I try to imagine what you're doing at times, and I'll be honest- the images aren't always so possitive. But... the truth isn't exactly so possitive either, is it? I understand however. You're young mind races while you believe you have everything under control. You believe you have power over the hearts you've won- All you're little tropheys. Although one of these tropheys has some miles under its little trophy feet, miles you you couldn't understand if you tried. You do will this one to feel however; In fact you are its reason to feel, but this little trophy knows how to not feel, and it FEELS good. So remember when you turn to all your other little trophys which one makes YOU feel. Every tender word whispered to you little tin trophys pulls you farther and farther away from this golden one, and there are other racers racing out there that really really like gold. So say what you say, manufacture truths, but you don't have to f**k a trophy to make it feel special, and gold likes being the only special trophy.
So you're faced with another all or nother- go for the gold or settle for tin.