![]() Yin 4: The Children of the ZodiacA Chapter by Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh![]() In which some context is finally provided! Yay!![]() Silence
followed Sonic's proclamation. Kyo rubbed at his eyes, finally regaining his
vision. Blinking, he gazed into the open chamber. Kyo
gasped. Takamura
instantly shot him a warning glare, but Kyo was too caught up in the
magnificent view. The inside of the room was absolutely cavernous. Enormous
pillars sculpted of solid white marble held up a large, crimson canopy upon
which stood a flowing white marble dragon. The chamber was incredibly spacious,
ornate Chinese carpets covering the expansive, white marble-tiled floor.
Massive oil lanterns were placed in the four corners of the room, bathing the
space in a brilliant, slightly flickering light. Black zabuton sitting pillows were arranged artfully on the floor, beside
a large, wooden table with a silken white cloth placed over it. Books were
strewn on the table, some old and open, some new and closed. Paintings
adorned the walls, depictions of soaring, uninhibited dragons winding about the
room. They were of different colours, red and green and blue and yellow and
many more. Kyo noted that the white dragon statue above the crimson canopy
sharply contrasted with the colourful dragons on the walls -- while the others
seemed to be free and unrestricted, the white dragon appeared to be still and
far more imposing than the others. In
the centre of the room, sitting cross-legged before the table, sat an elderly
man, small in stature but fierce in his gaze. He peered at them over his
glasses, wispy gray eyebrows arched in annoyance. He wore a matching pair of a
kimono and a hakama for pants. He held a thick, leather-bound book before him,
and seemed to have been in the middle of the book. A grimace tugged at the corners
of his lips, nose twitching in displeasure at the intrusion. He snorted, but
waved them in regardless, eyes fastened upon the elegant woman before him. "The
Daughter of the Dragon, is it? And what brings you to my humble abode, Takamura
Matsumoto? What business does the famed Itako Empress have with me? The Dragon
of Death is always busy, you know." "The
Dragon of Death will make time for the Daughter of the Dragon." Takamura's
tone brook no arguments. "I wouldn't visit your 'humble abode' otherwise,
Haruhiko-san." The
old man grimaced. "No, I don't suspect you would." He gestured to the
zabuton pillows on the floor on either sides of the table. "Sit
down." The
itako complied, gesturing to Kyo to follow before stepping forward gracefully
and kneeling for but a moment before sitting upon her legs, her body turned to
face the owner of the chamber. Her sensu fan still obscured her face, her other
hand hidden beneath the sleeve. Kyo stayed quietly by her side, looking down at
his clasped hands in his lap. His
presence did not escape Haruhiko's notice. "Who are you, boy?" Kyo
twitched, and opened his mouth to speak before Takamura's sensu fan covered his
mouth in an instant, preventing him from making any sound. The itako gazed
calmly towards Haruhiko, not even bothering to glance at the surprised Kyo.
"He is my ward, and currently none of your concern. We have other matters
to discuss." Haruhiko
gazed at her sternly before a small, almost bitter smile crept onto his face.
"Another ward of yours, Takamura? Heh. You don't exactly have the best
track record when it comes to wards, now do you? You know far better than
I." For
the first time since Kyo knew her, he felt Takamura tense. He felt a slight
aura emitting from her -- anger? There was something that could get Takamura
angry? The
priestess ignored his jab, bringing the sensu fan back to her face. "You'd
do well not to disturb a sleeping dragon, Haruhiko-san. You may find it rather
unwise." Her eyes narrowed dangerously, brow furrowing in displeasure.
