![]() RyuKyuYo Chapter 2A Chapter by Shadow666![]() Next installment...and the plot thickens D:![]()
(Prologue) - After the events in Itami, Tatsu has been wandering the country of Shingetsu. She is now wandering along the coast of the
Chapter two She awoke later next to a campfire. She was inside a blanket and had a cool wet rag on her forehead. She sat up and looked around. She could smell the pungent aroma of pine and cedar. She was now in a thick forest. One other blanket lay across the campfire. “Where am I?” she asked aloud. The out of nowhere, came a voice from behind. “Within the Sakaki Forest” replied a male voice. From behind walked a short, orange haired boy about the same age as Tatsu, if not younger. Tatsu was taller than him by a foot. She had long black hair and hot iron red eyes. The boy had super blue eyes, like a wolf. “I found you on a hill top half dead. You looked as if you hadn’t eaten in several days.” said the boy. Tatsu sighed deeply. “Whatever, thanks. I must leave now” She spoke hastily, and then stood up. The boy was in front of her. “Not till you drink this,” he commanded, holding out a cup with a clear red liquid inside it. “What the heck is that?” She asked loudly. “It’s my special energy potion; it will make you feel good as new. I should know, I’m a medicine man.” The boy replied with a smile. Tatsu didn’t know what to say. The boy was just kind. She didn’t feel any evil in him. He did save her; she had to repay him somehow. And besides, she was in need of some energy. “Okay, I guess” Tatsu took the cup and took a drink of the red elixir. I tasted like fruit with a hint of smoke. She then drank the entire thing. Then, like the boy said, she had energy within minutes. “See, told ya” the boy smiled. “By the way, my name is Akira Mibu. I’m a traveling medicine man from Tonbo” Akira introducing himself, then taking the glass from her hand and put it in his pack that was strapped to his back. “I must be leaving now Akira. Thanks for everything” Tatsu said turning and walking down a path. “Wait! Can I go with you?” he asked packing up the camp and extinguishing the fire. “You can’t, I’m dangerous to be around” Tatsu replied without turning around, she started walking. “Come on, I helped you” Akira exclaimed sounding desperate. Tatsu sensed he was one of those very stubborn people. She had no ideal of why he wanted to follow her ether. Then a saying her mother always used to say about new people. “One person may be all you need to change the world. That one person could be a key to your destiny, and may your meeting be chosen by Hitsuzen.” Tatsu sighed again; “at your own personal risk Akira.” she gave in, and kept walking. He ran to catch up with her, his pack now heavier. “Miss, what is your name?” he asked politely as possible. “Tatsu Haruka” she replied, her name meant nothing but sorrow now. Every time she heard it, her heart ached with grief. The two walked in silence down the forest path till they were back on the plain, and the ocean in sight. The Tsukiyo was still at Tatsu’s side. She eyed it, wishing it were gone. She had a horrible feeling about it. “Where are we headed anyway?” Akira inquired quietly. “To the country of Tamashii” Tatsu replied simply. She didn’t want to go into details. “Wow, that’s real far to travel by foot,” Akira smirked a little sarcastically. “Its across the ocean Akira, Shingetsu is an Island. Tamashii is across the world,” Tatsu explained. Akira laughed, “I was just joking,” he giggled. Tatsu was relieved she didn’t have a clueless traveling companion. “Do you know where I can get a ship or plane to get there?” She asked him. “Yeah, from Tonbo!” Akira exclaimed. “Can you lead the way then?” Tatsu asked, not having the slightest clue to where Tonbo was. She had heard of it though, it was supposed to be one of the biggest cities in Shingetsu. “Yeah, it’s right over the next hill” Akira explained, running ahead. “Really…?” Tatsu thought, so she ran up the hill also. There before her stood the grandest and biggest thing she had ever seen. To Tatsu, it was completely different than what she was used to. The Haruka clan has refused to use technology in Itami. Looking upon this city was like looking far into the future to Tatsu. The city had skyscrapers that stretched far into the sky like trees, and the humans were like small bugs, bustling in and out of them like a hives. Trains and sky-rails laced the ground and air. Shops lined the streets and music boomed from everywhere. People were laughing and playing in the streets with things Tatsu has never seen. Her amazement would have lasted for a long time, if she had no laid her eyes upon a soldier of red armor walking in front of the entrance to the city. As they walked Tatsu had to ask Akira, “Akira, what are the Tsurugi doing here?” she said, dead serious. “Those b******s have occupied it. In exchange, they would not harm anyone.” Akira replied not smiling in the least. “Why don’t the Tonbo fight them?” Tatsu inquired, with her lust for vengence returning. “The Tonbo have no army, they are defended by the Teppo, and Itami, but we haven’t even heard a response to our calls from either one.” Tatsu sighed, “Itami is destroyed Akira”. Akira was staring out into the city and looking at the several red armored people. He was pretending not to listen. The city was crawling with Tsurugian soldiers them. “Well Akira, I’ll get rid of them for you, single handedly” Tatsu asserted, taking the Tsukiyo off her back. “What! Are you crazy! They’ll kill you!” he yelled