![]() Chapter 4 A Wind of SwordsA Chapter by Matt![]() This is the latest chapter so let me know what you think (I love to get reviews, feedback, and ideas for upcoming chapters)![]() Chapter 4 A Wind of Swords Soldiers were assembled beneath a hill and were being cut down by an oncoming cavalry of soldiers all in black armor. The horsemen were charging across the barren battlefield towards the hill and as they neared it they struck down several more soldiers effortlessly. Atop the hill a man was sitting atop a horse and he wore golden armor and had a short brown beard. He watched with horror as the soldiers below were mercilessly slaughtered and said, “I would give anything to the man who could stop the eternal march of Chuda’s black devils.” At that moment Guts astride his horse reached for his sword, slung across his back, and drew it. He then bolted towards the oncoming cavalry and swung down his blade. He cut one man’s arm off at the shoulder. As Guts drew his sword up once more he sliced through another knight’s blade and then beheaded him. Guts then urged his steed forward and stabbed through another knight’s neck and twisting his sword in order to block another knight’s blade he but the man’s head off and was showered in his blood. One of the knights then called out, “He’s only one man surround him!” Then he saw a cloud of dust rising and in its mist was Griffith leading the Entire band of the Hawk. The knight who had just spoke then cried, “The Band of the Hawk! It’s death on the battlefield led by the white hawk Griffith!!” The horses’ hooves were galloping and their breathing was becoming laborious as they bore their riders down the hill. The Band of the Hawk was barreling down the hill towards their opponents, The Black Ram knights. Griffith was leading the charge, his sword drawn and slashed at the first knight and slew him. Soon three other knights had fallen to his blade. In moments the Hawks had began a heated battle with the Black devil knights. Casca was fending off one of the knight’s lance as she gripped her horse’s reigns tightly with the other hand. She heaved harder on her sword and then glided it up his lance and swung down hard at his head. As her opponent fell Judeau was fighting off a knight himself. However he was struggling with his opponent. This knight was easily twice as big as he was and was wielding a claymore. Just when Judeau thought he was going to lose an arrow imbedded itself in the knight’s neck. Judeau scanned the field briefly to find out where the arrow had come from, and he saw Ricket grinning at him with a crossbow in hand. Guts was still in the thick of the enemy’s ranks and was swinging his mammoth blade effortlessly. He charged at one knight and as he swung his sword down at the knight it was stopped by a mace’s ball. He then let go of his reigns and grabbed hold of his sword’s handle with both hands and heaved. As he felt his enemy’s mace shatter he swung his sword with all his strength and slew the knight. Meanwhile Griffith was charging deeper into the enemy’s ranks and was met by three horsemen in a triangle formation, each bearing a lance and shield. Griffith showing no fear urged his horse on and swung his sword fluidly cutting the first on the neck, the second across the chest, and then slicing the third horseman’s throat. As the three knights fell from their mounts Griffith charged onwards through their ranks. Once the enemy saw that Griffith’s forces could not be defeated the commander called out, “Fall back! Retreat!” The Ram knight’s then turned and fled leaving their fallen comrades behind them. Griffith watched them as they retreated and surveyed the battlefield while the rest of the hawks gave a great shout of victory. Above them was the man in golden armor astride a brown horse that was as elaborately dressed as he. He had watched the entire battle unfold and seemed to be impressed but slightly unsettled. A young servant ran up to him and said with amazement, “My king did you see how the Hawk’s just decimated the enemy!?” Griffith raised his helmet’s visor and turned and saw Guts had just ridden up beside him. He smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Guts slung his bloodied sword over his shoulder his broad and muscled shoulders and looked at Griffith exasperatedly. Meanwhile Casca was watching them a few yards behind her eyes emotionless. Back at the castle as the Band of the Hawk entered the gates they were met by a cheering crowd on both sides of the road. Guts rode ahead and dismounted by the stable where he was met a crowd of soldiers each trying to get his attention. “Captain Guts welcome back! It was amazing Captain! You took them in one charge!” “The whole army was afraid of you!” “Nothing less from the Commander of the Hawks Raiders! Let’s hear it for our Captain!” Guts smiled slightly and said in an uncharacteristically nice voice, “You did a good job. If I got a little carried away out there I apologize.” Guts then began to walk away, but was still followed by the men. “Apologize?! Now we get to brag about you to the others!” “Yeah that’s right!” “Come on let’s celebrate! First round is on me!” As they finished speaking they rounded a corner and were startled when they heard the voice of Casca. “Congratulations!” she said her voice cheery but having a sharp edge to it. “Commander Casca!” all the men said at