Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by Shakita Slater

Keep your mind calm and steady amidst the chaos of life. Focus on the next step forward no matter how small it might be. Let go of pride and entitlement, put in the work and don't let anything distract you. Success is as much about keeping your eye on the ball as it is about raw talent and luck. Consistent effort over many years is the humble secret of realizing your dreams in the world

Sit for five minutes with unbroken awareness on the breath. Start with this simple task and let it initiate your journey into the yogi's mind. Then take that powerful focus into your life. Set your intention clearly and then don't take your eye off the ball. Wash every decision, every move up against your deepest truth and don't waver. Don't sit idly wondering why it's not happening as life passes you by. With a strong, steady mind keep your attention on the path and take one small step forward every day. With devotion, discipline and determination there is nothing you can't accomplish.

I woke up one day over 15 years ago with a sincere desire to live a more peaceful life. Late nights, wild parties, nameless substitutes for intimacy lead to an emotional dead end. I saw a few of my friends end up nearly dead, broken, lost and searching. I was young and haughty, full of pride, ego and attitude. I left a trail of misery and drama around me without realizing the repercussions of my selfish actions, I lived in an emotional black hole. I'm not perfect now, but I know where my heart lies. And I took a step down the path of yoga out of a yearning to live a more peaceful life, to leave the world a better place, to bring love and trust back to a barren emotional landscape.

Once my intention was set my world slowly started to change, one breath at a time. I went to India, traded parties for practice, shifted selfishness to generosity, cynicism to understanding, depression to love. You can do it too. You just need to set your intention with your full heart. You have to yearn for change, to hunger for a way out of misery so much so you are willing to risk it all, change your life, be reborn through the eyes of spirit. Maybe we all need to be broken in our own way before we are ready to be saved? Or maybe not. Maybe we can set the intention today to live a life devoted to love and that will be enough to carry us out of suffering. Maybe the question is really how bad does it need to get, how much do you need to suffer before you yearn for the way out? How chaotic and crazy does it need to be before you go in search of the bridge to peace, before you will accept the seat on the train to inner peace that is yours? I had to suffer a lot, it had to get dark for me before I was willing to accept the light. My prayer for you is that you accept the gift of grace today without having your face planted in the gutter, that you set your intention to live a life of inner peace today. You don't need to suffer any more. You are worthy of love, you deserve peace, your birthright is happiness. Just say yes.Respond to every situation with a mix of humor and goodwill, especially the difficult ones. Share a laugh, a smile, a hug. 

Yesterday I got kicked off this spot by a security guard. Then later I got scratched by rogue pigeons trying to land on my arm. My response? Laugh. Smile. Find the humor in every situation. When I first started the practice I was so serious that it felt like a sin to break inner gaze to say hi to a friend, let alone laugh at myself. How silly. I obviously took myself and my practice was too serious. Never get so focused on any goal that you loose sight of what really matters. It's not the perfect asana that matters, but how you treat yourself and others. Love yourself, your body, your whole world. Find your humor. Laugh at yourself at least once a day. Let yourself off the hook. Don't bother trying to be perfect. Just be yourself. One important part of the journey to enlightenment is learning how to lighten up. I was never a dancer, never a gymnast, never naturally peaceful, patient or confident. I generally felt socially awkward, private, introverted, comfortable reading and studying but not talking, sharing. I never ever felt beautiful or elegant, always felt like the small girl in the corner. Then one day after many years of practice I looked in the mirror and I saw beauty. It was like suddenly I saw what other people said when they gave me a compliment. I could never let it in when they said I was pretty until I saw it myself. It was like I saw myself for the first time. Who was this girl in the mirror? It's like all this beauty, elegance and power were right there waiting for me to discover it. I didn't need to be anyone else, look any different, change anything. I just needed to drop down deep enough to see my true self. Who are you really? Who are you at your deepest self? Look at yourself in the mirror and see your beauty. See it, own it, share it. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are exactly who you need to be. 

How do you know when to trust something or someone new? How can you tell when it's ok to let your guard down? Sometimes you want to jump head first into things without any care or thought. Other times you feel guarded, cagey and afraid to let go. Trust your intuition because you are infinitely more intelligent than you give yourself credit for. Trust your gut feeling. If something doesn't feel it probably isn't, but if something feels right and just scares you, then go in with clear eyes and an open heart. 

Each day is a blessing filled with wonder. Every person is an angel is disguise. Each breath is an adventure. Every flower contains a universe. With a curious heart discover and constantly rediscover the world around you. Embark on an inner mission and explore the uncharted territories of the true self within. 

Rather than solving a mathematical problem, the mystery of life is magical, heartfelt and can only be revealed to you when you're ready to truly see it. In chapter nine of the Bhagavad Gita, the yoga of the greatest secret is revealed to Arjuna. According to the Gita, the revelation of raja guhja yoga is the deepest mystery of life. It is the direct experience of the infinite power and grace of God. Through the ultimate surrender the yogi is witness to this sacred mystery. Each time you practice you have the chance to access this timeless wisdom, to be led down the inner road.

The more I practice the more humbled I am by the mystery of life, by how little I know or can can control. Look for the signs all around you. See beyond the material world into the spiritual truth that underlies all things throughout all time. Accept the path with a humble heart. Mystery cannot be solved, but it can be revealed to you.

Celebrate life. Celebrate every little blessing that surrounds you. The birds chirping, sun shining, flowers blooming, trees fruiting, wind blowing, water swirling, people laughing, kids playing, animals doing their thing. Choose to celebrate, appreciate, and enjoy every moment of your life. Embrace the goodness hat surrounds you. Make it a habit to dance, sing, laugh and shake it out at least once a day. Life is a grand celebration, a divine orchestra. All you have to do is tune the radio of your mind in to its vibration and you'll see it all around. Put cynicism aside long enough to let the magical harmony of life into your heart. Breathe, be happy, be yourself.

This makes me happy. Like really, really happy. Green is the new black. Green is sexy, fresh, sleek. Or at least it is for me. What is health more than a habit? You are or at least you can be in control of every choice you make. Rather than letting your actions and behaviors be determined only by your history and current social norms, it is possible to stake out new ground in the uncharted territory of the inner world. By taking a stand for your health in small choices like choosing a green juice instead of a cigarette you affirm your self-worth. spoke or I should say ranted about this on Periscope yesterday and I kinda of stirred a fuss. People said I was being judgmental and lacked compassion. They might be right. Standing in a sea of someone else's smoke fumes definitely pushes my buttons. But really, I believe that you are worthy of more than a cigarette puff. Your greatness is immeasurable and your body is a temple for the highest ground of the soul. You are here for a reason. You have a unique and valuable contribution to make to the world. You are bigger and stronger than any unhealthy habit in your life. You are worthy of the best. All you have to do is realize it. 

Is there a habit that you'd like to break or replace with one that supports your well-being more? If you smoke, wouldn't you like deep down inside to trade in your pack of cigarettes for a green juice? Smoking is a habit. Practicing yoga or drinking a green juice everyday is another habit. Seeing the blessing in every situation is a habit. Which do you choose?

© 2017 Shakita Slater

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Added on September 12, 2017
Last Updated on September 12, 2017


Shakita Slater
Shakita Slater

Arkham Asylum, GA

-Single Mother (w/personalities of Harley Quinn & Morticia Addams) -Writer/Poet -Coffee Addicted☕ -Vampira⚰🦇 -Blogger -Tomboy💪🏽 -Unicorn🦄 -Witchy Wom.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Shakita Slater

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Shakita Slater

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A Chapter by Shakita Slater