RyuKyuYo Chapter 3

RyuKyuYo Chapter 3

A Chapter by Shadow666

Next installment


The airport was located towards the back of town. Akira led the way through the crowds and narrow streets. High above them were huge airships of many colors and shapes that hovered above the ocean. Akira found the central station of the port. He asked the clerk if there where any airships heading to Tamashii soon.


“Only one, the big red one, sai.” She said with an strange accent. They looked up into the sky for a red airship.


“There” Tatsu exclaimed, pointing to a small ship hovering not far away.


They made there way up the port docks and finally found the right one. Just as they were shoving through the crowd, Tatsu bumped into someone with blue hair. They both stopped to look at each other. Tatsu found herself staring into her brother Ryuu’s eyes. She stood aghast. Akira stopped walking and looked back. He was about to say something when, Tatsu and Ryuu embraced each other with joy and sorrow.


“I thought you were dead!” Tatsu, sobbed through tears and joy.


“I thought you were killed by the Tsurugi” he added, hugging his little sister tightly.


“No, I killed them.” She said bluntly.


“What? What do you mean?” Ryuu asked, puzzled.


“I used the Tsukiyo, Ryuu…” Tatsu replied faintly.


“What?!” he yelled in surprise. “But, the curse?” he was completely confused and did not know what to say.


“I used the sword to avenge the Haruka clan, brother.” Tatsu explained.


“But what will become of you?” Ryuu asked his eyes full of worry.


“I don’t know, but I will find a way” Tatsu muttered. “I am going to Tamashii to exact the rest of my revenge”


“What? No you are not.” Ryuu argued, he was not going to let his sister get killed.


“Yes I am!” Tatsu yelled back.


“They will kill you the instant you land there! I have even seen wanted pictures here.” Ryuu yelled to her, and she ignored him as she made her way through the crowd. He had no choice but to follow. If he could not dissuade her, he had to go with her to protect her. Akira ran after her also, Ryuu looking in confusion at Akira. Soon, they boarded the ship together. Tatsu had already purchased the 3 tickets. She looked back at them as they caught up with her.


            As they boarded the ship, the whole structure rumbled softly as the massive engines activated and the ship slowly got higher into the sky. Then after a jolt, the ship was on its way. Upon the ship, the three had found themselves seated in a passenger booth. Akira introduced himself to Ryuu as the three sat together in a booth. They shook hands without a word from Ryuu. He was eyeing his sister, as she sat looking out the window in stubborn silence.


“Who exactly are you?” Ryuu inquired, he had to shift his attention to not yell further.


“I’m Akira Mibu, a medicine man from Tonbo. I helped your sister out of a jam.” Akira replied.


“Thanks Akira” Ryuu gratefully replied. He got up, walked out of the booth to outside deck. He watched over the railing as the ship flew over the ocean, the clouds flowing like water over the side of the ship. Akira joined him soon after. Akira stood in silence with him. Ryuu was the first to speak.


“Promise me something.  Please protect Tatsu.” He whispered, looking Akira in the eye.


“I will, we are linked by Hitzuzen. It is my fate.” Akira smiled. “It’s funny when you are not controlled by fate. Yet you want to follow it” He added.


“Life is not governed by fate, but is ruled by the will to change it.” Ryuu muttered in response.


            Tatsu stayed inside of the ship and looked out the window. It was her first time flying and it unsettled her. So she just sat there staring out into the clouds. Akira came in from the outside to say hello.


“We are almost over the ocean now” Tatsu whispered plainly.


“You can see it better from outside.  Come on I’ll show you!” Akira laughed, pulling her out of the booth and onto the deck. Tatsu was not scared of heights, but was uneasy being up this high. Akira sat next to her and pointed out across the sky.


“Look, Sky serpents!” He yelled. Tatsu looked in the direction of where he pointed to see several winged serpents in plumes of gold and azure snaking across the sky like ribbons. Their bodies covered in glittering scales of various shades and hues. Their wings were long and narrow like that of an albatross, their manes long and full like a lion’s. Tatsu watched in amazement of these strange new creatures.


“Sky serpents are very rare are a symbol of good luck.” Akira explained. He was smiling at Tatsu with gentle friendly eyes again. Tatsu just smiled back with a loss for words.


            After many hours of sightseeing in the sky, they finally decided to go back below. They sat with Ryuu in the mess hall to pass time, since the ship was still very far from its destination. Tatsu felt the need to apologize to her brother.


“Ryuu, I’m sorry. I had not meant to yell at you...” She began, but he stopped her.


“We were both irrational at that moment. All that matters is that we are alive, and we are safe for the time being.” He sighed, looking deep in thought.


“We need to change your appearance before we get to Tamashii. The hair must come off” Ryuu began.


