![]() RyuKyuYo Chapter 1A Chapter by Shadow666![]() First taste of awesome. :P I love this story, please rate and comment. This is my first story I have every completed.![]()
(Prologue) The Haruka estate, located in the southern region of Tosho, the only remaining neutral area of the world, it lies within the country of Shingetsu, the only country to have not enter the “War of blood”. It is now home to the refugees of the surrounding countries that were ravaged by the Tsurugi Faction. The Haruka’s army is the only military protecting those people from the outside world. The Haruka clan devotes its time and money towards protecting the peace of Shingetsu. I had to add songs to this story :P Look em up, they match it quite well. Opening theme song: “Wake me up” by evanescence Ending theme song: “Lust for blood” by Gackt Tatsu looked impatiently at her father Suzaku. He still refused to teach her the way of the sword. “Tatsu, you are to be the protector of the Tsukiyo katana.” He replied firmly. “I can do both! I’m 17 now father” Tatsu argued back. “Ryuu gets to, and I don’t” she finished. “He is training to take my place as the leader of the Haruka; he also must protect you if the time comes. Your purpose is greater than you think Tatsu.” Suzaku sighed. “I think its time you truly see what your going to protect” Suzaku whispered as they stood upon the temple steps. They headed inside to the dark shrine. The light was faint with a heavy smell of incense in the air. The back of the room was a great wooden door that was painted black. Suzaku and Tatsu walked towards it. The shrine keepers quickly opened the doors for their master. Inside, loomed a massive black dragon statue, and clutched in its teeth was a 6-foot katana that was jet black. So dark, its surface gave no reflection despite its smooth look. It seemed to absorb the light. The Tsukiyo sword, rumored to hold ultimate power and destruction. The wielder could single-handedly change the outcome of the war. “I cannot get closer than just inside the door. The barrier your mother placed prevents an average person from entering. Only a priest or a priestess in training can get through.” Suzaku said, stopping suddenly. “What makes the sword so evil?” Tatsu asked curiously. “No one really knows. They said the sword was made from the claw of the 8-tailed dragon demon. The Tsukiyo can only be touched by the Haruka clan. They have even considered the Haruka, the children of the tailed demon themselves.” He replied, even wondering himself. “Can I touch it?” Tatsu asked. “You can only touch it if you can get past the barrier, but never unsheathe the blade.” He replied. Tatsu walked a step closer to the blade. As if a huge wall of ice were blocking it, Tatsu could not get closer. She thought of the magic she was taught. Tatsu constructed a spell that would allow her to overcome this one. Tatsu muttered the words quietly as she gathered her spiritual energy and applied it to her being. Tatsu walked towards the barrier. She could feel her magic countering her mothers. She took another step forward. Like walking through water, Tatsu passed through it easily. Tatsu was on the other side of the barrier. “Your really are your mother’s child” announced Suzaku proudly on the other side. Tatsu then walked towards the black sword and placed a finger on the surface. The steel was cold yet gave off a warm aura, almost like it was alive. Tatsu looked back at her father. “This is nothing, mom can do better. Mother is teaching me all that she knows. She taught me how to break barriers a while ago.” She replied, feeling like she might have finally convinced her father to let her learn the way of the blade. Tatsu had always wanted to learn the Haruka fighting style of the Rising dragon. She had seen her brother learn it from Suzaku. She liked to watch them practice too. She figured she could learn by watching. Yet when she tried herself, she usually ended up hurting herself, or an innocent bystander. “So now that you have witnessed my power first hand, can I learn to sword fight?” Tatsu asked while walking out of the shrine with her father. “Maybe, but I cannot teach you. I give you permission to learn, but not to be taught by me. I want you to learn by Ryuu. It will train you and him simultaneously.” Suzaku replied then left the room without another word, and went down the wooded trail that leads back to the Tatsu raced down the mountain that the shrine was perched upon. She knew were to find Ryuu, at the dojo, where he and the rest of the army would train in multiple weapon arts. The Haruka army was small, but was known for its skill. A Harukian soldier was worth twenty, regular militia. She arrived at the dojo within 3 minutes. As she predicted, Ryuu was inside swinging a kendo sword at a fellow trainee. “Ryuu guess what!?” Tatsu bursted out, “I can learn sword fighting”. Ryuu dropped his guard and his friend nailed him in the ribs. “Father said so?” he asked aghast. Rubbing his side. “Yes! But you have to teach me. Suzaku