Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by ShadowSpinners

Sarah clung closely to Xzander as the two made their way through the never ending midnight of Zyeane…

   Sarah felt awkward, scared, and flustered going to her new location she was being forced into. What would await her and Xzander when they arrived? Was anyone going to be there with them? Or…was it just going to be them? Those thoughts ran through Sarah’s head.
     “Za-Zander…uhm…what was with that guy back there?” Sarah shyly asked.
     “Seph? Well, it’s sorta personal; I can’t tell you that. He just needs to stay away from anyone who mentions anything about clocks for a while.” Xzander explained.
     “Oh…okay…So, I’ll be able to see Rachel again?”
     “Yeah, just not anytime soon.”
     “Oh…” Sarah said sadly.
     “Cheer up little angel~ We’ll see them again. I promise!” Xzander said placing his hands onto Sarah’s shoulders. Sarah blushed and was brought in for a hug. “I don’t break promises darling.”
     “O-okay…” Sarah said and Xzander pulled apart from the hug, taking Sarah’s hand firmly and kissing her head.


Xerxes was fuming mad at his brother stealing Sarah away from him and now he had to retrieve her once again.
     “SHEEP!” Xerxes bellowed. The three men who could transform into a sheep soon came in at their master’s order.
     “Yes, sire?” The one who had once stole Sarah’s pocket watched asked.
     “My brother has once again stolen the girl and I am getting very impatient.” Xerxes said. “I want you three to capture her once again and this time; lock X in a better cell, one without a bared window.”
     “Yes sir! Were on it sir!” The three said in unison and headed out to find Sarah.
   Xerxes massaged his forehead and a guard soon came in with a scared seventeen year old boy.
     “Duke Xerxes, we found another time keeper.” The guard said. “He was seen in one place and then the next. Obviously he's been time stopping.”
     “A time keeper you say? And he was using time stop?” Xerxes pondered. His upset face turned into a grin and he walked towards the shivering boy. He slung an arm around the boy’s neck and asked, “Do you know what a date is?”
     “D-depends…you mean a couple date? Or-”
     “The fruit date.”
     “Please! Please don’t eat me! I-I’ll throw away my watch! J-just don’t eat me!” The young boy pleaded and begged. Xerxes took the boys left arm and pulled up his sleeve to reveal the dragon clock tattoo embedded into his skin.
     “Why shall I spare someone, especially a time keeper’s life when their time has already run out?” Xerxes asked. The boy froze in fear, unable to use his time stop power due to it being taken away and closed his eyes murmuring, “I’m sorry, I’ve failed……"


Sarah and Xzander had finally come to the new location they would stay at till Seph was okay and came to the large doors.
     “After you, Sarah.” Xzander said opening the door for Sarah.
   Sarah wondered at the place being so far away from people, but then again, X was a wanted criminal.
     “We need to get you out of those cloths.” Commented Xzander staring off into space.
     “WHAT!?” Sarah almost had a heart attack jumping away from Xzander as quickly as possible.
     “Not like that!” Xzander assured; hurriedly his own cheeks slightly pink. “I meant simply that cloths from your world will have traces of time on them that will be easy for my brother’s sheep to track down. I have some cloths for you from this world.” He gestured to a chair which had a beautiful pastel colored dress draped over it along with a pair of thigh high boots.
     “Oh…” Said Sarah feeling foolish.
     "No worries. You couldn’t have known what I meant.” Said Xzander; by now regaining his usual flawless composure and smiling charmingly at her. “I could never ask a beautiful lady like you to do something so vulgar!” He caught her face in his hands as if to kiss her.
     “SO!” Said Sarah, quickly intervening before he could, “what is the deal with all this time stuff?"
   Xzander smiled.
     “I’ll tell you after you get out of your old clothes and change into that.” He said pointing out the pastel dress.
     “…Fine…” Sarah said childishly. She took the dress and thigh high boots and walked around a bit to find a room she could change into. Xzander pointed out a room she could use just down the hall, taking a right and then going into the door on the left. Sarah followed his directions and came into the room finding it spacious and wide.


Sarah came out of the room and walked back to where Xzander waited for her. She felt pretty in such a cute dress and was blushing a bit.
     “Kay, Zander. I’m dressed now so you can explain to me now.” Sarah said. Xzander turned around and was in complete awe.
     Woah…I didn’t know she’d look so pretty. Xzander thought. He grinned and walked towards Sarah, bringing her close to him.
     “U-uh, Zander-?!” She began till Xzander smacked his lips to Sarah’s and kissed her deeply. Once he pulled away from the flustered girl, he replied charmingly, “Okay hime, I’ll tell you.”


