RyuKyuYo Chapter 6

RyuKyuYo Chapter 6

A Chapter by Shadow666

The ending chapter :D What a great adventure. Kinda short...


“Bring her aboard the ship! My medics will treat her!” Tetsuya exclaimed, picking Tatsu’s bleeding body up.

 The three jumped upon the massive glider that flew up to the airship. Immediately, doctors took Tatsu from them and rushed her off out of site. Ryuu and Akira were desperately pacing. Ryuu cursed to himself for letting her wander off. Akira, was praying for her well being. After 5 hours of painful waiting, a nurse finally came out.

“She is going to survive.” She smiled.

“Can we see her yet?” Ryuu demanded.

“She is still unconscious, but you can see her.” She replied, and led the two down the hall.

They found her sleeping in a bed. Her side was stitched up, and wrapped heavily in bandages. Her sleeping form seemed at peace. Akira went over and placed his hand upon her forehead. He stroked her hair slowly, and then spoke in a low tone.

“Everything is over now; there is no more war, no more fighting.” He whispered. As if to respond to his voice, her eyes opened. Her deep crimson eyes were confused at first, then relaxed. She smiled at Akira. She then looked at Ryuu.

“I think as soon as I am healed, she should pay mother and father one last visit.” She whispered. Ryuu just grasped her hand.

“Yeah, they would like that. We should give them a proper burial, for them, and the villagers.” He replied.

                After a few days, Tatsu had healed quickly with the help of magic. She was soon on her feet again, spontaneous as ever. Tetsuya, showing them hospitality and thankfulness had decided to reward Tatsu for her sacrifice and elimination of the world’s last great threat.

“Even though your quest was for revenge, your heart is pure. You had to experience much pain and suffering. You lost much, but helped so many. I shall reward you with this blade, a token of our appreciation. It has been in the Teppo for many generations. It is a grand treasure that you deserve.” Tetsuya had announced to Tatsu, in front of the entire Teppo army.

“I…um” Tatsu was speechless. She had doubt in herself that she did much of anything. It was all the Tsukiyo that gave her the strength to overcome the Tsurugi. She did little other than yell and use the sword with little knowledge of what she was doing. Tetsuya held out a Jade encrusted broadsword, the Teppo’s grandest treasure. She looked down at the floor. She could not accept it.

“I’m sorry…I don’t mean to be rude. I don’t deserve this.” She muttered. Tetsuya just smiled.

“Why do you think that?” He asked.

“I didn’t do anything, it was all the Tsukiyo.” She explained.

“Did the Tsukiyo choose to fight in the beginning?”

“No, I choose revenge.”

“Did the Tsukiyo choose to sit around and go insane, or did you choose to finish what you started?”

“I choose to finish…ok I see your point, but anyone could have done it!” Tatsu confessed.

“No, you are the last Haruka other than your brother. You took the blade, and had you just given up. This war would have gone on for many, many years. “Tetsuya finished, and he held out the blade again. Tatsu hesitated, but then took the blade from his hands. The warriors all clapped one by one till the whole room was full of applause. Tatsu blushed crimson and a faint smile appeared on her face.

“Do you guys want a lift home?” Tetsuya asked.

“That would be nice.” Ryuu replied. Akira, Tatsu and Tetsuya were within Tetsuya’s quarters.

“Also, don’t worry. We, the Teppo plan on maintaining peace for as long as we stand. The world should be safe for now.” Tetsuya told them.

“What about Tamashii? What will happen to it?” Tatsu asked.

“I have sent a disaster airship to pick up the pieces and repair the city. There were a lot of survivors that had hidden themselves in the underground railways. So everything will be back to normal within a month or so.” Tetsuya explained.


                So the three were dropped off just outside the remains of Itami, and they just stood for a moment looking at the remains. Akira had not seen the wreckage before, and was gaping opened mouthed at the ruins.

“We should make a proper burial site, for the fallen ones.” Ryuu whispered, walking slowly to the city gates, which were torn aside on the hinges. For the next 8 hours, the three had made a Funeral Pyre, and built a small shrine to place the ashes of the villagers. After cleaning up most of the small Estate, the three sat exhausted upon old stone steps, it was what remained of a small building.

“What are we going to do now?” Tatsu asked, fingering the jade sword.

“Well, this place is…home. Maybe rebuild a house and live there?” Ryuu suggested.

“You can live in Tonbo if you guys want.” Akira suggested.

The three sat there silently. Tatsu then gasped.

“I really liked traveling; maybe we can be traveling merchants!”  She exclaimed, not really knowing what they would sell.

“What are you gonna sell?” Akira asked, Tatsu smile vanished. “We can be hired blades, mercenaries.”  Akira suggested.

“Oh, I like that idea!” Tatsu replied, leaning up against Akira affectionately. He wrapped his arm around her.

“Me too” Ryuu added.  “I get to pick the name though!”

“What would you call it?”

“The Dragon gang!” Ryuu joked.

“I’ve had my fair share of dragons’ thank you…” Tatsu smirked.

“How about the RyuKyuYo?” Akira asked.

“Eternal night?”

“Sounds….creepy. I like it!” Ryuu laughed.

“Yeah” Tatsu added.

                The three decided to become the RyuKyuYo gang, the hired blade of the South. They worked to protect towns from bandits, thieves, and assassinations. Every year, they would always return to Itami, to pay respects to their fallen clan. Akira had married Tatsu after 3 months of being with her. Ryuu, on the road had met a girl named Senna, in which he had also fallen for and married soon after. The three never forgot the dragon, which was rumored to be seen flying high over the world. Watching humanity closely.

© 2009 Shadow666

Author's Note

This is the end, hope is wasn't too short :s

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It was good. ^^ I liked it. Keep it up and you will get better and better.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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Added on October 7, 2009



Coure d' Alene, ID

I don't post anymore on here. more..

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