RyuKyuYo Chapter 4

RyuKyuYo Chapter 4

A Chapter by Shadow666

The story gets even better as it draws close to the final battle :O


Ryuu and Akira watch helplessly as magic engulfs Tatsu in a teleportation spell. The soldiers from the roof start jumping down to kill them. Ryuu and Akira ready to fight them. Akira, moving very fast had shot several poisonous darts that struck several of the soldiers in weak points in their armor, Ryuu, taking the chance to attack them fiercely with his katana, causing blood to fly like rain. The captain, seeing how quickly his men were falling decided to flee like a coward. Akira ran off to catch him, and got a lucky shot in. The poison paralyzed the man. Ryuu ran up and was about to strike the man down, then Akira stopped him.

“We don’t know where they have taken her!” He explained. Ryuu looked furious, and walked over to the man’s head and pummeled him with the hilt of his sword.

“Where is she?” he demanded. The man just laughed, laying still. The poison prevented him from moving. Ryuu, taking his sword and driving the tip into the man’s shoulder, demanded the answer again. The Captain was in much pain, but he still refused to answer. Ryuu continued to stab the man making nonfatal wounds in his limbs. Finally, the man broke to the torture.

“I don’t know!” he gurgled with horrible pain deep in his voice. Ryuu just stabbed him again, he held no remorse. “I don’t know!” The man shouted again, with tears in his eyes. Ryuu then dealed the final blow and pierced the man in the heart.

“Damnit!” He cried, knowing he had failed as a brother. He had failed to protect Tatsu. Akira stood silently with him, he knew he had failed also.

“I’ll find her, if it’s the last thing I do.” Ryuu shouted. Akira nodded, and the two left the carnage in case any more Tsurugians showed up.


They decided to hide out in a small bar to discuss what they were going to do. They sat alone in the darkest corner of a musty bar called “Aegis.” Only one other man besides the bar tender was there. He sat at the next table with a mug of beer. Looking at them, as if not sure what they were.

“She has to be still in the city, transportation spells can’t move humans that well.” Akira explained.

“Where would they take her, and more importantly, what are they going to do with her?” Ryuu asked.

“Well, we know the Tsurugians won’t kill her. They need her to wield the blade.” Akira muttered.

“We know she won’t obey anything they say, so what can the possibly do in hopes to wield the power for themselves?” Ryuu pondered.

The man that was listening in on their conversation, he turned to face them. His face was filthy and had a thick beard. His eyes seemed to have a joyful expression. He had the intent to help the two.

“Well, she is probably at the Cyber-net Corporation.  They fuse machines with humans, and even do human experiments there. I’ve seen people that have been placed under control by machines before.” He told them, before getting up to leave. “You didn’t hear it from me though.”  He smiled, and was gone out of the small dark bar.

“I’ve heard of that before!” Akira exclaimed. “They are going to put a machine on Tatsu to control her!”

Ryuu jumped to his feet, Akira soon followed. They both got up and went out the door.

“We have to find her before that happens.”

“Ay, let’s go!” Akira replied, and the two began their search.




                Tatsu awoke, she was laying in a bed. She tried to sit up, but realized she was strapped to the bed. Panic over took her, and she fought franticly against the restraints. Her eyes darted around the room, she was alone. She noticed the Tsukiyo against the wall by her bed. She reached for it, but was unable to grasp it. She gave up and relaxed. She wondered what was going to happen. She assumed they had killed Akira and Ryuu, but before she could begin to weep, the door opened. A broad man with dark hair, and a square jaw gazed down upon her with merciless black eyes. He had the appearance of a Scientist.

“You’re awake already, too bad.” He chuckled.

“Let me go, you b*****d!” Tatsu yelled, struggling against the restraints.  Several more Scientists came in through the door. One was carrying something, to Tatsu it looked like a mask headset of some sort. The Scientists approached her with it, and she fought even more franticly. They took off the restraints and held her down. One shoved the machined over her head. The headset covered her eyes and ears. She couldn’t see anything. She heard one Scientist shout.

