m sure everybody is gone.

                Meaning the lights are turned off when I move.

                I fear Talon will make a lot of noise, so I take his hands and put one on my shoulder and one just above my hip.

                “If you cannot do this without me saying what you are supposed to follow,” I whisper in his ear, “You are not worthy to be in our group.”

                I walk before he can answer with a smart a*s remark. I hunch under the beams and step over the bars of the bleachers. All I hear behind me is Talon’s soft footsteps and breaths. I drag him to the arena’s cage and check the door. As I expected, it’s locked.

                “Now what?” Talon asks.

                I shake my head. “Can you shut up and be quiet?” I growl, noticing his hands are starting to come off my shoulder and side. “Put your hand on my shoulder. We’re climbing the fence.”

                He does as I instruct and I start to climb the fence. I have to go slow not only for him but myself. It’s ironic how I’ve taken the place of Ryan and Talon has taken the place of me. When I reach the top I pull him up and jump down. I turn around and look back up and position myself under Talon so I can try to catch him a little when he jumps off the fence.”

                “Jump,” I whisper.

                Talon doesn’t question me this time. He jumps off the fence and crashes right on top of me. We both fall to the sand. I push him off my stomach and stand up. After brushing myself off, I pick him up and lead him to the center of the field. I back away a few steps.

                “Can you see me?”

                “Barely,” he says.


                I punch him in the face. He falls to the ground and caresses his wound. I jump on top of him and push my hand on his throat.

                “Lesson number one,” I say taking my hand off his throat.

                He sits up while I get off of him. “What’s lesson number one?”

                I shake my head, remembering how Ryan taught me. “You’ll figure it out like I did.”

                Talon looks at me like I hurt his feelings and I start to feel bad. I stifle a laugh at myself for my pity. “Is it a little secret between you and the Drailer?”

                I glare at him when he calls Ryan that. “He’s not a Drailer. He’s a person. And if you want to join our group, I suggest you start thinking of him as a human.”

                Talon shrugs. “Sorry.”

                I help him up and say, “Lesson number one is the most important for you to learn. I’ll tell you, but you shouldn’t take it the wrong way. The lesson is don’t trust anybody that’s either with the Federation or a Drailer.”

                “Aren’t you breaking that rule then?”

                “No. Ryan isn’t a normal Drailer, really. Something in him refuses to give into the monster inside of him. When I first met him, I was petrified. He was the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced because he was not the normal Drailer I’d experienced.” I look at Talon. “Things that weren’t normal for me scared me because my world had already been torn apart once. Isn’t that why you hate us?”

                Talon shrugs again. “Good question. I think it’s because you guys are traitors.”

                “To what?” I say, crouching on the floor.

                He notices it and readies himself for me. “To humanity.”

                I lash out with my fist and hit him in the face again. He stumbles and manages to just miss my chin. I grab his hand and flip him over my shoulder on a rock. Talon cries out and I hit him again. He blocks his face before one of my blows can strike. He manages to grab both my wrists. I knee him in the gut and he lets go. I jump up and back away, laughing.

                “To humanity?” I shake my head. “The Federation keeps building the very things that try to kill everything. They are the betrayers. They are the ones who should be punished.”

                Talon sits up and looks up at me, his eye starting to turn black. “You are. If people like you wouldn’t get in the way of the Federation we would have the situation under control.”

                I snort. “It’s only because of us that the Federation can lie to you and make it seem true. We saved a lot of people and the Federation killed more than half of them in five minutes. They are the true monsters.”

                He starts to say something and I pick him up by his shirt and throw him back to the ground. His head hits the ground hard. He groans and looks up at me.

                “But you guys are dangerous to us.”

                I smile, a little amused. “We’re dangerous, not to you, but to the Federation because we are real threat to their power.”

                Talon stands up and is a little shaky. I look him up and down. I decide not to beat him up anymore and go back to my cell. He’s too weak to be in our group. At least my handler knows to stay close to me and not fight.

                When we get out of the stadium, I make my way to my cell while he goes to his room. I find my way and find my handler sitting against the wall. He looks up at me and smiles a wide, white smile.

                “So how was training with Talon?”

                I shrug. “You’re a better asset to us than him although he has potential. We just can’t take the chance of failing.”

                Jared nods. “I was afraid of that. Well, I guess we will see what happens tomorrow. If you’ve already gone, we report to another arena. They’ll hold the second test there. “

                I nod. “I’m going in there so I can sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

                He looks at me. “See you tomorrow. And Sloane?”

                I look back at him. “Yeah?”

                “Be careful of who you mess with.”

                I roll my eyes and look at my handler. “They should be careful if they mess with me, Jared. I’m one to be feared.”

                He sighs. “Even so, be careful.”

                I think for a second. “Fine, I’ll try. Good night.”

                “Good night, Sloane.”

© 2011 Sarah

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Added on August 6, 2011
Last Updated on August 6, 2011



Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Sarah

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by Sarah