"If you're quite done, I must discuss that
with you. I'm sure you recall what I am referring to." Haruhiko's
brow furrowed as well at the mention of the topic. "Why that, of all
things? What good does it do to talk of possibilities?" "Haruhiko-san,
I consider you too smart to be this big a fool. It has been ordained. It was only a matter of
when." The
old man harrumphed. "And the fact that you're bringing it up now..." "...means
that it has begun," Takamura finished for him. "Which brings me to
you." "What
need do you have of an old man?" Haruhiko murmured, annoyed at being
dragged into this. "I had hoped it would happen well past my time. How
unlucky I must be." "Yes,
we all feel very sorry for you," the itako said dryly. "How unlucky
indeed." The
sarcasm did not pass his notice. "Unluckiness aside, how do you know for
certain?" "Because
the first step has already been taken. Hatsumomo has been taken by your Yakuza
companions." "I'm
an old man," Haruhiko complained. "Remind me of how this prophecy
went." The
itako didn't reply, instead pulling the kiseru from her kimono sleeve. Raising
it to her lips, she inhaled, puffing momentarily, before exhaling a rather
large cloud of smoke that lingered in the air. Before their eyes, the smoke
began to take on shape, form, density. Within moments, an image was formed: a
few 'smoke men' surrounded a single figure in the centre. The shadowy figure in
the middle was undoubtedly female, Kyo could see. Was that Hatsumomo? An
ethereal voice began speaking in soft, almost singing tones.
smoke melted together and reformed, now depicting a boy and a woman with skulls
floating about her.
the scene changed, this time with several new people in addition to the two,
seemingly fighting several opponents.
boy was with fewer members now, some having disappeared in a puff of smoke.
shifting smoke, now people joining up the fight.
figures joined, except on the opposing side; the benevolent side seemed to be
turned upon companion, both on the benevolent and malevolent factions.
room itself seemed to darken somewhat, and the smoke figures turned a darker
shade of gray.
smoke swirled together, reforming in the shape of a snake. It seemed to be
shedding its skin, and out crawled a boy from the remnants of the snake skin.
smoke shaped itself into the form of an oxen, a young girl on its neck and
grasping its horns.
there were more than more than a dozen running together towards something.
running stopped, now members within the group were pointing at each other, and
some looked forlorn and others angry.
together, and spreading apart, the smoke now took on the shape of twelve
different homes. Outside each of the homes stood a child, and an adult.
adults disappeared, and the children matured, rising from a crouching position
and walking towards each other.
children all put their hands on top one another's in a pile as though making an
large, grotesque and severed hands appeared, along with miniscule words like death, disaster, chaos, and murder being tossed into the ground
where they disappeared.
ethereal voice went quiet, though a slight echo could be heard in the enormous
chamber. Takamura dispelled the remaining smoke with a simple wave of her sensu
fan, the wisps quickly fading away from sight. Haruhiko
looked grumpier than ever. "A lot of death and disorder supposedly
resulting from the kidnapping of a single girl. Are you sure that "loss of
innocence" doesn't mean the girl just got fucked?" Despite
himself, Kyo felt a small smile form on his face. This man by be crass and
crude, but he was also humorous. He was starting to like the Dragon of Death.
The boy paused, mulling over what Takamura said. He didn't like the sound of
this prophecy, not one bit. Who was the son born to the snake, and the daughter
born to the oxen? Who was the twelve destined to stop things? "I'm
certain." Takamura didn't seem to share the humour. "As certain as
the death destined to meet us all should the prophecy come to pass before the Children
of the Zodiac can counteract it." "Well
then, we'd better damn well get on with it, don't you think? That still doesn't
explain what this has to do with me." "That's
the best part." Takamura smiled. "The Dragon of Death is most
invaluable to those who seek to stop the prophecy from ending horribly." The
old man's eyes narrowed. "How?" "By
joining me and gathering the Children of the Zodiac. As fond as you are of
death and its secrets, Haruhiko-san, I very much doubt you wish to experience
it yourself." Haruhiko
grunted. "Not yet. I may be getting on in years, but I've still got a lot
of life left in me. They ought to name me the Dragon of Life, instead of that
happy-go-lucky fellow." He gave a derisive look to the image of the green
dragon on the wall. "Unfortunately
for you, that title is taken. I can assure you, however, that you will see your
fair share of death should you come with me. At least deaths that don't include
your own." She gave his abode a look over. "Most
everything is white, symbolizing the purity of death. Fitting." "I
got tired of dark and gloom being the main theme." He gave her an
appraising look over his glasses. "You know full well the kumicho won't
take too kindly to my defection, should I choose to do such. Not many men nor
women can do as well as I can in this particular division of the Yakuza." "Would
you rather be covering up deaths for the cowardly mafia, or would you rather be
putting your skills to good use and be more famous than your 'life
partner'?" Haruhiko begrudgingly gave a small smile at her joke.
