Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by ShadowSpinners

Sarah sat in class sketching waiting for the hour to be up so they could go to lunch. She checked her pocket watch frowning between it and the clock on the wall; her watch was frozen at midnight. Sarah sighed and twisted and turned the nob at the top to try and fix it. However, as soon as she popped the button on the top the lights went out abruptly. Sarah peered confusedly out the window and saw the stars. It was midnight…And time had frozen.
   Sarah looked all around her, trying to find her way around the darkened classroom and felt a door knob. Cautiously, she took the handle and turned it, opening the door.
   All was still and somewhat eerie. Droplets of water were frozen in midair from the broken spigot. Sarah was about to go back into the class room when she spotted the flickering light of a candle in real time inside the kitchen.
     What is that? Sarah wondered. She made her way over to the dim candle lit light and what she saw was a surprise.
   Three strange individuals sat huddled at a table munching on cookies. “U”
     “late.” They said in harmony and the first casually snapped Sarah’s pocket watch close.
     “Hey that’s mine!” Said Sarah indignantly.
     “Finders keepers!”
     “You didn’t find that!” Sarah said attempting to take back her pocket watch, but was unsuccessful.
     “Did too!” The figure who stole Sarah’s pocket watch said. He snapped his fingers and instantly Sarah was pulled to the floor by gravity, unable to move.
     “What did-”
     “Like we said-”
     “Late.” They said in the harmonious unison again.
     “Late for what?!” Sarah asked, frustrated and scared.
     “A date.” Said the one in the middle gleefully.
     “A very important one…You might say the date.” Added the one of the right.
     “But most precisely: YOUR date~” Sang the one on the left.
     “…You’re making no sense.” Commented Sarah but just then the door opened.
   The one who stole the pocket watch snapped his fingers again and Sarah could once again move, but she was then taken by the arms, two of the figures went on each side of her, the third in front, leading the way.
     “L-let me go!” Sarah said, struggling to break free.
     “Not happening~” They sang and walked through the door.
   Sarah wanted to scream but she knew it would do no good; the world was frozen in time. She didn’t know where she was going but she did NOT appreciate being forced to go there. She needed to escape.
     “Hey…” She called.
     “YEss…?” They sang.
     “I’ve got to go to the bathroom.” The three boys stopped and looked at each other at a loss of what to do. Sarah had to stop herself from smiling.
     “Uh, err, well, MAKE IT FAST!” They said.
     “We have to take you to your date on time, so hurry!” The one in front said.
     “Thank you!” Sarah said running off into the opposite direction the bathrooms were (but they didn’t know that).
   Sneakily, she raced down the path and tried to exit the school…only to bounce off some sort of invisible barrier.
     “W-what the?!” She asked. She tried to run again, but bounced back off, falling onto her back. “Oww...”
   She stood back up, the bones in her back cracking when she straightened it, cringing at the sound.
     “I knew she didn’t need to really go!” A familiar voice said from behind, anger in their voice.
     “Ga…I…I…” Sarah stammered.
     “We should punish her.” Grinned the one in the middle, the other two nodded eagerly. Sarah just about fainted with all the horrible possibilities that filled her head. In fact, she tipped slightly but someone came behind her and grasped her shoulders steadying her.
     “Punish this angle? I think not.”
     “You!” They bellowed at the man. “What are you doing here?!”
     “Why…I am here to steal my big brothers present! You think older sibling should get all the fun?” laughed the man behind her. Sarah tried to crane her neck back to catch a glimpse of her captor but he held her firmly in place.
     “Not so fast sweet heart.” He whispered in her ear.
     “We won’t let you steal her! We need to take her to the date!” The one in front said. “Plus, we’ve got the watch.” He held the golden pocket watch by the chain and Sarah’s eyes bolted open.
     “My pocket watch!” She cried trying to get up, but the man had an iron grip on her, enabling her from getting up.
     “We’ll get it back. Don’t you worry.” The man behind her whispered to her, then speaking louder he said, “My brother won’t miss what he never had. Keep the clock. But I am keeping the girl.”
     “But-” Sarah began but was lifted up bridal style and kissed on the cheek. Sarah’s face heated up a thousand shades of red and she became flustered.
     “Hey!” Shouted the three but the man merely glanced at them.
     “So let it be.” He said and instantly the three froze and turned into three sheep. Sarah momentarily forgot about her embarrassment as she stared at the sheep…That is until the man holding her nuzzled her cheek and inquired, “Shall I find us a tower princess?”
     “U-uh……Tower?” Sarah asked.
     “Yes~” The man sang.
     “Why?” Sarah asked.
     “So those three sheep don’t get you, along with big brother.” He said.
     “Uh, w-well, I-”
     “So a yes~” He interrupted.