said so,” Tatsu added. “What!” Ryuu exclaimed, more surprised. His short blue hair and eyes gave the expression that he was not going to like this. He and Tatsu were suppose to inherit the estate if their parents were called to war, or died. “I’ll wait till you have time though,” she finished, before he could respond. “Well, I was just about to leave Tatsu. I’m really tired though, so can you wait till tomorrow?” Ryuu asked, as they walked out the door together. “Brother, you look worried” Tatsu suddenly told him, looking him in the eye. “Really? How can you tell?” he asked. “I’m a priestess in training duh. I can read your aura” Tatsu replied joking. Ryuu was her older brother by at least 4 years. “Well, I’m just bothered by this war. It’s drawing closer to the Shingetsu continent.” Ryuu muttered with worry. “You’ll protect us though, right?” Tatsu asked, looking into the distance where the ocean was. The waves were shining in the evening sun. The “Yes, I will protect you with my life. Along with everyone else’s” Ryuu replied. They walked together back to the estate were they were greeted by their mother Yuri as they entered the house, dropping off their belongings to their respective rooms. “Welcome back you two” she welcomed smiling. “After a good day of hard work, I made your favorite dinners, Dango and Miso soup.” “Thanks mother” Ryuu replied warmly respectfully and thankfully. Ryuu and Tatsu both went in together then Suzaku arrived shortly after them. The four of them sat discussing their day while they ate. Suzaku then mentioned to Yuri about the barrier. “Yes, she broke it with ease Yuri” he told her proudly. Yuri was surprised. “Suzaku, you know that the child always surpasses the parent. Not to mention she is the daughter of the strongest warrior of Shingetsu and the high priestess of Shingetsu. Tatsu sat completely embarrassed. Ryuu sat laughing silently at her too. Tatsu sat up and shouted, “Who wants some desert?” Ryuu also got up. “I’ll help too” so Tatsu and Ryuu both went into the kitchen to get out the dessert their mom had baked. It was a large chocolate cake. “Hey, did you really do that?” he asked curiously. “Heck yes! And you should have seen his face.” She explained, taking out the plates for the cake. “I also got to touch the Tsukiyo.” She added, remembering the feeling. “The sword, Father actually let you touch it!” Ryuu said surprised. “Yes he did.” She replied. “What was it like? I thought it was cursed.” Ryuu asked, his imagination soaring. “Like touching something cold, but alive” Tatsu described. Her own imagination thinking of the curse, “You can only be cursed by it, if you unsheathe it” she added in after thought. They finished the task with only regular talk after that. They brought it out after it was cut and placed on a large plate. They sat down back at the table and ate in silence. Tatsu started to feel uneasy for some reason. She finished her cake then got up to go to sleep. After all, she got her wish to finally learn sword fighting. As she walked off, Ryuu sat up to help Yuri with the dishes. Yuri seemed a little uneasy too. Suzaku sensed it in her and asked, “What is it Yuri?” Suzaku asked in a concerned voice. “There is trouble coming tonight,” she whispered. “Trouble, What kind?” Ryuu asked. Suzaku's wife’s predictions were always right. Ryuu and Suzaku both looked at each other. “The kind we have avoided for 20 years.” Yuri replied with a look of worry. “The war is coming, isn't it?” Ryuu asked. He looked more worried then Yuri and Suzaku together. “Ryuu, I want you to go to bed. We may need you later tonight. So get some rest till then,” Yuri told him, hugging him. He turned and left without another word, he wanted to prepare. “We have much to discuss Yuri, with the others” Suzaku said standing and leaving the room. Yuri followed him. Tatsu lay awake on her futon. The window let moonlight flow into her room like a silver curtain. She lay, knowing blood will be spilled tonight in the name of freedom. Being a priestess in training allowed her to predict future events in a most vague fashion. She was rather gifted at deciphering them. Not being able to sleep, she slipped out into the night to see what was going on in the rest of the village. She walked under the cover of the shadows. Outside the estate gate stood her father and mother. They were talking to a man clad in dark red armor. He had a claymore on his back and a small musket on his hip. They were talking in very angry voices. The man was not of the country of Shingetsu. “…I’ll not hand it over to the likes of you” Suzaku growled angrily to the man. “You will, if you value the lives of you clan” the man replied with murderous intent. “Leave now you fool. Or I will slay you myself. The Tsukiyo is not a tool to be used by anyone. Even if I did give it to you...you could not touch it.” Suzaku explained, finishing the conversation. The man turned to leave, then turned back once more. “Who said I was going to carry it..." and the man in the red armor was