![]() Chapter 2 First BattleA Chapter by Matt![]() Here is chapter two please let me know what you think![]() Chapter 2 First Battle Their blades clashed and Griffith remained unscathed. Guts was using all his strength to try and force Griffith back but couldn’t. Griffith stared at him his eyes narrowing but still maintaining an almost regal appearance. Finally he couldn’t force himself any longer and raised his blade once more to strike Griffith. He tried to strike at his back but Griffith once more blocked his blow and glided his sword down Guts’ blade and curved his sword at the last instant while twisting his body and cut Guts just above the elbow. Guts reeled back and fell to the ground blood dripping from his wound. Griffith pointed his sword at Guts Casca seeing this thought the battle was won. Guts still couldn’t believe what was happening to him. He’s something else! I know I can split steel with this sword, but he easily avoids each blow and just uses one arm to wield his narrow blade! Guts thought. Rising he grinned, He is Good! Once more he raised his blade in front of him. “We could always suspend this duel until you’ve recovered completely if you’d rather.” Griffith said his sword still poised in front of him. “Shut up!” Guts yelled charging him once more. He struck but Griffith brushed his blows to his side. Again and again Guts tried to strike him but again and again Griffith brushed them to his side easily evading each blow. Win, I must win! Guts thought to himself. Griffith however never missed a moment. He always smiled and his eyes never seemed to close. Faster! Faster! Stronger! Guts screamed in his mind he couldn’t seem to grasp that he couldn’t even lay a blow on Griffith. His strikes were beginning to get more wild and less accurate. Suddenly several of the men from the camp ran up the side of the hill. “Come on! That brat is at it again! Kill him Griffith!” yelled Corkus leading the Charge. Seeing that the men would interrupt the duel Casca stood in front of them arms spread, “Corkus stay back!” “What!” Corkus screamed at her. Calmly Casca continued, “Griffith said not to interfere.” “Don’t be foolish it’s him or Griffith!” Corkus said grabbing her shoulder and pushing his way past her. Casca drew her sword and placed it in front of Corkus’ throat and pressed it none to gently saying, “When did you become the leader Corkus?” Corkus could only stand there and sweat not daring to look away from her. “Griffith’s orders are absolute! So settle down.” This whole time Griffith and Guts had been fighting and Griffith was starting to attack more viciously. Griffith stabbed again and again each time he cut Guts, once above the knee, again on the bicep, and forearm, and a final strike to the leg. Blood sprayed from his wounds and he could only stare at his blood as he saw Griffiths’ unblinking and ever smiling face. Guts then stabbed his sword into the ground and raised it up again showering Griffith’s eyes with dirt. Griffith bowed his head and tried to rub the dirt from his eyes while the crowd watching below gasped in amazement. He’s mine Guts thought raising his blade above his head to deliver a final blow. As he swung his sword down, he was shocked when he didn’t hear the sound of metal cutting through bone, but rather the sound of it hitting the ground. He looked and saw that Griffith was standing fully balanced on his blade. His curved rapier still pointed towards him and Griffith was staring at him. Griffith placed his blade’s tip on Guts’ throat and this act produced a cheer from the spectators gathered below. “It’s over.” Casca sighed. “I enjoy the way you fight my friend. You’d go to any length to defeat me, but now you can’t use your sword unless I move. I wouldn’t mind if you’d rather postpone this.” Griffith said. His voice was still calm and smooth he didn’t even seem to have broken a sweat. Guts only chuckled “Heh! You know you talk too much. Let me tell you something! In battle there’s only one way you should be using your mouth!” At this he bit down on Griffith’s sword and started to twist his head while lifting up with his sword. At first nothing seemed to happen but as blood began to seep from his gums and pour down his chin, Griffith began to lose his footing. Guts then shoved all his body’s weight into his movements and together he and Griffith fell from the hill. The assembly below them ran up to see what happened and saw Griffith and Guts rolling down the steep hill one on