Chapter 2. The man with the Blue hair

Chapter 2. The man with the Blue hair

A Chapter by Kuro Okami

Shiro took a turn for the worse, he ended up in hospital and now people suddenly care, or is it that they just want to come visit in case the handsome principal came to visit me.


Air rushed in my mouth, I sat up to a blurry white world, the sudden movement was like a nail in my skull, my body dropped again, the roof, white, curtains I think, white... Hospital? I blinked a couple times, trying not to cry from pain, moving my head slightly, slightly, machines, ah, the beeping noises are from that... yes it's a hospital.
“The kid, He's alive, he's awake.” Who was it? The door opened, blurred people came in, I squinted, oh, a couple of kids from my class. Oh, there was a nurse on the other side of my bed, it was her that shouted, she smiled at me then slipped out of the room. Probably to leave my “friends” to talk to me.

“Hey Shiro, are you ok, I mean... that was... did you get stabbed or something...” That annoying voice, anyone from my school would probably recognise it, Haru.
“dude, the doctor said he didn't have a single injury, external or internal. Like his stomach was filled with blood beforehand or something.”
“Can you... tell me, what happened.” I moaned, not intending to sound so disgustingly weak, trying to grasp the situation, only being able to remember feeling ill that morning, the hunt last night, staggering to class was I?
“Well, you looked ill... then you stood up.... then there was blood everywhere.” I could see their faces go pale as they recalled the scene. “oh yeah and the handsome a*s principle that all the girls love came and gave you CPR cause everyone else wussed out even though you were laying dead on the floor infront of them.” The guy speaking stopped to catch his breath. The principal, that the girls love... does that technically mean I was kissed by a guy. No, this wasn't the time to be worrying about something so trivial.

The door swung open and a tall man strode in, he smiled wolfishly at me, almost grinning. I recognised his thin figure from somewhere, the dark alleyway, blood. Oh my god, why was he here.
“Yeah, this guy. The principal.” Haru pointed enthusiastically at the man who had walked in.
“Ok, you kids can leave, I'll explain things to this one.” The principal smiled again, though I could feel the intensity of his glare, was he angry. Of course he must be, I made a mess, I made him kiss a guy. His voice, it was deep, almost husky, it seemed his sharp looks, near on gothic hairstyle and thin body weren't the only thing that attracted the girls from my school.
“Errr. What happened to me.” I asked, hoping the emotion wasn't as thick in my voice as I thought it was, the confusion in my head felt as if it were translating directly into my words, the confusion and fear.

“We'll it's said that you turned up to class late, looking pale as a ghost, then walked to your desk, and after a mere 5minutes jumped out of your chair, staggered a bit, and then heaved your stomach all over the floor. And according to the doctor and all the students, the only contents of your stomach were blood. I heard this huge commotion, kids yelling, running about, then someone screaming into their phone AMBULENCE!” He was grinning, he seemed thoroughly entertained, wait why was someone this young the principal of my school, was it true? “I rushed gallantly to the classroom, to find this person laying on the floor, someone had their fingers to your neck, and were screaming about the absence of a pulse. Then boom, yours truly ended up doing the CPR cause the idiots around me were all to stupid to do it. And now look, your alive.... for now anyway.” He waited for me to reply, but I couldn't find any amusement in his exaggerated story telling. “Not very talkative are you, maybe feeling a little guilty.”
“Why no what.” Oh god, it was him wasn't it, the drunkard I attacked yesterday. “I.. I... no it wasn't me, I swear, I... I'm not a vampire.” S**t, why did that spill out of my mouth at this moment.
“Explain that to me properly, I remember hearing that you had a stomach full of blood, as if you hadn't eaten anything else, for days atleast.” He was pushing me into a corner, to admit to something it seemed he already knew. “And beside, who brought up the topic of vampires, was it the admission of your guilt maybe.” I swallowed, feeling a cold swear break out over my hot skin. “And I recall, that someone was seen returning to the school grounds late last night. Then there's this incident of you waking up late for class, hey.”

“What are you trying to make me admit to?!” I half shouted, half cried. The sound of my own voice sent pain flying through my body like a thousand needles in my bloodstream.
“Maybe, this.” He leant towards me, then grabbed my numb left hand.

I tried to rip it out of his grip, but it was stout as iron, or was it that my body was too weak. He pulled my fingers to his neck and slid them down the right side of his neck, there was no wound, he's crazy, I'm safe surely. “Oh right, your body is probably numb, this method won't work.” He dropped my hand and turned so I could see properly. 2 small pink marks, like a vampire bite, but it was already a nearly faded scar.
“I... what is this.” I laughed nervously.
“Don't play stupid with me, you aren't a vampire I know that, yet you did this to me, last night.” He frowned, then the corners of his lips twitched and drew into a weak smile. “Would you like me to tell you why you died? Well almost.” I felt myself nod, there was no harm in knowing, now that I was doomed anyway. He pulled a pocket knife out of his pocket and flipped the blade out, I looked at its glinting blade, then I looked at him, finally daring to look into his eyes, his bright crimson eyes, what an unusual eye colour. What am I thinking, I don't have time to be musing over his eye colour, this guys going kill me, in a hospital no less!