gone. Tatsu stood thinking, the man was after the Tsukiyo, she then got and idea. She raced to the path leading up to the shrine. She entered the room where the blade was kept. She went through the barrier and took the sword. She strapped it to her back and ran out of the shrine. She was going to hide it till the man left them alone. She left the trail and followed a deer path to a hideout she found when she was small. It was a cave on the mountain that she could see the village Itami from. She sat there with the sword looking at the village, which was cloaked in shadows and the moon’s rays. Lights of the village flickered beautifully in the night. She would wait there till morning. Her feelings sensed that the man was coming back tonight. She sat upon a rock waiting. She thought of going back down the mountain, when all of a sudden a loud roar of and engine roared above her. An airship the size of the whole village flew above her. It was massive and crimson, like the man’s armor. Shaped like an eagle, with blue flames jetting out of the bottom as it landed just outside the village gates, then, opened a hatch and people walked out of it and into the village. Tatsu knew it was the army of the Tsurugi. The man in red was a captain of the army. Red was their symbol, along with the tiger. Within moments, Tatsu watched her home burn. Even being this far away, she could hear the screams of the people. She watched in horror as the village caught aflame in the distance. Tatsu raced from her hiding spot, she had to help them fight. As she raced down the trail, he ran into the very man she seen earlier. The one dressed in red armor. He was startled for a moment, and then realized she had the sword. Tatsu then realized Yuri was standing next to him. “Run Tatsu!” she shouted and kicked the man, “You stupid b***h!” he shouted. The exclaimed, then made a decision between Tatsu and Yuri. “There is only need of one Haruka alive” the man took his musket and shot Yuri in the head. Tatsu watched in horror as her mother fell to the ground, and stained the gravel red. Yuri’s empty eyes stared into hers with sorrow. “No….” she tried to say. The man took the chance to grab Tatsu by the neck. “Good you already have the sword” he sneered. He bound her with a collar, there was a long chain hooked to it also. He led her like a dog down the trail. Tatsu fought against the man, trying to free herself from him, but when she pulled against him, the collar shocked her. The pain was excruciating too. They were returning to the village. Tatsu knew what she would see, but it was nothing compared to what she actually saw. A horrible sight met Tatsu’s eyes. Dead bodies were everywhere, the ground turned to mud with their blood. Maimed and burned bodies stared at her with empty eyes. The sight made Tatsu want to throw up. She knew these people, which is what made it even harsher. The man in red armor walked about their bodies like nothing. He seemed unmoved at the sight, like he did this everyday. Then, as they passed the estate castle that was leveled and charred. A figure was placed upon a cross at its entrance. It was covered in crows, for the fresh kill. They circled high into the sky as they approached. A closer look revealed Suzaku’s mutilated body. Only taters of cloth remained on his torn being. His face was like a mutants’, his eyes gone. Only his long silver hair remained, stained with blood and dirt. Tatsu was overcome by grief and anger. Tatsu anger flared up. She then remembered who exactly who these men were. They were part of the Tsurugi faction of the West. They were a big threat in the war, and to the whole world. They wished for world domination and dictatorship. They fed off of power and drank the world’s blood. Most would not even consider them human. They were evil. She wanted revenge for her family, and she would do anything. She just needed a chance. The man then led Tatsu across the bloodied ground and to the outside of the village: to the massive red air ship. The sun started to rise in the east. The light illuminated the golden letters on the ship. It read, “Zetsubo” the word for despair. Upon seeing the airship a door opened to reveal a single man walking out. He was clad in black and red armor. He wore a hood upon his head. His eyes were cold gray and his hair was the color of blood. He walked out of the ship. The man restraining Tatsu bowed in respect. “Lord Hideki” he exclaimed, bowing, and revealing the back of his neck to him. “General Kohaku, you may rise” Kohaku rose and stood proudly. “Lord, your wish has been granted, one Haruka and the Tsukiyo blade.” He announced, pulling Tatsu to his lord’s feet. He forced her to bow, Tatsu resisted, and Kohaku smacked her. “Show some respect to his lord’s presence,” he said angrily. “Now, now Kohaku is that any way to treat a guest. Tell me girl, what is your name and heritage? The lord said. “My name is Hideki Imaizudi, son of Kamui Imaizudi and Yuko Imaizudi..." Hideki began. “You killed my family, you b*****d!” Tatsu