“Ok, turn it on!” and she heard a door close. Then, the visor went from black to clear. She could see again. It was a display screen. The Scientist let go of her, and she took the opportunity to run. Attempting to get up, she discovered she couldn’t move. Attempting again, she got no response from her body. Tatsu was very afraid now. She assumed this machine was some sort of mechanical brain control device. She kept trying to move without anything but a twitch from her left pinky.

The scientists shook hands as they thought they accomplished their goal.

“Good work, Hideki will be proud of you” One complemented the square jawed man.

 The man with the black eyes had a control pad, and decided to “Test drive” her. Tatsu got up against her will and picked up the Tsukiyo. She tried to resist the commands, but she could not win.

“So, who wants to blow something up?” One of the scientists suggested. Tatsu cringed with rage inside. Was she just a toy? Her anger was growing by the second as she was forced to walk out of the room into a large area. She could feel the Tsukiyo responding to the commands that were not hers. She was forced to display the power, destroying objects for the Scientist’s pleasure. Tatsu could feel the curse growing stronger the more she used the power. The darkness inside of her soul slowly crept up to her heart, consuming her personality and emotions. Tatsu started to go insane with hopes of escape, freedom, and fear, she screamed mentally at the scientists as she started to regain control of her body, slowly breaking the hold of the machine.

 Finally, Tatsu felt the curse root itself in control again, as neither she, nor the scientist turned to face them. A faint smile had appeared on her face. The Tsukiyo flashed, and the first Scientist fell with a blood curling scream. Crimson blood splattered the wall behind the fallen man.




Ryuu and Akira were searching for the building in which the man had told them about in the bar. It was not hard to find, seeing how it was the tallest building in the city. It was a massive column of metal and glass that rose at least a mile into the sky. The buildings around it were connected by skywalks and bridges, but were still dwarfed by its massive size. They raced up to the building and tried to enter, they were stopped by the guards. Ryuu was about to just kill them, but Akira stopped him, and led him off to the side.

“They are just normal people doing their job, you don’t have to kill them.” he pleaded.

“Do you have any other plans to get into that building?” Ryuu argued.

“There is always a back door” Akira smiled. He pointed across the street.

It was a shop that sold Sky gliders. The two snuck over there and stole two of them and ran off as fast as they could as the angry shop owner cursed and chased them down the street. The two took refuge in an ally. Panting, Ryuu looked at the glider. It was light, and shaped like a boomerang. A single small engine was fitted to the bottom. Handles were fitted to the top with a harness to support him in flight.

“I have no idea how to fly one of these!” Ryuu exclaimed.

“It’s easy!” Akira replied, explaining how to start it and how to steer. Ryuu listened intently, since this thing was going to be his life line. If he failed to learn, he would most likely plummet to his death if he did it wrong.

“Ok, I think I got it.” He muttered finally. Akira positioned his glider into take off stance.

“Then let’s go save her!” He exclaimed, turning on the engine. Air gushed out the engine as the craft hovered slightly. Akira gripped the handles, and placed his feet into the harness straps. Hitting the gas, he took off at incredible speed. Ryuu followed suit. Soon, both of them were soaring higher and higher  in circles around the building, like seabirds on an ocean thermal. They circled the building as the air was getting colder. Soon, they were so high; they couldn’t see the people on the ground. The smog was thick below them as the air got clearer the higher they went. Soon, they reached the last balcony about three fourths of the way up the building. Landing carefully, they hid the gliders behind a vending machine that was conveniently placed. Together, they snuck into one of the doors.

They found themselves in a long empty hallway. Ryuu unsheathed his sword, and began to run. Akira followed suit. Finding themselves in a crossroads, they looked a map engraved in the wall. According to it, they were in the North Spire. Where A.I. and robotics where manufactured. They had to get to the South spire to where human experimenting was taking place. Soon an alarm was sounding at their breaking an entry. Ignoring it, they took an elevator. They went down to where the towers connected. As soon as the door opened, they were confronted by guards. Ryuu quickly subdued them with a dance of his blade. Akira led the way to the South spire. More guards had appeared to catch them, this time, many of them.

