![]() Blank points: JayA Chapter by Eryn ♪![]() So you want to know about the leader of the Dragons, well here you go.![]()
I remember my younger days as something of a tragedy. I was weak and had no place in the world. I lived a sheltered life, but it came at a price. I could have anything; anything but power.
"Lets go on a trip." My parents had said. I was suprised and excited. My parents were never home, always toiling away at work. I remember jumping up and down, waiting impatiently as my parents bought tickets for the park. I could hear all of the people screaming with joy as they wizzed around the tracks. Finally my parents got tje tickets and we went in. The next thing I knew we were standing beside a huge roller coaster. I craned my neck to look at the top. "It's so big." I said. That is when my father told me something I would never forget. "It seems like it is looking down on you isn't it Jay? That is likely how you will feel your whole life, there is always someone with more than you, someone taller, more powerfull, better than you." He said it with a smile, but his words were meant to hurt. Though my fathers words had shaken me, I was determined not to let them ruin my day. It was just after linch when we made it to the giant blue coaster. I wanted so badly to go on it that I had to beg my father to take me. Still he refused and said "I'm to tired to ride that with you. If you want to ride it so badly then you should go yourself." So that's what I did, I waited in line, climbed the steps and got on the sepentine coaster. As I passed around the first bend I saw my parents and waved. Then we started to asscend, I felt like I could fly, I felt powerful like a dragon. We flew across the tracks weaving and diving graceful and smooth, but fast as the wind. As I got off the ride I was thrilled, ready to take on the world. That feeling died an instant later when I could not find my parents. At first I kept calm thinking that they might just be lost in the crowd, but when the crowd cleared there was no one there to wave me down, no smiling faces coming to get me. I spent the rest of the day searching for them. By the time I made my way to the lost child center I was in tears. The man there paged my folks through the night, though they never showed up. Then the park had to close. I was ushered to the gate and left there to wait for them. As it grew darker the mass of people thinned and eventually stopped. It was then that I finally realised that they had left. For a time after that I wandered the streets, depressed, alone, always hungry. I would gather food where I could, sneaking into kids parties and eating until I was found out. There was nowhere for me to go and being ten years old I couldn't get a job. I got more depressed by the day. It was just as my father had told me, I had no power in this world where the individual didn't matter, and children mattered even less. I was twelve when I decided to end my suffering, I walked down to the lake edge, there was no one around at that time of night. I made my way to one of the outcrops, and that is when I saw a little girl a year or two younger than me sitting on the edge. I stood there in shock as I watched her push off and fall into the black waters below. Without thinking I rushed over and jumpped in after her. I readed around in the cold blackness until I felt fabric; then I started to pull the little girl to shore. "Why did you save me?" The little girl asked shaking from the cold. "I didn't want to be saved." I look over to her blue lipped face and realised I too must look like I just stepped out of a freezer. "Why would you want to take your life?" I asked knowing I had been about to do the same. "My parents are so mean." She said quietly, "I couldn't stand the beatings anymore." "At least you have parents" I say, though I felt sorry for her. "Well if you think they are so great you can have them." As we sat by the lake I watched the little girl crying. I wanted so badly to help her, to be her hero, but I couldn't, I was powerless. I begged and borrowed and stole, just to make it to the next day. Still I had to do something. "Why don't you come with me?" I asked. "I don't have a home, or a family, but I can get you food and a place to stay the night." I watched as she turned her icy blue eyes towards me. I could see the hope in them, and it made me feel good. I felt like I could make a diffrence. I hadn't felt like that since two years before. "By the way, my name is Jay." I say trying to keep my voice steady. "I'm Clare." © 2013 Eryn ♪Reviews
StatsAuthor![]() Eryn ♪Ontario, CanadaAboutI am 21 with red hair and aqua eyes. I face life one picture, one word at a time. Some call me odd, I prefer eccentric. I have fought my demons and I have won. I am known to have ADD. I move forw.. more..Writing