top of the other. Finally they reached the bottom and Griffith hit the ground. When he tried to get up Guts shoved him down and punched him and then allowing Griffith to get up somewhat he kicked him sending him reeling back. “I’ve never seen Griffith get knocked down like that!” Corkus stammered. “So how do you like the taste of your own blood?” said Guts wiping the spit and blood from his mouth. Groaning Griffith got to his hands and knees and wiped the blood from his nose saying “You struck a sound blow. But this I’m afraid is the end.” He stated rising fully. Guts couldn’t stand to see Griffith still able to talk so high and mighty so he charged him, fist raised to strike another blow. Griffith then wrapped his arm around Guts shoulder and grabbed hold of his wrist with his free hand driving him to the ground. This turn of events caused the crowd to once more give a shout. “Now then my friend you have a choice. Admit defeat or I’ll be force to dislocate your shoulder. Either way makes no difference to me.” Griffith said beginning to tighten his hold on Guts’ arm. “Now choose.” He said icily. Guts couldn’t speak but he turned his head and stared at Griffith like a mad dog and snarled at him. “You filthy son of a…” before he could finish Griffith gripped even tighter and pulled dislocating his arm. Guts couldn’t believe Griffith actually did this, and all he could do was grunt and writhe in pain. “That’ll do it! Great work Griffith!” shouted Corkus. The assembly then rushed down the hill to each congratulate Griffith and to mock Guts, except for Casca who stayed where she was. She was unable to comprehend that Griffith was capable of such a thing. “He won’t soon forget that lesson!” continued Corkus draping an arm over Griffith’s shoulder. Corkus then saw Griffith trying to stand once more and walked over to him bending over so Guts could see him clearly. “Hey champ! How does it feel to lose two in a row!” he jeered. Griffith however stepped in front of him and grasped Guts’ head with both hands and brought his face up to his and said, “And so now you belong to me Guts.” Ricket seeing this couldn’t stand to hold in his enthusiasm, “Do you mean it?” Griffith then placed his hands on his hips and turned to face all the people assembled, “From now on he’s a member of the Hawks!” This statement caused a cheer to erupt from everyone gathered except for Corkus who only gritted his teeth and stormed off. Casca still watching from above thought to herself, this is strange. Griffith has never been so friendly or complimentary, not to anyone. She then turned and walked with her head bowed back towards the camp. Later that night the Band of the Hawk was encamped just beyond a ridge separating them from a nearby castle. A few of the soldiers were huddled around small fires to keep themselves warm during their night watch. From the castle the fires were clearly seen and to men were looking down on the encampment. “Others have dubbed the Hawks death on the battlefield, since they are seemingly invincible in battle.” said one of the men. He was aged but still stood tall and erect. His head was balding and he had a long grey beard. “We need not worry about ourselves since they are under the auspices of the midland army, besides a mercenary band is disposable!” replied the second man. He was in his mid thirties and had auburn colored hair and a thick moustache. “I doubt that.” Interrupted the first man gazing still towards the encampment below them. With a sigh he continued, “What if they gain power and gain the King’s confidence? We would face the loss of our prestige, our honor, and our pride.” He ended gravely. “Indeed.” agreed the second man. “Most irritating!” he added with a snarl. Meanwhile back in the camp Guts lay awake staring at the ceiling of his tent and thinking about what had happened since that morning. “I lost! I was beaten completely! It’s almost a joke! He…talks openly and smiles like some innocent kid, but… he dislocated my shoulder cleanly without hesitation! Just like plucking off a doll’s arm.” He thought rolling to his side and slamming his fist on the ground. Suddenly a sound outside his tent made him snap back to the present. He heard feet and weapons shuffling outside his tent so he leaned closer to hear what was happening, “Are you serious about killing him Corkus!?” said one voice. “Don’t you even think about chickening out now!” said Corkus in a muffled shout. Outside his tent there was a group of