![]() Chapter 5A Chapter by GraffitiOnTheMoon
Lying in bed, I realized it was almost next to impossible to fall asleep. First of all, my sister-like figure had died where I was lying. And there was the fact that I had gotten kidnapped...but never left my cell.
How does that even work? How can nobody notice a girl getting knocked out and dragged under a bed? And even if they did notice, why didnt they help? Even though I knew nothing would happen to me as long as Charlie stood guard, I couldn't help but feel like I was in some sort of danger. I ignored my senses and focused on pleasant thoughts that might help me drift off, at least for a little while. Like Haley when she saw her first snowflake, or Sarah, with that spark in her eyes when she got excited and how she bounced on her heels when she figured something out. My thoughts drifted to Grandpa Bill, and how upset he was when I got arrested. "It's okay now. He knows you arent a witch." I kept repeating those words into my mind until I began to believe the lie myself. After a while, I fell asleep. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Rose! Wake up!" Charlie hissed through the wall. "...Wuzzgoinon?" I sat up, already cranky. He had woken me from a great dream about escaping and seeing my grandfather happy for me, and welcoming me back into our shared home. "You've been asleep for more than 12 hours. I was waking you up so you could have dinner." He said, clearly concerned about my health more than his at the moment. "Oh. Alright. Thank you." I got up, realizing how hungry I really was. Walking up to line, though, I lost my appetite. "You don't get food anymore." The guard said to me when I got up to the front of the line. "What? Why not?" I asked, my face flushing and my hands shaking. It was and embarassing symptom i got when i was feeling frightened. "Because your grandfather stopped paying for your food yesterday." "What does he expect me to eat?" I squealed out, disbelieving. " He expects you to starve." I backed away, falling onto my wooden cot and shaking my head. How could he betray me like this? By cutting off my food supply, I would die in a matter of days. I was already weak enough as is, but now... I had no chance of surviving. Did he tell Haley what he was doing? Did he lie and say I escaped? Would he tell her that I was and evil witch that deserved in such a hell, and to forget about her? I pressed my forehead against the wall, taking deep breaths. What was I to do now? Enjoy the last days I had in hell before I was put into a hole in the ground, next to a bunch of other people with the same fate as I would have? No, I decided. I would escape. I planned it all out in my head as I counted the tally marks on the wall counting the days since I was put into jail. Only three weeks and two days. I could ask Charlie to escape with me, and we could dig a hole under the dirt like he did with our cells. We couldn't take anything, seeing as we didnt have anything. But what about Benji? What would we do with him? He is Charlie's brother, after all. I guess he could come, but that was the largest limit. Anyone else could wake the guard. Even bringing Benji was a huge risk, but we'd have to take that chance. We couldn't leave him defensless. I waited until almost all of the women were asleep before sliding under to Charlie's cell. When he opened his mouth to speak, I spoke over him. " We're escaping." "What?" He asked, helping me stand. "We are leaving. With Benji." I said, my voice more confident than I felt. "Why?" "My grandfather cut off my food supply. If I stay here, I die. You can stay if you want, but I have to go." I explained. "No,no. We'll come with you. Let me wake Benji.." He reached over to Benji/ "No!" I said, pulling his hand away from him. "We have to dig the hole first." "Benji can help." He said, shaking him awake. "Benji." He whispered. "We are leaving. Help me and Rosaline dig the hole, and dont talk. Okay?" He nodded silently and got up to help us dig. © 2012 GraffitiOnTheMoon |
Added on May 15, 2012 Last Updated on May 15, 2012 Author