Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by ShadowSpinners

Second chapter up! thank goodness for Smart Phones!


Back in the dungeon with X and Rachel…


     “Out of curiosity, what is a day-walker like you doing in Zyeane?” Inquired X.
     “…If I knew what half the things in your last sentence meant, I might be able to answer you.” Said Rachel sheepishly. X chuckled.
     “Let me rephrase that: why were you thrown into prison with the likes of me?”
     “…Still uncertain on how to answer that. My friend Sarah was jumped by some creeper and I-”
     “Sarah?! She’s here?!”
     “I-I think so...”


     “Why did you kidnap me?!” Demanded Sarah. Xerxes smiled and abruptly shoved her into a room.
     “Wait here princess. I’ll be back soon.”

   Sarah looked around. The room was full of broken clocks.
     I need to get out of here… Sarah thought to herself. She wondered around the room full of broken clocks and was a little afraid she would come to her pocket watch to see if it had been shattered, though, wandering around a bit, she did not spot it.
     “Time……Is a curious thing. Aren’t you curious? You should be.” A soft musical voice sang from above her. Sarah whirled and tried to catch sight of this new speaker but could not spot him amongst all the gears.
     “Who are you?!” She called.
     “I am nobody! So therefore I am everybody! But mostly I am myself.”
     “Huh? You make no sense! Where are you?” Sarah called.
     “Where am I? I am everywhere. I may be here, or there, I could be standing right behind you.” The musical voice said. Sarah turned around to see if the figure was there, but was not. Instead, what was now in front of her was a golden pocket watch. It looked like hers, had the same design as hers, but was it truly hers? She walked towards the golden watch and found it hadn’t been ruined like the rest of the clocks.
     “My…my pocket watch!” Sarah cheered.
     “Be sure the time thief doesn’t get you or it!” Came the sing song voice.
     “Why do they want me or it?! I don’t understand!” Cried Sarah clutching the clock to her chest.
     “You’re a time keeper! This world has no time! They shall try and steal your time from you!”
     “Steal my time?!” Sarah questioned.
     “Yes and right now, your friend is in grave danger.” The voice said in a completely insane manner.
     “Rachel’s in danger?!”
     “Yep! yep! along with scar-face.” giggled the voice.
     “Zander…” Sarah whispered.

"Tick Tock!" sang her invisible companion.


Xerxes came to the dungeon room after leaving Sarah and came to the cell Rachel and X were in…only to find they weren’t there. Empty shackles hung on the wall and metal bars on the window were bent apart.
     “Guards!” Xerxes screamed. “Find them!”


     “Where are we going?” Panted Rachel as the two of them ran.
     “To save Sarah……Hopefully it won’t be too late.” Said X grimly.
     “You know where she is?”
     “I have a guess…I just hope she has her pocket watch back.”
     “Why? What’s so important about Sarah’s pocket watch? Why is it different than mine?” Said Rachel frowning. X stopped and rounded on her.
     “You have a pocket watch?” He said gravely.
     “Y-yes I-” Rachel began to reach for the chord the hung next to her key on her neck.
     “Don’t! Don’t show me where it is! I might not be able to resist……”
     “Okay…” Said Rachel, though confused.
     “Just to be safe.” Whispered X and he took his finger nail and placed a black X on her neck.


Xerxes came briskly back into the room Sarah was in looking upset but soon masked it with a charming smile.
     “I’m sorry my lady, I had to take care of some business.” He said taking Sarah’s hand and kissing it. Sarah hid her pocket watch behind her back to make sure Xerxes wouldn’t see it and have it taken away again.
     “Why did you kidnap me?!” Sarah demanded again, swiping her hand away.
   He sighed and replied, “Come, you are already late for the date, we must get there as soon as we can.”

