![]() An Unlikely ProtagonistA Chapter by Shadowsythe![]() Why does this site give me such a huge text box for leaving a description if i cant even use half of it?![]() *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* The infernal beeping of my digital alarm clock has once again ruined my peaceful sleep. Years of waking up to the same noise has burned the sound into my cranium, now every time I hear the noise even if its not waking me up, I cringe. Slowly and hesitantly I opened up my eyes only to be greeted by the ever familiar surroundings of my cozy little apartment. 2 bedrooms, a full bathroom, a roomy kitchen, and a spacious living room neighboring the kitchen without walls between the two. At only $1,200 a month this place was a steal. Plenty of closet space, and I can’t forget... The bakery. Yes, under this apartment on the ground floor was my bakery “La Patisserie Celeste”. I've never been good at much, except for baking. Baking is the only really skill i've ever had, and I've been baking since I took that home economics class in my sophomore year of high school. Its funny too, my mother always used to tell my sister, “Don't trust a man that can cook”... Maybe that's why i don't live with my parents anymore. When I turned 24 I decided that it was about time I started my own life, and I couldn't be happier. My bakery isn't the most popular, but it makes enough money to pay rent and the bills, as well as keep food on the table. As I tossed the warm and comfortable covers off myself and laid comfortably back in the bed still stuck there. I looked to the clock sitting on the dusty bedside table. The glowing red analog numbers read “6:00”. I don't even know why I bothered setting the damn alarm, its a Sunday and I don't open the shop on Sundays. Letting.Letting out a tiresome yawn I swung my hand and slammed the snooze button. Finally the beeping stopped and I could think straight for a second. It was a quick release from the noise, and to make sure it didn't return I reached over and shut off the alarm completely. the room quickly fell into silence with only the memory of the beeping ringing in my head. Only for a moment though, it was soon drowned out by the silence. Beams of sunlight cut through the cracks in the drapes covering the window on to the right of my bed. Despite it being so early sunlight still manages to crawl its way into my room. I looked over at the curtains and smiled. As I do every morning, I pried myself off the bed and clamored to my feet more or less ready to start the day. I stretched out my arms and tried to shake the familiar sluggish feeling from my body. let out a second yawn and started to begin my morning routine. First a shower, and then i’ll brush my teeth. My legs carried me to the bathroom and my arms turned on the lights. The first thing i was greeted with was my own reflection in the mirror above the sink. I stared at the man in the mirror with his short-cut black hair and stubble. His green eyes which seemed to be heavy from morning fatigue. Getting ready to shower i then stripped down and grabbed a towel from the closet in the bathroom and placed it on the sink. I looked back up at myself in the mirror and i didn't have the most impressive posture in the world. Despite being surrounded by cakes and cookies for a living, I have such a skinny body. You could see my ribs and my collar bones. I ignored myself in the mirror and stepped into the shower. After showering and brushing my teeth i headed into the kitchen. Passing through the living room to get to the kitchen i walked up to the coffee table in front of the couch and quickly grabbed the remote. I turned the TV on and flipped over to the news. i set the remote down and finished my journey to the kitchen as i kept my ear open listening to the news cast. I started thinking about what i wanted for breakfast. There isn't much left in the fridge or the cabinets, so i should take this time during my free day to do some shopping. I guess its cereal for breakfast this morning. I opened up the cabinet to the top left of the sink and pulled out a box of cereal. I walked over to the fridge and opened it up... No milk. I guess its dry cereal this morning. “And in other news...” said a man coming from the TV. Breaking away from my breakfast dilemma i turned to face the TV to see what the “other news” was. “The Wizard guild known as “Iron Bull” has declared war on “Red Dragon”. For Christs sake.. I swear Iron Bull declares war on a different guild every other week. When the hell are those headstrong idiots going to give it a rest? And this time with Red Dragon too, Hell they're right next door in the city of Chrisia. The news reporters droned on but I went back to ignoring them and started pouring myself a bowl of cereal. I put the cereal back and sat down at the couch and ate my breakfast in front of the television. The headline of the day seemed to be the war between the two guilds, but honestly I couldn't care less. I think the whole concept of guild is overrated. They're just a bunch of glorified, magic blasting, a******s... At least most of them are. There are a few exceptions. Like that guild that Iron Bull declared war on, Red Dragon. That guild is renown for being a very friendly and helpful guild, and they're fairly strong too... I still couldn't care less though. After i finished with breakfast i turned off the television and carried my empty bowl over to the sink. I quickly washed and dried the bowl and put it back in the cabinet. I guess I should go shopping now. I grabbed the house keys hanging up on the wall by the door and stuffed them in my pocket and made my way out the door. The morning air was crisp and clean. The sounds of bird's chirping and people socializing filled the air. Even if its early, this block is always full of life. It is the market district after all. I took in a breath of fresh air and started walking down the weathered wooden steps leading from the ground to my apartment on the second floor. I made my way to the sidewalk and turned my gaze to the pastry shop next to me, my very own pastry shop. “La Patisserie Celeste”. Windows made up most of the front giving a full view of everything inside. A large glass display counter showed off all kinds of treats. Behind that was a large kitchen which had been freshly cleaned the other day and shined brightly even in the dark unlit shop. Small tables dotted the tiled floor accompanied my potted plants which i've placed to liven up the store. I even have a few tables set up outside for when its nice out and the customers want to eat outside. I looked into the shop and a smile spread across my face. I still remember the day I set out two years ago and purchased this place. My sister gave me nine kinds of hell, my mother was half in tears, and my father started packing up all my stuff. Thinking about that day made me laugh a little. “I’m glad you’re in such a good mood this morning.” Said a familiar voice coming from behind me. I turned around to see that the voice i heard was none other than Mrs. O'malley who is a regular customer at my little slice of heaven, plus she’s the sweetest old lady I've ever met in my life. “Are you about to open shop Mr.Miles?” “No sorry. It’s Sunday, I’m not open on Sundays.” I replied answering her question with a smile still spread wide across my face. “Oh that's right..Silly me.” she said letting out a soft chuckle afterwards. “So what does my favorite chef do when he isn't making delicious pastries? I've always wondered what you do for fun.” “Well...” I said quickly going over my plans for the day in my head. “Today's and errand day. I need to buy some food for myself, then i need to restock on flour and sugar too. And i suppose it wouldn't hurt to buy a few more cartons of eggs.” I said thinking over a list of things i needed in my head. “And when i get back I’ll end up making some dough and crusts for tomorrow. Oh! and more sponge cake too!” I said suddenly remembering that I had to tell people that I was out of a few things yesterday because I was out of spongecake and didn't have time to make more. “Its been two years hasn't it?” said Mrs. O’malley. “How is it you haven't run yourself ragged already? You should think about hiring some helping hands.” “That would be nice but to be honest i think i could only afford to hire on one person.” I said taking my financial situation in mind. “You should have that darling sister of yours help you out.” she said smiling. “From what you tell me about her she seems like a sweet girl.” “Oh i can't do that... she’d raise hell and then eat me out of house and home.” “I'm sure she’s not that bad... You should give her a chance.” © 2015 ShadowsytheAuthor's Note
Added on January 24, 2015 Last Updated on January 28, 2015 Author![]() ShadowsytheGrafton, MAAboutI've always rather enjoyed writing as a hobby. It's a great way to escape the boring real world and create your own fantasies and realities. To shape worlds in your head and watch as they grow and dev.. more..Writing