A Storm is Comming

A Storm is Comming

A Chapter by Shadowsythe

“Lets see... Eggs, check... Flour, check... Milk, check.” I said running through my mental list of groceries just as the day was slowly approaching its end and I was walking home with the last of my shopping. I had gotten all of my own food earlier today and had already taken that home, then after a short break I set back out and now I've restocked my supplies for the bakery. I walked along the sidewalk not too far now from my apartment with my hands full of heavy bags. walking to the store and carrying groceries back is a good way to try and keep myself healthy and its possible to do so since I live in the market district of the city. Most people bring a cart with them, or if you’re a mage you could just teleport you're stuff to you're house or whatever. I don't mind making trips though, its good exercise, but I always hate it when I have to buy flour because its always so damn heavy, and since I work at a bakery I end up having to go buy flour every week.

As i started making my way down the street i could start to really feel the weight of the heavy bags of flour. but the door to my shop was a mere few feet away. a couple seconds more and i was already sliding the key to the door into the lock. the glass doors opened up and i carried the supplies across the room. past the glass display case full of pastries and into the large kitchen in the back. i put the bags of flour in the cabinets next to the fridge and then put the eggs and milk in the fridge too. Now then, I need to make some more sponge cake for tomorrow. Now i’ll need milk, flour, and su-gar...

“S**t I forgot the sugar!” I shouted to myself. I let out a sigh and sluggishly carried myself back to the front door. “I knew i was forgetting something.” I murmured to myself as i lazily made my way outside. I wasn't inside for very long but it was a lot darker outside than I remember. Curious, I looked up to the sky which was now layered in dark clouds. The sky was threatening and i'm sure it wouldn't be long now until it started raining...I’ll need an umbrella. I shut off the lights inside and closed the door, not bothering to lock it this time since I won't be gone long. i ran up the stairs running along the side of the building up to my flat on the second floor. I grabbed an umbrella next to the door inside and set off towards the store. Not only is it late but its going to start raining soon, so most of the shops around here are closed or are closing up. I’ll have to go a little farther towards the super store. I’d rather not but I need sugar for tomorrow. with a lofty sigh i made my way out and down the street.

not long on my journey to the supermarket did it finally start to rain. Slowly at first but within minutes it started to pick up. I didn't get a break until I finally arrived at the store. Even a place like this wasn't awfully full of people at this time. I ignored all the dumb sales posts and made my way down one of the aisles. a sign hanging above lead me to believe that there would be sugar down this aisle. I made my way down until i finally found the sugar. I need a couple bags of granulated sugar, and definitely some confectioners sugar. I kept looking around but i couldn't even find any decent sized bags of sugar. What the hell?! None of these bags are even half as big as i usually buy them...And they cost just as much! This sugar better be handmade by f*****g angels.

I let out a defeated sigh and started to grab several bags of sugar. i don't need to restock too much if it costs this much. ill just get enough to see me through tomorrow then after i close shop i'll go buy some more from my usual spot. I grabbed the bags of sugar and headed over to the check out station. i paid for the goods, bagged them up and headed out. by now the rain had turned violent and was coming down hard. Its a good thing I brought this umbrella. I also opted for plastic bags which I don't normally do but if the sugar gets wet then its completely useless. Then where would I be?

As i made my way back home the rain only seemed to grow fiercer and more violent. There have been some bad storms before, but this is crazy. It’s not even storm season anymore, that's been over for a few months now. Suddenly the sky filled with light, but only for a fraction of a second, a flash...Then a thunderous crash filled the air. Lightning struck and thunder was not far behind. The storm must be right on top of us because that lightning was so close that it probably struck a building somewhere in the city. But that wasn't the end. Flash after flash, boom after thunderous boom lightning struck from the heavens and the winds picked up blowing the rain to the side. I knew it would start raining but i didn't think it would be this bad. This is ridiculous! I picked up the pace and hurried home as fast as I could. It seemed that every other step I made more lightning filled the sky. I watched as people around me outside hurried and took shelter.