seven men who were armed with assorted weaponry varying from a crossbow to a claymore. Corkus was in the middle and was talking to each of them and was now facing one of the younger members of the group. “There are seven of us who want this sorted out. You told me you didn’t like him either! Don’t forget that kid killed Dan.” he continued. “Yeah but he’s so strong and skilled and mean!” the man whined. “Besides that, didn’t Griffith say that…” Corkus cut him off before he could finish, “Don’t worry. Look, the boy is asleep and alone. Plus he’s injured and can’t possibly lift that sword!” At this Guts reached over and grabbed the hilt of his sword that was leaning against the center pole of his tent. “Then we’ll convince Griffith the kid ran off or something after we dump his body in the woods.” Corkus finished with a smile. Guts was now sitting up with one hand on his sword, “This bunch of idiots should be no problem compared to him.” He thought still remembering his defeat at Griffith’s hand. Corkus finally certain everyone was going to follow his lead pointed the man he had been talking to and said, “Sam you go first.” “What! Why me? You never go first!” he protested. “You’d better not do it.” Said Casca causing the whole group to jump back in alarm. Without any sympathy leaking over she continued, “He is still far beyond your skill level, even in his current condition.” At this Guts crept forward and peered through a tear in the fabric of his tent. “Ha! I think I’ll take my chances.” Corkus replied paying her warning no heed. “Go back to your tent like a good boy Corkus.” Casca said her temper starting to flare. “Casca, why do you want to save him? Oh, I see what’s going on here.” Corkus said leaning in towards her. “You lay down beside him for the past two nights! No wonder you have feelings for him.” Casca drew her sword and placed it’s tip right on Corkus’ throat. “If you say anything like that again I’ll chop your head off!” she said glaring at him icily. “Hey I was kidding! Calm down.” He said raising his arms. Casca continued to glare at him and when he could stand it no longer he leaped back and shouted, “C’mon let’s go!” and with that he turned and ran back to his tent followed by the rest of the group. Seeing that they had left for good Casca returned her sword to its sheath and turned to go but before she did Guts opened the flap of his tent and stepped out. They stared at each other for a moment each wondering what the other thought but not allowing it to show. Finally Casca turned and began to walk off. Seeing this Guts with a sigh said, “Looks like I owe you double now.” Casca still continued to walk away. “I should at least thank you!” he shouted to her. “I didn’t do it for you!” She answered “I was just acting on Griffith’s orders. Otherwise I don’t care what happens to you.” She said turning her head to fix him with her gaze. Turning she said, “I hope you drop dead in battle. And soon!” she added her voice sharp but starting to choke. Guts watched as she walked away and began to think about what she said. He turned and entered his tent once more and lay down. He glanced over at his sword, still propped against the central post, and wondered why he was doing this. He couldn’t sleep so he crawled over to another part of the tent and wrapped his arms around his knees and held his blade upright in his arms and there he drifted off to sleep. The next night Griffith had assembled the Band of the Hawk on the castle’s drawbridge and was explaining his strategy to them. “On the hill our opponents have their headquarters manned by approximately two-thousand soldiers. Our mission is to burn the provisions and other supplies stored behind the hill. Theoretically, the enemy will mass their troops in front of the hill in case of a night attack. This is my strategy. We’ll march through the river and launch a surprise attack from their rear. Once there we’ll pick the shortest distance back to the castle gate and run through the midst of their forces in a single dash.” Griffith stated he was fully armored in his white armor and he had his helmet’s visor raised so his men could see his face. Before him was the entire Band off the Hawk all astride horses. Their number was nearly a hundred and fifty soldiers. Guts, dressed in the armor he wore when he first met Griffith, was sitting about midway and when he heard Griffith say they were going to charge the enemy he thought, “Through the Middle!?” he couldn’t believe