yelled. She almost wished she could die. So she could join her family in the afterlife. Yet she wanted to avenge them as the last Haruka to walk Tosho. Kohaku was about to strike her again but Hideki stopped him. “Kohaku, unbound her” Hideki commanded. Kohaku did immediately without question. “Tell me you name, please” Hideki asked again, kindly. Tatsu could not understand why a warlord was being nice to her. She decided to tell him her name. So one day he would fear it. “My name is Tatsu Haruka, daughter of Suzaku and Yuri Haruka. And I will avenge them” Tatsu announced proudly, and spat and Hideki’s feet. Kohaku slapped Tatsu again, so she fell into the bloody mud at his feet. Hideki then spoke. “The spawn of the strongest, good choice Kohaku.” He whispered, then turned around. “Lock her up. We shall stay today and leave tonight.” Then he walked back up the ramps. Kohaku yanked hard on the chain purposely to cause Tatsu pain. Tatsu in her rage, tried to think of a way out of this. She could sense that her fate was going to be a horrible one. She wanted a way out, a way to get revenge. She had a blood lust towards the Tsurugi, then as if to answer her call. The Tsukiyo started to vibrate. Tatsu then seemed to fall into a dream like state. Then all of a sudden she stood upon a stone tower high in the sky. Clouds of angry red swirled around it. “Where am I?” she thought. Then like smoke, before her stood a dragon with two heads and eight tails. The dragons scales were as black as night. The dragon’s eyes were as red as the sky. It started to speak in a rumbling manner. “You have summoned me,” it rumbled, staring right into Tatsu’s eyes, and into her soul. “Do you truly wish revenge?” it asked. “I wish revenge,” she whispered. The dragon did not move or say anything. Tatsu felt her emotions rise up within her, like fire. She knew the dragon was the spirit within the Tsukiyo, the Shichibi or 8-tailed. “Shichibi, they killed everything I have loved. There is nothing left for me. I will pay any price to see the people who did this die. I don’t care what will happen to me,” Tatsu cried. Her grief started to surface. He warm tears rolled down her face. “Child, your pain is great. Yet your heart is pure. Do you truly wish to wield the power of darkness to exact your revenge?” Tsukiyo asked again, as if to warn her. “Yes, anything will do.” Tatsu replied, wiping the tears from her face. “Then unsheathe the blade, and the power shall be yours, but there is a price; there must always be a price…” the dragon spoke sadly. “Your soul will belong to me, and the darkness within you.” Then the dream ended. Then Tatsu was back in reality exactly the same time and place, being dragged by Kohaku. With the anger in her heart, Tatsu took the blade from her back and pulled the chain back with as much force as possible. Kohaku turned to strike her again. “I will exact my vengeance,” she whispered smiling. Kohaku noticed the blade in her hands. “Don’t!” he made towards her to stop her. Tatsu unsheathed the sword. A surge of energy emanated from the blade. Like a strong wind that surged out away from Tatsu. Kohaku was forced back and had to cover his face. Dirt and ash was swirling around the air, making sight hard. Tatsu hoisted the blade. She could feel the power she was capable of. Kohaku started to flee away from her as the wind died and the curse rooted itself into Tatsu’s soul. The brand of the Shichibi was burned into her right wrist. Kohaku fled in fear of the look in her eyes, the blood lust. Tatsu was no going to let him escape; she wanted to kill him the most. Tatsu now stood in front of him in a flash. “You’ll be the first victim of my revenge” she plunged the blade into his stomach and gutted Kohaku, and he was still alive as she walked away to find other victims of her just revenge. Kohaku was left to die in agony. Tatsu was the confronted by the army that had destroyed Itami, her home, in one night. She summoned the magic of the blade, engulfing the men in a tornado of black fire. She watched as their bodies burned alive and screaming. She was in finished with every soldier in the camp and then headed for the airship to finish it. Hideki seeing her power was no fool, and was fleeing. The airship started to take off. Tatsu swung the blade, which created a blast of black energy, which tore a hole in the ship. An explosion erupted from the left side as it rose higher into the sky, but the ship still flew. It took off over the ocean and into the rising sun. Tatsu screamed into the sky. Her revenge was not exact. She wanted to destroy them all, but no she would have to go to them herself. Her revenge was not over. Tatsu was overcome by her emotions and felt hot tears again. She screamed into the sky as she fell to her knees. She sat there alone, afraid, and in horrible pain. Hope you enjoyed this! Please rate and comment!
© 2013 Shadow666Author's Note
5 Reviews Added on September 29, 2009 Last Updated on April 7, 2013 Tags: anime dragon sword medieval japa |