“What!?” She exclaimed, not wanting to cut her waste length hair. She knew she would have to.


“The Tsurugi know what you look like, we need to make you look different so you will be a bit safer until whatever happens next.” Ryuu took out his own katana and was about to approach her.


“I will do it.” She stopped him, taking out a small dagger she kept in her sleeve, a priestess’ secret weapon. She stalked off to a little room to do it. She cut her hair as short as possible. It now looked spiky and uneven. She also decided to take change her kimono that she was wearing since that day the Tsurugi came. It was now dirty and torn anyways. She snuck out to a shop on the top level of the cruise air ship to buy some clothes. She bought male clothing instead. If she was going to be in disguise, this was the best option. She bought a pair of loose leather pants and a plain shirt with a leather vest. After she tried them on, she tossed her old clothes in the trash. He last memories of home with it. She made her was back to where Ryuu and Akira sat.


“How is this?” She asked them. They both turned around to look at her.


“ that really you Tatsu?” Akira gaped, amazed.


“You look like a total boy now!” Ryuu laughed. “You look even manlier than Akira.”


“Hey that’s not funny” Akira frowned, Ryuu just patted him on the head.



“Heh, that was the whole point.” She laughed. She even looked more male carrying around the sword. In Itami, if you carried a sword, you were considered “of age” To lead your own life.


“We getter get some sleep, the travel is still many hours away.” Akira suggested, as the three made their way back to the booth.


They lay, or sat silently in their seats. Akira had lain length-wise and was soon snoring loudly with a little drool coming out of his mouth. Tatsu had to resist the urge to laugh at the spectacle. Ryuu was soon sleeping upright also. Tatsu sat in silence, she didn’t want to sleep. So she got up and left the room and onto the deck again. The sun had fallen to the surface of the water, casting a red-purple glow on the clouds. Several sky serpents, she assumed the ones from earlier, came up to the side of the ship in front of her. One flew over to her, and landed on the deck to investigate her. Tatsu was not sure if they were dangerous or not, so she just sat very still as the snake flick its forked tongue at her. The serpent’s partner landed also next to her. Then from behind, a stranger’s voice sounded.


“A sky serpent lands, only to those that are bound to suffer.” The low, rough voice whispered. Tatsu turned to look, a tall man, dressed in Shingetsu Priest’s clothing. He had dark brown hair, silver eyes and a long thin scar down his left cheek, his face, worn with age and injury.


“You’re a priest from Shingetsu?” Tatsu exclaimed, surprised.


“Ay, my name is Isha. I am from the village Karasu” He told her, gazing at her. “You have the aura of a priest, what village are you from.”


“I am…..from Itami. It is destroyed now.” She replied, heavy sorrow in her voice.


Isha was silent then walked over to her and sat down next to her. Tatsu was going to say more, but then was silent. She watched as the serpents slithered to her and nudged her hand. She rubbed their plumes softly.


“Your disguise is rather amusing.” He smiled.


“You can tell?” She muttered, as the serpent and its partner finally took flight again. She was sad as she watched them depart.


“Your voice is too female, and your eyes tell a lot.” Isha explained.


“What did you mean about the sky serpents?” Tatsu asked, cutting him off.


“Ah yes, it’s an old maid’s tale. The sky serpents are viewed as good luck, and when one touches down, it means the opposite. It is because the serpent weeps for those destined to suffer.” Isha told her, Tatsu just looked out over the water.


“I know I am destined to suffer, for as long as I carry this sword, this curse.” Tatsu spoke in a low tone. She looked at Isha with her red eyes.


“You are cursed?” Isha exclaimed, slightly surprised.


“This sword I carry, it is the Tsukiyo katana. I used its power, and now I am bound to it unless I break the curse by granting its wish.” She explained.


“Ah, the Tsukiyo, such an ancient sword…” Isha whispered. “Do you know how it was created?”


“Forged from the Shichibi’s claw, wasn’t it? Itami Haruka had defeated the dragon and forged the sword from it.”


“There is more to it than that. If you wish, I can tell you the whole tale.” Isha proposed.


“Not like I have much else to do until we land.” Tatsu replied.


“Long ago, Shingetsu used to be the home of the most fearsome monsters known to mankind. Demons of many levels and power roamed the land, killing anything that challenged it. They harbored magic and power beyond your wildest dreams. There used to be a legend, that if you defeat one of the tailed beasts. You will become a god, endowed with powerful magic and immortality. Many believed it to be true. Many men lost their lives attempting it. Only one man, Itami Haruka, managed to do it. He had defeated the 8-tailed dragon, by using ancient magic. He had sealed the beast and all of its power into the form of a sword. The ancient magic is still beyond the understanding of today’s priests. This ancient magic had a price. It would curse the bloodline of the Haruka, driving the wielders insane with their own lust for power, greed, and hatred. The dragon, using its own brand of magic, had decided it could to try and kill off the entire bloodline of the Haruka by allowing the sword to only be held by any descendants of Itami.” Isha took a deep breath. Tatsu just stared in wonderment.