     “Will u stop with the date thing? I am not going on a date with you!” Said Sarah in what she hoped was a firm voice but probably came out more of a squeak.
     “What can you mean?” Asked Xerxes smiling.
     “What she said.” Came a familiar voice. Heart thumping, Sarah whirled around to see for sure.
   Then came another familiar voice, "Sarah! Sarah are you okay?!”
     “Rachel!” Sarah said with happiness.
     “You better let Sarah go you creep!” Rachel ordered but Xerxes merely chuckled.
     “What’s so funny brother?” Xzander asked.
   Xerxes snapped his fingers and guards surrounded Xzander and Rachel. He then pulled Sarah by her shoulders and brought her to his chest. He crossed his arms across her neck and kissed her cheek making her embarrassed.
     “You are too late. This girl is already mine and we have to be on our way to the date.” He said. He slid his hand down her arm, about to take her hand where she was holding her pocket watch but then decided to take the other one, Sarah relieved he didn’t take that hand. that didn't mean she liked it when he caressed her forearm with a satisfied smirk and dragged her off, letting the guards take care of recapturing the two escapees.
     “SARAH! X! He’s getting away with Sarah and we’re surrounded!” Rachel said.
     “Don’t worry, I can’t ever be caught.” Xzander said grinning.
     “…Yeah, explains why you were chained up back there.” Rachel said.
     “Hey! It’s all a part of my plan, okay.” Xzander said both embarrassed and annoyed.
     “Well you might not be able to be caught but I can!” Hissed Rachel as the guards drew closer. She could still hear Sarah muffled cries of protest but they were growing fainter.
     “Yes.” Agreed Zander simply, and then said, “Catch her Tinker!”
     “Wha-?!” Screeched Rachel as Zander caught her around the waist and threw her straight up into the air. But instead of crashing back to the ground another pair of arms caught her and whisked her further in the maze of broken clocks (though she didn’t know it, this was the owner of the voice Sarah had previously spoken to in the room).
     “Don’t worry Rachel! I’ll get Sarah!” Called Zander cheerfully.
   He dashed off to go save Sarah from his brother, Xerxes, while Rachel was utterly confused at what had just happened. Suddenly she was taken captive, chained to a cell wall, trying to save her friend, and now whisked off by yet another stranger. She heard an insane laugh from the one holding her. "Bright eyes...*giggle* you make me feel fun~ny!"

She was doomed.


     “Please let me go.” Sarah pleaded nicely.
     “No way; you’ve got nothing to worry about darling. Once we arrive to the date, I will set my plan in motion.” Xerxes said.
     “Plan? What plan?!” Sarah asked.
     “Wait and see~” He sang.
     “Let her go Xerxes!” A voice called.
     “Bothersome brother…” Xerxes muttered. He turns his head around, only to be kicked in the stomach and releasing Sarah’s hand.
     “Zander!” Sarah said running to her rescuer. She clung onto his sleeve and he held her close.
     “Are you okay? Did you get your watch back?” He asked in a whispered tone.
     “Yeah.” She whispered back.
     “Good. Come on, Seph and Rachel are waiting for us.” Xzander said. He lifted Sarah up bridal style, catching her off guard.
     “I can walk!” protested Sarah.
     “Not where we’re going…” Grinned Zander. Suddenly the air around them seemed to bend and Sarah felt suddenly lightheaded. Glad now that Zander was holding her, she let her head lull against his chest as she fainted, vaguely noticing that Xerxes shouts had grown abruptly faint before disappearing altogether.


Sarah woke up, her head feeling better and she saw Rachel next to her. She gave a gasp and shook her awake.
     “Rachel, Rachel, Rachel!” Sarah cried.
     “Huh? Wha? Sarah?” Rachel asked dazed. “SARAH!” She bolted up and hugged her friend.