Well this wasn’t exactly what she had envisioned when he had said tower, Sarah reflected. They were in the attic room of the old office…Only Sarah was pretty sure the attic didn’t normally look so plush…The warm squishy chairs and blankets mixed with candles made the whole setting feel cozy.
     “Here. For you.” Smiled the man offering her a box of chocolates. Sarah stifled a gasp; though she had gotten a ruff glance at his profile; before she hadn’t been able make out his features…but here in the candle light she saw that he had dark curly hair that fell into his face and bright green eyes…But most shocking was the ragged scar that ran from his temple extending all the way down his neck.
   Sarah took a chocolate and stuffed it in her mouth, the man pleased and he put an arm around Sarah’s shoulder. She froze and became flustered once again, uncomfortable of his actions. She gulped and tried leaning away. He leaned in and kissed her cheek once again, her face heating up.
     “Ga…W-who is your brother and what did you mean I was his present?” Sarah asked, hiding her face. “And…and what did those three guys want with me?”

     “All in good time sweet heart.” Smiled the man, the action twisting the scar. As he leaned in close yet again Sarah firmly placed her hand on his chest and scooted away.
     “Not that I am ungrateful for all you’ve done for me,” said Sarah her face flushed, “but I don’t really know you and I am not comfortable with you invading my personal space all the time.” The man blinked at her in surprise before throwing his head back and laughing.
     “You really are something…The name is Xzander. Most people know me as “X”…but you…you may call me Zander.” The scared faced boy grinned extending his hand.
     “…Sarah.” Offered Sarah tentatively shaking it.
     “More chocolate Sarah?” Xzander offered.
     “No thank you.” Sarah declined. Xzander frowned, but quickly recovered with a smile.
     “That’s all right I guess.” He said putting the chocolate box away.
   Sarah started to feel oddly dizzy.
     “Zander? What’s going on?” She asked her vision starting to blur at the edges.
     “…You do not want to fall into my older brothers hands no matter what. You have to go back.” Said Xzander reaching up as if to touch his scar.
     “Did…your brother…do that to you?” Asked Sarah her words slowly becoming less coherent as the drugs within the chocolates began to take full effect.
   Sarah fell limp and unconscious, Xzander taking her bridal style and walked out of the “tower” and disappearing through a door.


The sheep soon returned back to their normal human like self’s and looked around to see where that Xzander boy went off to with Sarah.
     “Where is X?! Where did he take the girl?!” One asked. The other two shrugged their shoulders, indicating they too hadn’t the foggiest idea where they may be.
     “We must find her and take her to the date! Now, she is VERY late!”


     “X where did you hide the girl?!” Shouted the three as they cornered the scared man. But X just grinned and shook his head.
     “You know how much-”
     “Quite fools…The girl has already returned to her own time…” Said a new voice. The three faces grew pale and the man known as X sighed.
     “Hello brother…”
     “Tell me, brother,” began Xzander’s older brother, “where in her time did you leave her?”
     “I’ll never tell you!” Xzander said.
   His brother sighs.
     “I was really hoping it wouldn’t have to be me who would go out to retrieve my gift.” He said. He turned to the three men. “Take my dear brother and make sure he doesn’t escape or interfere with me and the girl.”
     “Y-yes sir!” They said in unison and took Xzander.