The a sudden gust of wind battered itself against me and stole the umbrella from my hand. in a hopeless grasp i tried to reclaim the lost umbrella but it was gone into the sky now. it wasn't long until I was drenched by the rain. I didn't hesitate in running away from this crazy storm. With haste in my steps i thundered down the street clutching the plastic bag of sugar that i needed for tomorrow. soon enough familiar shops started to whirl by my face and i knew that my very own bakery was coming up. two more shops whirled by until finally I came face to my very own bakery. with a breath of relief I bolted towards the stairs and thrust open the door leading to the warm and comfort of my flat. I rushed in and slammed the door behind me, and in that second I felt safe from the raging storm. I let out a relieved sigh and stood there at the doorway dripping wet.

“Aw man... I can't believe I lost my umbrella to that damn storm.” I murmured talking to myself. I let out a sigh and quickly made my way to the bathroom trying not to get everything wet. one i was safely in the bathroom i stripped and hopped into the shower. I made myself comfortable in my own house while the storm outside raged on. once I was all warmed up i threw on a pair of pajamas and leapt onto the couch, remote in hand. Finally i get a chance to actually relax today. I flipped on the television and surfed through the channels. After a bit of mindless surfing I finally settled on the comedy channel. For a while everything seemed fine. I watched the television and laughed at the stand up comedians but then i started to get an odd feeling.

It was an eerie sense of worry. For some reason I started to get the nagging feeling that there was something wrong down in the bakery, but as I thought to myself what it could be I came up blank. There's nothing down there baking right now, I didn't get the chance to start since I didn't have any sugar. Plus at this point it would be burning not baking and the smoke alarms would be going off. I did leave in a hurry, maybe I forgot to put the eggs and milk away. No, I remember that I kept them in the fridge until I would need them. Maybe I left the lights on? No that's not it either. After a little while of thinking i shrugged it off and turned back to the tv. On the wall next to the tv hung my keys right by the door. They caught my eye, and then a few of the more rusted gears in my head finally clicked.

“I forgot to lock the doors!” i shouted springing up from my couch. “Damn it i'm such an idiot.” I said quickly rushing over to the door but before i could leave i was suddenly reminded of the storm. I turned away from the door and rushed over to my room and grabbed a coat from my closet. I don't have an umbrella anymore... so i’ll have to weather it. I returned to the living room and grabbed the keys off the wall and opened the door. i was instantly greeted by the violent downpour, just as violent as I remember. I made my way down the stairs to the ground and nearly slipped on the wet wood, but luckily I caught myself on the railing. “Oh s**t! That was close.” i murmured to myself as i took a moment to let my situation seep in before correcting myself and continuing down the stairs with increased precaution. i reached the ground and turned to head to the door. I reache the doors and just as i remembered they were unlocked.

The wind had completely blown them open and the front of my shop was now drenched in water. I’ll definitely have a fun time cleaning this up tomorrow. I let out a sigh and grabbed the doors and closed them. I brought the key to the door ready to lock it, but something caught my eye and I stopped. I looked up into the shop and felt like something was wrong. I could have sworn I just saw something inside. I stood there for a minute before I decided to head inside. I walked in and closed the doors behind me making sure they were securely closed. Shut off now from the storm everything was much quieter. I flicked on the lights and they flickered a little before illuminating the whole store. the ground under me was soaked, and probably very slippery. Looking around nothing seemed out of place, but i still had a strange feeling.

“Hello?” I called out wondering if somebody may have come in here to escape the storm. “If you’re trying to get out of the storm then its alright... I’m not mad.” I said calling out, but still no response. I made my way closer over to the counter, then stopped when I noticed something that I can't believe I had missed. The display cases had been raided. A lot of food was strewn around and half eaten. Did somebody break in? suddenly a loud crash filled the air, and then a slam. It came from the kitchen, and if i had to guess what that sound was it was probably a pan crashing to the ground. Somebody is in here. That thought filled me with a kind of fear. I won't deny that i'm afraid right now. I slowly made my way into the kitchen to see what I could see. “Hello?” I called out one more time.

