An Awkward Moment

An Awkward Moment

A Chapter by Shadowsythe

It was the beginning of the day. Unlike most days, i actually wasn't late this time to school. I sat down in my seat and talked to Mia. I kept my eye on the time. nick hasn't shown up yet. Maybe he’s still a little embarrassed to come to school, or maybe he’s running late. I kept my eyes on the clock and the door, until suddenly a familiar figure appeared from the side of the door. It was Nick! seeing him i quickly smiled and waved to him.

“Good morning Nick!” I said happily.

“Morning...” He said smiling back.

“Oh my god... did he just smile at you?” Asked Lara who sits behind Mia. Nick walked over to his desk and took his seat.

“Oh wow...” Said Mia looking in shock. even some of the other kids, including Aaron in front of me, had shocked faces.

“Sheesh, you’re all looking at him like you want him to predict the future or something.” I said.

“You can all predict the future later during lunch.” Said Mr.Sullivan as he walked into the room with a smile. “right now you should be worried about educating yourselves...And i hope you all have the homework done.” He said grabbing a stick of chalk and writing down today's lesson on the board. He wrote down the lesson and the page but stopped shortly. “Oh, I forgot...” He said putting down the chalk. “After the weekend is vacation, as well as the class trip.” He said.

“Hell yeah!” I heard Lara say behind me.

“Now, as i’m sure you all know, We’ll be staying at Firestone resort on the Ember islands.” Said Mr.Sullivan. “Of course you’ll need a signed permission slip, signed by you're parents, blah blah blah and all that.We’ll be taking a bus to a ferry to get to the islands. If you don't have a signed permission slip with you then you don't get on the bus. So make sure to have it with you.” He said totally writing the whole thing off. “Or you could, not go and sit at home for the week and do nothing. That's cool I guess.” He said scanning over the room almost like he was reading us all. “OK then. Enough fun and happiness... its time to learn.” He said with a smile, mustering a small chuckle from the class.

Classes went by like they usually do. I noticed that Nick seemed to be looking back and forth at me and his notebook. I looked over when the teacher wasn't paying attention to see what he was doing. He was drawing me. When he noticed that I had caught on he flashed me a smile. Classes dragged on and Nick somehow managed to finish drawing me by the end of math. The whole day i couldn't keep a smile from glancing across my face a couple of times whenever I looked over at Nick. Soon enough the bell had rung, signaling the end of math class and the beginning of lunch. Mia, Lara, and the two boys gathered in their group and I looked over to Nick.

“You should come join us.” I said to Nick.

“Uhm...” He said looking between me and the group of people.

“Being socially awkward isn't a way to go through life.” I said grabbing his arm and pulling him up. “Come on.”

“Hey wait!” He exclaimed quickly grabbing his lunch from his desk as i dragged him over to the cluster of my friends. Mia saw us walking over and smiled as she pulled up two chairs for the both of us. I sat down and smiled and patted the seat next to me signaling Nick to sit down but he just stood there and stuttered.

“C'mon, take a seat.” I said. He seem rather flustered and his face was red. He continued to stammer.

“I don't think thi-”

“Damn it boy, sit down already!” I exclaimed cutting him off and grabbing his arm and pulling him into the seat. He sat down, still blushing, and i smiled at him. “See, isn't this nice?” I asked. “Now say hi.”

“Uhm... Hi?” He said worriedly. I could see that he was kinda sweaty and nervous.

“Holy carp he speaks!” Said Lara joking around. Mia punched her lightly in the shoulder and smiled at nick.

“Yeah, I speak... surprised?” He said whipping out a sarcastic remark.

“yes I am...” She said staring at him. They both just kinda stared at each other. Then Lara burst out laughing and even Nick started to giggle a little bit too.

The rest of lunch went off flawlessly. I managed to introduce Nick to my other friends and they all managed to get along. Nick is a really awkward and shy person, but i found that once he warms up to you he can be a pretty cool guy. It almost makes me forget the fact the he’s actually a girl. Sometimes I almost slip up and call him “Her.”. I’d assume he wouldn't want the others to know. The day carried on and on until the end was near. Then it dawned upon me that me and nick have clean up duty again today.

*Ding Dong* *Ding Dong*

The bells rang signalling the end of the day. Before they had rung our teacher reminded me and nick of our cleanup jobs. While the Others stated leaving to go home me and Nick got to work. We grabbed the broom and bucket from the locker in the back of the room. Lara and Mia said their goodbyes as they left to go home. When they were gone i turned back to nick who stood there smiling holding the bucket and the broom in either hand.

“So which do you want?” He asked.

“I did the boards last time... Lets switch.” I said smiling and grabbing the broom from his hands.

“Sounds good to me.” He said taking the bucket and making his way to the chalkboard.

“So are you going to be on the field trip?” I asked.

“Definitely.” He said beginning to wash of the board as I began sweeping up all the dust and litter on the floor. “Any excuse to get away from home for a while is reason enough for me. Plus it sounds fun.” He said. “I assume you’ll be going too?” He asked. It seemed like he really wanted to go, and i can understand why. I’m the only person he talks to.