Sarah was back in her own time and when she woke up, it was the end of the school day.
     “Huh? Wha? Was that all a dream?” She mumbled.
     “Sarah? You okay?” Rachel, one of Sarah’s friends asked.
     “Yeah, I’m just super tired all of a sudden…” Sarah replied. “What time is it?” When Sarah touched her belly, she noticed her pocket watch wasn’t there.
     “My pocket watch you got me! I swear I had it on!” Sarah said panicking, searching her pockets and backpack. When all seemed lost (literally) she looked up towards the window and saw a shadowed figure holding a familiar golden trinket. She froze in pure terror and excitement. Without thinking, she got up and headed outside.
   When she came out the door, the figure was no longer there, but she was suddenly grabbed in a hug from behind.
     “I’m sorry, it took me some time but I finally found you, my gift.” A voice said.
     “Let go of her you creep!” Screeched Rachel throwing her lunch box at his head which connected with a sickening *thunk* and whoever was holding Sarah let go as he collapsed.
     “Oops…” Mumbled Rachel rushing forward to survey the damage.
     “What did you have in there?!” Asked Sarah.
     “Uh…My lunch?” Rachel grinned sheepishly. Sarah laughed in spite of herself. Carefully the two girls rolled the man over.

     He looks like Zander only without the scar. Thought Sarah.
     “So it was real after all…” She mumbled.

     “What?” Rachel asked.
     “Nothing!” Sarah said quickly.
     “Hmmm…Okay, Sarah.” Rachel said shrugging it off.
     “Phew.” Sarah said silently.
     “I wonder why this guy suddenly grabbed you?” Rachel pondered.
     “Uh, I don’t know…I’ve never seen him, but he looks familiar…weird, huh?” Sarah said.
     “Yeah.” Agreed Rachel.
     “What should we do with him?” Sarah asked.
     “We should tell Mr. Martin this guy tried to kidnap you.” Rachel said. Sarah agreed, but then asked, “Uh, didn’t he leave earlier?”
     “Drat! We’ll have to tell Miss. Khalsa then.”
     “But, what if she went home early too to take care of the new baby?” Sarah asked. “Then he might wake up and grab me again!”
     “Sarah, there is no way I’ll be letting you get kidnapped by this creeper.” Rachel reassured.
   The knocked out man began to groan, beginning to wake up, but quickly, by instinct and protection, Rachel grabbed her lunch box and hit him over the head again.
     “Gosh! That is some heavy food in there!” Sarah said.
     “Less heavy food…More…Quantity…” Grinned Rachel then she looked behind Sarah and commented, “Why are the sheep just wandering around?”
     “Huh?” Sarah said turning around, surprised at why the school’s sheep were let out. “What the?!” All the teachers and students were trying to gather all the sheep, having a hard time doing so.
     “Come on, let’s go help them.” Rachel said.
     “Kay.” Sarah said following Rachel. It took some time for all the sheep to be return back into their pen and when Sarah had turned around, Xzander’s brother was there and startled her, but before she could let out a scream, he quickly covered her mouth.
     “Phew! That took a lot longer than I thought it would. Come on Sarah, let’s-” Rachel said, turning around to see the man holding Sarah close. “SARAH!”
     “Such a bothersome pest.” He said shooting a glare at Rachel who froze and couldn’t move. “It’s time I take you away my princess. This world is much too noisy.”
   Sarah sank her teeth into his hand. He let out a startled gasp and Rachel was suddenly free to move. Sarah kicked him in the shins and Rachel hooked her feet around his legs sending him to the ground.
     “Come on!” Said Rachel grabbing Sarah’s hand and they took off.
   The two girls ran back to the class room and quickly grabbed their things, making their way to pick up, but suddenly Sarah’s hand slipped from Rachel’s and when she turned around to retake her hand, she was gone.
     “Sarah?!” Rachel called. She looked all around, unable to find Sarah.
   Sarah had been grabbed by the man and they hid underneath the porch. Sarah’s mouth was covered again to prevent any cries for help and the man held onto her tightly.
     “That was very rude of you and your friend back there.” He said. “Now that I have you, I shall take you away.”
     “Mrph! (no!)” Sarah muffled. She tried to bite his hand again, but he tightened his grip, enabling her from doing any funny business.