I walked cautiously into the kitchen I reached for the light switch. The lights flickered on and illuminated the once dark kitchen. just as i thought there was a pot lying on the ground next to the island. Whoever was in here must have knocked into them and it fell... But what was that slam I heard? I made my way cautiously over to the counter and grabbed a knife from the cutting block. I held the knife tightly, but no matter how sternly I gripped it I couldn't hide the fact that I was shivering. Looking around there's no place they could have gone, there's only one exit out of the kitchen. So where are they hiding?

“Hello? I know you’re there... Please come out.” I said stepping further into the kitchen until my eyes rested on a large standing cabinet where I keep all of my brooms and things. The slam I heard must have been that. A person could easily fit inside that thing even if it is full of brooms and mops and a bucket. Knowing the whereabouts of the intruder made me feel a bit more at ease, but I was still nervous, and I only grew more nervous as I slowly approached the cabinet. Step after step i grew closer until i was face to face with the large cabinet. I slowly reached my hand towards the handle and held the knife tightly in the other. i grabbed hold of the handle, and with all my might threw the doors open not expecting what i would be greeted with.

“NO!” Screamed a voice. a girls voice. “Please... I’m sorry, don't hurt me. I didn't mean to eat all you're food. I was hungry... Please, I'm sorry.” she said begging. I looked down to see that inside the cabinet stuffed with brooms and mops squatted a girl, no... a woman. A young woman most likely around my age. She had a terrified, tear filled face and seemed to be on the verge of crying. When I finally got a glimpse of who i was up against i tossed the knife away. She was frightened, and I don't need her thinking that I'm going to try and kill her.

“Hey hey hey... Don't worry, it's okay.” I said trying to comfort her. I looked at the woman, and she was frail and meek. Her mouth was covered with frosting, the same frosting that stained her pink dress and hands. Her hair was white, but not an aged white. No her hair was whiter than snow. She had shining blue eyes which were pooling up with tears. She was shivering and soaked with water. “It's okay. I’m not going to hurt you...” I said reaching my hand out to her. she stared at me for a moment and hesitantly reached out and grabbed my hand. I helped her up and she stepped out from the closet. She stood a whole head shorter than me, and her face bore the same look as that of a guilty child facing their parents. She was a skinny girl but the pink lace dress she wore seemed to hide most of that. And not that i look at it, the dress she was wearing seemed way too big for her. The shoulder straps looked like they could slip off at any moment.

“I’m sorry...” she murmured one more time. She seemed pitiful. She was scared and cold, and soaked to the bone. Her wet dress clung to her body tightly. I looked her over and then blushed. Her wet translucent dress and her lack of underwear left nothing to the imagination. The dress was the only thing she was wearing, but she didn't even seem bothered by that fact. Who is this woman? Why would she be walking around wearing nothing but a large pink dress that looked two sizes too big?

“Hey its alright... are you okay?” I asked placing my hand on her shoulder. “What are you doing here?”

“I...I just wanted to get out of the rain.” She said. “But when I saw all the food I just...just...” She said about to break down and cry.

“No no no that's okay. I don't mind that you ate some of the food.” I said trying to comfort her. Who is this girl? She sounds like she’s some kind of guilty child, but her body disagrees. “What's you're name? Do you have a home?” I asked. I wanted to ask her how old she was, but that didn't seem like an appropriate question right now. She sniffled a little and choked back her tears.

“My name is Luna.” She said bringing her hands up to her face to dry her eyes. Her name is Luna. That's a unique name.

“Do you have a home?” I asked. I know it might be a bit of an insulting question, but she does look like she came off the slums. That dress is most likely not hers, and she’s skinny and hungry. But even thought she might be from the streets she looks clean. She isn't covered in dirt, or cuts. And her dress looks clean too, it’s just wet.

“I... I don't have a home.” She said bawling her eyes a bit more. “Mother said i was supposed to find my master... But i don't know where he is.” She said about to cry again.

What? Master? What?!

Who is this mysterious girl that just broke into my bakery?

© 2015 Shadowsythe

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Added on January 26, 2015
Last Updated on January 28, 2015



Grafton, MA

I've always rather enjoyed writing as a hobby. It's a great way to escape the boring real world and create your own fantasies and realities. To shape worlds in your head and watch as they grow and dev.. more..