alarmed. “Don’t worry; I’ve already wiped out an entire score of them before. Almost got Hideki too, but he fled.” She replied, deep in thought. Akira stared and he had stopped walking. “What do you mean? He asked, eyeing her. “It’s a long story. Not something you can understand.” Tatsu replied lazily, looking away. “Tatsu, what is that sword? When I found you, it followed us into the forest.” Akira asked, as if sensing her thoughts. “This is the Tsukiyo katana, a family heirloom.” She explained. “The Tsukiyo; the sword that is cursed with the awesome power of the Shichibi, made by a Harukan by the name of Itami, Also, the founder of the city. Only a Harukan can wield it…, it explains a lot.” Akira explained. Tatsu stood amazed. “Wow, you know more about it than I do.” She laughed, amazed. “So did you learn what you wanted to know?” Tatsu asked, not having to explain anything. “You cursed yourself to gain power?” he asked randomly. Tatsu was very taken aback. “I did not!” she yelling at him and stormed off. Akira ran after her. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it as a bad thing.” He yelled after her. Tatsu stopped; the memories of the day flooded her mind. “I would have never unsheathed the blade for power. I did it to get revenge.” She explained to Akira, with tears in her eyes. He walked up next to her. “Revenge?” Akira asked, catching his breath and apologizing again. Tatsu told him of that night and why she hates the Tsurugi so much. For they have murdered her entire family and destroyed her home. She even told him of the curse that was now upon her, and that she didn’t know what it would do to her. “Tatsu, I’m sorry. I could have not possibly known.” He apologized truthfully. “Just don’t get in the way of my revenge” Tatsu sneered in a deadly manner unlike her. “I wont, I’ll back you up” Akira exclaimed seriously. Tatsu then walked towards the city with intent to destroy the Tsurugi. Upon getting closer to the gatehouse, the guards posted upon tall towers noticed two kids walking up. The guard that controlled the gate was about to open the gate when his superior stopped him. “What is it Captain? They’re just kids.” He asked. “Look closely, doesn’t the tall one look like the sketch we go from the Lord. The Harukan, that he wants alive.” The captain said holding up a rough sketch of Tatsu. “Well I’ll be…so what do you want to do?” the gatekeeper asked. “We ambush her as she walks through the gates, but no killing.” The Captain explained, as he went to go inform the others through a communicator. The guard was nervous. He heard of the girl’s power through lord Hideki himself. She was not to be underestimated. Tatsu approached the gate. Not a hint of fear in her body. She unsheathed the Tsukiyo blade and approached the gates. A foresight flashed across her mind. She sensed danger. Then it hit her, an ambush. They had seen her coming and prepared. Akira was also with her, by her side. He would surly be killed. She held out her arm, “Wait here” and continued. Akira waited patiently as Tatsu kept walking. The gates opened for her, Tatsu stepped inside. Then a torrent of bullets rained down around her. One hit her in the shoulder and one grazing her left cheek. Tatsu quickly then summoned the power of the blade as they reloaded and blasted the ramparts apart that they all stood upon. They fell to the ground along with brick and metal. They abandoned their guns and picked up their claymores. Tatsu counted a total of 20 men. She ran at them faster than humanly possible, the sword granting her physical abilities. She cut down each man before they could even see her. She left a wake of fallen soldiers of the Tsurugi army. She stopped for a second to look at her work. She laughed a little. They were so weak. Then she was surprised at her own thoughts. Then realized the inhumanity of what she just did. She had a whirlwind of mixed emotions. She felt dirty, and evil. She turned around and became sick as Akira came running up to her. “You all right?” he asked concerned. “No” Tatsu admitted, spitting out the nasty taste of vomit. “I can’t believe I enjoyed that. It’s disgusting” She sneered, in a strained voice. “It’s the curse of the Tsukiyo, Tatsu.” He replied in a whisper. “Do you know what the curse is exactly?” She asked him. “I’ve read about it along time ago. It says they sword will turn you into a monster.” He replied. “Well, it’s the price for my vengeance.” Tatsu muttered, and started to walk toward the city. In her path were hundreds of Tsurugi men. Akira was left to watch his new friend become something she wasn’t. He had liked her from the first time he laid eyes on her. He could sense her kindness that was becoming fainter everyday. He watched with empty eyes as she killed them all without the slightest bit of remorse. After the city was freed from the Tsurugi’s and the carnage was cleaned up, Tatsu was actually praised as a hero. They King of the city congratulated her and gave her a reward of 1,000,000 ryou for her trouble. Tatsu didn’t know what to do. So she gave it to Akira to hold onto. Tatsu wanted to leave the city. She was not used to so much attention for killing people. She thought it was stupid, but Akira told her she would need money to get a plane or ship. When the two were finally at peace, they rented a hotel room to sleep for the night. They planned to leave in the morning also. Tatsu was unnaturally tired. Akira gave her some medicine that seemed to help when she slept. She awoke the next morning feeling better. She was