     “Sheep!” The man called and at once the three were there. The man pointed at Rachel from under the house. “Lock her away with the other interferer. I don’t want her getting in the way anymore.” The three dashed off.
     “Where are you taking me?” Sarah managed to get out from between his fingers. He grinned at her. Not a kind grin.
     “Back to Zyeane of course.”
   Sarah’s eyes widened and she tried to struggle about some more, but his grip was of iron. He gave a lite peck on Sarah’s cheek and she began to feel sleepy. She soon fell into a deep sleep and the two disappeared.

Rachel was searching about the school, trying to find her dear friend, but she was suddenly blocked off by three sheep.
     “Huh? Those aren’t the school sheep.” Rachel observed. The three stalked forward, Rachel stepping back but she tripped and fell into her bum. The sheep were looming closer and they began to run around in a circle around Rachel, Rachel utterly confused until a giant gaping hole appeared beneath her and she fell in, the three sheep jumping in as well.
   They returned back to their human form once again and took ahold of Rachel firmly. They suddenly appeared in a dungeon and they tossed her into a cell with a boy who looked like the man, but younger and a scar running across his face.

Rachel woke up to find herself chained to the wall. She groaned trying to rotate her sore wrists.
     “Careful. That’s a good way to take off the skin of your wrists.” Said a voice. Rachel turned and saw another prisoner dangling next to her.
     “What’s your name?” He asked.
     “X. I’d try and shake your hand but…”
     “Yeah. Same.”


Sarah soon awoke to find herself in a room. When she got up, she came to a mirror and she stumbled back into a wall behind her. She was wearing a white gown and a golden tiara, and her hair put in to curls.
     “W-what happened?!” She asked. A door was opened and the man came in.
     “Ah, I see you’ve finally awoken. You look beautiful for the date.” He said.
     “D-date?!” Sarah squeaked.
     “Indeed…” He grinned and dipped his head down to try and kiss her. But Sarah, who by now had had enough of this, shoved back.
     “Look, I don’t know who you think you are-!”
     “Oh I beg your pardon little lady.” Laughed the man sweeping his top hat off his head in an almost mocking bow. “I am the duke of Zyeane. My name is…Xerxes.”
     “…Xerxes?” Sarah asked.
     “Yes?” Xerxes asked taking Sarah’s hand and lightly kissing it.
     “N-no, I wasn’t-”
     “Ah, it doesn’t matter, come, let us go.” Xerxes said taking Sarah out of the room.

© 2012 ShadowSpinners

My Review

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:D *looks at writing starryeyed* My god! Not time for review must read on!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love our story so far ^_^ It's so awsome and amazing! Goodness, I can't even believe we wrote all this through text! (⌒▽⌒)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow! I hadn't realized we'd written so much! :D thx for writing this all down by the way! It must have taken forever!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Oh, I didn't write it all down, I copied it all from our text, pasted it onto notes and then posted .. read more

12 Years Ago phone user....

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3 Reviews
Added on August 12, 2012
Last Updated on August 12, 2012



Sablier, AZ

We are two girls who like to co-write stories together! We both like Art, Music, and Fictional Characters ;) よろしくお願いします!&#.. more..

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by ShadowSpinners

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by ShadowSpinners