what Griffith was saying. “Any reinforcements?” called out one of the soldiers. “No, those who hired us cannot afford to lose any more resources.” stated Griffith. “That’s because they’re all a bunch of cowards!” shouted Corkus causing several of the men to burst into laughter. “The rear guard for tonight will be Guts, if you accept.” Griffith continued. “What?” Guts asked hearing his name. This caused all of the Hawks to look around questioningly there were exclamations of, “What did he say?”, and, “Is he serious?” Griffith paying these comments no heed looked at Guts and said, “You’ll have to help all your fellow soldiers escape while containing hundreds of enemy cavalry men on a straight road through the woods. Can you manage it?” Guts stared back at him and asked, “Is that an order?” This caused a smile to ease its way across Griffiths face, “It is.” he stated. “Is Griffith trying to test him?” “Poor guy, I doubt he’ll make it through in one piece.” “Maybe he’ll just sneak off.” Hearing these remarks Casca though to herself, “No, Griffith wouldn’t give him such an important position just as a test. He truly believes in him.” Corkus meanwhile was smiling while thinking, “Good, now I don’t have to worry about killing him.” Griffith then lowered his visor his helmet now forming a hawk like beak over his face as the castle’s gates creaked open. At that moment the wind began to blow so much that the leaves on the trees surrounding the road began to be blown off. The men then made their way down to the nearby river and led their horses down into it. As Guts led his horse he thought, “We’re marching through the river rather than going alongside it. Either way it’s not likely the enemy will be able to predict this. Launching a surprise attack by marching up such a rapid moving stream, besides, this gale will easily drown out the noise of our march. Then we set fire from the windward side while we attack from behind. Every element has been pre-calculated in his mind. Meanwhile at the front of the band Judeau held up a hand signaling the others to halt. He saw am enemy soldier kneeling down to get a drink from the stream about twenty feet ahead of them. Silently Judeau pulled a knife from its sheath he had strapped to his leg. In one quick motion he threw the knife and almost instantaneously the soldier fell, head first into the stream, blood spurting from his neck. After making certain the soldier was dead Judeau turned and motioned for everyone to resume their march once more. A few minutes later the Hawk’s exited from the river and began to march up the hill towards the enemy’s fort. In the camp soldiers were huddled around several fires while others were posted outside certain tents. One of the soldiers was sitting on a fallen log and was wrapped in a hole-filled blanket. His teeth were chattering and his spear lay by his side. “It’s freezing out here! It must be my lot in life. How did I end up with guard duty on such a creepy night? I want to go home.” He sniffled. Suddenly he spotted several torches in the forest and they seemed to be approaching him. He rubbed his eyes thinking what he saw was just a dream, but when he looked again he saw the torches owners were a group of horse men and they were slowly approaching him. “E-e-enemies!” he stuttered fumbling to try and grab hold of his spear. The riders then began to bear down on him and he turned to leap over the log and muttered, “Why are they coming from that direction!” He ran towards the camp screaming, “ENEMY RAID!!!” but was quickly surpassed by the oncoming band. All around the camp soldiers began to muster to arms but were met by the oncoming horseman. One of the soldiers stabbed at Griffith but fell with a sword strike to his throat blood flowing from the gash. The entire band was obliterating the enemy soldiers. Pippin crushed one of the soldiers helm with his mace while Guts cut through three of the soldiers easily, being showered by blood in the process. “Set the fires!” cried Griffith and at that moment all the horsemen bearing torches flung them at nearby tents. Soon the entire camp was engulfed in flame as the Hawks charged through it. One of the enemy soldiers tried to bring some of the supplies out of a tent but noticing the tent burst into flames he yelled, “Oh no! They set fire to the ammuni…” but was interrupted when the tent promptly exploded causing a huge cloud of black smoke to rise covering the entire camp, as well as setting fire to any