

A Chapter by Shack016

   Orion is a magical land where all supernatural and magical beings live separate from the human world it was created by The Originals. The Originals are the first ever supernatural beings ever and the first of their kind. In the A.D Millennium four were created by Lucifer: Derek the Demon, Zachariah the Sorcerer, Christian the Vampire and Kane the Werewolf. They were created to bring destruction upon earth. To prevent them from succeeding God created his own four. Katherine the Witch, Isabell the Fairy, Sophina the Elf and Ora the Wizard.

   Instead of fighting each other the 8 Originals decided to come together to keep the balance between good and evil and to protect the people of earth. Lucifer was not happy he tried to kill the Originals, but was not successful they had gained more power after uniting together. God was pleased with their alliance and allowed them to stay on earth. Still enraged Lucifer created more evil to rise to earth and cause chaos. The Originals were forced to use their powers to stop all evil that had risen to earth and save the people and the land.

   Earth was saved, but evil kept returning and harming and killing people. The people of earth got restless and decided to take it all out on The Originals blaming them for Lucifer rage against earth. The Originals knew the people were right so they took a page out of Gods handbook and created Orion. It was lifeless at first, so they created more supernatural races and animals to fill Orion. After the world of Orion was complete The Originals ascended to their very own heavens to watch over their creations.

   In Orion witches were known to be the most powerful race, so they ruled over the land King John & Queen Miriam Phoenix where the first rulers of Orion. They had four kids during their time Adham, Gwyneth, Viola and Gorman. On the day of their births Katherine descended from the heavens and gifted them with a mark of a rose, Adham the Black, Gwyneth the White,Viola the Purple, and Gorman the Blue rose. When their parents died they took over Orion and but the conflict of who will be the sole rulers caused a rift between them. They soon came to a decision to split the Orion into four clans: Black Rose Clan, White Rose Clan, Purple Rose Clan, and Blue Rose Clan.

   Each clan was represented by three families known as the Royal Ones. The three families were said to be the most powerful witch families in their clan. Orion was at peace until a great evil name Baine and Amida and their army appeared wrecking havoc on all of Orion. The Phoenix siblings came together defeating Baine but it was Adham who truly defeated him by trapping into the Black Rose Clans rose tree. Amida escaped during battle and now resides in the Underworld. Over time the Phoenix siblings past away, but their names and legacy remains. Now its up to the Royal Families of the Black Rose Clan to make sure Baine stays trapped.

© 2013 Shack016

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Wow that seems like a very compelling start and I definitely did not expect such an awesome line of events to start your series but I really can't wait to see what the next generation characters are like and what adventures will befall them. Great start.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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Wow that seems like a very compelling start and I definitely did not expect such an awesome line of events to start your series but I really can't wait to see what the next generation characters are like and what adventures will befall them. Great start.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 7, 2013
Last Updated on November 7, 2013



Snow Hill, NC

My name is Shaquille Suggs I'm 19 an Aries. I started writing when I was about 14 at first I would only write during school whenever I was bored. Then I it became a day to day thing. I feel the storie.. more..

AlleyKat AlleyKat

A Book by Shack016

Introduction Introduction

A Chapter by Shack016

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Shack016