once. They immediately saluted her and straightened their posture. “We need to talk. May I have you alone for a moment, Captain Guts?” She continued her voice now sounding increasingly annoyed. Guts looked over his shoulder at his men and said, “Why don’t you go on and start without me. I’ll catch up later.” He then began to follow Casca leaving his band of followers. “There they go.” “Are they gonna go fight again?” “It’s probably because the captain acted alone out there.” “What did you think you were doing?” Casca asked Guts. “What do you mean?” Guts replied. “Don’t give me that! Our plan for that battle was to act as support for the main force’s charge. Our company’s take a flank to contain the enemy attack. Despite your success you ruined our battle plan, charging like that into the center of the enemy. What do you think you are? Alone out there like some kind of hero! Your self-centered actions could put all of the Hawks in serious danger!” Casca was now barely able to control her fury and continued through gritted teeth, “Would you try to keep your position in mind somewhat!?” She then grabbed hold of Guts’ cloak as she said, “You’re gonna get someone killed you ape!” Guts had finally had enough and brushed her hand off effortlessly and turned his back to her. He turned his head and said, “I apologize. It won’t happen again.” “You always say that. You’re always insincere; you just repeat the same thing.” Guts glared at her, “You haven’t changed at all. Not since the day you jumped on Griffith three years ago. All you care about is swinging your sword against others. You don’t care at all about the lives of the men you lead.” Then pointing a finger at him she snapped, “You’re just a mad dog!” Guts then turned and grabbed hold of her wrist and snarled, “Say it again! Say it again if you dare!!” Casca looked up at him, her eyes cold and hard disguising the pain she felt. Then from beside them they heard the a calm and smooth voice saying, “Why don’t you two calm down.” They both turned and saw Griffith in his shining white armor holding his helmet in his right hand. “Oh! Griffith!” Casca stammered. “Casca, may I speak to Guts alone for a moment?” Griffith asked remaining smooth in his speech. Casca then wrenched her wrist free and walked off trying to conceal her seething anger. She paused beside Griffith and said, “Griffith you’re far too soft on him.” As Casca walked back she saw Corkus leaning against a wall and as chuckled he looked up at her and said, “Save yourself the bother. He’s Griffith’s favorite pet. You realize you can’t win, you might as well just get used to it. Of course I am always here for you, should you ever decide to get rid of him.” Casca’s eyes softened and seeing this Corkus continued, “Casca, you and I could take care of this and no one else ever has to know.” Casca then walked past him but as she did she stepped firmly on his foot, digging her heal into it and causing him to fall down. She glanced behind at him and said in mock innocence, “Oh, sorry.” Corkus dazed from his fall merely swore under his breath. Meanwhile Griffith was speaking to Guts. Guts hadn’t thought much about his time spent in the band of the Hawk but Casca’s sharp words had brought the memories back to him. He was used to only looking at his outward changes and they were many. He now stood a full ix and a half feet tall, his hair was still in its short and messy condition but his muscles had now grown to match his size and his arms were at least a six inches thick. His shoulders were immensely broad and spanned nearly three feet. All in all he was now a beastly sized man and now his body matched his sword in size. He was still in his breastplate and pauldrons on each shoulder as well as vambraces. He had a thick belt around his waist and across his chest he had slung a dagger. Griffith was looking up at him shaking his head and with a sigh he said, “You two fight like a cat and a dog. Three years now and battling side by side has changed nothing.” Guts hung his head and then in a half whisper he said, “I do care about them. In my own way I do care about my men. I’m not like that kid I used to be.” Griffith looked out over the scattered men around the courtyard and said, “It takes me back, to when we first met.” Guts recalled that day he and Griffith had fought each other and how Griffith had been more than a match for Guts. Griffith continued, “You wandered from battlefield to battlefield, and we fought a duel for your freedom! What a duel we had that day, the singularly most memorable in all my life.” Guts stared at Griffith hardly understanding the meaning of what Griffith was saying and so Griffith said, “Come then, you shall be the toast of tonight’s drinking.” With that he turned and strode away. Guts watched and then called, “Griffith, I’m sorry, about today’s battle.” Griffith turned his head, “I drew up those plans with your propensities in mind.” He said knowingly and then continued to walk away. Later on, the Band of the Hawk was gathered in the capital city’s church where Griffith was kneeling before the king, dressed in his white armor and clothing. Behind him stood the band of the Hawk and numerous other soldiers. The king stated in a regal tone, “Upon this day, before God, May all bear witness and pay respect to the distinguished service of this young man’s brave deeds.” However