tents that weren’t already smoldering. “Disengage! Break for the castle! This is done!” called out Griffith. Immediately the Band of the Hawk assembled behind him and made a mad dash through the enemy’s forces, not bothering to attack any of them. Glancing behind him Griffith cried out, “Move it! Double file!” At this the Hawks paired off not breaking their pace at all. One of the enemy soldiers ran up the hill to where a large assembly of men, all in armor was looking on at the blazing inferno that was their camp. Kneeling before one of the men he gasped for breath and said, “General, the fire is being blown towards our head quarters by the storm!” At this the general burst into a fit of anger and shouted, “Take the heavy cavalry to the front!” “Sir?” “This is a disgrace! Why are we left sitting up here while they’re defeated by mercenaries!?” “It’s amazing! I’ve never been part of such an efficient raid before!” thought Guts bringing up the rear of the group. He glanced behind and saw several horsemen riding up behind him. All of them wore thick armor and bore swords. He grasped the hilt of his sword and grinned, “Now it’s my turn.” Suddenly several crossbow bolts whistled passed him. He chanced a glance behind and saw some of the horse men had crossbows in their hands. Some of the enemy horsemen were beginning to catch up to him and as he drew his blade one of them rode up beside him and sliced at his back but was blocked. Guts then urged his steed forward and fully drew his sword and cut the rider’s head off. A few yards ahead of him Ricket was being pursued by one of the horsemen who had gotten past Guts. As the rider drew nearer Guts stabbed his blade forward and pierced through the man’s chest. “Get out of here!” Guts yelled to Ricket. “Yes sir!” Ricket called back and then urged his horse forward. “Follow me! Come on! Keep up!” Guts thought noticing he was beginning to outrun the horsemen. Meanwhile back at the castle Griffith and most of the Band of the Hawk had reached the courtyard and were beginning to dismount. “Fine work, Griffith!” called out a nobleman. “That will halt their efforts for at least a month!” chimed in an older man standing just behind the nobleman. Griffith then proceeded to dismount and bowed courteously to them and then looking the nobleman in the eyes he said, “The battle is not yet over. Please excuse me.” And then removed his helmet and made his way through the Hawks and to the front gate. “Of all the insolent!” burst the nobleman hardly believing Griffith’s nerve to turn his back to them. Casca having just dismounted saw Griffith leave and followed him. Outside the gates Griffith and Casca met with Judeau who had just ridden up. “What are our losses?” Griffith asked. “Nothing serious.” Judeau replied. “Excellent!” Griffith remarked. “It’s thanks to Guts! You should have seen him take on a group of heavy cavalry single handedly! Even though it was on a straight road through the woods! Boy is he something!” Suddenly Judeau looked up hearing a horse approaching. “Huh? Ricket, Where’s Guts?” Panting Ricket answered, “He sent me back without him!” Judeau looked down the road and remarked, “Oh no, I hope he’s still alive.” Guts cut through one of the horseman’s helms and ripped his blade out just in time to parry then cut another rider to the ground. He was still being pursued by a seemingly endless swarm of riders. Two of the enemy soldiers rode up closer to him one on either side. The one on Guts’ right swung his sword down across Guts’ back but Guts leaned out of his saddle enough to dodge him and nearly ended up in the other rider’s lap. Quickly he swung himself back upright and urged on his horse. “It’s time for me to go back!” he thought. Suddenly more of the mounted crossbowman rode up and fired at him and a stray bolt hit his horse in the left foreleg. His steed then tumbled forward hurling him from the saddle. “No! This can’t happen!” Guts yelled. He twisted when he fell and ended up landing on his feet. He then turned and faced the oncoming cavalry his sword held in front of him. Narrowing his eyes he gripped his sword tighter and thought, “I failed!” Suddenly a flurry of arrows came over Guts head and embedded themselves in the rider’s necks. Guts turned and saw Griffith, Pippin, and Judeau riding towards him each holding a crossbow. “Griffith!” Gut’s called out. “Take my hand!” Griffith responded and firmly grabbed hold of Guts’ wrist and swung him up into the saddle behind