![]() First Day LateA Chapter by ShadowsytheLike The Sun This story goes out to my friend Sasha Or as I know him, Suno “The world might suck a*s, but sometimes that's just the way things are.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I just transfered to this school, Brightonville Prep, its my first day, and i’m an hour late. How the hell am i supposed to make a good impression when i’m an hour late? Ugh, this sucks... what am i supposed to tell them? That i saw a poor cat on the road and brought it to the shelter? or maybe that i helped an old lady on her way to the market? The truth is i’m late because i'm lazy and slept in, but that's not my fault! Why does school have to start so damn early? It’s the schools fault i'm late, not mine... partially. I did stay up all night playing that new game. I let out a sigh as I eventually came up to the school building. The large fence surrounding it made it seem like a prison, not a place of education. Then again these days its hard to tell the difference. With my bag held in hand i jogged to the open gate and onto school grounds. The grounds were expectedly empty, save for the kids outside at the track, probably gym class. I was too distracted by my new surroundings to notice my feet had no longer been touching the ground. By the time I did notice I had already fallen face first onto the ground. A grunt of pain escaped my mouth and i just laid there for a second before quickly picking myself back up. “OW! ow, ow, ow, ow god d****t!” I exclaimed placing my hands over my face. my face and my knees hurt. I’ve barely gotten to school and already i’m a mess. My knees were all bloody, and my uniform already covered in dirt. My bag had fallen from my hands, but thankfully the contents remained inside. I let out another sigh, and before i could pick myself up i heard a voice. “Wow, that was quite the fall.” Said somebody behind me. I turned around to see a girl walking towards me. She had long blonde hair and was wearing gym uniform. “You okay?” She asked. “Uh... yeah, i'm fine.” I said blushing from the embarrassment. and looking towards the ground. She held out her hand and i looked up at her as she smiled. “Well, are you just gonna sit there?” She asked. I smiled back and grabbed her hand as she helped me up off the ground. “Thank you.” “No problem... say, i don't recognize you, what class are you in?” She asked examining me. “Well, you probably don't recognize me because i'm new here.” I said. “Oh yeah... the new kid!” She said smiling. “Looks like you’re running late.” She said smiling, with a devilish look on her face. Almost like she was in on some inside joke i didn't know about. “Yeah...Is it that obvious i’m late?” “You’re the only one out here without a gym uniform... also you’re supposed to be in my homeroom class and you didn't show up.” She said smiling. I guess that was the joke. I felt even more embarrassed. “C’mon...” she said grabbing my hand. “Lets get you to the school nurse, have her take care of those scrapes.” She said pulling me along into the school building. All i could do was stammer as she dragged me along, past the entrance, and down the halls. Not long after i stopped letting her pull me along and just followed, but the journey wasn't long before we got to what i would assume is the nurses room. She knocked on the door and then entered the room. Across the room sitting at a desk was a woman in a long white coat and high heals. she had Long black hair and big blue eyes. she looked over at us and smiled. “Oh Mia its you... Let me guess, Another gym incident?” She said smiling. her smile faded though as her eyes glanced over to me “Oh, who’s this?” She asked referring to me. “This is the new girl... she took a bad fall on her way here.” “I can see...” she said looking over me. “Well come on... sit you're butt down and lets have a look.” she said patting the closest bed. i walked over and sat down on the bed. “You should have seen it... she came running in and then BAM! right to the ground.” Said Mia laughing as she stood next to me. “Well... you still look pretty, so its not bad... just some scraped knees.” she said looking at my banged up knees. “too bad, i was hoping i would have to amputate.” she said seeming a bit disheartened. “Sorry to disappoint...” i said. she laughed and reached over to a cabinet filled with medical, stuff... and things. To be honest i don't know what half of that stuff was, actually i didn't know what almost any of that stuff was. She took out a bottle of clear liquid, a cloth, and a box of large bandaids. “Welp, let’s get to work.” she said smiling. She opened the bottle of clear liquid and the strong scent of alcohol filled the air. the put the cloth to the lid and doused it with the alcohol. then she placed the cloth to my knees. “Ow, ah...” I said. the alcohol stung, but it wasn't too bad. After she cleaned both knees she placed two large bandages over both and they looked good as new. “there, all better.” she said smiling. i was about to thank her but i was interrupted by a loud ringing. No doubt the school bell signaling the end of class. “Now that that’s over we need to get you to the next class.” Said Mia smiling and grabbing my hand again. “You don't want to be more late than you already are do you?” she asked as we rushed out of the nurses office. The nurse just smiled and waved as Mia dragged me from her office and down the halls. Mia ended up dragging me across the school and up two flights of stairs to the third floor. “W-wait, i said out of breath.” She slowed to a stop and i bent over to catch my breath. “Where do you get all this energy?” i asked, but she didn't