     “So…Seph……Where exactly are we going?” Asked Rachel not at all comfortable, blindly following a stranger.
     “Into hiding. Your time piece may have been stolen, bright eyes, but you’re still a keeper.” Said Seph smoothly dragging her by the hand. Rachel quickly realized that once they were no longer in the presence of clocks, Seph was fairly sane…Well, at least as sane as most of her friends.
     “People keep saying that. But I still am not sure I understand.” Said Rachel. Well actually, X had told her some stuff……She just didn’t think she could trust him.
     “Well, you and your friend both come from a different dimension. This place…Zyeane, has no time. When you crossed over from your world then you brought time with you.”

     “I brought time?" Rachel asked, then realizing she had her pocket watch.
     “Yes.” Seph said. “I-i-it’s not always in the form of-of-of-” Seph started to tremble slightly, the clock on his eye seeming to tick slightly faster.

     “So what are the other forms?" Asked Rachel quickly. Seph sent her a relieve glance.
     “Any form that came with you. Your cloths, your jewelry, your hair……Time lives in every particle of you. People who live here, who have been starved of time, are desperate for it. They will try and take it from you.”
     “Is there some kind of machine that does that? How are they supposed to steal it from my body? Eat me?” Joked Rachel.
     “…Yes.” Said Seph seriously. Rachel opened and the closed her mouth in shock.
     “And everyone here wants it?” She asked.
     “They are desperate for it. Except me. Time…Time makes me crazy……” Said Seph with a far off look in his eyes.
     “What about me? Do I make you crazy since I have time?” Asked Rachel. Seph stared at her before pulling her close and breathing into her hair, wrapping his arms around her.
     “Bright eyes, you make me absolutely insane.”


     “Yes, angel?”
     “Can…can you stop randomly…kissing me?” Sarah asked shyly while blushing. “And…tell me what’s up with the time here…”
   Xzander sighed.
     “Alright hime. I’ll tell you…tomorrow, as soon as we wake up.” He said dragging Sarah along the hallways.
     “B-but-!” Sarah began.
     “I’ll tell you, I promise, now please stop worrying darling.” Xzander cut in giving her a reassuring and charming smile " having her turn a thousand shades of red.
   She nodded and replied softly, “Kay…”
     “Thank you.” He said lightly kissing Sarah’s cheek and opened a door. “This is where you’ll be sleeping. Goodnight.” He shut the door slowly, keeping his eyes on Sarah until it was closed all the way and Sarah was left alone in a large room, all to herself.
     “Well that’s just…Maddeningly unhelpful.” Said Sarah staring at the door. She sighed and began to explore her room. The ceiling was glass and she could see the stars of the ever constant midnight twinkling at her. Torches hung from pillars marble and the floor was made of a mirror. In the center of the room was a Greek-like recliner draped in rich blankets. Sarah discovered a closet in the corner with every outfit you could imagine. Quick to remove her high heeled shoes (which by now had become slightly painful) Sarah slipped into a comfortable night gown. As she wondered out she noticed a peculiar clock on the wall. Instead of having twelve numbers this clock had thirteen. Curiously Sarah traced her finger over its surface. It came back covered in dust; obviously this clock hadn’t been touched in years. Thinking nothing of it, Sarah went to bed. She didn’t notice that the old clock had begun to tick…


The clock struck one and the bell could be heard by every soul in that world.
   All Zyeane held its breath in shock. Rachel and Seph turned in surprise in the direction of the sound.
     “…I thought you said time did not exist anymore here…” Said Rachel blinking. Seph clutched his head shaking.
     “Let it be sung, the clock has rung! Run old and young, your countdown has begun!”


The three sheep heard the ticking of the clock and stopped in their tracks. The countdown had begun. The young and the elderly hid in their homes. They continued to find Sarah and bring her back to the Duke. She seems to be more powerful than they thought.


Xzander heard the ticking from the old clock and his irises widened with fear and brows furrowing with apprehension.
     No…did…did she…? He thought and made his way to Sarah’s room.

