![]() A New SideA Chapter by Shadowsythe~Chapter 4~ “Hey what's got you're panties in a bunch?” Asked Lara sitting next to me. Class had just gotten out and it was time for lunch. I still can't forget about what i saw yesterday, i think its because i'm confused and i just need some kind of closure. I’d like to talk to Nick about what i saw, but he hasn't come to school. Or, well...She hasn't come to school today. “Oh, It’s nothing...” I said letting out a sigh. “Oh come on... we all know that's a load of crap... c'mon girl, tell us.” Said Lara knocking me on the shoulder. “It’s not really something that i can talk about.” I said. “Is it personal?” Asked Danny. “Well... kind of.” I said. “It’s more like a secret really.” “Now I want to know even more.” Said Lara shaking me and trying to get me to talk. “Hey c’mon now Lara, don't pressure her into telling.” Said Mia. “If she doesn't want to then she doesn't have to.” Lara stopped shaking me and pouted before letting out a sigh. “Thanks Mia.” I said. “Hey Anna...” Said a voice behind us. I turned around to see that it was Aaron, the class treasurer. He’s the kid that sits in front of me with the blonde hair and glasses. I think he’s actually kinda cute, but he’s already dating the vice president Maria. “Oh hey Aaron, can i help you?” I asked. “Yeah...” He said. “You seem to get along with Nick better than the rest of us.” He said. “Since he’s out we need to make sure he gets his makeup work. Do you think you could get this homework to him?” He asked handing me the homework for tonight. “Oh, uhm... I don't know him that well... But, uh... I guess I could try.” I said reluctantly taking the papers from Aaron's hands. “Thank you.” He said flashing me a handsome smile. He returned to his group of friends and i returned to mine. “I guess I should give these to Nick after school.” I said putting the papers in my bag. Great, that's exactly what i didn't want to have to do today. I suppose it does give me a good excuse to confront Nick. Wait, I don't even know where he lives! I just let out a sigh and continued to eat my lunch and decided to worry about it later. School ended not long later. The bell rung signalling our freedom, and in unison everybody stood up from their desks. Some kids go to practice for sports or to participate in clubs, or just to go home. I stood up from my desk and headed outside with Mia and Lara. Mia does gymnastics after school, and Lara has to get down to the dojo for training. We said our goodbyes and i walked out to the gate and pulled out my phone. I have to give nick this homework, but i don't know how i should do it. I guess i could just drop it off at his house, but i don't know where he lives. I could call him, after all i did copy his phone number and home phone into mine that one time he left his phone in my bag. I dialed up Nick’s number and placed the phone to my ear. I waited for the ringing, but after a while it went right to voice-mail. It wasn't even a custom voice-mail that nick made, its a generic ladies voice. He isn't answering his cell phone, i guess i could try the home phone number. I dialed up his home phone number and placed my phone to my ear again. The phone rang once, and then twice, and then a click. “Hello?” Asked a strangely familiar voice. It was the same voice i heard when i called from nicks phone that one day. “Lockhart residence, may I ask who is calling?” “Oh, uhm... My name is Annabelle, one of Nick’s classmates.” I said into the phone. “I've got some work that Nick missed today because he was absent from school.” “Ah yes! Miss Annabelle, I remember. The young masters friend.” Said the man on the other end. “Yeah, I was wondering how i should get these papers to Nick.” I said. “If you don't mind waiting, i’ll be more than happy to come and retrieve you so you can give the young master his work.” He said. “Uhm... sure?” I said slightly unsure. “Excellent.” He said. “I will be there shortly.” He said promptly hanging up the phone. What did i just agree to? Sounds like i'm getting a free ride to Nick’s house. I stood there for a good while and waited. Then suddenly a Limo rolled up to the Gate of the school. It stopped right in front of me and out stepped a familiar man. He was long tall, and handsome. I remember him as the driver from the other day. What was his name again? “Uhm, hello.” I said. “Good morning miss Annabelle.” He said giving me a gentlemanly bow. “I’m Javier, personal servant to the young master, and household servant of the Lockhart family." Personal servant? He walked over to the back door and opened it up for me. I hesitantly walked over and sat down inside. It was a fancy limo indeed, even a cooler with soda in it. He walked up to the front of the limo and took his seat. “Please, make yourself comfortable. You are welcome to any of the drinks in the cooler.” He said. “Uhm, thank you very much.” I replied trying to be polite as possible. “But all i need to do is give Nick his homework back.” I said. “Yes but you are the Young masters friend, i’m sure he’d be happy to see you, he’s been feeling a bit down lately.” He said. “I’m sure seeing his friend will cheer him up.” That isn't exactly the case. I’m sure I might be the last person in the world that Nick wants to see right now, but i'm already committed to this. Actually it would be easier to say that i'm already in too deep. It was too late now, I missed my chance to back out and the limo was already making its way down the streets. I sat there in the back of the limo as it made its