up with the sun. She felt kind of happy too. She woke up Akira to get some breakfast from a nice restaurant. Akira got up in a hurry. “I know a real good place we can go,” he laughed, as they headed out the door. “It’s called the Golden Owl. They make good Teppo food” Tatsu was clueless. “What is Teppo food? Tatsu said clueless. She knew the Teppo people of the North. They also opposed the Tsurugi. They also held the most military power. They believed in a world democracy. Their leader was known as Tetsuya Nomuda. “It’s the divine cuisine of the North!” Akira said excitedly. “Kay, I guess I’ll try it.” Tatsu said and followed Akira to a tall white building that was made of brick. There was gilded trim along the windows and doors also. They entered into a dark restaurant with pleasant smells of garlic and beer emanating from the back. A lady led them to a table to sit and gave them menus to look at. As Tatsu sat looking at the strange dishes that lined the menu she also noticed the expensive prices too. “Akira you mooch” she said eyeing him. He was ordering several expensive dishes at that point. “What, you have lots of money” he laughed. “You owe me now” Tatsu smirked, and ordered a strange dish called Haggis and things that looked like giant sausage links. When they were served Tatsu looked at her dish. It looked like meat and veggies inside of a weird bag thing. When she asked the cook, she said it was a goat stomach. Tatsu didn’t really wanted to eat it, but Akira convinced her to try a bite. She took one reluctantly and actually liked it. As they were eating Akira brought up a subject to talk about. “Tatsu, I know a guy who knows about curses if you want to see him. Maybe he can help you.” He explained softly. “Akira, this curse is the price I paid to get revenge. Breaking it will betray the thoughts I had when I received it. The Tsukiyo said there must always be a price, and I paid it.” Tatsu explained mostly to herself. “Well, then there’s the key. Give the Tsukiyo something of equivalent value. Something it would want for the curse to be broken.” Akira suggested. “The Tsukiyo…” And ideal flashed across her mind. “The Tsukiyo would want to be free. There is the soul of the Shichibi trapped inside of it. Maybe if I release it…” Tatsu thought aloud. She also wondered if she could somehow talk to the sword again. Like last time the sword answered her call. It vibrated softly and Tatsu found herself staring into the Shichibi’s crimson eyes. The dragon looked at her with a soft expression. “You have another wish. And to grant it, you wish to grant my own wish?” He asked, looking at her with a puzzled expression. “I don’t want to turn into a monster, I want to protect innocent people and rid the world of the Tsurugi.” Tatsu admitted, with her heart. Emotions raced across her soul. She wanted to be happy again, to make her family proud. She wanted to change the world. She wanted to protect people like Akira. She didn’t know why ether. She just wanted to. The dragon then spoke, “To wield my power is to wield darkness itself. To change the world is to wield your own power, the power of the heart. To grant your wish, you must grant mine. You must find the power of the heart to break the curse, to wield the Tsukiyo with the power of the heart. It will free my soul also. That is what your journey entails. You must find your own power.” With that the dragon disappeared along with the dream. Tatsu opened her eyes. Akira was staring at her. “Are you okay? You spaced out.” He asked. Tatsu smiled, “Akira, why did you decide to rescue me?” She asked. “I don’t know, I felt like I was supposed to. Why?” He asked, thinking about it himself, deep in thought. “The Tsukiyo talked to me just now. He told me how to break the curse,” Tatsu explained. “What? When?” he exclaimed confused. “Inside…um actually I don’t know. It just happened in a split moment.” She explained. “The Shichibi said the curse is broken by the power of the heart, by my own power. If I find this power, and wield the sword of darkness, the dragon’s soul will also be set free.” Tatsu finished. “The power of the heart…isn’t that love?” Akira asked. “Maybe, but I got to find it fast.” Tatsu replied, looking at the mark on her wrist. It was an eight-pronged star, with a dragon’s eye in the center, the eye was not open. Tatsu had not noticed it yesterday, since she wore a long sleeved trench coat. They got up without much more talk. Tatsu paid for the meals and left the place. Akira trailing behind, like a lost puppy. Tatsu then asked him. “Akira, why do you want to follow me?” Akira stopped, “um actually…I don’t know. I just had this feeling that I had to, or bad stuff would happen to me,” He said deep in thought. “We are linked by Hitsuzen. Your destiny calls you to follow me I guess.” Tatsu explained dreamily. “Destiny? Well maybe…but what purpose is my presence.” Akira wondered, doubting his own existence. “To save me,” Tatsu replied softly, but not loud enough for Akira to hear. “You helped me find a path to follow, the path to put the world at peace by getting rid of the Tsurugi. It also is the path of my revenge. The path of killing and blood shed, and it won’t be easy for ether of us.” She finished. Akira stood stunned. “Thanks” was all he could say. Tatsu started to feel affection for Akira. She had no ideal why. She had only known him for two days, yet they talked like they had been friends for years. So they walked in silence to the © 2009 Shadow666Author's Note
2 Reviews Added on September 30, 2009 |