answer. “Wait here...” she said before opening the door and walking in without me. I stood there for a while as kids all wearing similar uniform as i walked past me down the halls and some even walked into the same classroom. I some of them gave me a passing glance, but nothing more than that. I looked over at the door, and then the sign above it which read “3-B”. Classroom 3-B, guess this is the place. I waited... And i waited, And eventually the halls were once again silent. Then suddenly the door i was standing by opened up and out walked a well dressed man with combed black hair and glasses. His posture was upstanding, and his gaze seemed to pierce through me. This man looked like a real lady killer. “Ah you must be our new student.” He said flashing me a warm smile. Yep, definitely a lady killer. “You’re late.” “I'm sorry...” I said bowing my head in apology. “Now now, don't fret... it's quite alright. At least you made it.” he said still giving me that warm smile. I don't even know his name or anything about him, but already i feel like i can trust him. I smiled and picked my head back up. “Come now, lets introduce you to everyone.” He said opening up the door and walking in. as he stepped into the room he introduced the class. “Alright listen up everyone. I’d like you all to meet our newest student.” He said as i walked in right behind him. He took his spot behind his desk and i stood to the side. He smiled and looked over to me. “Why don't you introduce yourself?” He asked politely. “Uhm...” I said drawing a blank. everybody was staring at me. And that one girl Mia, she was the only one smiling at me. The rest of them looked somewhat unimpressed. “Well... My name is Annabelle Scarlet... But you can just call me Anna.” “Tell us about yourself Anna” Said the teacher. “Uh, well... There isn't really much to say.” I said nervously. “I... I guess i'm kinda good at drawing, and stuff... and i like to write.” I said. “That's it i guess.” “Sounds exciting.” said one of the girls in the back. The whole class giggled and snickered and she smiled. “Alright... that's enough.” Said the teacher calming them down. “Anna you can take that empty seat there next to Mia.” He said pointing out the only empty seat in the room. Second from the front, and two seats from the window. i walked over and sat down, placing my bag on the floor and pulling out my text books. “as most of you know, i’m you're homeroom teacher, Mr.Sullivan. Now, break out the books kids, and lets get ready for some fun.” He said in a sarcastic manner. I didn't pay attention to much he said after that, i was too busy looking around at all the faces. In front of me was some boy with short blonde hair, an athletic looking kid with glasses and a fancy looking watch on his wrist. To the right of me was Mia, i looked over at her and she looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and continued to look around. Behind me was a slim looking girl with long black hair tied into a ponytail. She too had glasses and behind her was a wrapped kendo sword. She must be in this school’s kendo club...Cool. And then there was the boy next to me. He had short black hair, and green eyes, and seemed completely unaware of his surroundings as he stared out the window next to him. It was obvious he wasn't here with us right now, instead he was somewhere off in space. He didn't seem too happy either, in fact he looked rather gloomy. He was pale, and had dark bags under his eyes. He looked like he would pass out at any second. and he seemed rather frail too, unlike the rest of the guys in this class. No, there was something about him that stood out amongst the rest of these people. Time passed, and i barely noticed it go by. Every now and then i would glance back at the boy next to me, and often he would be staring longingly out the window. Sometimes when i looked over he would be staring at his book, but it was obvious he wasn't reading anything. Mr.Sullivan was obviously aware that this boy wasn't paying much attention, but never called him out on it. Not much longer the bell rang and it was time for lunch. Everybody took out their lunches, either homemade, or store bought, and they all formed in groups. The boy in front of me left his seat to join some other guys near the back, and a group of girls crowded in the back corner. Mia turned herself to the side and smiled at me. “Lets eat lunch together.” She said, or demanded. With the way this girl has already dragged me around today, there's no way i could say no. “Do i have a choice?” I asked anyway. “Nope.” She replied forwardly. I just smiled and giggled a little bit. She stood up and beckoned me to follow her, so i did. i followed her to a group of kids in the front corner near the door. two boys and one other girl. Mia sat down and pulled up a chair for me. “C’mon don't be shy...” She said patting the chair. i just smiled and rolled my eyes as i took a seat. “Welcome to our little group. This is Daniel...” She said pointing to the boy i was sitting next to. “Hey...” He said smiling. He had short blonde hair and a brown eyes. “Danny here is the flirt of the group...” Said Mia. “Great...” I said suddenly feeling a bit less comfortable. “Oh don't worry...” Said the other girl next to Mia. She had Short brown hair which she must have gelled to spike upwards, and a studded wristband. She gave off a very threatening kind of feeling. “Danny here doesn't flirt with girls.” “Wait... does that mean-” “yep.” she said cutting me off. “He’s as straight as a circle.” “Oh...” I said looking back at him. He just smiled and waved. I felt a bit more comfortable now. i just smiled and he smiled