“Of course...” I said smiling. “I’ll have to get my mom to sign the slip tonight.” I said sweeping dust and clutter into a pile between the desks.

“I have to get my mother to sign mine too...” He said. “It shouldn't be a problem.”

“What's you're mom like?” I asked. “I’d like to meet her one day.”

“Well... She’s got a weak body.” He said. “She gets tired easily. But that still doesn't stop her from going out shopping when she can.” He said smiling. “But most of the time she lazes around the house in her night gown. I think she’s the most gentle woman in the world.”

“She sounds really nice...” I said smiling trying to picture her in my head.

“So what's you're mom like?” He asked.

“My mom... ah, well...” I said. “My mom is probably the opposite of your mom. She can be really intimidating but still manages to act like a mother. She’s definitely the one who wears the pants in my family.” I said getting a soft chuckle out of nick.

Time rolled on and me and Nick talked about our families. Nick usually avoided talking about his father and his brother. I told him about my grandparents and cousins and stuff. As we talked our chores seemed to breeze by and before i noticed it there was nowhere for me to sweep and the blackboard was completely clean.

“huh...i guess we’re done.” He said putting the washcloth in the bucket and walking over to the locker in the back. We put the cleaning stuff away and grabbed our bags.

“You didn't leave you cell phone in my bag again did you?” I asked getting another chuckle out of him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone and looked between it and me.

“Hmm...i don't know... better check.” He said smiling. I admit, the sarcastic remark got a giggle out of me. We made our way down the hallways and out of the front entrance of the school. from there it wasn't a long walk to the front gate.

“Is Javier not picking you up today?” I asked noticing that there was no limo parked outside the gate this time.

“He doesn't pick me up unless my father or i want him to.” He said. “I like to walk home, it gives time to think to myself.”

“What do you think about?” I asked. But at the last second i knew what he was going to say.

“Stuff...” We both said in unison. We both laughed as we got near the front gate.

I almost didn't see where i was going and i caught my foot on a rock in the path and found myself falling to the ground. I prepared myself to hit the ground hard and I closed my eyes. But suddenly something had stopped me and i opened my eyes. When i looked up i noticed that Nick, who used to be beside me was now right in front of me holding me tightly against himself. He must be pretty fast to have gotten in front of me that quickly. I looked up to him and he looked down at me and he blushed a little.

“Uhm.... are you okay?” He asked rather flustered.

“Uh...yeah.” I said. He helped me up but didn't seem to let go of me. “Uhm... Nick?” I asked when i noticed he hadn't let go of me. He brought his face closer to mine, and i just stood there completely numb. I had this weird feeling all over my body, and i didn't know what to do, i couldn't move.

And then he kissed me.

He pressed his lips against mine and i froze from the shock of what just happened even though the thought had shot through my head for a mere second. It happened to fast, and i was so confused, i didn't know what to think. I was frozen there. He held me tightly and pulled me up against himself. His lips where soft and warm and i could feel his breath. I didn't know what to think. I know Nick’s secret which makes this really awkward for me. I closed my eyes and finally mustered up the strength to push him away from me. We finally separated and i looked over at nick, both of us flushed red. There was only a foot or two between us but if felt further compared to how close we were moments ago.

“I..I shouldn't have done that.” He said. He seemed terribly frightened. I don't know what was going through his head, i could barely understand what was going through mine. He must think i hate him now. “I...I’m sorry!” He said before quickly turning and bolting down the street.

“Wait Nick...” I said reaching out my hand almost as if trying to reach back out to him. I don't know what i was thinking. I guess i just wanted to let him know that i don't hate him. that's what i'm most concerned about, i want him to know that i don't hate him for it, but it still doesn't mean i don't feel weird about the whole thing. I stood there for a while, completely frozen. I don't know what to do after something like that. I guess i should go home, but I couldn't move my feet. I don't know if i just kissed a guy or a girl... maybe both.

What should i do now? Go home? I think I should just go back home now. I managed to start moving my feet and I was on my way home. The walk from the school to my house is only thirty minutes, but it felt like hours before i got home. I couldn't stop thinking about Nick. the whole way home i kept my head down low and i couldn't stop thinking about it. Usually when i get home i grab something to eat, and head to my room and play games or mess around on my computer. However when i got home i just went straight to my room and sit there at my computer staring at a blank screen. I eventually started trying to watch some video’s but every now and then i would turn to my phone wondering if i should call Nick. I never tired though, i don't know why, but something always seemed to stop me. So i would just stare at my phone for a minute and then turn back to my computer.

It was like that all weekend.

© 2015 Shadowsythe

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Added on March 20, 2015
Last Updated on March 20, 2015



Grafton, MA

I've always rather enjoyed writing as a hobby. It's a great way to escape the boring real world and create your own fantasies and realities. To shape worlds in your head and watch as they grow and dev.. more..
