Starting over
with less than We started with.
Pieces launched
so far, and wide within our soul's.
Not one, but many.
Holding less than we need
to take the smallest of steps,
expected from a child.
We need to teach Her to walk again,
but crawling comes first.
We need to teach Her to live again,
but breathing comes first.
We need to teach Her to love again,
but speaking comes first.

I want to run,
run away like I always did.
She won't let me,
constraining me with Her soul,
attached to mine.
The baby of us all
just wanting love.
Unconditional, unselfish, unqualified, unreserved
Something to count on,
to fall back on.

The first steps will be so hard.
The hand to hold,
to make them steadier,
nowhere to be found.

We all sit back
and wait for Her
Some of Us, oh so patient, others less so.
We know only what We were taught,
what We learned.
Waiting, tolerance, calmness
never in excess.
Pulling Her has only hurt
us all,
so we promise Her
"We will try harder".
To let Her learn
let Her crawl, till She can walk.
Breath, till She can live.
Speak till She can love,
and walk till I can run.

Then she can join us
As We take our first step.