him. Pippin then charged ahead and wielding a mace in each hand crushed the heads of two oncoming riders while Judeau shot another with his crossbow. Griffith then wheeled his horse around and yelled, “Now Retreat!” and with that his horse reared then broke for the castle gates. “Don’t let them escape!” screamed one of the enemy cavalry men. “Why did you come back here?!” Guts yelled at Griffith. “Hold your tongue!” barked Griffith urging his horse on. “They’ll catch us! We’re double mounted!” thought Guts but then he saw a glow at the end of the road. “Hang on! We’re almost to the end of the woods.” Said Griffith, still trying to urge his steed to go faster. The enemy cavalry men then began to gain on Griffith and Guts but just as one of them raised his sword to cut at Guts Griffith called out, “This is it! Now disperse!” At this Griffith, Pippin, and Judeau’s mounts jumped over a barrier that had been raised in a semicircle around the exit of the forest. The barrier was formed of over 30 cannons all aligned beside one another with two soldiers at each cannon. “Fire!!” yelled Griffith and at his signal all the cannons fired at once. Only five horsemen were able to escape from the cannons but each was injured, one of whom was holding a bleeding stump where his hand used to be. Seeing the enemy retreat the Hawks emitted a huge cry and then proceeded to crowd around Guts. All except for Casca who only leaned against the gates and watched. Later on that night the courtyard of the castle was full of wine and beer casks as well as bonfires with pigs, sheep, calves, and goats all roasting above them. Each man was bragging about how many men he had killed and others merely laughed and shook their heads. Everyone was having a party except for Guts. He had slipped away and was resting on one of the battlements’ walls and was holding his sword in his folded arms while looking up at the sky lost in his thoughts. “Despite his age Griffith is a great leader. His people believe in him completely. He has perfect judgment and knows how to take decisive action in the midst of battle. He’s more than just a leader of a mercenary band.” He then glanced to the stairs and saw Ricket, Judeau, and Pippin coming up them. “Hey Guts!” cried Ricket. “What are you doing up here?” “Gossiping with the birds?” asked Judeau chuckling. “Thanks for your help in the battle today. I only just made it because of you! I really admire you, and I’ve never seen someone who is such an amazing fighter! Except of course for Griffith.” Continued Ricket. “I’ve done nothing more than my duty.” Guts said solemnly. He continued saying, “I have no reason to be thanked, and same thing goes for you.” Judeau hearing this smiled and only shook his head saying, “Well I won’t argue with you about that. Anyway come on and follow us. A party isn’t as lively without its hero!” “What?” asked Guts confused. “The celebration you may have been hearing down there is in honor of you!” “I…wait…I never asked for anything like that.” Guts stammered completely taken off guard. Judeau simply smiled and motioned to Pippin towards Guts. Pippin then proceeded to walk over to where Guts was sitting and pick him up and sling him over his shoulder. “What are you doing?! Put me down!” Guts protested slamming his elbow into Pippin’s face. A trickle of blood ran down Pippin’s nose but he showed no change in his face. “Let’s go.” He said his voice extremely deep but very warm. With that he carried the protesting Guts down to the party below. “Put me down you thick headed freak!” Guts yelled. Dropping him to the ground Pippin laughed and said, “I am called Pippin.” “Don’t you ever-” but before he could finish Pippin shoved a large cup in his face and said, “Here, you drink.” Judeau then stood up and raised his cup in the air, “Everyone a toast to our brash new friend!” This brought a great cheer as well as several fits of laughter but Guts took the cup from Pippin and proceeded to drain it. Corkus was leaning on a nearby wall muttered, “Humph, b*****d.” But Casca was watching from above on the wall and merely sighed, and looked up at the crystal clear sky, a tear rolling down her cheek.
© 2008 MattAuthor's Note
for the lulz Stats
Added on February 14, 2008 Last Updated on February 25, 2008 Author![]() MattLexington, KYAboutI'm a junior in high school and love to write stories. I'm not that great but I really enjoy doing it so if you like what you read then plaease let me know. more..Writing