not many of the nobles gathered paid any heed to what the king was saying. Instead there were mutterings of, “This is absolutely absurd, a rouge mercenary being knighted.” “What on earth has become of our great king?” “The Hawks were, however, a great help on the battlefield.” Nonsense, these sorts of men would be no more than demons outside the war.” “Never the less, their services in battle are still necessary. If we are negligent now we run the risk of making ourselves obsolete.” Griffith still bowing received the king’s knighting with a hard look upon his face as the king said, “Giving self and soul with no other ruler or land in mind.” Corkus leaned over to Ricket and whispered, “Do you see that, they have no other choice but to honor us for distinguishing ourselves in battle. Isn’t that right Ricket?” Ricket turned his head and nodded. Corkus then continued, and with relish he said, “At last, it’s farewell to the humble mercenary life. We’ve been formally admitted into the king’s army.” Casca who was standing beside Corkus whispered harshly, “We’re in the middle of a ceremony Corkus! Would you please try to exercise a little decorum! From now on everything that we do will reflect on Griffith and people will be watching us. There is no longer any excuse to act like foolish mercenaries, we’ve come too far.” Corkus looked at her from the Corner of his eye and said, “Okay, okay, I understand, Commander Casca, mam.” He then turned back to Ricket and said under his breath, “She’s tougher than my mother!” Ricket tried to stifle a giggle but instantly stopped laughing when he saw Casca’s face contorted in anger. “What was that!?” She yelled barely able to keep her volume to a whisper. “Watch it we’re in a ceremony!” Corkus retorted. Watching all of this unfolding was a man standing beside the king also dressed in full armor but he had long slightly curled brown hair. He stood perfectly erect but kept an unpleasant air about him during the ceremony, “Those commoners.” he sneered. Casca then looked about for Guts and thought, “He’s disappeared again. Where is he?” Little did she know that Guts was outside, beneath the oak trees that grew along the castle’s wall, swinging his blade. He held his colossal sword in one hand and had attached small logs around its blade and was shouting, “One hundred ninety-six, one hundred ninety-seven, one hundred ninety-eight, one hundred ninety-nine, two hundred!” Meanwhile back inside the cathedral the king presented his sword’s tip to Griffith who then kissed it, causing the whole assembly to erupt in cheers and applause. Griffith turned to face everyone assembled and raised his hand and smiled. While outside Guts had stripped the logs from his sword and was now sitting beneath one of the trees with his back to its trunk, and holding his sword in both hands he raised it towards the sky. With sweat dripping down his face he looked up its edge and tried to figure out what had happened over the past three years. A few days later the Hawks were gathered deep inside a forest. There were a few tents and in one of them Guts, Casca, Griffith, Pippin, Corkus, Ricket, and Judeau had gathered around a small table with a map pinned down to it with three daggers. “Thanks for scouting the enemy camp Judeau.” said Ricket. “Yeah good work, so what’s happening at the supply base?” continued Corkus. “Their defense focuses on this side so our information was correct. It’s not much of a force though.” Judeau answered pointing to the southern side of the fort on the map. “Alright, then we should try to outflank them or something.” Corkus said pointing towards the north end of the fort. He was halted from continuing by an arrow being pointed by Griffith right were Judeau had said the main forces of the enemy were. “No, we attack them from the front.” At this everyone gasped in disbelief. “But that’s dangerous!” Ricket stammered. Griffith then fixed him with his piercing blue eyes and said firmly, “Our objective is to capture the enemy’s supply base as soon and as swiftly as possible. Chances are we could reach the armory by attacking from behind, however we run the risk of drawing the garrison to the armory as well. In that case occupying the fort would be increasingly difficult as well.” Judeau then said, “I see. So in order for us to then the armory’s guard you’re suggesting that we should focus our attack on the front of the fort.” “That’s right, remember the armory is our objective and watch yourselves breaking through the middle gate.” Corkus then asked, “So what’s our formation?” “First Gut’s and Casca’s companies will attract the garrison’s attention. Soon after, the main company will break through the front gate.” Judeau then said, “We can handle it.” “We’ll begin the siege as soon as preparations are complete.” Everyone then turned to leave except for Corkus, who, stretching and placing his hands behind his head yawned and said sarcastically, “Oh boy! Well it looks like Guts is going to get all the credit again.” Guts hearing this stopped and turned to glare at Corkus. Corkus walked up to him with one hand on his waist saying, “That’s right, you wanna step outside?” Guts was stopped from answering, by a sword being drawn between them. He turned and saw the sword’s owner was Casca. She was gritting her teeth and snarled, “Griffith gave those orders!” Corkus regaining his composure