Dare To KnowA Poem by Sgammato [Inertia The Musical]Liberty has just witnessed Anthony's exposer of Bilderberg's gross manipulation of the media. The duo sing a song about Truth, and Liberty joins the Movement.Dare To Know LIBERTY: Can’t believe atrocities so obscene Who could use a cruel ruse so easily? Why not choose to diffuse the truth, Not confuse the masses? ANTHONY: Liberty, you must take heed of what you read! Pseudo-news, slanted views mislead Like a zookeeper you know they feed Us with lies to distract us LIBERTY: Anthony, I can see I’ve much to learn Vigilant citizens are preferred You were the spark, you did your part it’s my turn To return to reason ANTHONY: Journalism giants prosper at our expense Free flow of info held in suspense LIBERTY: Break the bonds of ignorance Throw away the sponsors spouting nonsense Take back our innocence Cast aside the pundits, campaign-funded. ANTHONY: From the fiery embers she flies from ignorance The ashes of her past fade black like memories ANTHONY AND LIBERTY: Spin machine will twist you if you tune in Distract you from the issues if you tune in Learn to communicate just Set aside your S.O.M.A., wake up from your coma Turn to the old exchange Remember thought is power, Now’s the hour To let gravity pull you to Something greater than yourself Long ago, we could show that we cared we must show, that this hope is still there Learn to grow, dare to know, it’s only fair Sapere Aude. Learn to grow, dare to know, that’s freedom! © 2011 Sgammato [Inertia The Musical]Author's Note
Added on October 6, 2011 Last Updated on October 7, 2011 Tags: inertia, inertia the musical, dare to know, liberty, anthony, bilderberg, sapere aude, media, bias, media bias, tampa, musical, theatre, social theatre, sgammato AuthorSgammato [Inertia The Musical]Tampa, FLAboutSgammato is the author of Inertia: The Musical www.InertiaTheMusical.com Society is stuck in a state of SOCIAL INERTIA; we are resisting a pull towards something greater than ourselves because.. more..Writing |