My Acceptance Speech...

My Acceptance Speech...

A Stage Play by Sethnicity

follow up to my last speech!...

Why So much Cheering and Dancing my most Awesome Liberal FORWARD Thinking Non PAC supporters who saw beyond Mitt Money and High Gloss Comb-overs? ... Why so somber my opposite voting Constipated Conservative Cohorts and Friends?... My Pot Smoking Socialites, Athletes, and slackers, recreational or Not (youknowyouloveit) Why So Glassy eyed? (otherthantheobvious)   I swear it will be fine! WE are MERICANS! WE MAKE THE BULLETS that OTHER NATIONS Kill for and WITH! Satellite Drones, and Fighter Jets! Spy Phones and War Zones! We bring Good Things To Death! Their will be plenty of Blood Guts and Destruction for you war mongers who were Hoping for WWMitt! I spoke with him personally and said, "It takes Balls To Be So Wrong and So right at the SAME TIME!"     GMO's and Grassroots gas, Missions to Mars, Jeeps and road Tar, Technology and Liberal Tyranny, Bridges and Barbie's! We Built THAT! Minus Barbie's clothes that's foreign trade for ya! We will have more of that! Things are gonna go right back to NORML! (untiltheFedtellsbetotheirshortonthequotaagainthen) I'll release the Hounds! :) We'll get back to that!

The World was already gonna shake US off someday, Mother Earth will forget a contraceptive or two and maybe she already has and When She Does,Well, at least the Haters can blame Me for the End Of The World,.. or the next Open minded Passionate Keeping it real kinda guy that gets elected after Hard Work and Lack of Cooperate Backing and The Help Actual People not PAC's or Steel non-blood pumping "People" that Hold Several other "real people" prisoner by convincing them trading Hours for Dollars and Dollars for 401k Satisfaction is legitimate... and my Supporters can blame... Well their still Hypothesizing over how it all boils over but It Indeed Will! As my friend  Ray said,"
This "Change" you "Hope"d for draws you "Forward" into the Abyss I've been waiting for all along"
  and then went off on some long rant about first blood, and terminator. Either way  ATT and Verizon Will Continue to export call center jobs to the Philippians and other abroad nations that deal with "Sandy on PMS" storms every year due to God knows what (globalwarmingyoudidntreadthat) Disasters. Shell and Other Oil Companies will still MAKE OIL! It Is Not Going Away! (nottruebutyoucanthandlethetruth) Israel Is Heaven Bent on Dropping some kids off in the Iraqi Pool! (WEHAVETOSUPPORTTHEM) and You Still Gotta Work a Job you Hate! You still have to Pay for all those other "Not So Important" guys salary Sinnot, and Hows.. btw they wanna raise! If You Voted in a Red state and Voted a straight Democratic Tickets or in a Blue state and voted a straight Republican ticket, hope you plan on voting in all the other subsequent elections too other wise... you won't see much change in Legislature! Should have Voted for something radical... THIRD PARTY Mummer Chuckers! 

So some things have changed other than the year and fiscal responsibility and  things will as you say trickle down and get better! :) SO Do More! Read More! Broaden your scope of understanding embrace the truths that "Times Are a Changing" and Change with them! and CHANGE For the Better not the Bitter. When you wake up tomorrow and realize that you still have a job to do... or When you wake up tomorrow and realize you still live in a Mansion, a Box, a Roch infested apt (Joe), A Van Down By The River!; or You wake up tomorrow and realize you have no Food and shelter; can goods that you are too lazy to cook; left over pizza, No Electricity,Trust Fund Money, no Needs, No Wants, No problems or Jail time left to serve and a*s protecting to attend to, Mouths to feed, tires to replace, meals to make, fields to be mowed, A car to be driven, Shoes that need to be shined, Trades to be executed remember that you are not alone.. and you are not defined by one singular moment in time but by all the moment that build up to your masterpiece! Would a king of the jungle be satisfied with one meal? Would an Adjective settle to be a Prefix? (Illanswerthat!!!) No! So Go Be Great America!

Now I know most of my Supporters and Haters alike are like... "This guy thinks he's funny"... Well Yes I laughed my a*s off while writing this but I cried As Well and Honestly I cut it short because I think I already lost all my Boulder, Co folks, but It's Truth! Wrapped in a nice neat phonetically correct/street wise/blog worthy Speech that I am proud to have stayed up all night and half the morning to have written and   it is Truth... of sort... okay It's Opinion! But at least until people really try to take Money out of Politics and Work for True equality between all Men and Women... that's when the heads will roll! That's when the Blood Bells will Toll... Because God forbid We don't get our raises and have the ability to look down on one another because of Monetary and Materialist means of differentiating... or having pieces of paper that define how intelligent you are or what you can become! Ali Forbade that My ability to a mass Wealth and power beyond Necessity become truly a Sin in deed and in creed. Zena and Mary Magdalene strike me down from Greyskull or Mt.Olympus if I am wrong! It will take more than 4 more to turn away from Money, Survival, War and the P***y Galore, Welcome to the true "Finial Frontier" of Humanity! You made it this far... don't bend over and take the proverbial butt banana just because of 1, repeat ONE election...! Be F****n Far From Okay!  Stand Up Tall... Do it Hard, Do It Right, Or in Obama's case... DO IT AGAIN! :)


Wake Up Potheads!... they raided Cali Dispensaries LAST YEAR! You some of that McGuyver S**t towards making Biodegradable/Edible paraphernalia and quit Driving Intoxicated! Some people got places to be and ya clog passing lanes like hash in a straight pipe! 

© 2013 Sethnicity

Author's Note

Thank you Ray, Seth B., My High school Football coach Rick Jones, and everyone for fueling yet another fire! Goodnight!

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Added on November 7, 2012
Last Updated on January 9, 2013
Tags: Sethnicity, My Acceptance Speech, Presidential Speech, Politics



Just In, TX

I am a traveler of both Time and Space if you share with me your soul I will share with you my own. I will take all request but if you flood my abode I will surely drown! Read Request are cur.. more..

5am 5am

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