Sarah was tossing and turning in her sleep and when Xzander came barging into the room, he noticed she seemed to be in pain. Xzander made his way over to her and looked closly at her. The tattoo on her right arm was glowing and when he reached to touch her to calm her down, he was blown away and roughly hit the wall, hard.
   Sarah suddenly stopped moving and she slowly opened her eyes to reveal golden irises. She look around the room and when she spotted Xzander weakly trying to get up, she hopped out of the bed and made her way to him.
     “What is wrong boy? Can’t take a blow from a time keeper?” Sarah asked bending down to Xzander’s level, softly caressing his face. This was not Sarah’s voice, nor how she would act in such a situation.
     “S-Sarah? Wha- what have you done too Sarah?!” Xzander questioned.
     “What do you mean?” ‘Sarah’ inquired, giggling. “I have done nothing to Sarah, I am just using her body and protecting her from the likes of you time eaters " sick people who take advantage of us, play with us, and then eat us once you lose all control over yourself.” ‘Sarah’ took Xzander’s hat and set it atop her head and lied on his chest.
     “What are-” Xzander began.
     “I cannot let you do those things to this fragile girl, so I must kill you.” ‘Sarah’ said and stood up, backing away and holding her hand towards Xzander.
     “Wait! You don’t understand! I’m trying to protect Sarah from my brother! I’m helping her, not eating her!” Xzander said.
     “Even so, I cannot let you live.” ‘Sarah’ said. A circle of a clock formed on the floor boards around ‘Sarah’ and her pocket watch took the shape of a gauntlet. “Any last words before you die?”
     “…Time keeper…Zyeane is-” Xzander started, but chocked on his words. ‘Sarah’ sighed and as she was about to attack him, her eyes suddenly grew wide and she kneeled on the floor. Her eyes were changing from gold to hazel and she suddenly lost balance and collapsed to the floor, passed out.
   Xzander made his way to Sarah and took her into his arms.
     “That must have been exhausting for her. Using so much of her power…” He pondered. He looked at Sarah’s sweet face and he gulped. “One last goodnight kiss wouldn’t hurt.” He leaned in and gently placed his lips over hers, kissing her.


     “Clocks…” Giggled Seph.

     Oh no…Here we go again. Thought Rachel as Seph clung to her.
     “Shh…There are none of those nasty ticking things here.” Rachel reassured him stroking her hand threw his hair. Actually her clock was hidden in her shoe but she had it turned off.
     “Bright eyes must stay away from Zyeane clocks! Seph cannot lose his bright eyes.” Whimpered Seph burying his face in her neck like a child.
     “Why……?” Asked Rachel, continuing to rock him slightly.
     “Clocks here are mean! They will try and make bright eyes into them! The clocks here all serve the Duke! Bright eyes mustn’t touch them!” Mumbled Seph. Rachel shivered, she hoped Sarah wouldn’t touch any clocks here…she held Seph as he slowly calmed down and returned to himself.
     “Sorry about that bright eyes, thank you for staying by my side.” Smiled Seph with clear eyes. Rachel smiled in response and, before she realized what she was doing, kissed his forehead.


Xzander held Sarah close. He had removed her pocket watch and any remaining keepsakes from her world and brought her away from the old clock in her room and let her sleep curled up close to him in his room. His heart was still racing. The last time he had been that close to death was when his brother had given him his scar. Xzander held Sarah close. The mark on her arm was pulsing but Xzander had drawn his signature “X” over it which would at least protect her from some of his brother’s magic.
   It bothered him greatly. He had told the clock possessed Sarah " that he had no intention of eating her…That he was just trying to protect her.
     What a load of B@#! S@#%. Of course I will eat her. He thought to himself. But still, he felt uneasy, for when he had said those words he had meant them. I only think she is cute. That’s why I tease her. He tried to convince himself. I am defiantly NOT in love with her. His heart remained unconvinced.
   Xzander sighed and looked out the window and saw, for the first time in 1,000 years…The sun rising on Zyeane.


The three Sheep continued their search for Sarah and then noticed the sun was rising.
     “How…But…D-day shouldn’t come!” One said. With the morning sun rising, it was revealed that he had blond hair and dark brown eyes. Another had red hair with blue eyes and the last had jet black hair with green eyes. They all shielded their eyes from such a blinding light and they quickly fled back to the Duke.


     “Why are you fools back without the girl?!” Xerxes bellowed with anger.
     “Sire…Time…Time is moving once again…” The red head said.
     “You don’t think I know that?! The sun is clearly up and that is just the beginning of it all. There is but to come worse things than just this. Bring me the girl before I decide to have you off with your heads.” Xerxes threatened. The three men gulped and immediately hurried out the doors.