turned his head spit and then turned and walked away muttering a stream of curses under his breath. Guts was watching him leave as Casca having sheathed her sword said, “We can’t afford to squabble amongst ourselves anymore. Things have to change.” Guts turned and looked at her. Casca then said, “Now look, you have been given specific orders to follow. Don’t run off.” Guts looked at her for a few moments and then turned and left without responding. “Gut’s wait!” she called after him but was stopped by a hand being placed on her shoulder. She turned and saw Griffith smiling down at her as he said, “I’m counting on you Casca.” She nodded and walked out of the tent. In the fort down the road was a large and somewhat fat man in full armor watching as cannons, gunpowder, cannonballs, arrows, crossbows, spears, and swords were unloaded from twenty wagons and stored in the buildings at the hill’s crest and in the very center of the fort. The man was nearly six feet tall and had a rather pudgy face with a bald head other than a blonde flat top style haircut. He had his arms folded and was tapping one of his fingers on his arm muttering, “Why should I. I the leader of the Blue Whale heavy assault knights, Sir Adon. Why do I have to patrol this miserable supply base and its armory?” A nearby soldier turned and said in a semi shout, “Sir! We were stationed here because the Black Ram heavy cavalry were crippled in their last defensive against midland! Sir! ” Adon then turned and shouted, “Shut up you Cretin!” The offending man then turned and ran away. Adon turned back to surveying the supply wagons being unloaded and said, “This is hardly a position befitting a descendant of the Corpowitz family.” Meanwhile at the front of the fort, a pair of soldiers was looking out over the surrounding forest and one of them noticed something rustle in the bushes by the road. He then cocked his crossbow and pointed it towards the area he thought he saw something. His partner looked over and asked him, “What is it?” “Over there do you see anything?” His partner didn’t have time to respond as he was shot in the neck by a crossbow bolt. He watched as his partner fell over and looked out at where his crossbow had been pointing but before he could shoot he was shot down like his partner. Adon was interrupted from his moping by a soldier running up the stairs to the battlement where he was and shouting, “Commander Adon! Enemy raid! We’re under attack!” Adon turned and shouted, “You spineless toad! Who would even bother to attack such a remote supply base!?” He was prevented from continuing his tirade by an arrow imbedding itself inches from his foot, swiftly followed by another landing squarely between his feet. “What on earth!” He ran to edge of the battlement and saw his men gathered in front of the main gate. The gate itself was shaking and soon its doors were flung open and from the battlement above the gates a volley of arrows were released by members of the Hawks who had climbed over the palisade wall were the pair of soldiers had been. Leading the cavalry’s charge into the fort was Guts with his blade already drawn and he swiftly took down one soldier as he came through the gates the man fell from his horse his blood pooling around him. Guts’ and Casca’s companies swiftly took down several soldiers and as the last soldier fell Adon scurried down from his station in the battlement and ran to see exactly who had caused this much chaos. As he rounded a corner past the supply stores he saw a soldier attempting to retreat, “You there! Don’t fall back!” The soldier halted in his retreat but looked behind his shoulder fearfully. Seeing this Adon drew his sword and shouted, “You miserable coward!” But then he looked to see who had caused this man to retreat and he saw Guts with his sword held with both hand blocking three soldiers blades they attempted to strike him. He then heaved and threw them off balance and then sliced across at them before they could block and slew them in one fell blow. Meanwhile another horseman had ridden up behind Guts and was trying to attack him from behind but was stabbed through his chest by Guts before he could even get within striking range. Seeing this Adon went wide eyed, turned, and retreated. Griffith was outside the fort and hearing the Hawks battle narrowed his eyes and then urged his steed forward thus igniting the rest of the Hawks to follow him to deliver the final blow to the fort. Guts and Casca were both fighting an adversary as Griffith entered but Guts soon slew his opponent and looked towards the store houses. He saw a series of horsemen leaving them and as he looked at the storehouses themselves he saw smoke rising from their roofs. He then realized what the enemy was planning and ran off towards Griffith. Casca having just finished off her opponent saw Guts just as he turned and she gritted her teeth and shouted, “Guts! Not again!” She chased after him both urging their horse on to greater speeds she finally caught up to his horse’s flanks and shouted, “Guts! What the hell do you think you’re doing!?” Guts turned his head and shouted back, “Get out of here now!” seeing she wasn’t going to stop her pursuit he swung his mammoth blade towards her to make her fall behind or risk him hitting her. She slowed just enough to avoid being hit again but called out in fury, “Get back!!” Guts