“There are too many, we have to run!” Ryuu shouted, yanking open a door to the stairs. The two started to ascend the thousands of stairs with guards hot on their tale.

Suddenly, the whole building shuddered. Akira and Ryuu stopped to look up. Flames had erupted several flights up. They both looked at each other and knew it was Tatsu. Then, they noticed the flames were descending down the stairs at a rapid pace. They jumped through a side door just as the flames exploded around the opening. Burning alive all the guards that were after them. The two went back into the stair well and began to ascend once again. Throwing open the last door. A terrible site met their eyes.

Tatsu stood, with the blade in hand. Her eyes covered with some sort of visor. Blackened bodies of dead scientists littered the ground around her. Blood was splattered over the walls around her, the blade, also painted red with death. Her clothes, crimson with blood. Her face held the expression of joy.  She turned to face them, her smile deepened. She raised the Tsukiyo once again. Magic of old surged from the blade at the two, lightning bolts of black ripped the ground apart as it surged to kill its targets. Ryuu grabbed Akira and jumped out of the way, just as the lightning ripped apart the wall behind where they just stood. Akira got up from the rubble and stood facing Tatsu. She had raised her sword again. Akira stood fearlessly…

“TATSU!” he called, with tears in his eyes.

Immediately, she hesitated. Tatsu had come back to her senses. She dropped to her knees and ripped the visor off, throwing it against the wall, shattering it into a thousand pieces. She looks at them, her eyes full of shame and sorrow. Tears flowed silently down her face. She then looks up at them, and shouts.

“I’m sorry! I had not meant too! Please forgive me!” She begged. Akira walked up to her, and embraced her. Tatsu cried into his shoulder.

“It’s ok Tatsu, it’s over now.” Whispered, hugging her tight. Tatsu cried harder, knowing what she almost had done. She could not forgive herself. Ryuu, had also walked over to her, and embraced her. Telling her everything was going to be alright in the end.

                When the tears stopped, the three had to leave the building. They knew they were in deep trouble. As they made their way down, they looked out a window. The whole building was surrounded by soldiers. They were most likely going to die.




                Lord Hideki sat angrily as he just got the news that the machine had not worked on Tatsu’s power, and that he lost some of his best scientists. So he made up his mind.

“General, bring me her head. If we cannot have the Tsukiyo’s power, then no one shall!” He commanded. The General replied with a nod, as he marched out of the command vehicle that Hideki was positioned in. The General had been newly promoted since Kohaku’s death had been making much fame for himself, being more tactical and more adept to war than Kohaku, despite his youth. His name was Hyorin. His captains, coming up for new orders had greeted him with respect.

“General Hyorin, the three targets are in the south spire. We expect them to be trying to make and escape through force. We have the building surrounded.” One captain reported.

“There were Sky gliders removed, that two of them used to rescue the girl. They can’t get down that way.”  The other reported.

“Good, so let them come out of the building. Assemble a firing squad at the entrances. Let them come to us. They cannot stay in their forever.” Hyorin commanded. His clean shaven face was smiling. He knew he would win this little quarrel with little worry. They were three children, when he was in command of thousands of men. He was not even afraid of the girl’s power. Magic was not as powerful as thousands of guns and cannons. He turned to face the building, the sun glinting off the window’s surface, casting a sparkling image on the surrounding area. It was a perfect setting for a battle.

© 2009 Shadow666

Author's Note

May contain typos, don't tell me in your reveiws ^^

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I liked it, it keeps getting more and more exciting as the chapters continue. I think i'm going to share your stories with my friends, as a thank-you for reviewing my story :3! Keep on with the good work! :D

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Added on October 4, 2009



Coure d' Alene, ID

I don't post anymore on here. more..

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