The principle spread the palm of his left hand, and put the point of the pocket knife at the soft skin between his thumb and pointer, in one motion it was over, his hand swept the knife easily through the skin and a line of gleaming crimson had appeared across his palm. He cupped it and the blood began to pool there, my mouth was almost watering at the sight, my stomach rumbled, it wanted this, I wanted this more than anything. The blood it was calling to me now, I was so hungry.
“Like a starving dog.” He commented. “Are you going to drink, its going to drip everywhere if you don't.” At that conformation of a meal I willed my numb muscles to allow me to sit, to reach and grip his hand in both of mine, and bring it to my mouth. Before I could get a hold of my mind I was already sucking at his blood like a starved baby clinging to its mothers breast, it's flavour I thought I disliked it last night, no it's really good, really good. It was definitely the blood of the man from last night, it was certain, but how, how had his wounds healed so quickly, no it didn't matter, more, take more of his blood.

He snatched his hand back after a couple of minutes, leaving me confused and wanting. “Yes, you drank this poison last night too, though not as greedily. Now watch.” He held out his hand again, and I still a little lost in the remaining flavour in y mouth just stared, and before my eyes the wound began to seal itself up, and after a minute there was nothing but a scar. “Understand?” He smiled wickedly. It struck me instantly, this man wasn't human, and if he was immortal... was he a vampire?
“You... are you a … real Vampire?” I stammered.
“Great guess, would you like a gold star.” he said sarcastically. I had drunk the blood of a mythical creature who drinks blood, no it's not mythical there's one standing in front of me and he was probably going to kill me. My blood ran cold, I could feel sweat dripping down my back, the fear had become even harder to contain, and it was no longer the fear of persecution, of prison... it was the fear that this man would kill me.
“Ah, you fear me already, isn't that sweet of you. Though really I should fear you, my kin have been dying because of your stupid imitations. I mean it would have been fine if you hadn't of killed anyone you f*****g idiot.” He seemed to have lost his temper a bit there.
“I got... you guys killed?” I said absenty.
“Yes, my kind, you see, we were doing a damn good job of hiding, then bam, some idiot kills someone with deep wounds to the neck and leaves their blood stained body in a blood puddle in some dank alleyway. No sooner than this happened did vampire hunters start appearing in this city.”
“Don't worry, you shall have your punishment, you see, there is a reason I didn't you die before, though your still going to die, just the pain will be tenfold!” He laughed. How was this funny, why was this so funny to him? “Oh, and the real stupid thing, its always told that if a vampire bites a human they will become a vampire. But the real truth is that the vampire has to bite the human, and continually feed them his blood, until the human has become a vampire himself or has died from the poison in our blood. But you, you poisoned yourself without having the remedy from a vampires bite.”
“Your telling me this, so you can make me beg you or something aren't you, though I doubt in the end I'll just be puking my entire insides out on the floor while you laugh yourself to tears.” I wanted to cry, but pushed that emotion over into anger, this man, this man was so cruel to me to next to no reason.
“Hey are you calling me an a*****e, that hurts my feelings, I wouldn't be laughing that much, or at all.” He wasn't smiling anymore. “And there really is no reason for me to let you live when you carelessly attacked me in the first place.”

“How did you know it was me.” Then realising I said something stupid I felt my face go bright red.
“And how did you just ask such a stupid a*s question.” He laughed again, his quick shifting of expressions was starting to annoy me. Twisted b*****d.
“What do I do now? Contentedly lay here in silence, dying on the inside.”
“Ha, Silently, definitely not, oh, surely you didn't think the pain would be that soft. You'll be screaming in agony, and the screaming will put you in more agony, then you will be writhing aswell!” He tried to pull off an evil laugh, but it came out as more of a lame super-villain cackle. Strange. “Now, tell me a story, why are you running around attacking people like a phsyco.” I opened my mouth to speak, but a wave of fire swept through my body, my stomach was heaving painfully. The blood... its poison. “Speak up, or you could just die before I make a decision I don't care.”
“Hey I could have a shred of sympathy hiding somewhere inside.”
“Sounds convincing... not... but hell, guess it'll be nice to have someone know my insanity.” I mumbled defeated.
“Insanity kid? You haven't seen insanity.”
“Then what am I looking at?”
“That... wasn't very nice.” He frowned.