urged his horse to go faster and finally caught up to Griffith’s company just before they entered the storehouses’ holding area. He called out, “Griffith! It’s a trap! Get out of here now!” Griffith looked at him disbelievingly but when he looked at the storehouses he saw thin lines of smoke coming from the roofs and drawing his sword he called out, “Retreat!!” He then brought his horse to a halt and turned just enough to block any one from going past him. Corkus and Judeau reigned in their horses and Corkus shouted, “Retreat!? It can’t be!” Judeau, meanwhile, had turned his horse around and digging his heels into it called back, “Corkus lets go!” Corkus turned his horse around and reluctantly galloped off away from the fort. Guts had brought his horse up so that he could make sure everyone got through the gate and once everyone had he urged his mount on as well. As Griffith and his company fled one of the storehouses exploded, seeing this Casca then realized what Guts had been trying to do. She then realized that more of the storehouses were going to explode and signaled for everyone to retreat and turning her horse around she raised her arm shouting, “Come on!!” Within seconds the rest of the storehouses exploded sending huge billows of fire and smoke into the air. Watching from the safety off the nearby forest Adon proclaimed triumphantly, “That was a special three hundred year old Corpowitz family fleeing technique, Bakuretsu Banzai!” A nearby soldier pointed towards the charred and smoking fort and said, “But Sir Adon, we lost the fort and all our supplies were destroyed!” “Silence! Stop prattling you beetle!” Adon erupted. He then shouted, “Withdraw troops!” and with that Adon and his remaining followers sped off through the forest. Meanwhile back at the fort Griffith had assembled everyone in the now charred remains of the fort and called, “Listen! Is everyone all right?” Everyone responded saying they were fine; the only injuries were one man had a broken arm and another had a large piece of shrapnel imbedded in his leg. Ricket turned to Judeau and said, “It’s lucky we didn’t lose anyone!” “All thanks to Guts! He saved us.”Judeau answered. Guts was looking over his men and then he looked towards Griffith and he saw Griffith smile at him. To this Guts merely nodded their gratitude and congratulations going unspoken. Casca however was looking at Guts icily. Corkus, Judeau, and Ricket rode over to the ruins of the store houses and saw nothing other than charred bodies and smoking corpses. “Wow that explosion was something else!” Judeau remarked with amazement. “All the spoils were destroyed!” Corkus moaned. “It doesn’t matter we were able to achieve our objective and destroy the enemy’s supply base. “What are you talking about!? Oh forget it your too young!” Corkus snapped. “I know I’m just a kid but you’re greedy!” Ricket retorted. Elsewhere, Guts and Casca had walked off and Casca had her back to Guts. “What’s bothering you? If you have something to say then say it!” Guts barked. Then taking a different approach he said, “You never had a problem reprimanding me before!” Casca then turned and shouted, “Shut up! I just…it’s just that…you’re actions today on the battlefield today were right.” “I was just disobeying orders, like I always do.”Guts shrugged. “It’s different. Today you were desperately trying to protect Griffith.” Casca said. With her eyes welling up she continued, “But I didn’t understand that.” Then regaining her composure she looked up at him and said, “I mean…thanks. I was wrong.” She then began to walk back towards Griffith and the rest of the Hawks when her eyes met Griffith’s and she saw he was smiling. She then glanced away and stormed off. The king had assembled all of his generals before him. “Leave it to the Hawks?” asked the man on the King’s right. “Yes, I will trust them with our next castle siege.” The king replied solemnly. “Not to contradict you, but shall we charge boorish mercenaries with such an important mission?” the man continued. “I agree with him. My army should be the one to lead the offensive.” Chimed in another man from further down the table. “And will you win? Will you swear before me that your men will be victorious?” This effectively silenced the man and with that the king continued, “Then my choice shall stand. Go send word to Griffith; once the preparations are complete they shall take the field.” “Sire.” The man to his right answered and then looking down the table he saw a bald man with his head bowed grinning mischievously staring back at him with one of his slanted eyes. Griffith was astride his white horse once more, in full armor grasping his beherit and surveying his upcoming opponent. The castle was made of solid stone built around a high rocky hill with two levels and before it stretched a wide barren rocky field with no shelter to be found. As lightning cracked across the sky he grasped the beherit and signaled the charge and as the horsemen charged down the hill Guts made his way to their front and drew his sword, racing towards the castle’s gates. © 2008 MattAuthor's Note
Added on February 14, 2008 Last Updated on February 25, 2008 Author![]() MattLexington, KYAboutI'm a junior in high school and love to write stories. I'm not that great but I really enjoy doing it so if you like what you read then plaease let me know. more..Writing