![]() Chapter 28: Motor HeadA Chapter by Eryn ♪
Shrapnel from the labratory
falls around us as Motor Head crashes through the building. It's
hulking metal body shone like the unholy light of hell. The ground
below me was raidiant white with the violent shaking caused by the
metal monster. The sight was welcome, yet deffening.
"Escape is impossible." The monster exclaimed. It's metallic voice making me cringe. Still we ran. We had barely reached the bottom step before Motor Head shattered the ground in front of us. "Look out!" Seren screams in my ear, but I can already see the machines seven foot fist crashing towards us. I grab Seren's shoulders, and use all my strength to toss us out of the way. The sound of it's fist hitting the ground is gut wrenching. Just the thought of that thing hitting either one of us makes me want to hurl. Quickly I get to my feet before it can follow up the blow, pulling Seren with me. "This way!" I shout over the machine's noise, and pull her in the direction of the town we came from. The way ahead was dark and I started stumbling over everything. "Range has exceeded local radius. Engaging Long-Range systems." I hear the and I glance back to see it pull out a giant electric guitar off it's back. Damn those ironic government b******s. "Seth watch out!" Seren yells, but its too late, I hit the tree head first, knocking us the the ground. I am immediately thankful for it, for not a moment later do I feel the reverb of the amped monstrosity's guitar. The force is enough to push my body several feet lying down. If we had been upright, we would have been thrown to god knows where. "Scanning for prey." I cuss under my breath. "How far are we from town?" I ask Seren. "Only a little farther I think." She says through her fit of coughing. "We'll have to run for it, I don't think we'll be able to dodge another one of those." I say. Cringing at from my bruises. "Target Seth Pendragon detected, Life signs visible." I hear Motor Head say in the distance. Once more it starts to move in our direction. Faster this time. "S**t, s**t , s**t, go, go, go." I say scrambling to my feet. "Seth it hurts!" I hear Seren whimper, but she is too quiet for me to see. "Make some kind of noise, I can't see you!" I say. Softly she starts to sing through her pain. Her voice lighting up the whole area in blue light. If not for the looming threat of Motor Head I would have taken the time to revel in the beauty.
Crash , Crash
Quickly I grabbed Seren, practically flinging her on to my back and started running as fast as I could. "Keep singing." I say as I race down the road toward the town my path lighting up before me. As we reach the edge of the town I turn quickly hoping to give me a couple seconds to find somewhere to hide from the giant Minder. I notice an alleyway ahead and signal to Seren to stop singing. As we slip around the corner I listen for Motor Head. The hiss of his pistons tells me he has stopped running. Quietly I walk from house to house, hoping for one of them to be open.
The handle turns and I collapse into the entryway. "What do we do now Seth?" Seren whispers. "You don't do anything." I say, trying not to give in to fear. What I had to do in order to keep this girl safe terrified me. "I'll be back. I need you to sty quiet until I call for you okay?" I say. I hear quiet sobbing, but I'm sure she understands because she doesn't say anything. "Good, see you soon." I say standing up. I take a deep breath before racing out of the house.
The world around me is completely black. No birds, no wind, no metal head. "What the..." Hisssss The street lights up fire red around me. I turn to find the looming figure of Motor Head standing over me. "Ssssseeetthhhh... Draaaaggggonnn... Diiiiieeeeee" I start running down the street, my only priority, to get this thing as far from Seren as I can. The monster's metal fist crashes down behind me, and I cover my head with my arms to block the raining debris. Slowly the 50ft titan walks after me, causing more destruction every step of the way. Yet it's movements seem slowed. As I reach the next block I turn to face Motor Head. There had to be some weak point on that giant thing. As it's foot lands I run towards it, leaping on to it's metal shoes. It starts to shake as I begin climbing the leg, like it was trying to get rid of a tick. I hold on to one of many cables that line the metal man's legs with all I could. In that moment I was glad for the months of tedious training I had gone through with the dragons. "GRAAAAAAAAA" The machine screams in frustration, it's sound more bestial than before. I drop down as it swings its metal hand at me, resulting in it shattering it's own leg. I roll as I land on the ground to soften the impact, and to give me a start as I run from the crashing titan. Hiisssss The gasses from the machines leg fill my lungs making me cough. Motor Head's hand appears in front of me, still glowing, but dimmer than before. Maybe if I took out its other limbs I could stop it. Click The sound of a latch opening above me, was the only warning before the explosions began. I could feel of the closest ones searing my skin. Still I ran towards the monster's arm. As I ran, I noticed the whistling bombs before they landed, giving me just enough time to dodge them. The metal arm was surprisingly cool, considering the heat of the explosions. Normally it would be super hot to the touch. As with it's leg, the moment I started up it's arm it's other hand came swinging.This time it would not be able to hold it's weight.
I stood face to face with the Titan's head, which thrashed about wildly. I breathed a sigh of relief. Like this there was nothing the mega Minder could do to me. Or so I thought. After a moment it stopped thrashing, and sat there mouth open wide. The first sound I heard was a whistling, quiet at first, but growing louder. As the sound grew, a white light began to form in the giant's mouth. I felt like a deer in the headlights as the laser charged. I stared dumbly down the barrel of this massive gun just waiting for it to be over.
From the shadows a black mass grabbed me, lifting me from the ground. "EAT S**T METAL HEAD" I hear from above me. I looked down to see the titan's mouth had shut, but the glow was still seeping out. "Close your eyes kid!" The voice warned. Instinctively I obliged, realizing my mistake a moment later when Motor Head's face erupted in white light.
Zzzz-"kay? Hey kid talk to me." A woman was talking to me, still fuzzy to my ringing ears. "Hmm, what happened?" I asked. Finding myself in bed. "Good you're okay." The woman's electric green voice said. "That metal thing exploded and you just blanked out. I nearly dropped you from like twelve stories up." "Ugg, where are we?" I ask, attempting to sit up. I'm greeted by pain all over. "Whoa there, take it easy." The woman says. "We're in the house you left your friend in." "Seren?" I ask groggily. "WAIT SEREN, IS SHE OKAY?" "Yes, yes, please don't shout. I'm right here." The woman said. "Your friend is fine, she's just down stairs waiting for you to wake up. I've bound her ankle so it can heal. Though you took a bit more damage than her." I let out a sigh. Thank goodness she was okay. That little girl, she reminded me so much of Jade, I couldn't forgive myself if anything had happened to her. "Seth?" Seren's voice called softly from past my feet. "You're awake!" she exclaimed as she ran and hugged me. I winced from my burns. "Sorry for making you worry Seren." I say placing my hand on her head. "Thank you for saving us." I say to the woman. "Please, you did all the work." She says, "I mean the way you dodged all those bombs and had it take out it's own arm and s**t. That was pretty intense. Though you kinda goofed it up at the end there." "Uhh, yeah. Well thanks anyway." I reply.
"Of course. I did come to find you
after all." She says nonchalant "You were looking for us?" I ask "Mmmhmm. Your friends are worried about you." she replies, "The girl with a temper and the older gentleman have been looking for you too." "Clair and Danta!" I exclaim. "Right. When you are ready, I'll take you to them." She says and starts to walk away. "Wait!" I call out. "What's your name?" I hear her stop and turn. "I'm Areia. Nice to meet you Seth!" © 2016 Eryn ♪Author's Note
1 Review Added on February 26, 2016 Last Updated on February 26, 2016 Author![]() Eryn ♪Ontario, CanadaAboutI am 21 with red hair and aqua eyes. I face life one picture, one word at a time. Some call me odd, I prefer eccentric. I have fought my demons and I have won. I am known to have ADD. I move forw.. more..Writing