Sarah shifted in her sleep and felt something warm and hard. When she opened her eyes to peak at what was there, she nearly screamed till Xzander covered her mouth with his hand.
     “Morning sunshine~” Xzander sang. He gave Sarah a peck on the cheek, flustering the poor girl even more than she already was.
     “S-stop that!” Sarah exclaimed, pushing him away. “Why did you sleep with me!”
     “You…you looked cold last night.” Xzander lied.
     “That doesn’t mean you can sleep with me!” Sarah scolded.
     “I didn’t want you to be cold when you woke up.” He said.
     “You could have just put another blanket over me!” Sarah complained, turning thousand shades of red.
     “Doesn’t matter now. It’s time for breakfast. Get dressed in your outfit for the day, alright?” Xzander said getting out of the bed and walking to the door.
     “But-! ZANDER-!” Sarah called, but he had already walked out of the room to prepare breakfast. Sarah sighed and forced herself out of the bed and went over to get her new clothes to find it not there.
     “Wait…where…where are my new clothes?” She wondered. She looked all around the room, looking in a dresser to find boxers and white shirts and pants, realizing that this was not her room. She sulked out of the room, and dragged her feet across the floor, unable to stop thinking, That was HIS room?! until she came to a door that was wide open and saw her cute dress and uncomfortable boots near the closet. She grabbed the clothes and dressed herself in them once again, soon heading out and off to find where Xzander had gone off too.

Xzander stared pensively at the sun. He was now certain that Sarah’s strange behavior the previous night had been a result of her coming in contact with a Zyeane clock (he had been hoping that it was Rachel who had caused time to start again) but what confused him was that there had been no clock in Sarah’s room before…
     “What is that?” Asked Sarah coming back in dressed and refreshed blushing again at the sight of his messy bed head curls and sloppy state of dress.
     “Like what you see princess?” Asked Xzander cockily grinning and swooping upon her to steal a kiss.
     “Liar.” Grinned Xzander kissing her nose. “Now come. I’ve prepared something special for you…”
   Sarah followed Xzander to his surprise he had set up for her and was welcomed to a gorgeous array of food neatly set up, two plates set nicely in front of the other and the sweet smell of food filled the air.
     “Woah!” Sarah gawked. “How’d you set this all up so fast, Zander?”
     “I have my ways.” Xzander said. He took Sarah’s wrist and led her over to her seat, pulling out the chair for her to sit in and pushing her closer to the table. He walked around the table and sat in front of her.
     “Zander?” Sarah asked.
     “YEss?” Xzander sang smiling charmingly.
     “Urm, uh, c-can you tell me about the time here now?” She asked, flustering.

     “So persistent……But I suppose it’s one of your charms.” Sighed Xzander. “To answer your question, “the thing about time here” is that there is no time. Zyeane is another dimension, not another world, alongside your world. Every now and then fragments of your time breaks off and creates something in this dimension…So everyone here is born from time not parents…That is why time keepers are so coveted.”
     “Oh… Sarah said. “So, Rachel and me are really important?”
     “Very…and…there is yet something we, the people of Zyeane, need from the time keepers more than anything.” Xzander said.
     “What?” Sarah asked.
     “Their soul. The core of their time.” He finished. “That is what my brother wants from you. Once he eats you, he’ll gain more powers. In order to be the Duke or Duchess of Zyeane, the royals must face each other and whoever is the strongest becomes the new Duke or Duchess.”
     “Do they have to eat them?” Asked Sarah.
     “I’ve never heard of it being done another way.” Shrugged Xzander.
     It would be terribly romantic if it were something like falling in love and giving your heart and soul to a person… Sighed Sarah dreamily.

© 2012 ShadowSpinners

Author's Note

Woot Woot! Another chapter 'tis up! ^-^
Next chapter, coming soon! ;D

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WoooOOOOT WOOOOOOT! AWWW! Xzander and Sarah are soo cute!!! I love how she woke up and he was like right there! XD OOOOH! What is to happen to Rachel?????

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 22, 2012
Last Updated on September 22, 2012



Sablier, AZ

We are two girls who like to co-write stories together! We both like Art, Music, and Fictional Characters ;) よろしくお願いします!&#.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by ShadowSpinners

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by ShadowSpinners