back. “That's Lara by the way...” Said Mia referring to the other girl with the spikey brown hair. “She might act tough but she’s a big softie.” Said Mia as she rubbed the top of Lara’s head messing up her hair. “Hey quit it!” Lara demanded. Mia just stuck her tongue out and Lara lightly punched her in the shoulder. Mia played along and swooned as she fell over to me. “Owie... That hurt.” She said still smiling. “Careful with those punches iron girl.” “I told you not to call me that.” “Iron girl?” I asked. “Lara goes to a dojo a few blocks from the school. She’s a black belt you know.” Said the other boy who i haven't been introduced to yet. “Oh wow! cool!” I said. “How long have you been doing Kung fu?” “It’s not kung fu... I practice Karate, And i’ve been doing it for ten years.” She said in a very proud manor. “And that's Micheal.” Said Mia completely diverging from the current topic. “He’s the president of the drama club in the school.” “But this is a junior class.” I said. “Does that mean there aren't any seniors in the drama club?” “No there are. He’s just better than they are.” said Daniel snickering to himself. They all just sort of snickered, and i admit that i might have giggled too. When the moment passed i turned to look behind me and noticed that kid again, the gloomy looking one with the luggage under his eyes. He sat by himself staring at his food like he expected it to get up and dance for him. Ever since i got here he’s had such a vacant stare in his eyes. “Hey... who’s that?” I asked. The others saw i was looking over towards the gloomy kid and their mood changed rapidly. “Oh... That's Nick.” Said Lara. “Don't worry about him... he’s just a weirdo.” “Lara don't say that.” Said Michael. “What...its true.” She replied. “Do you guys not like him?” I asked looking back and forth between him and them. “No its not that.” Said daniel. “He transferred here last year. We’ve tried inviting him over to join us for lunch, but every time he refuses.” “Yeah, its like the kid wants to be alone.” Replied Lara. “Plus he does kinda creep me out.” Said Mia. “How come?” I asked. “He’s always got this weird stare, and he never talks to anyone.” She said. “Yeah, and when we go to the locker room to change for gym he always changes in the nurses bathroom instead.” Added Daniel. “Why?” I asked curiously looking back at him. “I don't know.” He replied. “I think its because he’s got some kind of deformity.” Said Lara. “Like a weird skin rash... or a third n****e.” She said laughing. “Damn it Lara i'm trying to eat.” Said Daniel. She just laughed harder and shoved him lightly. The two of them went at it, but i paid no attention. Once again i found myself fixed on this strange person. “I’m gonna go talk to him.” I said catching all of their attention. “You sure?” Asked Mia. “Well it doesn't hurt to try.” I said looking over to them. “Well don't feel bad if he completely blows you off.” Added Lara. Without responding i stood up for the chair and made my way over. i sat down in my regular assigned seat and looked over at him. He noticed i was there and glanced over at me. “Hello.” I said smiling. “I heard you and your new friends talking.” He said without even making much eye contact. I looked back to the group behind me and they were all watching too. I even got looks from some of the other kids in the room. “Y-you did?” “You guys are like 5 feet away... it’s not hard to hear what you’re saying.” He said taking a bite out of the sandwich he had packed for lunch. “Well, do you mind if i eat my lunch here?” I asked. “It’s you're desk, do what you want.” He said. I couldn't think of anything to reply with, so i just opened my lunch box and started on my lunch. Nothing special, just PB&J, some cookies in a plastic bag...normal lunch fair i guess. We haven't gone shopping since we moved, so the food in our house is a bit limited. I tried eating my food, but i kept looking back at him. Being able to get an actual good look at him, i started noticing things i didn't before. Like how he was wearing long sleeves despite the warm weather. I also noticed that he was really pretty for a boy. Usually you would describe a boy as being handsome, but he was the word ‘pretty’ would be more accurate for him. It also came as no surprise that he was very shy. I also noticed that he had a small cut under his left eye, an old scar. At a first glance its barely noticeable, but it sticks out once you do notice it. “So... Nick, i heard that you transferred here last year. Which school did you transfer from?” I asked. “Northvale High...” He said. “Funny, I transferred from Southvale.” I said smiling at the coincidence. “Next thing you know this place will have kids from Westvale and Eastvale.” “Eastvale and Westvale aren't actual places you know...” He said completely killing the mood. “Uh... yeah, I know. It was a joke.” I said. Man this kid is totally bumming me out. I let out a sigh and returned to my food. I tried to think of something else to say, but i couldn't think of anyway to start a conversation. Not like it would help, he’d probably kill it in one sentence. Before i could think of anything to say the room filled with the ringing of a bell, signaling the end of lunch and the start of the next class. And just like that, My brief time spent with Nick was at its end. © 2015 Shadowsythe |
Added on February 22, 2015 Last Updated on February 22, 2015 Author![]() ShadowsytheGrafton, MAAboutI've always rather enjoyed writing as a hobby. It's a great way to escape the boring real world and create your own fantasies and realities. To shape worlds in your head and watch as they grow and dev.. more..Writing