way down the streets. We passed by the center of the town and out into the more wealthy areas. My family lives in the suburban part of the city where its more crowded, but it looks like Nick lives out in the heart of the city were a lot of the tall buildings and richer houses are. I knew that he must be wealthy. I kept my gaze out the window and thought to myself how I was going to talk to nick. It didn't seem like it but in about ten minutes the driver spoke up catching my attention. “Here we are...” He said. I gazed out the window and my jaw nearly dropped to the door. Large walls and shrubs guarded what looked like the biggest house i've ever seen in my life. We drove up and automatic gates opened and welcomed us into the courtyard. The road up ahead met a large fountain before a grand staircase leading up to the house. Land workers were about trimming the many hedges. The Limo circled around the mountain and pulled up to the stairs before stopping. “Oh my god...” I said quietly to myself. The driver got out and then made his way to the back and opened the door for me. I helped myself out of the limo and just stared at everything. The enormity of it all was overwhelming. Large trimmed hedges, beautiful foundation, marble columns... Nick’s family isn't just wealthy, they're f*****g loaded! “Please follow me miss Annabelle... i’ll take you to the young master.” Said Javier. “So are you like, a butler?” I asked as he walked me into the house. “I am indeed.” He said. The both of us walked up the the large doors to the grand mansion. Javier opened up the doors and lead me inside. Everything inside was made of mahogany and velvet, and it all sparkled like diamonds. It was so enormous, so clean, so...so...Grandiose! A large chandelier hung from the ceiling above us looming over the large open lobby. the lobby branched out to the left, right, and forward. then there was a large Double staircase which hugged either side of the lobby leading up to the second floor. “Oh? Who’s this?” Asked a voice to the side of us. I looked over and two women in maids outfits came walking over with smiles on their faces. “This is Miss Annabelle Scarlet.” Said Javier introducing me. without hesitation the two maids bowed their heads to me with respect. “She is a friend of the young master come to deliver his homework.” He said. “Siennee...could you and Lyrea please take her to the young master?” He asked. “I still have other duties to attend to.” “Happily, Javier...” Said the maid on the left. she had long black hair which was shiny and seemed to blend in with the black on her uniform. She had pretty blue eyes, and a slender body. She was shorter than the other maid, but she filled out the uniform better. the second maid was a brunette who’s hair barely passed her shoulders. Her eyes where a emerald green, and she kept a respectful look about her. “Please follow Siennee and I.” Said the maid with the brunette hair. “I am Lyrea, and this is Siennee.” She said introducing herself as she lead me over to the large staircase. “We’re pleased to have you here.” She said smiling. “Yeah, its not often that the young master gets many visitors, especially ones who claim to be his friend.” Said Siennee looking back and smiling at me. She seemed to have a happy and peppy mood. “Well, I wouldn't say that we’re friends.” I said. “But i seem to be the only one he really talks to, maybe because i bug him all the time.” I said thinking about all the times me and Nick have talked. In fact Nick doesn't really talk to me at all, i just bug him until he responds to me. “Well you’re the closest thing to a friend he’s made in a while.” Said Siennee “I’m sure you've noticed, but master Nick isn't the most social person in the world.” “It’s not his fault though, He’s been sheltered all his life, in fact he never really transferred to you school from another.” Said Lyrea. “He was always home schooled.” She said as we reached the top of the stairs and took a left down the large hallway. Large wooden doors dotted the walls along the sides. We made our way down to the end of the hallway where a large double mahogany door stood tall and proud. Siennee walked up to the door and knocked twice. “What is it?” Asked a familiar voice behind the door. I immediately recognized it as nick’s voice. “Master Nick, a miss Annabelle Scarlet is here to see you.” Replied Siennee. There was silence for a moment. “Why?” He then asked. “She’s come to deliver the schoolwork you've missed today.” She answered. Again there was a short silence before Nick replied from the other side of the door. “I’m busy, tell her to give it Javier.” He said. “Javier is busy.” “Then she can give it to one of you two.” He replied. “Sir we both know that you aren't busy, you’re playing video games.” She said. Now that she mentioned it I could here the sound of a game being played behind the door. It sounded familiar, maybe a game i've already played. Nick then let out a deep sigh which was audible from behind the door. “god damn it.” I could hear him say. “Alright you got me... You can let her in i guess.” Siennee smiled and grabbed the door handle. “I’m sure you and the young master have a lot to talk about, so we’ll leave the two of you be.” She said opening the door and letting me inside. I walked in to find the room was almost as big as my house was. There were large open windows on the back wall, and between them was a large TV which showed a game being played on it. To the Left was a bed big enough for five people. Next to it was a desk with a