To the one God saving for me, you are worth the wait.A Story by A.Shaheer
It has not been very easy waiting for you.
Guarding my heart against someone who pretends to be you wasn’t an easy task. I don’t know who you are or what you look like but I’m praying for you. Getting weirdly emotional to someone I haven’t met yet is awkwardly terrible but at the same time, exciting. Maybe our paths have already crossed or maybe they haven’t yet. But I pray that you are enjoying the process of being the man that God has set you to be. I hope you find joy in the Lord in your singleness for now. I pray that you know by heart that no one will complete you but God. It doesn’t matter how long it will take you to be who you are. I will patiently wait for you. I hope you will never stop reaching your dreams no matter how inconvenient it is to do so. I hope that you are stepping out of your comfort zone because there’s no room for growth inside an encapsulated box unless you go out of it. I pray that you also produce patience in whatever season you are in right now. I pray that you do everything in excellence - because that’s how God intended us to be. I pray that you are honoring the Lord in all areas of your life -which I have always been praying for. I hope that you are stepping out of your faith in pursuing the calling that God has planned for you. I pray that you are serving Him with much joy and gladness in your heart. I hope that you are in full submission for Him-because nobody can run our lives better than He can. I hope that purity matters the most to you as it does to me. Waiting is never easy but I know that it produces much fruit. While waiting, I will also make the most out of my singleness. I will enjoy my singleness with the Lord in being the Godly woman He wants me to be. I will continue to pursue my dreams and continue to learn in the process so I can share those stories with you in the future. I will work on improving myself to be the best person for you " the person that you have been praying for. I will seek God’s wisdom and practice discernment in friendships before you because I want to honor you as early as now. I pray that when we finally meet, I hope that we will have a strong friendship. I hope that you will give me clarity in your motives and will not send me mixed signals. I hope that by the time that you are ready to pursue me, my heart will be ready too. Until God’s perfect timing comes, I will continue to pray for you. You are worth the wait. © 2018 A.Shaheer |