“So, the dragon originally wanted all the Harukan to die in the end. What happens after we are all gone?” she asked.


“The dragon will be trapped forever. It must know by now that it cannot escape the blade unless the ancient magic is lifted.” Isha explained.


“What happens if the dragon is set free? Tatsu asked, thinking about the dragon’s wish.

“The dragon will be free to do as it pleases.”


Tatsu said nothing for a long time. She wanted to be free of the curse, by letting the dragon loose. What would happen then? Would the dragon decide to destroy her, her brother, and her new friend Akira?  Would it set fire to the world in its rage for being sealed up in the first place?


“I want to break the curse” She muttered finally. “The dragon said it would take the power of the heart. I think he means love.”


“So he did. Love can break the most powerful curses. Only one love can shine through the deepest darkness. That is true love, the love that you would die to save.” Isha explained, as he rose to his feet. “I wish you fair travel on your journey young maiden.” And he vanished into the ship. Never to be seen again.


“Ay, I hope it all turns out, in the end.” Tatsu wished herself. She also got up, and with one last look at the sky. She made her way indoors to sleep.




            A chucky straw colored hair man saw Tatsu come on to the ship before she changed her appearance. He recognized her as the wanted girl for a very big reward. He contacted Tamashii to tell them of the news, so when he landed, He was going to make it rich. Laughing, as he told them how she now looked like a boy and what kind of cloths she was wearing. He also informed the Tsurugian captain he was talking to, of the two companions she was with. The man got excited as the ship began to descend in the early hours of the morning.




            Tatsu awoke the next morning just as the ship was docking into the port of Tamashii with a loud shudder. She quickly awakens Akira with a sharp kick in the ribs. Akira moaned loudly and Ryuu awoke with a start. Almost thinking they were under attack.


“Get up you lazy bums!” She laughed. Akira rolled over and fell on his face. Ryuu got to his feet and stretched.


“Let’s get moving.” He yawned. Akira was also on his feet, half asleep and yawning. He nodded in agreement and followed the two out the door to the unloading dock.


Upon exiting, the found out that they were in the city of Midgara, the biggest city in all of Tamashii. Tatsu looked up at the looming industrious buildings that streaked into the sky like jagged teeth in the mouth of the world. They were at least 100 times bigger and uglier than the ones in Tonbo. The sky was heavy with smog and cast a golden haze in the once blue sky. The air smelled of diesel and dust. Vehicles bustled loudly over the streets full of important looking people. The alleys full of grimy men and women who have lost everything. They sat begging for change and grasping at ankles. Tatsu didn’t even know where to go, so the three of them stood there in amazement for a while.


“Not a single Tsurugian soldier…strange.” Akira pointed out. The two glanced again, he was right.


“This is the Tsurugian home city…they have to be here somewhere.” Ryuu shared. He looked around.


Tatsu stood still, she sensed something was wrong. Her hair stood one end, she felt magic in the air. Quickly, she looked around. Looking up, she saw several soldiers all looking at her from a balcony. All with crossbows carefully aimed at Akira and her brother. As she saw the bows release their arrows, she summoned a barrier just in time to save her friends. The arrows pelted off the invisible wall like rain. Coming to attention of their foe, Ryuu and Akira stood in ready to fight. Ryuu had his own sword drawn. Clutched in his hands with focus, and was very calm. Akira had a small dart gun pulled out that Tatsu had never seen before. He also had the look of a warrior that she never knew existed within him. The three faced the small group of soldiers ready to fight.


            One of them, which seemed to be the captain of the small group, started laughing. His face was hidden within a tiger like red helmet. His voice sounded eerie as it echoed through the metal holes.


“So you are the one who killed a whole score single-handedly eh?” the male voice chuckled. He seemed to hold no fear towards her. Tatsu sensed more magic in the air. She looked around in alarm, expecting to see an attack of some sort. The captain laughed above her menacingly.


“You can sense it, too bad… it’s already too late.” He chuckled, Tatsu gasped in shock as a magic circle appeared around her like purple lightning bolts. The magic released as she was teleported in an instant to an unknown place. Immediately, she knew she was in trouble.

© 2009 Shadow666

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I love it alot. I absolutely love your characters and the plot! Also..I have a favor to ask of you. Would you please go to my profile and look at my story please? It would mean so much to me if you did. Thank you.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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Added on October 3, 2009



Coure d' Alene, ID

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