computer and other office supplies. The wall to the right was covered with bookshelves and the books that filled them. There was eve a mini fridge next to his bed. I've never been more jealous of a persons life style than i am right now. “Hey Anna...” Said nick sitting in a large and comfortable couch in the middle of the room facing the TV. He was playing the new Call of Duty game and seemed to be very into it. I walked in and Lyrea smiled as she closed the door behind me. “I didn't know you were so rich.” I said. “I’m not the one who’s rich, its my parents.” He said. “My father is the owner of LH oil.” “Wow!” I said walking deeper into the room. “It must be nice living a life of luxury.” “It’s fun at first...But it’s easy to lose interest.” He said. “So you have all the work I missed?” He asked. “Yeah, it’s right here in my bag.” I said opening up my bag and pulling out the clipped together papers. “Do you want me to just leave it somewhere?” “If you don't mind, just leave it on my desk over there.” He said nodding his head towards the desk with the computer on it. I walked over and placed the papers next to the keyboard and walked back looking around the room. I looked around and made my way over to the book case. It reached up to the ceiling which must be at least ten feet into the air. There was a small step ladder in the corner for reaching the books way up on top. “So do you actually read any of these?” I asked. “Well I haven't read all of them, but yes i do read them.” He said still glued to his game. It was obvious that having me around was making him uncomfortable. It was a bit awkward for me too. I decided to swallow my gut and just get it over with already. “Listen Nick, about yesterday.” I said. The mere mention of the subject stopped him dead in his tracks and he stopped playing his game and paused it. He placed the controller down and let out a sigh. He looked over to me with his normal emotionless face. “do i have to explain myself... because i’d rather not.” He said. “You don't, I know what i saw.” I said standing there awkwardly. “But, i don't really care you know.” I said. “for all my life its been the biggest secret I've ever kept.” He said. “Only my mother, father, and select staff know about it. The two maids who escorted you here, Siennee and Lyrea, and my butler Javier know about it... and that's all...well, except for the nurse too.” He said standing up and looking down at the ground. “My father is a man of image, so of course he doesn't want anybody to know, as far as he’s concerned he has a son.” “Is it something that you don't like? Is you're father making you do this?” I asked worriedly. “No he’s not making me do it...” He said. “He’s covering for me, this was my choice and that's the truth.” he looked up at me with gloomy eyes. “But i’d like it if he didn't know that you knew about it.” “I...I’m sorry, I feel like I've caused you a lot of trouble.” I said. “It’s fine. Somebody was bound to find out eventually...” He said. “And actually, i'm somewhat relieved that it was you.” “Really?” I asked smiling to which he replied with a sigh. “Well i did admit that you have grown on me somewhat.” “Yeah, ‘like a tumor’ you said.” I said. “A benign tumor...” He said. “Thanks...” I said smiling. The next thing i knew i witnessed the most amazing thing i have ever seen in the time i knew Nick. After my comment, he smiled. He actually smiled, and he looked super cute when he smiled too. It only made me smile even more. His smile even stuck on his face after wars too. “I have to admit i was afraid at first... I thought you would go around telling everybody...” He said. “You... You didn't tell anybody right?” He said, his smile fading. “Of course not...” I said. “I haven't told a soul, and I don't plan on spilling you're secret.” I said. Nick let out a sigh of relief and the faint smile returned to his face. “Good.” He said. He looked around the room rather embarrassed and a silence washed over everything. “So uhm... This is my first time having a friend over. Do you. wanna play a game or something? Are you hungry?” He said. I smiled brightly, because he said i was his friend, and that made me feel kinda happy. “I’m not really that hungry.” I said, but embarrassingly enough my stomach started to growl loud enough for the both of us to hear. I blushed from the embarrassment and Nick laughed. He actually laughed, that's another first. I giggled with him and smiled. His laugh is actually really cute. “C’mon, why don't we get something to eat.” He said walking past the couch and over to the door. “Surely there's got to be something to eat around here.” I giggled and followed him as he opened the door. Standing outside the door was the butler from before. “Good evening master. Are you feeling better?” He asked. “Yes, i’m feeling much better. Thank you Javier.” Nick said smiling. Javier looked at him and smiled too. “I’m glad... Is there anything i can get for you and you're friend?” He asked. “We’re going to the kitchen to get some food.” Said Nick. “Then i figured i’d show Anna around the house.” “As you wish master... Take care.” He said bowing as the two of us walked down the hallways together. “He seems very nice.” I said looking back at the butler who had made his way into a different room. “I've known Javier since i was just a child. I've always thought of him as a good friend, and somebody I can entrust anything to. He’s like family to me.” “Speaking of family.” I said. “Where are you're mother and father? I’d love to meet them.” “Unfortunately