"Really, Haruhiko-san," Takamura continued, "You invoked the
Dragon's Dedication before the other Dragons and swore it by the Celestial
Four. Your words are bound to the actions you promised, and the ultimate price
for denial of you Dedication is death. Perhaps that would please you, a fitting
end, don't you think?" Haruhiko
sighed. "I know. I simply hoped to prolong the conversation. It's not every
day that a man has Takamura Matsumoto, the Daughter of the Dragon and the itako
who is also known as the Whisperer of Death, come visit him." He gave her
a knowing look. "It's not every day that I get to see the daughter of my
beloved friend Hitoshi Matsumoto." Takamura's
face was impassive, but her tone was suddenly steely. "That man is dead.
And he will stay that way." The
old man sighed. "You will have to forgive him one day, Takamura-san." "Perhaps
one day. Perhaps the day I die." The
Dragon of Death shook his head. "As you wish." Haruhiko heaved a
sigh, before gesturing to the books around him. "And
all these books? Do you expect me to go on without them?" Takamura
snorted. "You have read every book in here thrice, Haruhiko-san. If you'd
like, take only what you must. Traveling with a library upon one's back tends
to not make one nimble." Haruhiko
considered that, before looking towards Sonic, who was standing to one side
with a hand on his hip, listening to the conversation. "And what of you,
Sonic? What do you plan to do?" The
blond man bowed. "I've been in your service for years, Haruhiko-sama. I
expect to be in your service for many more." Haruhiko
smiled. "I am pleased to hear that. I also recall you have a photographic
memory?" Sonic
nodded, straightening up. "An eidetic memory, yes. I've read all these
books before. You needn't worry you'll forget something, Haruhiko-sama. I've
got it all up here." He gestured to his head, tapping it lightly. "Excellent,
excellent," Haruhiko murmured. He caught and held Takamura's gaze. "I
suppose you'll make up the loss of my cozy little abode?" "In
saké, if you'd like. I recall you're quite the drinker." "Do
I have a drinking buddy in you?" "You
just might." Haruhiko
chuckled. "Very well. I will come along and help you gather the Children
of the Zodiac. Not that I ever had a choice." He gazed to the painting of
the dragons soaring along the sky on the wall once more. "It's been quite
some time since the Nine Dragons have been together, don't you think?" Takamura
reflected. "It's been 30 years, hasn't it? I was but a young woman then.
Time flies as swiftly as the dragons do." Kyo
raised an eyebrow. Takamura is older than
30? She looked no older than thirty-five, when he had first met her. The
way she spoke, she made it seem as though she was at least... "Fifty
years, and not a day past thirty. How do you do it?" Haruhiko gazed
curiously at his companion. The
itako waved her sensu fan dismissively. "Saké is liquefied beauty. It's
how I justify my alcoholism." Haruhiko
roared with laughter, clutching his belly as the sound erupted from him.
"Takamura, you always did have a sharp wit! How very like your
father!" Takamura said nothing, and Haruhiko slowed his laughter, regaining his composure. "Well, it's been decided. I'm onboard this train to hell. What's next?" The itako's onyx eyes glittered with a dangerous look. "Next, we reign in the Dragon of Life." © 2014 Sharmake Abdi Bouraleh |
Added on May 25, 2014 Last Updated on May 26, 2014 Tags: fiction, original, original fiction, fantasy, fantasy fiction, fantasy-fiction, adventure, adventure fiction, fantasy adventure, action, anime, manga, novel, series, comedy, humor, drama, romance Author![]() Sharmake Abdi BouralehOntario, CanadaAboutI'm a writer, but I don't know what to write here. Awks. more..Writing