Guess I shall spin my tale of woe then.” I sighed, time to let it all out, maybe I might get into heaven, doubt it, a killer doesn't have a place in shining clouds. “When I was a kid my mother died, then my father became hateful you could say, he got a new woman, and by god is she the worst person I have ever met, except you.” He didn't smile at my little jab, though I did. “At the start it was just hitting me when my father wasn't paying attention, then when he found out, he joined in. They made sure I always wore long clothes, to not expose their abuse. Hell once they wondered how much they could sell me for...” Not a good memory, I had forgotten about this, or so I had thought.
“Why stop, did something happen when they tried to sell you?”
“I can't tell you that, I think I would have to kill myself if I did.” Telling anyone would shame me more than anything, I can't think of anything worse.
“Your going to die anyway, no regrets would be cool don't you think.” This man's personality was beginning to confuse me, he was all over the place.
“They sold me for a night, it was only once.” I shuddered, my heart ached at the incident, and so did my arms. “Enough about that, I fell from what was just depression, to more of a suicidal pattern of mind, and I know i'm not the only one, and I've never wanted to show anyone my scars, but right now their exposed, all over my arms.” I was starting to cry, and I couldn't stop myself, this disgsting weakness, infront of a monster of a man of all people. “So I began cutting, and one day I pulled a blade from my wrist to my elbow, instead of the usual side to side, I really wanted to die that day. But then I just got curious as I watched it run down my arm, onto my lap, as it stained my clothes and the carpet. I licked it, and it was good and I couldn't stop drinking it. I began to feel like I was dying, but I ended up wrapping my arm tightly, I didn't feel the need to die anymore. It healed over time, I knew I couldn't do something like that again, then my step mother, she cut herself while in the kitchen. Being starved as I was from refusing to eat, I tried to lick the blood from her wound. The next week I was out of the house and in the dorm, its been 2 months since then I think.” I wiped my face, maybe I did feel a little lighter now.

“Oh.” He'd lost the smile from his face completely, was it pity, was it guilt? “So from there you figured you could live like a vampire and survive on blood only. It's a wonder you weren't already dead. Your skinny kid, not quite anorexic, but almost there.” He sighed. “Anyway turning you into a vampire sounds like a bad idea if you can't control yourself, all that can become of that is piles of corpses.”
“Could another vampire save me by any chance.” I had turned to that now, trying to distract myself from my past problems and deal with the current, just to stop the shameful display of tears and self pity.
“Ha, and do you know any other vampires, do you think that theres many hanging around? And no they couldn't save you, its my blood, my poison. So only I hold the key to the fetters dragging you to hell. And also, I will be taking my leave for now, you must be oh so tired.” He smiled, though I could see his heart wasn't in it. He's softer than he's trying to appear, a lot softer, then again I could be a poor judge of character.

I lay there for a while, feeling the pockets of fire in my body exploding, it felt as if I was coming apart inside, there were black spots dancing across my vision like flies already come to eat my remains, with every breath claws pulled my throat and lungs to pieces. How could that man do this to me, what right did he have to leave me laying here in agony, I couldn't move, It was hard to breathe for my body didn't wish to receive the pain it wrought. I had thought he was soft for a moment, what a fool, what a foolish fool, he isn't even coming back to torment me some more, I'm going to fall into bloody pieces and no-one will be there to watch it happen, why should it be bothering me this much?

“Well hello again Shiro, almost dead I see, you are really weak, you know that.” That voice, he's back to torment me again.
“You know my name, by rights you should tell me yours, so I have someone to curse before I die.” I growled.
“My name for the students at the school, would be Kaine Blackburn. But to you, I guess I shall give you my real name Dathmae Raen.” He leant over me again, staring hungrily at my immobilised body, “It is pretty hard to resist you right now, you realise that. You're so weak that you can barely move, tears are seeping out your eyes as if you were some frightened girl. Such easy prey.” Prey?
“I'm a meat object to you? Prey... prey?” He ignored my statement, smiling, as if entranced by my weakness.
“Whisper my name, do it, I may just save your life.” His handsome face was above mine, I could feel his breath, so warm, he leant further, his face disappearing under his long raven hair, the tips of it touched my skin while I felt something softer on my neck. His... lips?

Dathmae's lips hovered there for a while, I heard him whispering something, the feel of his words sent electricity racing down my spine. I wanted to pull away, to escape his grasp, it was as if I were the mouse trapped by the cheese then found by the starving stray, and seemingly sharing the personality of the fictional cat, this man wanted to play with my very life before ending it.
“With this hand, I can give you mercy, and with my mouth I can give you new life.” He whispered , his hand caressing the right side of my face, I could feel that his fingernails were sharp as blades, it was life or death for me now.
“Dathmae.” A sharp prick below my jaw, he hadn't bitten me, he'd punctured my flesh with his fingernail, he brought his head up, to watch the small wound drip blood down my neck, staining the white hospital sheets.
“Eh, it seems you have a visitor, my helpless friend, is it those parents of yours? Whom just spent a fair amount of time arguing with the hospital.” He pulled the knife out of his pocket again and slipped it through the skin of his thumb, a scarlet bead appeared on the wound, then another. They merged together and grew, then fell from place, forming a tiny river down Dathmae's skin, falling, then pooling to form a scarlet lake in the centre of his palm. His hand slowly reached for my face, he seemed to be savouring the desperation in my stare, I wanted it, the blood...