     “I thought I’d never see you again!” Sarah said. When they pulled away from the hug, Rachel noticed there was a strange design on Sarah’s arm.
     “What is that?” Rachel asked taking Sarah’s arm. Sarah gasped at the tattoo like design and tried to rub it off, but did no good. It was etched into her skin and looking closely at it, it almost resembled a dragon and a clock.
     “It’s not coming off!” She said panicking. “Why is it not coming off?!”
     “Because Xerxes had kissed you in some way, has he not?” Xzander asked.
     “Zander!” Sarah said in surprise.
     “Did he kiss you Sarah?” He asked.
     “He- he kissed my hand…but before that, he kissed my cheek and I passed out.” Sarah said blushing a bit.
     “He’s marked you as his territory then.” Xzander said saddened, though that did not dim his possessive gaze. Rachel frowned at him, she liked X... in fact she had trusted him before. But she did not like the way he was staring at Sarah... It reminded her that there was probably a reason he had been locked up in chains before. Still... she enjoyed his company, so she hoped he didn't turn out completely rotten.
     “His property?!” Sarah exclaimed.
     “Why does he even want Sarah?!” Demanded Rachel.
     “As you have been told before: he wants to steal her time. He would probably want to steal yours as well but…I made that almost impossible.”
     “Steal my time?! How is that even possible?” Squeaked Sarah. Xzander opened his mouth as if to respond but just then they heard a soft chiming sound…Like the bell of a clock ringing from the rafters above them. Xzander glanced upward then back at Sarah and Rachel and mouthed, ‘later’ before calling out loud, “Seph…Come on down and properly greet our guests.”
   The said man, Seph, appeared behind the two girls, taping them on the shoulder, surprising them both.
     “Ello darlings, I am Seph Tinker.” Seph said smiling charmingly with a British accent.
     “You sound familiar…” Sarah said, recalling to have heard the chime voice.
     “R-really?” He asked quickly seeming to get a bit nervous. Zander's brows furrowed slightly.
     “Yes, yes I have! I remember hearing your voice when I found my pocket watch.” Sarah said. Zander cursed quietly and Rachel glanced at him.
     “TeeHee...Yep yep! I see people, but people don't see me!” Seph said breathily laughed shakily. Rachel noticed that Seph's eyes had zeroed in on Sarah's pocket watch. Seph seemed to stiffen and quiver slightly staring at it, and Sarah, hungrily. Apparently Xzander noticed too for he abruptly stood up.
     “Sarah, I need to talk to you outside privately.” Without waiting for her response he dragged her out.

     'Hmm...Sarah is in danger the moment the people learn about her pocket watch. That’s why Zander is so keen to hind Sarah away from people and not me…That, or he is just sweet on her (highly likely)…Either way I am safe so long as no one knows I possess a pocket watch... Assuming I can trust X that is.' Mused Rachel. She was drawn out of her thoughts when she noticed that Seph’s breathing was ragged and he had a wild and unhinged expression.
     “Tick tock goes the clock…Tick tock, tick tock, TICK TOCK!” Whimpered Seph who was curled up and rocking back and forth with his hands over his ears.

'Oh dear...' thought Rachel grimly.


Xzander and Sarah came outside of the room and he made sure no one could hear what he was about to say, especially Rachel. She was watching him wearily enough as it was.
     “What is it Zander?” Sarah asked.
     “Sarah, my…my brother. He wasn’t really taking you to a date. At least not the type of Date you and Rachel were thinking of.” Zander told her sweetly drawing her close.
     “What? I don’t know what you mean.” Sarah said.
     “Sarah, have you heard of a date tree?”


“Let’s put it this way: to steal your time, he wants to eat you.”   

Sarah nearly fell over, Xzander catching her and keeping her up. as he touched her his hand grazed the mark on her forearm causing it to glow gold and Sarah to see stars.

“What?” Sarah asked dazedly, griping her head. “…Zander, I don’t feel so good…”     

“Don’t worry. I won’t let him eat you. In fact we are going to break his seal and make sure he never touches you again. I just thought I should put you on your guard.” He assured smoothly with a crooked smile. Then added in a soft voice, “no one is allowed to eat you but me…”

     “What? Sorry, I didn’t catch that last part.” Said Sarah frowning, her thoughts still slightly scrambled from his touch.

     “Oh, I just said you should stay close to me so I can protect you better.” Smiled Xzander sweetly.

     “Oh. Yeah that makes sense.” Agreed Sarah brightly.
     “Oh, and Sarah?”
     “Yes-?!” Sarah gasped in surprise as Xzander capture her lips in a kiss. He pulled away leaving Sarah a bit dazed and her head swimming.
     “Do me a favor and don’t tell Rachel about any of this. She seems protective of you.”
     “A-a-a-ah……k-kay…” Sarah stuttered, her face glowing thousand shades of red. Xzander brought her back inside, Sarah hiding her face. The moment they entered the room Rachel scrambled to her feet and then over to them. Seph was just visible in the corner where he was spinning himself in circles on a rolling chair.
     “Um…X, I think something’s wrong with Seph.” Rachel said anxiously before glancing over at Sarah. When she noticed Sarah’s red flustered face her eyes narrowed, she asked, “What happened?”
     “U-um, ah-” Sarah began.
     “Nothing.” Xzander replied calmly with a poker face.
     “No, something defiantly happened. Tell me now.” Rachel demanded stubbornly.
     “Like I said, Rachel. Nothing happened; but if you really want to know, you’ll have to get your information from somewhere else.” Zander said haughtily. Not his best approach as he quickly realized as 
Rachel narrowed her eyes at him.