they’re both out.” He said. “My mother is out doing whatever she does, and my father is overseas on a business meeting. He won't be back for another week now.” “Does he leave often?” I asked. “Not all the time, but he seems to have a business trip almost every other month.” He said. “And even when he doesn't the only times I really see him are at dinner. He’s a busy man.” “The way you talk about him, it sounds like you don't get along well with you're father.” I said. “It’s not that, it’s just that i never get the chance to.” He said. “Even so, he is a very intimidating man.” “And what's you're mother like?” I asked smiling at the chance to finally get to know Nick better. “My mothers a frail woman, but she’s very kind.” He said smiling. “I see her more often than my father since she likes to wander the halls a lot. she’s very, well, motherly.” “so you've got an intimidating father and a motherly mother.” I said making him chuckle a little bit. “Yes i do.” He said smiling. “I wish my mother would return soon. I think she would like you.” He mentioned as we came to the large staircase again and began our descent downwards. “She can be a bit ditsy, but she’s a good woman, and a good mother too.” He said smiling proudly. I looked at him and smiled back. This is a side of Nick that i haven't seen. He looks so genuinely happy, it makes me wonder why he doesn't have many friends. with this kind of lifestyle he could make all the friends he wanted. I guess he’s just socially awkward. “So what are your parents like?” “Well, my father is an accountant for an insurance company.” I said. “And my mom is a receptionist for some health care place.” “Do you have any siblings?” He asked. “Nope, its just me.” I said smiling. “How about you, any brothers or sisters?” “Well...” He said, his smile fading as he looked away for a moment. I think I might have brought up a touchy subject. “I have an older brother...Much older.” He said with a bit of a scour on his face. “Where is he?” I asked. “Prison...” Said Nick making the air grow uncomfortable quiet. It was rather silent all the way down the rest of the stairs. Nick didn't say anything more than that. “Oh... Well, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.” I said. “He was sent to jail a long time ago, when i was still young and oblivious to the world.” He said. “But i remember that he used to be an a*****e. He always argued with mother and father and he picked on me. In a way, i'm glad he’s gone. I don't know what he did, but i don't really care. As long as he’s not bothering me its fine.” “how much older than you is he?” I asked. “Well... if i had to guess, he’d probably be around 28, 29 years old maybe.” Nick said doing some quick thinking in his head. “Well you know what? Screw that jerk bag, if he’s gonna be an a*****e and get himself arrested then he deserves to rot in jail.” I said in a desperate attempt to cheer up Nick. He looked at me for a sec, and part of me thought that it didn't work. Then he burst out laughing, so much that he had to clutch his stomach and bend over. Seeing him laugh made me smile proudly as we walked our way across the lobby. “Wow... i didn't know you were capable of laughter.” Said a voice to the side of us. “We both looked over to a maid with shoulder length brown hair walking over. It was Lyrea, but Siennee wasn't with her. “Glad to see you’re feeling better. I can't remember the last time I've seen you laughing, or even smiling for that matter.” “Yeah yeah, take a picture why don't you. it’ll last longer.” Said nick. then suddenly she pulled a phone from her pocket and pointed it at us. There was a sudden flash and then a big smile spread over her face. “Sure thing...” She said smiling. “Wait did you actually take a picture?” I asked “Well of course i did.” She replied. “For f***s sake Lyrea.” Nick said letting out a sigh. She just giggled and fiddled with her phone. “This is going to be my new wallpaper.” She said smiling. “The two of you look adorable together.” her statement made me blush slightly, and made Nick sigh even louder. “So what are you two up to?” “We’re going to go get some food, and i’m showing Anna around the house.” He said. “Well have fun you two.” She said putting the phone back in her pocket and walking off with a smile. Nick’s smile returned to his face and we continued our journey to find food. I don't know what it is, but a large part of me is glad that i can get to see this side of Nick. I think he just needed a bit of warming up to is all. As he said, Nick showed me around the house and we grabbed some food from his kitchen. The house was huge with so many rooms packed with stuff in them. Out back there was a large patio and an even bigger pool. Nick and I talked the whole time about fond memories we had as kids. He didn't seem to have many, being cooped up in this big house for most of his life, but he seemed happy to hear all of my stories. I don't know what came over me, but i felt some kind of strange determination. Seeing this side of Nick made me feel happy. I felt like I had some kind of commitment to making him happy. Seeing somebody like nick smile for the first time, isn't something that can be easily ignored... © 2015 Shadowsythe |
Added on March 4, 2015 Last Updated on March 5, 2015 Author![]() ShadowsytheGrafton, MAAboutI've always rather enjoyed writing as a hobby. It's a great way to escape the boring real world and create your own fantasies and realities. To shape worlds in your head and watch as they grow and dev.. more..Writing