Dathmae slipped his bloodied thumb into my waiting mouth, I couldn't resist the intoxicating metallic tang that filled covered my tongue, I licked at it, desperately. No, I have to stop this, I was acting like a clingy child, I was obeying this man's will and going along with his little torture game.
“Kll mh.” I managed to say through his hand, suddenly loosing the will to cling on to my agonising existance. Withdrawing his thumb from my mouth he stared at me, crimson eyes piercing my mind, pushing me to repeat what I had just said. “Kill me!” I almost yelled, but it seemed I was too weak for even that.
“Ooops, your guests are about to walk in the door, your begging with have to wait for later.” He leant over me again smiling, then licked the tear I had unknowingly let loose. I shuddered, was this guy some sort of major pervert, what kind of person would actually do that type of thing.

Seemingly pleased with that act, he opened the door and let my parents in. The expressions on their faces told me that I wasn't in for a pleasant session of tears and relief.
“We were so worried about you!” Debra, the heavy fisted step mother of mine smiled, the sarcasm in her expression and voice eating at my faith in humanity, not that I'd ever believed in people anyway.
“What is wrong with you little faker, making me take a day off work to see your shameful clown act. Look at you, you're fine.” My father, Dan, blameful angry words seemed to be the only things he spoke to me. He'd lost his title of father in my mind a long time ago, when he had joined Debra in beating a helpless child. “Come on, get up, the doctor said I could take you out of here, you little s**t. Not that I want you back in my home you little leaching freak.” He grabbed my wrist tightly, wrenching me into a sitting position, causing the subdued pain in my body to release back into my bloodsream, I felt it, the poison, it was pulsing through my veins like burning needles.
“Come on, get up.” Debra seemed at this moment, a little more kind than my father, but still a brutal tormentor that I could never forgive.

Dathmae opened the door and strode confidently into the room, he put his hand on my fathers shoulder.
“If you want, I can take him for you, I'll make sure that he is back at school tomorrow even.” He offered. Dan considered it, then smiled.
“What a nice person you are, but who are you?”
“Just a humble teacher, don't worry.” Teacher, ha, he was tricking the foolish parents of mine, though even if he had said he was a porn star, I bet they would still hand me over to him.
“Lets take him up on his offer honey, I bet he lives really close to the school, and I bet he has the discipline to get that little faker to go to school.” Debra probably just wanted to go home, back to her comfortable den without a freak like me in sight.
“Alright deal, you can take him home, I'm sure he will behave.” Dan emphasised behave, then smiled and left the room hand in hand with his wicked witch. I bet they didn't feel a single shadow of remorse or guilt, they had left me in the hands of a psychotic beast, though they didn't know quite that much. To me they were the kind of people who wouldn't got to my funeral, but would organise a dance party on my very grave, Dan would probably even leave me a little parting gift, of piss on the very soil that I was buried in.

The kind smile that Dathmae had been showing faded as my parent's left the room, he snarled at the door once they had shut it.
“What rotten people, where the hell did you find them?” I shrugged. “Anyway I guess we should be off.” He slipped one arm under my knees and the other around my back.
“Hey what...” I protested.
“I have serious doubts in the strength you hold, I doubt you could even stand up straight.” He was right, I was pretty much a newborn kitten in his arms, helpless and seeking only the precious liquid he held. He lifted me off the bed as if I weighed no more than one of the threadbare pillows in the dorm, suddenly I felt very vulnerable, as if I were wearing next to nothing. Then I realised, I was wearing little more than a hospital gown, the air as he carried me flew straight through the flimsy material and chilled my burning skin, it made me shiver though I was too embarrassed to cling to Dathmae even to steal his warmth. 

© 2015 Kuro Okami

Author's Note

Kuro Okami
This chapter was so god damned annoying to fix, *glares at open office writer.*
Tip from me, if you want to write and want to then transfer your writing, don't use open office. Haha. Enjoy?

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Added on October 19, 2014
Last Updated on October 15, 2015
Tags: gay, yaoi, vampire, mysterious illness


Kuro Okami
Kuro Okami


I am a 16 Year old Male, Living in Western Australia, I enjoy spending time with animals and sometimes people. I love to write though often I am too lazy to do so. I have joined this website in hope .. more..