     “I believe you want me on your side X. So don’t mess around.” She glowered.
     “There is nothing then I want more than that.” Zander agreed smoothly, grimacing at the thought of a angry time keeper as his enemy. He wisely choose to change the subject, “What’s wrong with Seph?”
     “I don’t know.” Said Rachel distracted, her forehead creasing with worry. “He has been franticly muttering things to himself with this weird expression.”
     “Ah…I see…” Said Xzander looking concerned.
     “What is it?” Asked Sarah worriedly. She didn’t really know the wild boy who kept to the shadows and spoke in such and odd, pretty manner, but he had saved Rachel’s life and she wanted to help him.
     “I am afraid…it’s because you’re here Sarah.” sighed Zander melodramatically, though still seriously.
“What?!” Sarah in disbelief.

"How?" said Rachel flatly. Grimacing Zander tapped Sarah's Pocket Watch. Both girls eyes wider in understanding.
     “Sarah, I think it’d be best if you hide somewhere else.” Zander suggested.
     “No.” Rachel said strictly at once.
     “Rachel. Trust me.” Xzander said.
     “How can I trust you? You haven't exactly shown me that you deserve any trust what so ever!” Rachel said.
     “Rachel, if you want Sarah to be safe, then you’ll have to let me take her.” Xzander said. He gave Rachel a look; *don’t know what kind of look, but it was somehow enough for Rachel to agree to let her friend go* Zander thanked her and took Sarah by the wrist, leaving Seph and Rachel to themselves.
     “…So…” Rachel began sinking to the ground close to Seph.
     “Hmm?” Seph asked looking up. Rachel nearly blushed, but shook it off. Looking closely, Seph’s left eye looked to be of a clock and three gears (big on top, medium below, and small on the bottom) near his left eye on his smooth skin and covered a bit by his strawberry blond hair.
     “Umm…Were you going to say something?” Seph asked.
     “Is that…real?” Murmured Rachel in surprise starring at the ticking clock within Seph’s eye. This was her first time seeing him not in the shadows (though even in his crazed state he seemed uncomfortable by his present exposure), the light caught his hair just right so that the red/gold of his hair glinted with highlights and his one normal eye (which she had thought at first was brown but now she saw a soft hazel flecked with green) the gears tattooed around his clock eye seemed to turn depending on her position. Without thinking, Rachel reached out to the still trembling boy who was starring so wildly and traced the gears on his face with the tip of her fingers.
     “Sorry…” Muttered Rachel flushing and drawing her hand back. Seph caught it and pressed it back against his cheek breathing shakily.
     “Stay.” He demanded softly. Rachel flushed.
     “When you’re here, Bright Eyes…The clocks do not call so loudly to me.” He murmured, “Stay.”
   Rachel hesitated; she liked X a lot but she did not trust him further than she could throw him…
   Still, he would keep Sarah from his brother at all costs. That much she was sure. But that didn’t mean she felt comfortable leaving Sarah alone with the charming crook for too long. The way Seph was staring at her so brokenly though……She couldn’t leave him.
     “I’ll stay.” She said at last hesitantly bringing up her other hand to stroke through his strawberry locks.
     “Thank you, Bright Eyes.” Said Seph softly turning his face to press his lips to her palm. Rachel ducked her head in embarrassment. What had she gotten herself into?

© 2012 ShadowSpinners

Author's Note

Hopefully Rachel will draw some pictures for this soon :) Onto the next chapter!

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GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! *falls and passes out* *legs twitches* next chapter....

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 24, 2012
Last Updated on August 25, 2012



Sablier, AZ

We are two girls who like to co-write stories together! We both like Art, Music, and Fictional Characters ;) よろしくお願いします!&#.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by ShadowSpinners

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by ShadowSpinners